#and has the audacity to tell me she doesnt think the coworker she is constantly scheduling me with works well with me
miragemage · 1 year
customer at work was like yeah i got two coupons i wanna use. so im like okay we can use those at the drive thru what can i get you. proceeds to order a black coffee and two chai lattes, right? simple. but shes like okay do the chais count for the coupons. i tell her yes as long as you get them in a 20 or a 24oz. and shes like well do they come in anything smaller. and i say yes but then you cant use the coupons. and she argues with me.
i tell her she can get the 16oz chai latte but her coupon wont work. and she has the audacity to be like well why not? its still chai. ma'am we dont have chai-specific coupons. so she relents and gets the 20oz chai lattes.
then at the window shes like can i also get two ice waters. so i ring in two ice waters and her coupons and all that. and then she argues about the price with me. shes sitting there doing the math for how much her chai lattes and her black coffee cost and subtracting the discount and its just not adding up and i tell her ma'am you ordered two waters. those are a dollar each. and she looks appalled that i would charge her money for water.
by this point its so late in my shift we havent been able to get a single thing done because we've been busy enough to warrant a third barista but it was just me and another barista there. and i could not fucking handle some dumbfuck customer arguing with me about the price of water i simply couldnt. so i just rung up her coupons and give her the total and she gives me the wrong amount of money. she gives me like $5 for her $14 order. i tell her ma'am you still owe $9. and she says no i dont i dont want to pay that much. HELLO??
i tell her well alright keep your money and i will just close this order and you can go to starbucks or something. i have never seen a woman so red in the face. she was sputtering. she was shocked and appalled. over some chai lattes and a coffee she didnt necessarily need to even buy. she hands me a $10 and we finish the transaction without another word. if you or someone you love have ever been a customer please consider repenting or something.
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