#and greogry is definitely looking!!
idk y’all something about this ep has me feeling maybe gregory and jacob should kiss about it??
likee.. they’re hanging out all the time, gregory even feels comfortable enough to join in on the silly little jokes with jacob, the physical contact, the little smile after “yeah i have other pens” anddd the way gregory makes direct eye contact with jacob’s bare midsection at the end of the ep
i meannn i love their friendship but idk i just think maybe they should kiss about it and see what happens lol
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fnafsbheadcanon · 3 years
If Monty was potecting Gregory instend of Freddy
* Monty would have more fun chaotic uncle enegry than dad enegry *
* Monty would  be really  surpise that Gregory isn’t afaird of him and that Gregory actally trust   along with Greogry  telling   Monty that he   is really cool causing Monty to be in tears due to the fact that he never have a fan before due to the fact that childen are ususally afarid of him *
*  Monty would  be 100 perncet be on board with  Gregory plan of destorying the other  animatronics   for their parts yet would be a little  bit  hesitatie of destorying Roxanne since he is quite close with   Roxanne due to the fact they are both new to the band and see her as sister  *  
* Monty would still have anger issues but would go into another room everytime he get angry since he doesn’t want to scare off the only fan that he have or use his anger to figth off the other  animatronics    especially if they are really close to Gregory *
* instend of hiding inside Monty, Gregory  just  would ride behind the his back or on top of his shoulder * 
* instend of passes, Gregory would get different craws for Monty to used to  rid down the doors so Greogory can enter the area  *
* Monty would definitely put definitely sunglasses on Greogory *
* The game would be more comedic*
here a  Example: 
Gregory: A  crappy Mr Hippo pin? ...lame..
Monty:  ugh I know  right ...Do YoU WaNt ME To Eat It?
* Monty would show more of his  slowly soft side toward Greogory yet still remind as a tough chaotic  gator  *
* Monty refused to enter Bonnie’s bowling area and would make up a exuse to why he doesn’t want to enter there as he look away very  nervously  even if he fully charge ( i have a headconon that it not just Freddy that need be  charge but all the Glamrock animatronics  need to be  charge )  *
*  Monty nickname for  Gregory  would be little man *
* There a boss battle where you get to play as Monty figthing off   against Glamrock Freddy * (THE BOTS ARE FIGTHING )
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