#and he also touched the Cat King 's bracelet before touching his neck
edwin--charles · 4 months
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myloversthesunrise · 3 years
rhysand as your boyfriend
before we start, this is a headcanon so i am not basing these all from the rhysand we see in the books. yes there are some traits that i wrote based on what we see in the books but most of them are what i see rhysand could be if sarah janet didn't stick with the whole "possessive alpha feminist male" thing he's got going in the books.
alright so let me talk about his love language first:
gift giving → i think this is not only his love language as a boyfriend, but also his universal love language to pretty much everyone. we know that he spoils feyre rotten and kept giving nesta gifts after the events of acosf
now i see rhysand as a person who completely worships their s/o, so no matter what your love language is, he’ll do it for you. however, i could only see his as physical touch, acts of service, and quality time
him saying “it’s your choice, feyre” over and over again doesn’t count as words of affirmation btw it’s just sjm nailing us in the head on how much of a “feminist” king he is
→ his nickname for you will probably “Darling” (ha) or “Sweetheart”, but also “My love” or even “My heart” if he’s feeling soft and tender. i could also see him calling you “My moon” or “My stars” (i’m using this for my fic btw i wanted to gatekeep it but i thought i’d share it with you)
→ will always have contact with you. when you’re together, maybe it’s his hand holding yours or a simple act of your hand brushing against each other. if he’s feeling a little clingier, maybe an arm around your waist or your shoulder, even his chin propped on your neck.
→ loves loves LOVES to play with your hair or caress your skin. if you’re cuddling with him, expect his hands to toy with your hair or twirl it or caress it, or even his hand running down your back. he knows you’d purr like a cat and fall asleep easily if he does that, so he made sure to caress the back of your head or your back to put you to sleep sooner.
→ speaking of contact, i feel like he’d ask you to have a mental ‘bond’ with him (cause they don’t have cellphones back then so it'd be easier to communicate but i also think he’s a little clingy like that) HOWEVERRR he would also be completely understanding if you don’t want to. the scenario i have is where you can communicate with each other through the bond but you’d still have your ‘barrier’ up so he can’t read your mind. it’s like coming to someone’s door and knocking to speak with the owner without being let in.
→ honestly he’s a little codependent. i know i said he’s clingy in the previous lines but i don’t think it covers the situation here, and it’s not so bad to the point that he couldn’t function properly without you around, but he likes having a little part of you with him. a drawing of you, something you created for him like a scarf or a bracelet or even a sock you knitted for him. anything really.
→ if you’re next to him, he’d slightly turn his body towards yours and make you the center of his view.
→ if he had a phone, he’d take photos of things that remind him of you and randomly send it to you. since phones aren’t a thing, you’re stuck with the sudden mental image of a yawning cat he sent to your mind in the middle of the day.
→ loves hearing you talk. could never have a quiet quality time together since he would start a sudden conversation just to hear your voice. he feels restless if he’s in a room with you and you’re quiet for the whole time.
→ enjoys going out on date nights to show you off but also likes staying in to relax and slip his hand inside your shirt to rub your bare skin with his thumb
→ if you’re out with him and see something interesting for a little too long in a shop window, he’d have it for you by the time you two got home
→ it’s a problem really, and you actually have to talk it out with him since you’re having less space in your closet (in which he offered to buy a bigger house) and finally came to a compromise that you promise to ask him for anything you want if he can stop buying everything you look at for more than 5 seconds (also no more date night out if he does, which is fine by him but he knows you hate being scooped up at home for too long)
→ actions more than words. i like to think that he’s not very good with it (despite being a politician) so he proves it through his actions, hence his love languages.
→ possessive? no. protective? BIG FAT YES.
→ this man lives for your safety. if you’re bending down he’d have his hand hovering over your head to make sure you won’t accidentally bump it. if you two are walking down the street then he’d make sure that he’s walking on the outer side. if he sees men walking towards your side then he’d switch sides and walk in your lane.
→ don’t misunderstand him and his lack of possessiveness, it’s not because he doesn’t care. but he knows that you love him and only him, so why should someone else flirting with you be a problem? you’ve never shown them any interest either.
