#a court of silver flames
Azriel: I'm here to pick Nyx up.
Teacher: Oh uh, Nyx is in detention.
Azriel: He's in what?
Teacher: He misbehaved during class and now he's being held in a room for an hour after school.
Azriel: I know what detention means. I mean, what did he do?
Teacher: He brought a knife to school.
Azriel: That's illegal?
Azriel: I thought we talked about not exposing your weapons in public.
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witheverynesta · 2 days
What gets me is that Feyre genuinely believes all High Lords should aspire to be like Rhysand, while simultaneously labeling Tamlin as a villain even after he apologizes and goes out of his way to save and help her, despite his court literally falling apart.
Rhysand, who abandoned 2/3 of his court, who leaves the CoN to be ruled by Kier (a disgusting, misogynistic man) and only goes there every once in a while to scare the citizens, who wholeheartedly believes Mor is the only "dreamer" there, who in his entire rule has never actually outlawed the clipping of wings (despite saying he did so — which I find hard to believe, considering the "most powerful High Lord in history" should be able to get a few things done in his 100+ years of ruling), who left his whole court undefended and open to Amarantha's beasts to protect Velaris, who sexually assaulted and drugged Feyre (therefore, making her unable to think of the riddle because of how disoriented she was), who hid the risks of the pregnancy from Feyre, who treats Nesta like shit (despite her, a human girl, willing to fight in the war for him), who sent her on dangerous missions and threatened to kill her knowing she was suicidal and depressed (but obviously his IC is allowed to grieve and make mistakes), and yet he is forgiven and seen as this misunderstood villain not just by delusional Feyre, but surprisingly, most of the fandom.
And then you have Tamlin whose court was targeted by an evil woman for 50 years, whose citizens were cursed, who had no one except Lucien, who had a whole court to protect and went to great lengths to ensure wasn't destroyed (such as sending his men to die, which he refused to even do at the beginning until they begged him), who treated Feyre with nothing but kindness, who saved her sisters and father, who killed Amarantha for her, who saved her from Hybern's hounds and saved her mate's life, and yet Rhysand does not let the man grieve and deal with his shit alone.
No one will tell you Tamlin is a good person, because he is not. He made mistakes, traumatized Feyre, betrayed Rhysand horribly, and treated Lucien like shit.
But the difference between the two is that SJM simply doesn't acknowledge the trauma Rhysand infliced on Feyre, while agressively reminding us throughout the books of Tamlin's mistakes. Feyre is sexually assaulted by Rhysand to "protect" her (which he didn't even end up doing; in fact, he only attracted more attention to her), and people run with the excuse. Tamlin locks Feyre up to protect her (which Feyre ends up doing later on to Nesta, and she is forgiven for it), and people run for the streets to slander him.
Between the two, Tamlin will always be the better man.
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stargirlfeyre · 1 day
“Feyre might as well have been a goddess of old, crowned and glowing, her belly swollen with life”
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Art🎨: termesart
Day 6: Mother Feyre
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jennastokesart · 2 days
⚔️ACOTAR Meets Sinbad 🌊
I was reminiscing on underrated Disney/Dreamworks films with my friends when this idea to draw Nessian as Marina and Sinbad came up. I absolutely loved the banter between Sinbad and Marina, and they reminded me a lot of Nessian and Feysand. I want to continue drawing bookish couples as characters from my favourite childhood films….but what would feysand fit for??? Let me know what y’all think.
All these underappreciated films like Road to El Dorado, Treasure Planet, Quest for Camelot, and Thumbelina are actually some of my childhood favourites. They are more rewatchable than most of Disney’s films for me.
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scorpioriesling · 2 days
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Too Hot To Handle - Episode 2
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Characters featured: Reader, Feyre, Morrigan, Gwyn, Elain, Emerie, Amren, Cassian, Lucien, Eris, Tarquin, Rhysand, Helion, & Tamlin
Warning(s): None!
SR’s Note: You voted — I listened! Enjoy Episode 2. Please don’t forget to vote at the end of the reading — every vote counts! Any suggestions, recommendations, requests, ideas… pop them in the comments or inbox me! <3 Tags: @velarisdusk @lilah-asteria @starlightazriel
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
To say you were disappointed by the news of no-intimacy during this retreat was well... an understatement. Judging by the grumblings from the beds in the room surrounding you, it was safe to say the other attendees were in agreement. Many frowns of sexual frustration mirrored your own as your eyes wandered in the early morning sunlit room, but, you couldn't complain too much.
After all, you had gotten at least a little action with the handsome stranger before Lana had made her announcement after all.
The stranger, or Tamlin, perhaps, was just waking himself -- those mossy green eyes dark with morning haze as he carefully blinked his eyes open. His shoulder-length blonde locks laid delicately around him, like a golden halo of an angel -- you couldn't help but snuggle deeper into the covers and wrap an arm around his muscled torso.
His fingers gently grasping the exposed skin of your hip was short-lived as the speaker-cone lit up once more, just as it had done the night before when "Lana" had announced her retreat rules just outside. Everyone began to sit up in their beds, their full attention on the device. Tamlin only rolled his eyes and groaned, earning a chuckle from you in response before you both pulled back the covers as well.
"Good morning, everyone." Lana said politely.
"G'morning Lana." The response was more grumbly than positive, but in the state you were all in, it only seemed appropriate. Your eyes met Feyre's from across the room, and your brows furrowed slightly when you realized she was sharing a bed with Tarquin, not Rhysand like she had said she wanted to. She only looked down at her hands.
"I hope you all slept well for your first night on my retreat. You'll learn while you're here how to forge meaningful relationships that are more than just skin-deep, based on emotional connections and sharing feelings as opposed to purely sexual connections." She explains. From across the room, a lighter skinned male with bright red hair groaned, smushing a pillow over his face which made Ameren scoff from the bed beside his. She looked a lot different without her bright red lipstick on -- a lot less intimidating.
