#and grays sitting there so comfused
sun-stricken · 4 months
Avatar knew nothing about devil slayers so Gray decides to do more research on his own (his previous research was stopped because of the mission)(AU Julia didn’t follow him and make them share a house). When ft gets back together he decides to ask Levy if the council had any information, but gets nothing. He asks Freed and even goes to saber to ask Rufus. Nothing.
On one of their missions together, Rogue asks how Gray is doing, because Rufus had mentioned he had visited. This prompts Gardel to remember Levy asking him if he remembers the council having any information about devil slayers. Laxus remembers a comment from Freed about his frustration towards lack of information about rarer types of magic. Together (mainly Wendy and Rogue) they put together that maybe Gray isn’t as sure about his magic as he seems.
No one’s heard of it + received from his reanimated father + had for only a year + not his original magic + played it up in a dark guild + absorbed a curse = lost and confused fledgling devil slayer. But just to be sure, they have a period of ‘Gray watch’ to try and confirm their suspicions. Gray watch= subtle (or unsubtle depending on the slayer) watching and questions. Gray’s probably confused, but it’s fairy tail so he’s not too concerned (plus the dragons have done weird things before).
Bonus: Gray being jealous of the slayers all having each other and hanging out, but with their weird behaviour starts to believe he’s dodged a bullet.
Thoughts? Would love to hear your ideas
firstly, anon, thank you for giving me an excuse to talk abt Gray + Dragon slayers again, second, im gonna take this and run
i love the idea of the dragons being protective/taking Gray under their wing so to speak, and i love the idea of them scrambling to try and help him in some way even more
Rogue, even though he technically set off everything, actually didnt know much other than what he observed himself, when Rufus told him Gray stopped by but didnt stay to chat with him or Sting (or Frosch!) he tried to ‘subtly’ interrogate Rufus
Rufus figured out what he was doing and shut him down, saying to ask Gray himself and that it wasnt his business to tell
Although, Rogue also saw Rufus carrying a book on different slayer magic types so he hazarded a couple guesses
When he does set it all off its like their collective braincell goes into overdrive
they dont all figure it put right away, its post mission that they discuss what they know
‘Gray Watch’ as you so beautifully put it, is their clumsy attempt at sussing out info and to help him
Gray noticed something was up fairly quick because, while they were trying, subtly isnt exactly their forte
he first noticed because Natsu was actively trying to get closer and the conversations he started didnt end up in fights
At first when all the questions started he just thought they were curious because he was another slayer, and when most of their questions ended in his lack of answers he thoight they would just stop and go back to normal but they didnt
They just kept coming, if they were asking questions they were giving advice, or even complimenting his new magic and how fast he figured it out
While the Dragons think hes totally lost and confused, he isnt really, Grays used to having to adapt quickly and at least it was ice devil slayer magic, he gets the big picture and the dynamics of it but he just doesnt know what the hell it is? and why isnt there any information on it?
Gray ends up convinced theyre all infected with some sort of virus, a virus that apparently makes them really social, with.. just him? (hes still working on the theory)
Their advice is kinda a hit or miss, they only know the stuff they found out pertaining to Dragon Slayers, and they assume what works for them will work for him too, sometimes it does but a lot of the time it doesnt
Dragon and Devil slayer magic, while under the same subtype of magic, are very different, but they dont have the resources to know that outright
other tidbits my brain came up with
Dragon slayers specifically have a naturally high metabolism and appetite
they assume thats its the same for Gray, Natsu told Mira to start adding extras to his plate when he eats at the guild, and also started offering the snacks he eats during the day
Gajeel would try to inconspicuously ask Levy abt dif slayer type and she happily did even though she knew exactly what was doing
Sting started to pester Rufus for any info on Devil Slayers constantly, while Rogue actually looked himself, they actually went to magic experts and various libraries around town and on jobs when they took them out of town
got a whole lot of nothing
When someone or Gray said anything about Devil Slayers you could literally hear their brains working in overtime while they listened
they probably took notes or something
Wendy would often ask Gray how he was doing with his new physical and mental changes and give tips on what she does when she got overwhelmed with all the sudden alterations to her person, which really confused him bc he hadnt noticed much actually changing about himself
Anything Laxus figured out himself he would relay to Freed to tell Gray, hes gotta keep up his persona hes got goin on yk?
Slayers in general have heightened senses AND emotions
Dragon Slayers, and slayers in general but its most extreme/prominent in the Dragons, have highly protective tendencies.