→ to me, possessiveness with rhysand comes from jealousy and insecurity that someone might whisk you away from him, and if you’ve shown him enough love and attention privately, then he won’t get possessive easily.
→ if you rarely show it to him and you’ve shown another person more interest than him, this is where his insecurity, jealousy, and possessiveness began to show up.
→ but overall, his possessiveness starts and stops at wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer while giving the other person a staredown.
→ he will rarely ask you to do anything for him. you being the love of his life is enough, what else could he possibly want?
→ so you have to initiate it yourself. bake him something sweet as a thank you for the cake he bought, give him back rubs just like how he’d do yours, play with his hair and make him bury his face on your chest in delight.
→ for you, he’d give the entire world and ask for nothing in return as long as you love him.
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slightlymore · 4 years
the cave
fratboy!jeno x fem reader
Genre: One-shot | Smut | Haters (kinda) to lovers (kinda) | a little fluff
Words: 5.7K 
Warnings: rough and dirty, semi-public setting (car)
For my 🍓 anon ❤️
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It was late afternoon and you were in Jeno Lee’s car. 
Yes, that Jeno Lee. 
How did that happen and where were you going? You had no idea. 
Just a few minutes ago you were walking through the parking lot, fuming and wanting to fight him. You had a stupid presentation for a terrible class and not only you were paired with him but you also did the majority of the work alone since he was “busy”, and he didn’t even show up.
This was the time you would choke him. 
You heard the voices of his friends first, loud and obnoxious, then you saw him. Sprawled on the hood of his car, Jeno Lee was smiling with not one single worry in mind. You tightened your fists. 
The chatter slowly died as you approached them like a bolt, and Jeno sat up, putting one leg down and keeping the one up manspreading as if he was the king of the world. 
God, you hated him. 
“Why didn’t you come to class?” you hit his foot with yours. 
A chorus of voices reacted to that with loud “woo”s, laughing, hitting each other in the ribs like children. The only one with a poker face was Jeno himself as he looked down at his now slightly dusty shoe then slowly at your figure. 
You were standing there, arms crossed on your chest and furious eyes. When he reached them he smiled. 
“Why? You missed me, doll?” he asked instigating a new flood of giggles. 
You rolled your eyes. 
He wouldn’t be so snarky without his group of frat boys to shield his back. 
You looked at them one by one, with their matching leather jackets and their friendship bracelets, with their weird chants and intricate handshakes, and you really wanted to hate them. 
And you did. 
But it would be a lie to say that they weren’t also somewhat intriguing. 
You would follow them with your eyes as they walked around the college campus, untouchable but weirdly friendly with everyone. Thoughts about their secret meetings and discussion topics would roam your head at night, as well as thoughts about - well, Jeno, because you hated him - and the main thing everyone was curious about: the Cave. 
The Cave was a place, god knows what kind, where they would spend most of their time when not illegally racing with their flashy cars in the city or flirting with girls at some party. 
The Cave was almost a legend, talked by all students and even professors. No one really knew what they were doing there but the rumors were wild: they had a giant trampoline, they had a fighting ring, they did blood sacrifices. The boys never tried to make them die and you were almost sure that they secretly created some of them themselves. 
“I don’t think you’d be so carefree if I told Mark that you messed up with his car last week,” you said nonchalantly while lazily picking at your nails. 
The chatter died. You smiled satisfied.
No one knew anything about the Dreamies but somehow everyone was aware of their first three rules. 
1. No one besides the Dreamies can know the Cave’s location. 
2. No one besides the Dreamies can enter the Cave. 
3. No one can touch Mark’s car. 
This Mark guy was the Dreamies’ leader but took off a semester for some family business leaving Jeno in charge. They’ve been good for a while, following the rules and behaving as usual. It was not until last week that you accidentally - or not so accidentally - overheard them talk about their plans to use Mark’s car for that day’s race. 
“But we didn-”. One of the guys, Chenle?, started to talk but Jeno stopped him by lightly hitting his chest with the back of his hand before he could complete his sentence. 
