#and given the budget and resources it was given... I don't think that's unfair of me to ask for lmao
ofswordsandpens · 4 months
I've been reading your crits of the show, some I agree with some I don't. But anyways we're past the halfway point of the show, would you say that there's more things you like in it or more you don't?
well, with every episode my expectations get lower and lower for the following one when I should be getting more excited so I think that best summarizes my experience so far
I by no means think the show is bad. It's enjoyable. Just that as adaptation its fine? I simply don't think its an amazing book-to-screen adaptation so far... which given how the creators talked about it, it should be. Sure it's faithful in terms of plot. But there's a lot more to making a screen adaptation good outside of it hitting the same plot points of the book.
If you've gone through my crit tag of the show, you know what I dislike about it so I won't iterate all of that here. Instead, to speak to what I do like about the show: The actors are amazing, and elevates the show to a level that it wouldn't be at if it weren't for them; there's a great emphasis on the relationships between the characters, and even if the show has altered the emotional dynamics in a way I don't like, the complexity of their relationships are still there; and I like how present the anger and derision towards the gods is throughout the show.
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This is the millionth Time I’m trying to send this.
I’m going to split my ask into three parts and maybe subparts.
A) I’ve seen you’ve talked a bit about Bang PD’s billboard interview. What I want your opinion on is:
(i) The use of AI in music and how it would impact the boys and whether they need to include better data and IP protections within their contracts if not renewed already?
(ii) there are some opinions that he did the interview before Jimins Hot100 achievement and that he never expected that Jimin would be the one to get this record. I personally bias Jimin but I don’t see anything underlyingly sinister in what Bang PD said. At the time he gave the interview, it was too early to say whether Jimin would win that record or not.
B) Jimin wanted a visual album and more music videos. The company said no. But he also wanted this album to be ‘free’. And the company (with his consent, I assume) monetised it- it was released and did amazing sales. Is it possible that the company said no to music videos for all the songs because this is an EP and Jimin’s full Length album is on its way? If I was thinking from a business perspective, I’d blow all my cash (promotions, marketing, merch, music videos and even a tour) on a full length album not an EP. What do you think? Also:
(I) the whole accusation around Hybe and BB sabotaging Jimin - what do you say to that? Have you already spoken on this? Feel free to link here please as I’ve not been able to read through everything, yet.
C) the whole Jungkook stalker saga stinks donkeys balls and I’d expect Big Hit to make make better security arrangements for their baby star candy. Do you think, that since BigHit/Hybe happened, the boys are being treated as disposable resources rather than those who make BigHit? I read something (an opinion) on how Bang PD is an insecure man who wants to ensure that the boys never feel as though they have total agency and power because he wants to have that control. It sounds like bull because in any company setting, you don’t want your employees feeling like they are indispensable for obvious reasons. But still, the boys security should be top priority.
Hi Anon,
I'll be brief.
A - (i) AI is already being used in music and will likely impact every artist at some point in our lifetimes, but I don't know how AI is being used on BTS today nor how BigHit plans to use it. Nothing in BangPD's interview suggests that technology is currently being used on BTS, but I assume as the executive chairman of a music company in 2023, AI is the last thing you want to be unprepared to handle given how disruptive that technology is. From a business standpoint it's prudent for HYBE to at least have a department that thoroughly understands how their artists can benefit from and be screwed over by AI, to get ahead of their competitors who could use it to gain unfair advantage. I wish corporations worldwide had the spine to pushback on this technology and refuse to engage at all, (for my nerdier followers, Max Tegmark - AI researcher at MIT - makes a strong case for going against AI if you're interested in reading more on the subject), but that's not realistic, so the next best thing is to learn it yourself to leverage for your artists. And yes, the expectation is that better data and IP protections will be put in place. When it comes to their company, I trust BTS to be adult enough to advocate for themselves. I assume this amendment could have already happened or will happen when the guys renew their contracts in 2024 / 2027.
(ii) - You didn't ask a question here so I'll just take it as read.
B - I don't know why the company declined his request for a visual album (or making more MVs) for his EP. It could be related to budgeting or scheduling constraints. It could be BigHit's policy/norm that initial solo projects or EP-length projects get two MVs, inferred from the rapline's initial solo projects all having only two MVs though both Hobi and Yoongi have said they'd have liked to film more. Either way, I don't know. It's not something I see as a big deal so I don't spend any time thinking about it, to be honest.
B - (i) Yeah, I'd say I've spoken exhaustively about it. You can read my views on it here, here, here, and here. And as a bonus here's a reblog that more or less summarizes some of my thoughts on that topic as well, linked here.
B - (ii) Short answer to the question you asked here, is no.
C - It's interesting we're having discussions about how the boys' privacy, security, and safety should be the company's top priority, (which for the record, I agree), but just now when I opened Tumblr to respond to your ask, I saw a shipper (?) saying they're downloading the military app ahead of jikook's enlistment and following an account on Twitter that knows the bases the boys are getting sent to...
Company security for the biggest band in the world can only be beefed up so much without suffocating them, there's greater onus on the fandom to rein in and check the more insane actors within our spaces who constantly blur the line between what they should know about their idols and what they feel entitled to know about them.
Ta! to you too. :)
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