"You'll come to understand that adhering to my strict rules of no sexual gratification or touching in these ways will not only strengthen the relationships you have with yourself and others, but will not subtract any funds from the overall prize at the end of the retreat for your obedience." Everyone seems to perk up at this, and you glance to Tamlin, who is lazer-focused on the electronic device ahead.
"She said, a prize fund?" Helion asks. Mor smacks his arm, shushing him after doing so.
"You heard that right, Helion. The prize fund for your continued adherance to my rules is... $200,000." The room is filled with gasps all around, and a few females cover their shock with their hands.
"Shit! That's a lot of money," Cassian chides.
"It is a lot," Lana continues. "However, breaking my rules will result in money being taken out of the overall fund and therefore sacrificing for the group. So... behave wisely, and enjoy your first day." Lana's lights go dark, and many eyes scan the room.
"So... no sex for a month and we get 200k?" Emerie speaks up first. You can't help but feel a slight twinge of ... something ... that she was sharing a bed with Rhysand. You knew how badly Feyre wanted and planned to do so, yet somehow she ended up with Tarquin. You'd have to talk with her about it later.
"Easier said than done," Lucien speaks up.
"I came here to find a partner -- you can't do that without sex," the sweet girl, Elain (well, you thought she was sweeter than she is sounding right now) cuts in.
"You guys really can't keep it in your pants for one month?" Tamlin grumbles lowly from beside you, glancing around the room. The redhead -- not Lucien, uh... Eris, you think -- laughs out loud.
"Please! You two couldn't even keep it together for one night!" He chokes out. All eyes fly to you two, and you can't help the flush on spreading across your cheeks.
"YOU WHAT?!" It seems like all voices ring out at once, everyone asking a million questions and saying nothing all at once. It's all too much to try and focus on what just one person is saying.
"Okay! Alright!" Tamlin raises his voice an octave to attempt to quiet the group. He glances to you, and you clear your throat.
"It... it was before Lana even made the announcement that kissing wasn't allowed-" You explain.
"You kissed?!" Mor giggles, chewing her thumbnail excitedly. You shrug, the pink of your cheeks deepening as many others in the group continue to "ooh" and "ahh" and congradulate you. You swear, if you could, you would crawl under the covers and not come out for three hours at this point.
But, as you're slumping lower and lower beneath the sheets, the only gaze you catch locked onto yours is that of deep amber and burnt gold.
✧・゚: *
“Could you get my back?”
You took the can of sunscreen from Morrigan as she turned her back to you, flipping her hair over her shoulder. You sprayed the lotion across her sun-kissed skin, making sure to cover every inch as she had done on the front.
“Ahhh,” she sighed, repositioning her sunglasses over her eyes. “Thank you Y/N — what would I do without you?” She offers a small smile, and you nudge her shoulder.
“I dunno,” you drawl, your eyes flicking to the group of boys splashing about in the pool. “Maybe you’d ask your man-candy?” You wiggle your eyebrows at her. She rolls her eyes, but spots Feyre across the way and jumps up and down excitedly.
“Feyre!” She calls. Her arms wave her over, and Feyre steps quickly toward the small cabana where you two are standing. Mor sits on one of the plush couches, kicking her feet up on the bamboo footrest and smiling as Feyre gets closer. You sit across from her, offering your quiet friend a kind smile as well. She sits tentatively on the round seat between you two.
“Sooo,” Mor breaks the silence. “How was everyone’s niiiiight?” She trills. Feyre nervously toys with her long, golden braid, chewing on her bottom lip and avoiding eye contact.
“Well,” you say. “I had a nice night with Tamlin, I suppose.” Mor smirks.
“Oh, we know,” she says. You smile to yourself, remembering those glorious moments you’d shared in the hot tub yesterday. His hands on your waist, him holding you close last night… Gods he was so hot.
“Fey…” Mor slides her glance to Feyre.
“Hm?” She looks up slightly. Mor cocks her head.
“What happened to, ehm… Rhys? Rhysand?” She asks nonchalantly. Feyre straightens, and her gaze passes between the two of you before falling once more.
“I… well, I… he I guess just… I don’t know. He chose Emerie, I suppose.” She shrugs. Your brows knit in concern, and Mor props her sunglasses atop her head.
“You suppose?” She looks at her incredulously. Feyre looks to the blonde once more.
“I mean, yes, I-“
“Feyre.” Mor sits up straighter, her gaze locked on the pool across the way. “Those boys only see what’s right under their noses.” Feyre follows her line of sight to the pool, and so do you. Helion is wading through the water, Rhysand next to him shaking a few stray water droplets from his dark locks.
“If you want Rhysand,” Mor leans in conspiratorially. Your gaze drifts to the tanned redhead running his fingers through his luscious locks, his toned abs clearing just above the waterline of the pool.
“Take. Him.” Mor cocks an eyebrow, leaning back on the plush lounger and repositioning her sunnies over her eyes. Feyre sucks her lip between her teeth, her fingers dropping her braid.
“Maybe I’ll go talk to him,” she suggests. You nod encouragingly, and she makes to stand. A flash of pale blonde and emerald catches your eye from your left, and you also stand.
“You’ll come too?” Feyre’s hopeful crystalline blue eyes meet yours, but your gaze drifts to the mysterious male making way for the beach.
“Maybe I’ll catch up with you later,” you say apologetically. She follows your line of sight and nods in understanding. As she heads for the pool — you head for the ocean.
✧・゚: *
It’s not a suprise he’s alone again. He always seems to be.
“Alone again?”
His head turns slowly at the sound of your voice, and a little smirk curves his lips.
Your toes sink into the soft white sand as you approach, taking a seat next to him.
“Do you want to be?”
His eyes find yours, flicking down to your lips for a moment before returning back to yours.
“Not if it’s with you.” He says, and you smile. He sighs lightly, looking out to the water. A few moments of silence pass, and though the water is calming, you can’t help but feel like you don’t know what to say.
“So… tell me about yourself, Tamlin.” You say.
“What would you like to know?” He asks. You shrug.