Then with a fluid movement, almost like a cat, he descended from the hood, landing on his feet right in front of you. 
Your breath hitched and you definitely jolted. He was as close as to kiss you if only you raised your head to look at him. But you kept it low, staring at his throat instead, trying hard to not step back and look intimidated. 
Jeno wanted to look at you in the eyes though, and he did as he pleased, dragging one of his fingers along your jaw before placing it under your chin and lifting it up to meet his gaze. 
His eyes were dark as one has when aroused or angry. The sudden tingle in your stomach indicated that you secretly wanted for it to be the first case but as soon as Jeno spoke, you knew that it was the latter one instead. 
“I can recognize a threat when I hear one,” his deep voice said almost in a whisper. “What do you want?” he asked soon after. 
You gulped. 
Staring at him like that you realized you lost your voice and if only he let his hand fall down to your neck Jeno would know just how fast your pulse was. 
“T- take me to the Cave,” you sputtered out trying to sound confident but ending up stuttering. 
The boys starter to chat loudly again, surprised and shocked, trying to convince Jeno to not do it. 
“Listen, what’s worse? Breaking the third rule or the first one?” one voice asked, probably Jisung. 
“Why are we even having this conversation? Tell her how to behave like a good girl,” the only lazy and unbothered voice said, definitely Jaemin. 
While the others yelled Jeno’s expression didn’t shift. His eyes stared at you as if trying to read something deep inside yours and after a while you found yourself sweating. 
“So?” you spoke up. “What’s your decision?” you asked faking fearlessness. 
“Ok,” he simply replied letting your chin go and stepping back. 
Everyone yelled, even more, surrounding both of you. 
“Jeno, I swear, you’re fucking dumb sometimes,” Renjun said crossing his arms on his chest. 
“Sometimes?” Haechan raised one eyebrow, amused. The boy hopped off the hood as well and smiled at you. 
“Let him do it,” he added getting closer and walking around your body until stopping behind you. 
“But...” Haechan placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned in as if wanting to whisper in your ear, “...we’re going to break only the second rule,” he added and from the tone of his voice, you could tell that he was smirking. 
Jeno, still standing in front of you, smiled as well looking at whatever expression Haechan was making. 
This was not a good sign. 
“Hop in the car, doll,” Jeno suddenly ordered, and before you could make a step Haechan was already pushing you towards the passenger’s seat while Jeno opened the door of the driver’s side. 
You looked at everyone’s expressions and by now, they were all smiling knowingly as if the message from before passed to their minds telepathically. Was this also a Dreamies thing?
Sitting down, Haechan put in the seatbelt for you. 
“Safety first, love, remember it,” he winked and in a second the door was closed and you were on the road.  ______
You’ve been driving in silence for a few minutes. The car was warm from being under the sun the whole day but the air conditioning kicking it gave relief to your hot cheeks. You’ve never been in a guy’s car before and you’ve never been alone with Jeno Lee. You dared him to take you to the Cave but you didn’t think he’d accept. You’ll go there and see it, then what? 
You shivered, feeling uneasy. 
Jeno was looking straight ahead and you weren’t able to decipher his expression. With the corner of your eyes, you kept on staring at his profile then quickly glancing at his hand placed on top of the wheel, then even quicker as if not letting even yourself notice it, at his thighs. 
Oh God. 
You looked away. 
You gulped down and breathed in and out to calm your nerves. 
Fuck, his car smells just like him. 
You closed your eyes annoyed. 
“Seriously, why didn’t you come to class today? I had to do the presentation all alone,” you said suddenly, hoping that talking with him would prevent your mind from roaming to dangerous places. 
“I wanted to make you angry,” he replied with a little smile. 
Your head snapped towards him. 
“And are you satisfied now?” you asked irritated. 
“I am very satisfied,” he glanced at you for a split second but it was enough for you to see his flirty eyes. 
You opened your mouth to continue with the bickering when he suddenly pulled over to the side and turned his whole body towards you. 
You felt your eyes widen and you looked outside the window. 
The Cave. 
