#and grian is like the secret agent. pretending to be just another player but he’s their mole
tibbycaps · 10 months
ok this is crazy so everyone is after scar this session because scar’s been terrorizing people all season right. but that’s largely in part to scar’s tasks being centered around being a villain. in fact, he jokes about his opposites task being a “villain” task, and yellow names even accuse his task of being the villain. and then what do you know, by random chance or on purpose, scar later has a task where it actually says to be the villain. his tasks put a target on his back. early on in the session bdubs asks grian if he should kill scar to which he replies “yes”. they all want him Obliterated. and then when scar actually dies to skizz later on some of his last words are “why don’t you guys go pick on grian?” and it’s as if trying to redirect them to grian is the final nail in his coffin.
admittedly i don’t know a ton about watcher lore but to me it seems as if the universe itself wants to make an enemy out of scar. the secret keepers give him tasks that they know will make him a target. they give him tasks where he legally has to say No when someone tries to be his friend. when the players joke about him being the villain, he later gets a task where it actually says that. the secret keeper is toying with him, it’s having a laugh with him. and then when he calls for the violence to get redirected to grian specifically, his life is snuffed out in an instant. it’s because the secret keepers need to protect grian because grian is one of them, and scar is onto them, even if he doesn’t fully know it he’s onto the real secret that the secret keepers have. so they need to push him away by giving him these isolating tasks, until he’s so consumed by bitterness and in his words, “unhinged” that everyone can write it off that scar is just being scar, that he’s always like that, he’s just a crazy red name who wants to kill us all etc. and they steer everyone away from the truth about the death games once again with the cosmic undoing of this man
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