“I mean… anything, everything. Whatever you have to tell, I guess.” You say. He silently continues his gaze out at the water.
“Hmm. I suppose I enjoy nature. I like the ocean, the animals in it. What about you?” He asks. You shrug, biting on your lip.
“I… guess I like the ocean too. I like sea animals.” You say, and he nods as though he accepts your answer. You frown just a little, realizing the conversation is so, so dull. But you can’t help looking at his sharp jawline, his plush lips…
“Do you like breaking rules?” Tamlin asks through the silence, turning to face you. Your breath catches, and you grin at him.
“I suppose we could find out?” You say cheekily, leaning close to him. He scoffs, his smile showing his perfect white teeth. His hand cups your cheek, drawing you even closer, so close…
His lips move against yours instantly, the kiss searing and passionate and hungry. His hands rake through your hair, holding you close as you scootch closer and closer. It’s only after a few heated moments that you pull apart for air, and he chuckles down at you.
“They’re all going to hate us when we find out what we’ve done.”
✧・゚: *
A dip in the pool is exactly what you need to cool off from the absolute heat you were experiencing. The coolness of the water, the nice breeze through the air, the evening sun against your skin…
Well, the sun that was against your skin.
You opened your eyes, blinking a few times before yanking your sunglasses off to find a familiar tanned redhead towering over the pool’s edge above you. You purse your lips, narrowing your brows at him.
“Hard to catch a tan when I’ve got a boulder blocking the sun,” you tease. He chuckles, bending down and dipping his legs into the pool next to you with a grunt.
“Well, this boulder thought you might like a fresh marg,” he extends his hand, a perfectly sugar-rimmed strawberry margarita between his fingers. You reach for it, gazing up at him through your lashes.
“Be careful now,” he chides. “Sugar can get rather sticky when wet.” He grins and you blush, remembering your previous interaction. You can’t help the small smile that comes with the memory.
“I’ll be extra mindful of your fingers this time, Lucien.” You bat your eyelashes at him before taking a long sip from the side of your glass, the sweet spice of Tequila deliciously warming your insides. As you lower the glass, Lucien is lowering into the pool by his hands, his abs flexing before your very eyes.
Maybe it’s not only the Tequila warming your… insides.
“You’ve got…” he leans close, and your breath catches as his thumb brushes the corner of your lips where a small drop of your drink had slipped free. He glances down at it, then holds eye contact with you as he takes the pad of his finger between his lips, sucking the residue off.
“Sticky fingers,” he tuts. You shake your head at him, trying to think of anything half as witty to say back. “…you always have me cleaning up after your messes, huh.” He chuckles, placing his hands on his hips. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms across your chest.
“You seem to be enjoying it.” You say, mentally patting yourself on the back for the witty comeback. He smirks, his gaze dragging from your eyes, down your throat, over your chest, and back up again.
“I’m enjoying a lot of things, Y/N.” He says so quietly you realize you wouldn’t have heard him if you weren’t out here alone.
“I would… enjoy…” he wades closer. Your breath picks up, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
“…getting to know you better, too.” His fingers slowly trace up your sides, and you shiver at the contact. His bottom lip sucks between his teeth, and you gaze up at him.
His fingers make their way up to your crossed arms, over your elbows and he takes your drink from you, placing it on the pool’s edge. He continues up… his pointer and thumb hooking around the tiny strap of your bikini as he leans in close enough to share breath.
“We could share a bed tonight too, ya know.” You feel as though you’re on fire; every cell inside ablaze with anticipation over this fine man before you. He continues playing with the strap of your swimsuit, running his pinched fingers up and down, so dangerously close…
“I… uh…” you fumble. He lets go of his lip between his teeth, and gives you a small smile.
“Think about it?” He suggests. You nod silently, so utterly entranced by this male. He steps back, taking your glass after climbing out of the pool, ripples of water flowing deliciously over every carved muscle of his body. You can only watch in awe as he makes his way back toward the house.
✧・゚: *
As the sun dips lower toward the horizon, the group is summoned as a whole to the fire pit for a discussion with none other than Lana.
This can’t be good.
“Good evening guests,” she begins.
“Good evening Lana,” everyone responds. Thankfully, you’re sat next to Feyre and Amren — but the glances you’re receiving from both Tamlin and Lucien aren’t helping your current state.
“It seems we’ve had a few members today who have chosen to not follow my rules.”
Here it comes.
The group gasps, looking around from one person to the next — and Tamlin for once is averting your gaze.
“Unfortunately, Y/N and Tamlin did not act in the best interest of the group today and acted on their own desires by breaking a rule and costing the group a portion of the prize fund.” All eyes turn to the two of you, and when you meet Lucien’s gaze, he only looks disappointed.
“Keep it in your pants much…” Eris mutters. Emerie snickers and Cassian shakes his head.
“This rule break has cost the group $5000 — leaving the total prize fund at $195,000.” Many gasps and groans come from the crowd, and you bury your face in your hands.
“However,” Lana continues. “To prove that relationships are more than purely physical, and require more in-depth connections, I’ll be sending the two on a date tonight to see if they have more in common than their intimate needs.” Tamlin’s brows raise, and you sit up straighter.
“Good luck; please prepare for your date.” She finishes, and you meet Tamlin’s gaze.
“$5000?” Elain squeaks. Mor sighs.
“I mean… that sucks but like… I’m happy if you’re happy?” You give her a grateful smile, and she winks at you.
“I guess we should… go get ready for our date then?” Tamlin suggests, rising from his place on the couch. Many others stand as well, making way for the villa as well. When you stand, a very familiar — but not sticky this time — hand wraps around your bicep.
“Mhm,” Lucien’s warm breath fans your ear, sending goosebumps down your spine. “Go get ready for your… date, Y/N.”
✧・゚: *
The wilty lettuce leaves on your plate were soggy and mushy from being pushed around so much by your fork.
“So I guess Lana wants to make sure we actually like eachother.”
You nod, stabbing at a chunk of steak you’d sawed for entirely too long, that was entirely too pink in the middle.