“Is this it?” you asked gazing the anonymous buildings running along the street. But then you felt his body getting closer and the first thing you thought about was worrying that your breath wasn’t fresh enough for him to kiss you. 
You turned your head towards him and placing a hand on his chest you stopped him, embarrassed. He looked up surprised. 
“I’m-” you stuttered trying to say something, unable to look at him in the eyes. 
He chuckled and placed a hand on top of yours, caressing it for a second, pressing it on his body - and those were definitely some hard pecs - before forcing it down on your thigh. 
“I need to get-” he said leaning towards you again and moving your legs by touching your bare knees, “-this,” he finished the sentence as he opened the compartment in front of you and retrieving a black scarf. 
You jolted at his touch and jolted again when he straightened his back, getting behind the wheel and making you feel the soft material on your skin in the movement. 
“I would never kiss you without you asking me, doll,” he smiled seeing your embarrassed expression. 
“What?” you asked as a reflex, the hope of him not noticing that, vanishing. 
“I said,” he repeated slowly, “I would never kiss-”.
“I heard what you said,” you interrupted him.  “I meant, why do you think that-,” you went on with your question but Jeno talked on top of you as well. 
“Because I can see it”. 
Your words died in your throat. He was staring as if ready to eat you all up, with those eyes of his and that fucking smirk. 
“Well, it’s not true,” you finally replied then you cleared your throat. “What are we doing? Is this the place?” you added trying to deviate the discourse from kissing, looking around you, but Jeno didn’t budge.
“Tell me again”. 
The silence became the protagonist for a moment after he said that and air got suddenly warm and thick.
“What do you want me to say?” you asked. Your voice, previously high, imitated his tone.
“Tell me that you don’t want me to kiss you,” he explained. 
“I said it already”.
Jeno placed one arm around your seat and leaned in again, this time close to your ear. 
“Tell me ‘Jeno, I don’t want you to slowly taste my lips then grab my sides as I whine into the kiss from wanting more and I don’t want you to slide your tongue into my mouth as I climb into your lap and sit on those thighs that I definitely didn’t stare at the whole drive while your hands fall down to my ass and press me down hard as I start to grind-’”.
You kissed him. 
Just like that. 
You pressed your lips on his and you liked the way his breath hitched for a split second. 
He was teasing you and you hated him so much that you had to do it. Because he was irritating and mighty and obnoxious and you hated him. You would look at his long legs under the class desk or at his back, you would look at his hands twirling the pen on his long fingers, you would hear his laugh on the university corridors, you would look at his bare arms as he played basketball, and you hated him. 
So fucking much. 
But then the kiss didn’t go into the direction you hoped it would go. 
He broke it off after a little while making it more like a longer peck rather than kiss. 
You looked up at his face surprised and flustered. 
“Put this on your eyes,” he gave you the scarf. You looked down at it confused. 
Uhm? Hello? We were kissing. 
“I’ll show you the cave but you can’t know where that is,” he explained. 
You looked up at him again. 
Okay, but what does that have to do with you kissing? Was he playing? He just wanted to see you all worked up for nothing just like he wanted to see you angry? 
Yes, you hated him. 
You slid the material from his hands in a single movement, trying hard to not let him know how embarrassed you were from trying to kiss him while he refused. 
You stared him down daringly while bringing the scarf to your face and knotting it behind your head. 
“Is this alright?” you asked irritated mostly because you were feeling embarrassed out of your fucking mind and acting angry was better than letting him know just how weak that peck made you.
But Jeno didn’t reply. The only sounds were your breaths, yours - quicker and sharper, his - deep and relaxed. 
"Jeno? Are we goin-" but he shut you up by brushing his lips with your again instead, this time wrapping your jaw with his hand and placing the other one on your side, touching the bare skin on your lower stomach that the t-shirt revealed. 
You whined surprised putting your hands on his chest and whined again as you felt his velvety tongue on your bottom lip, nudging at it for you to open up, and you did, letting him slide inside, playing with your tongue. 
Fuck, you were kissing Jeno Lee. 