Devil Slayers have slight possessive traits and jealousy issues, again, slayers in general have this but its more prominent in Devil Slayers,
that being said, Gray being a slayer now means he wanted to spend more time with the others so he didnt try to stop the uptake in attention they were giving him. But since they had the plan to help him they were also spending a lot of time together, which in turn made him feel jealous and upset as if they were ignoring him
But as time went on and the dragons were getting more desperate for info Gray started believing that they were all crazy or sick
actual pictures of the Dragons trying to solve Gray
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sorry its short! i didnt want to keep you waiting any longer🙏
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yaspup9000 · 6 years
Katamari Damacy: chapter 41, The Flapper girl and the Prince
((Prince Takes Domino into The castle. But when they got in, Marcy and Velvet are Making some clothing and accessories in the living room. And at that Moment Prince got an Idea.))
((Marcy turns around and sees Prince and Domino))
Marcy: *smiles* Ah, If it isn’t Prince and Domino! So what can I do for you?
((Prince Whispers something to Marcy))
Marcy: Ooh I see Prince I see!
((Marcy Turns To Velvet and Whispers something that Prince Said))
Velvet: *Nods*
((Marcy and Vevlet takes Domino Into their room))
((Domino gives one of the girls a Very comfused look.))
Velvet: Oh Don’t worry Domino, Marcy and I are gonna make something very special!
Marcy: *Smiles* Yeah, Trust me You’ll love it!
((Cuts to Prince trying to find a good Gift for Domino but it seems that everywhere he Turns there’s nothing that really fits Domino’s liking (well from what he knows).))
((When Prince thinks he’s out of luck he stumble across The Queen.))
((The Queen looks concerned for her son.))
Queen of all cosmos: Oh Hon, is there something wrong?
Prince: *Sighs* Well.. It’s Domino’s birthday and I’m trying to get her a very special gift.
((The Queen of all cosmos though about it for a moment and then Remembers something.))
Queen of all cosmos: Oh I think I’ve might have something for you to give.
((The Queen gose to her jewelry box and Finds an Old yet shiny pearl necklace!))
Queen of all cosmos: *smiles* here it is Sweetheart! Well I think it’s something Domino would Like that’s for sure!
((Prince looks at the Necklace and it’s surprisingly still looks good over these years.))
((Prince Hugs The Queen))
Prince: Oh Thanks Mom!
Queen of all cosmos: *Giggles* Oh don’t thank me. I’ve haven’t wore that old thing Since You’re father destroyed all of the stars in the sky. Now run along Prince! Domino’s waiting for you.
((Prince then runs off to see how’s Marcy, Velvet, and Domino’s doing.))
Queen of all cosmos: *Sighs* Ah young and in love, such lovely things.
((Meanwhile with Marcy, Velvet, and Domino))
Marcy: And Almost Finished with the Finishing touches and.. Perfect!
Velvet: *Smiles* Okay Domino Why don’t you Try it out!
Domino: Gee.. Um Thanks Fellas i’ve never Had anyone made me anything before-
Marcy: *smiles* Oh You’re welcome sweetie! Now Go go go! I want to see if you think it’s a Hit or Miss!
((Vevlet sees Prince Coming into the room.))
Vevlet: *smiles* Prince! You’re Just in time to see Domino’s new Dress!
Prince: Huh, that was Quick..
Vevlet: Marcy, Is Domino ready?
Marcy: Yup she’s sure is! Okay Domino, Let’s see That lovely Dress of your’s!
((Domino comes out And wears a Beautiful gray Flapper girl Dress complete with Some glitter.))
Marcy: Well Domino,
Velvet: What do you think?
((Domino looks in the mirror and sees that Marcy and Velvet did an amazing job. And then Domino Starts Running up to Both Marcy and Velvet and gives One of them A hug.))
Velvet: *smiles* I think she loves it!
((As Domino stops hugging Velvet and walks up to Prince.))
Domino: Hey Kiddo!
((Marcy then Looks at Prince and Snickers.))
Marcy: Welp she’s all yours Tiger.
((Prince looks at Domino and starts Blushing))
Domino: *Grins* So What do you think?
Prince: *Blushes* heh.. Well You look Amazing that’s for sure.
Domino: Hey Velvet, Marcy! Thanks for the Dress it’s the Berries!
Velvet: *smiles* Um well Anytime Domino!
Marcy: *Smiles* After all It is your Birthday so let’s just say a it’s a Birthday gift from us.
Domino: *Smiles* So kiddo, is there anything else that you want to take me?
((Prince starts Blushing yet again))
Prince: Um.. Yes! In fact There is.
((Cuts to Prince and Domino at a restaurant.))
((As Prince and Domino sits and Wait for their meal, Prince Starts fidgeting with his fingers to the point Domino notice it.))
Domino: Hey kiddo, Is everything Jake?
((Prince looks at Domino and starts to blushes.))
Prince thoughts: Wow I’ve never seen a Girl in my life who’s So Beautiful even without color..