“I’d say I like you pretty well.”
You shove the bite in your mouth. Cold.
“Mhm!” You nod enthusiastically, chewing furiously but the meat only seems to multiply in your mouth. You reach for your water glass, gulping and trying to swallow it down.
“So… what do you do for fun?” You ask. Tamlin shrugs.
“I mean…” He cuts at a piece of his chicken. “I like the ocean, like I said. I work a lot, I don’t have too much free time.” He takes his bite. This conversation is going nowhere.
“Ahhh.” You say. He smiles politely at you and you return it.
“You look great tonight,” he points out, sipping from his water.
“Thank you,” you say. You wanted to tell him he did too, but… this, all of this, the way you couldn’t really talk to him, it was kind of turning you off. Your mind kept wandering to the much more intriguing conversation you’d had earlier, one with nothing more than a few featherlight touches that sent you ablaze.
One with simple conversation that filled you with more passion than the one where you’d actually made out with a man… twice now.
Your palms felt sweaty. You weren’t sure what to do. You reached for your margarita, the green liquid in the glass calling your name. Touching the cup’s rim to your lips, you winced.
As if on cue, the cone to your left lights up, and Tamlin sets his fork down. You thank the Gods for a distraction, a break in this non-existent conversation.
“Good evening,” she speaks.
“Evening Lana,” you both reply. Tamlin looks at you and grins, and you only politely smile back.
“It seems this date has hit a stand-still, and I have a rather tough choice for Y/N to make, as a few males in this group have shown her interest,” Lana continues. You watch as Tamlin’s brows knit in confusion, and he leans back in his chair, folding his arms.
“One in particular who’d like to take your place on this date, Tamlin, is Lucien.” She says. He raises his eyebrows, looking to you for confirmation. You silently stare ahead.
“Y/N will have a choice, to continue the date as it is, or swap her date with Lucien for the remainder of the time being.” She continues. “You have five minutes to decide.” Her lights flicker, and Tamlin leans forward in his chair.
“This…. is quite awkward.” He admits. You nod, nervously tucking your hair behind your ear. He shrugs sitting back in his seat.
“I mean… do you want to switch?”
You bite your lip. “I…. I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” His brows raise. “I thought this was going quite well, I mean-“
“Yes,” You cut in. “I think you’re a great guy Tamlin, I do,” he sighs, shaking his head as if he already knows where this is going. “…but I think maybe my conversations with Lucien are just a bit better than what we’ve had so far?”
“I thought we were talking just fine?” He says, his beautiful eyes searching yours. You have to look away.
“It was fine,” you say. “But… it was just that. Fine,” you say, looking to him again. He shakes his head, letting out a huge sigh.
“Tamlin I really liked you from the start, but I…” you fumble with how to put this nicely. “I just don’t know if we have as great of a conversation as Lucien and I do.” He sits back in his chair, looking quietly at you across the table.
“Have you decided on your date for the rest of the night?” You hadn’t noticed Lana’s lights flicker to life once more, but you’re glad she’s once again intervening.
“Yes,” you say quietly, feeling a little bad as Tamlin’s gaze fixes on his half-eaten chicken before him. “I’d like to swap Lucien for the rest of the date.”
“I’ll have him get ready,” Lana says, and Tamlin silently stands, making his way back to the villa.
✧・゚: *
It’s no more than ten minutes before you spot those long red locks blowing softly in the night breeze, Lucien’s form striding toward you from the villa down the beach. You can’t help but feel excited just to talk with him again — let alone look at him, I mean, he is quite attractive, after all.
“Ahh, I see you’ve made the right choice!” He says excitedly, holding out his hands as he gets closer. You roll your eyes as you stand from your seat, allowing him to embrace you in a tight hug for just a moment. Gods, of course he would smell good too, like cinnamon and leaves around a campfire-
“Have I got you at a loss for word again, sticky fingers?” He teases, releasing you. You shake your head, gazing up at him before you both take your seats. The chefs have brought out fresh dessert for you both, but you’re only focused on the delicacy across the table.
“No,” you finally say. “I’m just … glad to see you again, that’s all.” You say nonchalantly. He grins, picking up his fork and slicing into his little cake before him.
“I’m more than happy to help Y/N, especially with that mess of a date,” he chuckles. You roll your eyes, instinctively reaching for your drink again. When you take a sip, you remember its salted rim, and set it back down.
“Oh, here,” Lucien grabs your glass by the base and slides it in front of him, in turn sliding his pink, sugary-sweet drink to you. “Have mine instead, it’s sugar-rim.”
Oh. My.
You stare at him in awe, but he only shrugs, tipping your former drink back and lapping at the salt along the side of the glass.
“I don’t mind, really, I like the salt ones,” he shrugs. Your stomach does flips on itself, and you watch his hands as they grasp his utensils, cutting into his treat and the way his mouth moves as he bites. Gods to only have that mouth on you…
“So,” he says, and you blink out of your daze. “This is a date right?”
You nod.
“Okay, well… let me know more about Y/N then.” You smile softly. This was already going better than before.
“Well… I’m 22, I’m from New York,”
“Ooh! A city girl, huh!” Lucien woos. You chuckle over his silliness, waving off his dramatics.
“Yes, I suppose. I’m from the city, I have my own apartment now but I don’t live far from my parents and my sister,” you continue. He nods, and you notice he’s set down his utensils to lean forward a bit, listening very intently.
“Ummm… I’m in school?” you chuckle. “I don’t know what else you’d like to know…” A ghost of a smile dances on his lips.
“Everything,” he whispers. You blush, covering your face with a hand. In seconds, you feel gentle, warm fingers pulling your hand away from across the small table. When you open your eyes, Lucien is still gazing at you.
“Please,” he says quietly. “I could stare at you all day, please don’t cover your face,”
Your cheeks only redden more, and his smile grows.
“So… you’re in school for…?” You clear your throat, taking a swig from your very sweet drink before meeting his eyes again.