His fingers caressed the side of your face before letting them fall down to your shoulder and down even more. Wrapping your waist with his arm he pulled you closer and you let out a little yelp as you let yourself be dragged towards him. 
You sat down on his thighs and unable to see, you brought your hands up to feel his lips, caressing his neck and face in the process. 
You heard him chuckle as his hands went up and down on your back, sending shivers all over your spine. All of your other senses got sharper and your skin shivered under his touch, your ears picked up the notes of his voice, you breathed in his perfume feeling dizzy. 
When you finally reached his lips you couldn’t do anything but lightly moan as your finger got wrapped by their softness, sucked in, and played with. 
“Jeno,” your voice trembled surprised. He hummed back as a reply. 
You let him circle it with his tongue then kitty lick the tip and you were almost ready to deadass ask him to eat you out just like that when the car made a weird noise and you fell on his chest with a high pitched scream. 
“Jeno! Don’t recline your seat so suddenly,” you whined, sensing what just happened. 
Jeno chuckled on your lips and wrapped his arms around your body before kissing them again. 
“Say my name again just like that, doll,” he whispered. 
Your knees got weak. 
You were panting, adrenaline kicking in making your limbs trembling. His presence was so strong, overwhelming you. You were sitting on Jeno Lee's hard cock while he was making out with you and suddenly you remembered that you were supposed to hate him. 
Whining as he bit your lower lip and as his hands palmed your ass cheeks you broke off the kiss just enough for you to whisper. 
“Give me a reason to call your name like that,” you replied feeling brave, like a challenge. You wanted him to feel weak and hopeless in front of you as well. You wanted him to whine and moan as you made him feel good. 
But you regretted it the same second as the last syllable left your lips when Jeno’s fingers draped your stomach and got underneath the fabric of your jeans. 
“Jeno!” you shifted your body surprised. “Wait-” 
Jeno’s fingers stopped right on top of your clit. You moaned softly under your breath and hid your face in the crook of his neck at the sensation. 
No, no, this was no good. You had to stop. 
"Fuck, oh fuck, wait-" you mumbled. 
“Doll,” he chuckled, “you have to let my hand go if you want us to stop,” he added. 
You gulped realizing that his hand was trapped under your body weight and you tried to collect all the force you had to lift yourself up and just stop whatever he wanted to do to you. 
But your hips just started to move on their own and you whined fighting with yourself. 
Jeno chuckled again and nibbled at your neck. 
“Doll,” he warned you still keeping his hand still, “you said you didn’t want this,” he added as you rocked on his fingers slowly. 
“Shut up, I want this but you make me so angry so I hate that I want this,” you breathed into his ear. 
“Oh, so you hate me?” he grabbed your hips with the other hand stopping your motion while the other started to circle your clit slowly, getting in charge of the action. You buried your face into his neck even more to muffle the sounds you were starting to make. 
Fuck it felt so good. 
“Yes,” you replied. 
“Because I make you angry?” 
“Y-yes," your voice trembled. 
“Do you get this wet every time someone makes you angry?” he nudged with his nose at the side of your face before placing a kiss there. 
“No, it happens only with you-” you whined stretching the last word in a high moan as Jeno slid one finger inside of you with a soft groan. 
You had no idea why you were so honest with him. You dreamed about that situation happening so many times but you had no idea how good you would feel by having your body pressed on his, one hand caressing you while the other pumping slowly inside, touching places you didn't know could make you feel so dizzy. 
“You get so worked up that you want me to fuck you? Huh? Perhaps I should have taken you right when you came up angrily at me, in front of everyone,” he said and you moaned as a reply, not stopping your mind from imagining all of that, you bent over the hood of his car, Jeno thrusting inside of you-
“Oh, you like that? You want everyone to watch?” he added a second finger as he felt you clenching, making your whole body shudder on top of him. 
You nodded and he let out the air through his teeth, picking up the pace and ending up rubbing himself in the process as well. 
He pumped hard inside of you, letting his other hand rise under your t-shirt and palm your breasts on top of your bralette. He definitely liked the thin material of that as a second soft groan escaped his lips while rolling one of your nipples with two fingers. When he pinched it and sat up to reach it with his teeth you let your head fall back and intertwined your fingers in his hair. He pulled your bra down and sucked on your nipples, biting down, then sucked on the skin above that, then on your soft neck. 