((Domino nudges Prince))
Domino: Ay Kiddo, What’s eatin’ you up huh?
Prince: hm.. Oh Um it’s nothing really..
Domino: Well Kiddo, Thanks for doing this for me. I mean I’ve never had anyone To take me out for my birthday before.
Prince: Oh come on Domino! It’s your birthday and Besides it’s at least the best I can do.
((The waitress comes in With some food.))
The waitress: *smiles* Well the wait is finally over Dig In!
Prince: Oh thank you ma'ma!
The waitress: Oh no problem!
((And then the Waitress Leaves and gose to help out some other customers.))
((On the Table there’s Some spaghetti and some cherry Soda.))
((As the Two starts Eating The Spaghetti, it seems that the Spaghetti is bringing them Closer and closer until.))
Prince: *Blushing* Oh Werid, I’ve never seen one string of spaghetti being connected to each other before. Here I’ll just cut it in half.
((Prince Cuts the Spaghetti string.))
((While Domino eats Her Spaghetti she’s starts Slurping so loud to the Point Prince notices.))
Prince: Domino Please stop Slurping. It’s not lady like.
Domino: Hm, and who do you think you are my mother?
((Prince Gives Domino a serious look))
Domino: *grins* Heh.. okay okay, I’m sorry. Heck I didn’t know that I was slurping that loud. But if it’s been buging you then I’ll stop.
Prince: I’m sorry If I sounding like nagging you but It’s just it’s kinda bothering me-
Domino: Prince, it’s fine really. Like before, if it’s bothering you then i’ll stop. I mean You deserve to be comfortable too.
Prince: *blushes* Why Domino That was quite Noble of you.
((Domino starts blowing bubbles into her soda. But then stops))
Domino: Oh.. Sorry is this bothering you too?
((After lunch Prince and Domino heads back to the castle. But when they got to the everything seems quiet, too quiet. But once they got into the castle is dark.))
Domino: .. What’s going on here?
Prince: Alright Guys! In 3, 2, 1!
((Everyone comes out of hiding and then Turns on the Lights.))
Everyone: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOMINO!!!!!!!!!!
((And it looks like a roaring 20’s themed birthday party.))
Dipp: *Smiles* Let The party Begin!
((Columbo Then runs to The gramophone and Plays music that’s similar to Kk Swing.))
((Domino was surprised She never had an actual Birthday party before.))
Domino: Kiddo, Did you set this up for me?
Prince: *Smiles* Yup! All this is for you Domino.
((Everything that Prince and his cousins was Amazing so amazing in fact it almost but Domino in to tears.))
((Domino looks at Prince as if she was about to cry.))
Prince: Oh No Domino Don’t cry!
Domino: *sniff* Thank you Prince.. Thank you Everyone!
Shikao: Hey Guys here’s a Movie I’ve put on just for the Birthday Girl!
((Prince, Domino, and all of the cousins gather around the Living room and Watch a movie. But not just any movie.. It’s a 1920’s Film that’s called Mobsters and Dolls.))
Dipp: .. Why it’s not in color?
Ichigo: Because, It’s old!
Dipp: .. Oh..
Prince: Shh!
((As The romantic scene comes in Prince Didn’t notice that his hand is on Domino’s Hand. But when He looks at Domino, she looks a bit confused about his hand touching her’s. He then quickly moves his hand and hopes that nobody sees that. But little did he know Princess sees it All.))
((After the birthday party Prince takes Domino home while the cousins have to clean up the castle before the King of all cosmos finds out that they throwing a party while he wasn’t here.))
((As the Two teens walk into the moon light. It seems like that the evening looks peaceful and somewhat quiet. But then as the Two got into the mansion Prince just realized something.))
Prince: Oh Domino! Before you go I want to give you something.
((Prince Digs in his pocket and finds his Mother’s old pearl necklace.))
Domino: That.. necklace.. Is for me?
((Prince starts Blushing again))
Prince: *nods* Happy Birthday Domino.
((Domino Starts Tearing up and Then Gives Prince a Tight Hug.))
Prince: Um.. Domino.. Your kinda.. choking me.
((Domino Stops hugging Prince))
Domino: Oh.. um Heh sorry about Kiddo.
((Prince then Puts the necklace on Domino. But When Prince Takes another closer look at Domino and look deep her eyes, his Heart starts Beating fast and starts thinking about how beautiful Domino really Truly is.))
Domino: *Smiles* Alright kiddo, I’ll see ya later.
Prince: *Blushing* heh.. Bye Domino.
((Domino Then Runs to the mansion and Gose in safely. Prince gose back home hoping that Domino will be okay.))
Well well well guys this was quite a long one. And I hope it’s any good for you guys or at least tolerated. And remember to stay tune for more as the Journey continues!!!!!!!!!!!!
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