“Fashion design — I’m almost done with my Bachelor’s degree, and I haven’t decided yet if I want to keep going or get out in the field yet after graduation,” you explain. He nods in understanding.
“I see, I see. Well, you’ve got time to decide, too,”
“Right,” you agree, sitting up a little straighter. “But, I’d also like to know more about you, Lucien.”
He flexes his arms wide. “I’m an open book,” he grins.
“Alright, so tell me,” you say.
“Hmm, well. I’m 24, so I hope you’re into guys that are a little older.” You grin.
“Oh I’d hardly say 24 is older than 22-“
“…aaaand I’m not from the big city, but I visited when I was ten with my family and I quite liked it,” he continues. You chuckle.
“Really? You seem like you’d fit right in the big apple.”
He grins mischievously. “Maybe you can show me around in…” he looks at his watch. “…about a month?” You playfully roll your eyes, shaking your head.
“Continue,” you say.
“Alright then, city girl,” he says. “I’m from Orlando, but I moved to the Outerbanks in North Carolina about a year ago for work,” he explains. You lean forward and rest your elbows on the table.
“And, what do you do for work?”
“Well, the real estate company I work for expanded further north, and they needed agents who were willing to relocate,” he explains. “We’re investing now in bigger properties — businesses, large companies, things like that.” He shrugs. “But, that doesn’t keep me from visiting the south, all my family is still down there.”
“Any siblings?” You ask.
“Three brothers,” he says. “How old is your sister?”
“18,” you say.
“Ahh, so you’re the oldest,” he nods.
“And you?” You ask.
“Of course I’m the oldest too,” he grins. “That’s why we complement eachother so well, Y/N.”
✧・゚: *
“What do you think they’ll say?” you ask, your hair brushing slightly with the breeze.
“I think they’ll wonder who’s sleeping with who,” Lucien answers honestly. You swallow thickly, remembering you’ll have to face the truth and Tamlin once you’re inside the approaching doors of the villa.
“But,” he continues, threading his long, warm fingers through yours. “Quite frankly, I don’t care what they say. I would say I had an amazing night, and I intent to keep it going.” He looks down at you and winks his deep amber eye, which has you giggling like a little girl.
“Lucien,” you groan. He gives your hand a light squeeze, and tugs the door open to the bedroom in the villa.
Sure enough — all twelve pairs of eyes are on the two of you.
Lucien pulls you along, beelining for his empty bed. You see that his previous bedmate, Gwyn, has ventured over to Tamlin’s bed, and he only stares blankly at the two of you.
On the other hand, Mor is practically bouncing with excitement.
“Ooh! Im so glad you’re back — it went well?” She asks. You grin, giving her a little nod and she squeals.
“Eeeeee! That’s so great Y/N!” She kicks her feet under the covers, and Helion throws Lucien a subtle thumbs up.
Lucien climbs into bed first, pulling back the covers as you brush through your hair and remove your makeup, mindless chatter ensuing around you. When you’re satisfied with the result, you slide under the sheets next to him.
Gods, he’s so warm.
“You good, man?”
You hear Cassian across the way ask Tamlin from his bed, and you only strain a little to hear his response. You’re sure he’s still angry with you, after all he thought things were going well on the date.
“Yeah… I mean if she wants to get to know him better, she deserves that right? It’s what we’re all here for anyway.”
The lights dim, and your heart swells at the kindness, though indirect, from the male you’d hurt earlier. You felt guilty, like a conversation was definitely in order, an explanation, maybe?
All of those feelings washed away as Lucien wrapped a strong arm around your waist, pulling you as close as he could to him. You tug the blankets up to your chin, and his fingers dance across the exposed skin between your tank top and shorts.
You finally take the chance to run your fingers through his long, silky red strands.
“You’re so beautiful Y/N,” he whispers, just before sleep overtakes you both.
✧・゚: *
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greenleaf777 · 2 days
Friendly reminder that fan run pages/character weeks don’t actually have to reblog or share your content babes.
Unless you are paying them they are not obligated to do so and if they give you boundaries you accept it and make your own ass character week blog/page if you don’t like it. All these pages are being run in someone’s own free time not yours.
No one is stopping you. But we all know you won’t.
Can the acotar fandom stop acting entitled for 5 goddamn minutes?
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Covered in the Colours
Cassian week Day 4 - Lover
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30357864/chapters/146727361
Cassian didn't ask her to elaborate. Didn't even look up from the reports scattered on the low table in front of him. He only stroked his thumb along the curve of her ankle. "I’ve always known. I was dreaming of you before you were even born, Nes." 
Alright everyone, enjoy the one pain-free day I have for you (explicit ... because I only come with 2 settings: pain and horny.)
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nightcourtlady17 · 3 days
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This is cannon in my head 😂😂
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bldhrry · 2 days
A Court of Passion and Daydreams Masterlist
Summary: Celestia, Rhysand's younger sister, returns from the Summer Court after five years of training and while readjusting to being with her family again, she rekindles, albeit through stolen glances and hidden touches, with Azriel. They had always had an unspoken understanding of one another, but with her return they are forced to confront their centuries of longing and pining for one another.
warnings: cursing, blood, violence, death, infertility, smut (18+, minors DNI)
Fresh Out The Slammer
Guilty As Sin?
But Daddy I Love Him
The Archer
How Did It End?
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?
Chloe or Sam or Sophie or Marcus
Cornelia Street
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tellmelater · 8 hours
Request piece!
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I didn’t actually re-read the scene whoops so the details are inaccurate
Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled […] sunning his wings […] Already dressed for the Hewn City—the brutal, beautiful armor so at odds with the lovely garden. And my sister sitting within it.
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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Starborn, Fireheart & Lady Death - CC, TOG & ACOTAR
Artist: renata_watsonn
4K notes · View notes
Rhys, mind-speaking to Cassian: Did you preheat the oven like I told you?
Cassian: You bet!
Rhys: At what temperature?
Cassian: 535.
Rhys: That's the clock.
Cassian: 536.