“Jeno- I’m about - I’m - I think - fuck,” you stuttered about to cum but you probably shouldn’t have said that as he retrieved his fingers from you in the same moment. 
You gasped about to whine for edging you like that but you didn’t manage to as he shoved his fingers inside your mouth. You sucked on them, tasting your own arousal. 
“Get back to your seat,” he ordered. 
“Jeno-,” you lifted your hands to your face as to remove the scarf from your eyes but he stopped you by grabbing your wrists. 
“Be a good girl and maybe I’ll make you cum.”
“You wanted to see the Cave, now you’ll going to see it.”
In a second your ass touched your own seat and the engine of the car rumbled indicated that Jeno started to drive. You still couldn’t see but you were sure that you were going very fast. 
“If you touch yourself I’m going to spank you,” he warned you seeing one of your hands glide between your legs. You were so close before that your mind was all foggy. You didn’t stop at his words and let out the dirtiest moans instead fingering yourself on the passenger seat. 
“Perhaps I would like that,” you replied breathlessly. 
Jeno swore quietly and you would have loved to see his expression. 
“Doll, stop or I’m going to lose control of the wheel.” His voice was low and threatening. 
“Then stop driving and fuck me,” you replied, and right at that moment, the wheels screeched and you heard Jeno getting out of the car slamming the door. 
You were breathing so heavily from edging yourself for the second time and for the excitement of what was about to happen. 
You jolted as your door got opened and your wrist grabbed by his strong fingers. Jeno dragged you out of the car and made you walk hurriedly into a certain direction. As a door creaked after the sound of keys and the air suddenly changed - leather and men - you knew you were entering the Cave. 
You walked a few steps on what seemed concrete then the sound of your shoes got muffled as you stepped on something resembling a rug. Jeno pushed you towards what seemed like a couch, your face met a leathery surface, your jeans got dragged down and your ass got spanked, all in a second. 
“Here you go, doll,” he groaned after the second slap making you jolt. "Do you like this? Hm?" 
You clenched your jaw and you felt your core dripping. 
After the third slap, his hand wrapped your ass, kneading the softness of it and his fingers slid inside of you again. This time he didn’t play, and finger fucked you the way you wanted. You whined, the new angle making your whole body quiver. You felt exposed, unable to see and it was an assault on all of your nerves. 
Your toes curled just like his fingers did inside of you and he drove you insane until your body trembled and your throat hurt from moaning his name, coming all over his fingers. 
Trying hard to catch your breath and come down from your high you whined when Jeno suddenly took the scarf from your eyes. You narrowed them, hurt by the sudden exposure to light, and tried to focus on what was around you but didn’t manage to see anything as Jeno made your turn around and sit down,  coming up in front of you, hands slowly unbuttoning his jeans. 
You sat upright, looking at his face first, showing how fucked up you were, then at his fingers as they dragged his boxers down and wrapped his hard cock. Jeno let out a relieved moan, stroking it slowly for a few seconds then with the other hand he cupped your face. You opened your mouth, staring at him and letting your tongue out. 
"Fuck," he swore through his teeth as he made his cock bounce on your tongue a few times, hitting it lightly. You let him do that then licked the tip, slowly and delicately, teasing him. He hissed, breathing sharply through his teeth. 
"I've always wanted to see you like this," he said, caressing your cheek with his thumb as you had his cock like a lollipop. “Teary-eyed, fucked dumb, sucking me off,” he added caressing your skin. 
You whimpered and took him in as much as you could, giving him a deep suck and he reacted just the way that you wanted, eyes closed, head fallen back, a low moan escaping his lips. 
You went on fast, wanting to drive him insane just like what he was doing to you. 
"Slower, doll," he breathed out and seeing him like that, with hooded eyes, you knew that you could break him if you wanted. 
Or so you thought. 
Because after you ignored his order again he yanked your face away and grabbing your wrists he made you stand in front of him before turning you around. Your bare ass was against his cock and his arms wrapped you tight, bending you down until your hands reached the couch arm and you pressed your fingers into it to sustain yourself. 
"I said," his dangerous voice sending shots of adrenaline through your body, "to slow down. If you're so eager I'm going to fuck you on my terms," he slapped your ass again and you felt your back snap as a response. 
Jeno dug his fingers into your flesh and slowly slipped his cock between your thighs, right below your dripping pussy but without touching it. He groaned and held your waist, thrusting slowly, fucking himself. 
You whined clenching.
"Jeno," you begged him. 
"You want my cock?" he groaned and you nodded. 
"You should have been a good girl and I might have let you bounce on it," he added, accompanying his words with another slap on your ass. You moaned again feeling him so close yet without giving you any friction and you shifted your body to grind on it but his fingers kept you in place. 
"Stay put doll," he warned with a low voice. You ignored him again and slid one hand on your stomach, directing it towards your clit, aching for release. 
Jeno growled and grabbed your arms, making you hit your face on the soft couch not being able to sustain yourself anymore. He held your wrists with one hand and put them behind your back, his hips never finishing chasing his high, rubbing his cock between the soft skin of your thigh, and - fuck - it was so hot, it was driving you insane. You were feeling it, hot and thick, and looking down, you could see how the tip of it would poke out, wet thanks to your dripping pussy above it. 
"Jeno, I hate you," you whimpered. "I want to cum." 
"I don't think you hate me, doll," he chuckled with a short breath. 
"I do," you replied tightening your legs around him and making Jeno moan deeply for the first time.
He grabbed your ass and in a second he was on his knees. You shivered in anticipation as his fingers caressed your lips, opening them up and licking a long stripe along your core. Your lips parted in a silent moan.
"You still hate me?" he asked and his breath on your plump pussy made you shudder. 
"Yes," you replied with a muffled voice as you were pressing it on the couch. 
Jeno clicked his tongue as if disappointed and suddenly buried his face into you, eating you out just the way he sucked on your finger before. 
You were fucking gone. 
The moans you let out were the dirtiest you've ever made and the wet sounds of your arousal mixed with Jeno's saliva made you light-headed. 
"I love it, yes, fuck, I love it, Jeno, Jeno-" you cried out, your hands gripping the couch until your knuckles got lighter from effort. 
You came a second time, trembling hard, and Jeno didn't stop. He fucked you with his tongue through your orgasm, making you jolt, making you scream, then he got up leaving you a second to breathe, too short for you to get down from your high. 
You wanted to look back, to see his face but he grabbed your arms again, pushing your body into the couch, filling you all up with his cock until his balls hit the back of your thighs. 
You cried out, almost sobbing. 
His thrusts were deep and quick loading the air of your moans and his grunts. Your whole body was bouncing and the side of your face was rubbing on the rough leather of the couch. 
"Do you hate me, doll?" he groaned, moving his hips in short and controlled hits. 
"I don't," you replied weakly, all force leaving your body. 
He hummed pleased and slowed down with a deep rumble of his throat making you feel every inch of his cock. 
"You've been frustrated for a long time, right, doll? You wanted my cock so badly, didn't you?"
You nodded. "Yes, yes, please" you wailed. 
"Is this why you wanted to come to the Cave? To beg me to fuck you?" 
Your body shivered, aching for him to go faster. 
"Yes," you breathed out. "Fuck me harder, please". 
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot,” Jeno mumbled. 
He yanked you by the arms, lifting your torso again and holding your wrists with one hand he wrapped the other around your throat. You moaned as he picked up the pace, finally letting himself go, messily thrusting into you. 
You screamed as you reached your third orgasm, this one even stronger than the others and your voice got accompanied by Jeno's groan as he released into you as well. 
You were on the verge of passing out when he pulled out slowly, limbs weak and blood boiling. 
He let go of your arms gently and you sunk into the couch on your stomach, breathing heavily.
Jeno was panting as well as he sat down beside you, letting his head fall back to catch his breath. 
You both rested, with closed eyes until you were able to raise your head and look at him. 