94 notes · View notes
witheverynesta · 16 hours
the ic is so silly like i genuinely giggle everytime feyre describes one of them as scary or capable of taking down high lords with barely any effort
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assriels · 3 months
lessons in touch
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pairing: azriel x f!reader
summary: azriel’s curiosity and penchant for spying reveals exactly why you’ve been more…enthusiastic in bed lately
word count: 5.8k :0
warnings: smut (not super detailed)!! 18+ mdni pls, az being nosy
a/n: this is one of my faves so far :’) i have this persistent silly headcanon that az is the biggest busybody of them all and that’s why he’s so good at his job
banners by @/cafekitsune <3
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Sex between you and Azriel was far from boring. It was a well known secret that Azriel had a predilection towards kink and experimentation, so your adventures with him between the sheets never left either of you dissatisfied. Far from it, actually.
Being with him was always pleasurable, wonderful, and unrivaled by any you’d had before him. During girls night, you had always attested to his prowess, said that his skills of observation extended past the battlefield and very much into the bedroom. And his wingspan…you would neither confirm nor deny whether the theory around Illyrian males and their wingspan was true, much to their chagrin, but the mischievous smirk that curled your lips was all they needed to confirm their suspicions.
Azriel was a skilled lover; he knew your ins and outs, understood almost innately how to coax pleasure from you with a simple, well placed brush of his fingers. More often than not, Azriel had you in a puddle on the floor before he could even take his pants off. Which, ordinarily, was a more than welcome skill — you loved how well he knew you, adored how he loved you so much that his brain was like a file cabinet of information about things you liked.
But you’d grown frustrated lately, more and more desiring to reduce Azriel to the same pleasure filled putty that he so often did with you. His composure was infuriatingly ironclad; you knew he felt the same primal, overwhelming desire that you did — such was the nature of the mating bond — but he was much better at masking it.
In short, you wanted to know what made him tick, what made him beg and whimper and plead with you to touch him. You’d been mated for a year now, and while his desire for you never waned, you had yet to find the one thing that made him sink to his knees and beg the way he so easily coaxed you to do for him.
It was no secret that your mate had a bold competitive streak. But your own stubbornness rivaled his own, leading to long, long card game nights and sparring matches — much to everyone else’s entertainment.
Though you knew you had no reason to feel such competitiveness when matters of the bedroom were concerned, you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance that Azriel had so easily figured out how to make you squirm in a multitude of ways — with all your cards on the table — while you were still somewhat in the dark about his most favored bedroom inclinations. Azriel kept the secrets of his hand close to his chest.
So you vowed to yourself that you’d figure it out, test his composure to see how exactly to make that beautiful, calm countenance crack. It was like a game, but one you were more than willing to play and even more determined to win.
Ever the observer however, Azriel caught on to the changes in your excitement beneath the sheets, amusement and adoration coursing through his veins as he reveled in your sudden vigor, never shying away from a challenge.
You had been more experimental in your bedroom endeavors as of late, asking him to bend you this way and that, introducing things that he never thought you’d be interested in — not that he was complaining in the slightest. Though your differences were strikingly obvious, Azriel would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious about where your sudden interest in various sexual niches had sprung from.
Initially, it was all fun and games; if you wanted to explore then so be it — he’d match you stroke for stroke every time. But eventually, his nosiness had wedged its way deep into each crevice of his mind until he was all-consumed, curiosity devolving into a burgeoning anxiety.
Was something wrong?
Azriel was positive that if you were bored you would tell him. Had you heard something from one of the others that spurred you to want to explore more? Had you felt as though you had to introduce novelty every time to please him?
You had to have known that was far from the truth; no matter your state, Azriel had always made it clear to you that you were the most exquisite creature he’d ever had the privilege of knowing, let alone laying with. He didn’t think there was anything wrong…at least not for him. Maybe you felt like something was missing.
“Penny for your thoughts, brother?”
Rhys’s voice snapped him out of his anxious musings. Azriel hadn’t realized that he was pacing so furiously he could have worn a hole through the floor. Both Rhysand and Cassian had been watching with amusement glinting in their eyes. After all, it was a rare sight to see their ordinarily calm and stoic shadowsinger so worked up.
The same poker face Azriel had worn to win countless games of cards against his brothers masked his features now, but the twitch in his brow and the near missable ruffling of his wings were tells that Cassian and Rhysand were well acquainted with.
The shadowsinger had never perfected his stone faced indifference when he was thinking of you.
Cassian ventured a guess, “Have you upset Y/N?”
Cassian had meant to tease, but the way Azriel stayed silent had his eyebrow arching in question. Azriel ignored the curious glance from his brother as his mind ran in circles once more.
Had he upset you? Was your sudden experimentation in bed some roundabout way of telling him that he had done something to hurt you? No, no…that didn’t make sense, he was being illogical.
Or…Had he somehow missed picking up on something that you liked?
Your sudden interest in sexual exploration was far from a problem, but he got the niggling sense that you were up to something, playing a game that he wasn’t privy to. And he wanted in.
Azriel was private by nature, never revealing more of his relationship with you than absolutely necessary to his brothers, not wanting to overshare in fear that he’d fall victim to their incessant teasing. But this…maybe it would be useful to get their opinions about your sudden change in interests? Cassian and Rhys were both mated males afterall, and maybe there was something Azriel was missing. He would never admit it to anyone but himself, but he fell victim to his crippling neuroticism more times than he’d like to. Curiosity and anxiety were two sides of the same coin.
So he indulged and told his brothers of your sudden vigor in bed, enthusiasm to try something new every single time. You’d been insatiable as of late and he didn’t know why; nothing had changed that he knew of and it was concerning him, he couldn’t stand not knowing.
“So,” Rhys started tentatively, narrowing his eyes in confusion, not quite grasping the issue that Azriel was so hesitant to endorse. “Y/N is trying new things in bed.”
And elsewhere, Azriel thought with a ghost of a smile on his lips. He’d leave that part out, though; Rhys probably wouldn’t appreciate knowing the details about the going-ons in the dining room of the townhouse. And the gardens. And the hallways.