"I didn't notice you were wearing a condom," you said with a hoarse voice and Jeno opened up his eyes to look back. 
"Of course I would wear a condom, you silly," he replied quietly. His voice was tired and soft while his hand approached your head to caress your hair slowly. Then it went to your swollen and abused lips, touching them delicately. 
You felt your cheeks heat up. 
Both empty and burnt-out, you suddenly felt embarrassed for everything you've said before. Also, you've never seen Jeno like that, with no smirk on and without flirting. Your heart fluttered seeing him with rosy cheeks and feeling his fingers play with your hair like that. 
"Well, I-" you started but got embarrassed even harder trying to get up, unsure of what to do next. 
He smiled and pulled you closer to make you rest your head on his lap, then leaning down he pressed his lips on yours. 
"Why? You wanted me to fill you all up with my cum?" he whispered and you froze for a second before lightly hitting his chest. He chuckled at your reaction. 
Yeah, you still kinda hated him and no, he wasn't soft at all. 
Jeno was about to open his mouth to say something snarky again when the sound of multiple cars made you both look towards the door. 
"Must be the others," he just said unbothered. 
"Fuck," you sat up in a hurry and grabbed your jeans. 
Your legs were all wobbly as you tried to get dressed before the boys entered the cave. Looking at Jeno you rolled your eyes. 
"Hurry up!" you ordered and he chuckled again, lazily buttoning his pants. 
The sound of the Dreamies' voices made you turn around your head. Your heart was pumping blood at a crazy speed. 
"Knock knock, may we come in?" Renjun asked amused. 
You sat down beside Jeno as he replied that yes, they may, and tried hard to stop yourself from panting. 
The boys entered laughing and looking around curiously. 
"Everything alright?" Haechan asked with a smirk. 
You acted nonchalantly. "Yes". Your voice came out too high pitched for it to be considered casual though. 
Haechan raised his eyebrows once at you then looked at Jeno. You jerked you face to Jeno to see his expression, afraid that he would give everything away, but whatever face he made it was already gone as he looked at you as well with an innocent face. But Haechan was satisfied since he chuckled. 
"I hope that seeing the cave was a nice experience," Jaemin sat down on the couch beside you. 
"Oh yes, I had a good time," you replied, suddenly unable to carry on a normal conversation. 
The others spread around the room and you looked around, finally being able to see what the Cave was even about. A garage, full of the weirdest things such as expensive motorcycles and arcade games, but also normal stuff, a low table, chairs, food, empty bottles of beer, a fridge, a guitar, drums, blankets, videogames. No trampoline, no blood. 
You had to admit, you were a little disappointed but it was definitely a cozy place. 
You were about to relax, listening to the boy’s chatter as the conversation went away from you when Jaemin looked down near his foot, keeping it up a few centimetres from the ground as if not wanting to step on something. 
"Oh, I bet you had a good time," he commented amusedly. 
You looked down as well and you felt your world collapse as you noticed the used condom. Haechan turned around and laughed at the scene. 
"I'm glad you took my advice," he joked. 
Everyone giggled. 
You sat up, dying from the embarrassment and mumbled that you had to go. You made a few steps as everyone tried to stop you. 
"Y/N, wait," Jaemin spoke up. You turned around. 
"You forgot these," he smiled with your panties draped on one of his fingers. 
Your eyes widened and in a second you yanked them from his hands. Jeno had the courtesy of looking embarrassed as well. 
"Oh, they're still damp," Jaemin commented rubbing his index and thumb together. 
"Shut up!" you said putting them away from their eyes. 
Jeno chuckled and got up. "Leave her alone Jaemin," he straightened his pants and walked towards you. "Wait, I'll drive you," he said to you. 
"I don't need you. I can go home alone," you crossed your arms on your chest. 
Jeno's smile didn't flatter and he took your hand, pulling you towards him. 
"This act is useless now. I know you don't hate me, doll. On the contrary," he whispered on your temple before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
Fuck it. 
You bit your lower lip and let him wrap your shoulders, walking towards the door showered by the Dreamies' cheers. 
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