“And you’re complaining?” Cassian asked, incredulous, similarly at a loss for his brother’s concern.
“I’m not complaining, Cass,” Azriel groaned and slumped unceremoniously into a chair (much like an irritated school child who’d been caught doing something they weren’t supposed to), immediately regretting his poorly thought out decision to confide in his brothers. “I’m just confused. I don’t know what she wants.”
“Have you considered asking her?” Rhys inquired, infuriatingly teasing smile curving his lips.
Azriel deadpanned and clicked his tongue, not believing that Rhys would assume he was so inept at communicating with his lover, “Of course I’ve asked. She just says nothing’s changed. I believe her, but it’s still bothering me and I don’t know why.”
Both Cassian and Rhys resisted the urge to laugh, mentally conversing about how Azriel’s affections for you often reduced him to an adolescent-like lovesickness, begging and willing to please. Az had been this way since they were children; fiercely competitive and subsequently pouty if he didn’t have the upper hand, always wanting to know and learn everything he could.
This side of the shadowsinger was one that did not make an appearance often, reserving itself until he was around the few he trusted wholeheartedly.
The past couple of centuries saw even less of this endearingly childish and competitive Azriel – even around his closest friends – as Night Court duties and his identity as Spymaster overshadowed most opportunities to be vulnerable in his relationships.
But when you came around, light began to spark beneath the shadowy depths of Azriel’s countenance as you slowly coaxed him to trust and love as fiercely as everyone knew he was capable of, with the reckless abandon that his childhood self so easily embodied.
“Maybe check her nightstand,” Cassian teased with a wink, only half joking, as a quiet happiness bubbled within him at the small glimpses of Azriel’s vulnerability. “Some of Nesta’s best kept secrets are hidden there.”
Before Azriel could furrow his brow and chastise his brother for snooping through his mate’s belongings, a realization hit him.
You had been spending an awfully large amount of time with the eldest Archeron sister in the library lately, choosing to hole up there in lieu of your other hobbies when you weren’t training or engaging in your various other Night Court duties.
But Nesta would be a dead end. There was no way he could approach her without tipping you off to his secret sleuthing. Though he and Nesta were friends, her loyalties laid with you; there was an unexplainable female camaraderie between you – a chosen sisterhood, if you will – and if he asked if she knew anything about what was going on, she’d go running to you, mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
The conversation with his brothers was about as helpful as he initially thought it would be, and he let himself succumb to their jokes about how wrapped around your finger he was. Azriel had endured it graciously, knowing better than anyone that they were right, that he was indeed wrapped so tightly around your little finger that he was unsure of where he ended and you began. That he would gratefully stay in the palm of your hand for as long as you would allow.
But that night, after you had told him not to wait up for you because you’d be having drinks with Feyre and Mor, Cassian’s voice reverberated insistently in his mind.
Check her nightstand…best kept secrets…
Azriel resisted the urge to snoop for all of ten minutes before his inherent nosiness clouded his judgment and got the better of him; afterall, his love for secrets is what made him such an effective spymaster. Before he knew it, he was rolling onto your side of the bed, inquisitive hands pulling open your bedside drawer.
Hidden among the small stack of books he had given you was a thick novel with a cover he recognized, but gave no second thought.
It was a book you said Nesta had lent you. When he asked if you liked it you said it was “only okay” and that you’d let him know if he should read it when you were finished. Despite your lukewarm review, however, it had never left your side, and he had found you on more than one occasion cozied up with it in your hands, cheeks dusted with a heat he knew all too well.
Azriel was well aware of the content of the books Nesta favored, often lending a reluctant ear to a whiny Cassian whenever she paid more attention to her books than him.
But there was no way your sudden excitement for novelty in the bedroom could be inspired by Nesta’s smutty recommendations…right? He leafed through, assessing hazel eyes quickly skimming the paragraphs, catching glimpses of the prose that had you so enraptured.
Azriel felt the back of his neck heat.
It was smut, as he assumed. But this was truly…filth. Pure, unadulterated, filthy smut.
Azriel was a lover of all books, never having been one to categorize or judge them by popular opinion. And, to be completely fair, he had read a decent amount of books filled with sex and romance.
But…he was sure that the acts detailed in this one would make even the Court of Nightmares’s debauchery look saintly. Even Azriel, who had been correctly assumed to be the kinkiest of the Inner Circle, felt tame in comparison to the words flickering across the pages of your book. How did you read this with such impassivity on your face?
Azriel snapped the book shut with such force the pages blew a cool, gentle breeze onto his heating face. He tried – and failed – to not picture you in the position the main character in your book was described in, unintentionally sending a soft hum of his burgeoning arousal down your bond. He was beginning to understand your desire to replicate the more salacious scenes detailed in your novels.
Having fun without me, Az? Came your teasing inquiry in his mind, as he meticulously replaced all of your belongings into your nightstand.
Don’t be nosy, he quipped back, extremely aware of the irony of his statement. And then after a beat he added, answering your question with a sincerity that never failed to grip your heart, Never without you, love.
You left him waiting for a response a little bit longer than you normally would as you attempted to control the thundering beat of your heart in your chest. You were convinced that no amount of time could ever diminish the effects that Azriel’s blatant display of love had on your composure. As much as he was wrapped around your little finger, you were just as tightly wrapped around his.
I take back what I said earlier, wait up for me.
Azriel smirked to himself, feeling a flare of triumph, It’s a date, then. Maybe I’ll find something interesting to read in the meantime.
If you caught on to his sly insinuation, you did not let on, just continued bantering with him for a few moments before returning your full attention to your friends, who were no doubt attempting to extract morsels of information from your obviously lascivious exchange with your lover.
But that night – even after Azriel had promptly fucked you into a blissful oblivion – had yielded no more information about your recent proclivity for finding a new kink, so Azriel did what he did best and spied.
He kept a watchful eye on the books you read, and tracked the times you asked him to try something new. He spent more time in the library than necessary under the guise that Rhys had put him up to some research.
Which was only half of a lie. He was in there to do reconnaissance, yes, just not for Rhys.
Azriel scanned the bookshelves for anything that seemed like it had been recently replaced, pages still clinging to the sweet scent of your skin. A title he recognized caught his eye and he slotted it out of place, flipping through the pages to confirm his suspicions.
This book was shorter than the others he’d seen you carry around, but certainly no less obscene. A smirk pulled at Azriel’s lips as he read a dog eared chapter that you had clearly marked for inspiration, recollections of your most recent tryst in his office flooding his awareness.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
You had sauntered into his small, private study at the House of Wind, short dress skimming the curves of your thighs as you bent to greet him with a kiss to his cheek. He’d been distracted at the time — surveying maps and cross referencing with ancient textbooks — and barely tore his attention away from his work long enough to squeeze your hand in greeting.
But you didn’t seem to mind, opting to make yourself comfortable and purveying the books neatly organized on his shelves. When you’d found a book you thought would be interesting enough — though probably not quite as interesting as the one you’d just finished, per Nesta’s recommendation — you settled into the armchair across Azriel’s desk, shoulders against one armrest as your legs draped over the other.
Azriel looked up at you then, soft smile curving his lips. He loved when you kept him company while he worked; somehow, whenever you were around, work never seemed nearly as daunting or overwhelming.
You met his gaze with your own grin, silently communicating your support of him in the way that only mates could, tugging gently on the bond before winking at him and resettling your attention back to the book in your lap.
The both of you worked in that wonderfully comfortable silence for a while before Azriel caught you fidgeting out of the corner of his eye. The sun had begun its routine descent below the horizon, cool breeze stirring the sheer curtains framing his windows. Though summer had plagued the days with heat and humidity, the nights were still cool as the last dregs of spring eked away.
He looked up, intending on asking if you needed anything — a blanket, maybe — but the words died swiftly in his throat when he eyed a flash of bare skin as you swung your legs to stand, showcasing just enough for him to clue in to the fact that you were indeed not wearing underwear. Or anything else under your dress, if the peak of your nipples beneath the silk was anything to go by.
Selfishly, for a brief moment, Azriel decided that maybe keeping the windows open wouldn’t be so bad.
He pried his eyes away from your form making its way back to his bookcase, and instead attempted to tamp down the raging lust stirring in his belly so he could focus. But the mental picture of what he knew lay beneath the barely there fabric of your dress coupled with your scent made the lines on the map he was studying blur into nonsense.
Though intelligent and compassionate at heart, Azriel often found himself a slave to his baser male instincts when it came to you. There was little – if anything – you could do to quell the raging need to touch you, kiss you, be near you at all hours of the day; his desire for you was a constant hum belying his daily routine. He had not one iota of self control when you were involved, much to his simultaneous thrill and chagrin.
Inwardly, he cursed himself as he stole another glance at you as you stretched onto your toes to reach a book on the top shelf.
Beauty incarnate, truly, he thought. Azriel’s eyes tracked each slope and valley of the lines of your body, taking his time to commit each curve to memory, the way he should have been doing with the maps sitting now uselessly on his desk.
You looked at him over your shoulder, small pout on your lips, “Az, can you help me? I can’t reach.”
Azriel’s heart leapt. It’s like you were doing it on purpose, and in hindsight you definitely were. But despite the gnawing adoration encouraging him to fall to his knees and worship at your feet, he stood with the cool grace of someone unperturbed by their mate’s subtle seduction.
Azriel obliged you, coming up behind you, one hand curling around your hip to steady himself as the other reached easily to the top shelf to grab the book your fingertips skimmed. As he leaned forward, you could feel the hard planes of his chest against your back and you wanted to abandon all your plans to slowly seduce Azriel into a puddle on the floor, but you remained steadfast in your decision. Nesta had pushed a book into your hands and said she tried this once with Cassian and that the resulting hours were pure heaven, and you wanted to test the theory, curiosity rivaling that of your mate’s.
You barely registered Azriel putting the book in your hands, too lost in the warmth of his familiar touch. But you composed yourself quickly, leaning back into him to kiss him in thanks, not so subtly pushing your ass back into his hips. A feeling of revelry settled in your chest when you felt him already half hard beneath his pants, his fingers curling tighter around your hip.
Oh so reluctantly, you pulled away, perfect picture of obliviousness as you plopped back down on the armchair you were occupying previously.
Azriel thought he would collapse in on himself when you went to sit back down. You had him so tightly ensnared it was like he was still in the midst of the initial mating frenzy. He briefly wondered if the mind-boggling need for you would ever go away, though part of him knew hoped it never would.
He took a moment to compose himself — if that was even possible when one’s mate was clearly playing a dangerous game of seduction — bracing himself with one arm steady against the bookshelf.
Despite how much Azriel so greatly wanted to shirk his responsibilities to bend you over his desk, he wouldn’t. Not yet anyway. The work day wasn’t quite over, and the plans he was making for you would surely last too long to finish his research afterwards. So he steeled himself and took a deep, steadying breath, willing his blood to fill his head again so he could think with some semblance of clarity.
Though at baseline, he always found it difficult to think rationally when you were around.
While Azriel was trying — and failing — to regain his composure, you were feigning extreme interest in the book you had selected at random: The History and Systems of Fae War Treaties.
If Azriel had been paying any attention to what you were reaching for, he’d have caught on to your ploy, but luckily for you the mere sight of you was enough to render him at least somewhat incapacitated.
You took a peek at him over the back of the chair, triumphant satisfaction crooking your lips into a mischievous smile. Maybe this would be the day he finally cracks, you think to yourself.
But as the sun dipped lower beneath the skyline of Velaris below, and as Azriel stubbornly worked away at his desk, you felt the tiredness of the day settle into your bones, pull you deeper into the plush leather of Azriel’s loveseat. Cassian had run you ragged with training this morning, and Rhys and Amren had your mind working tirelessly as the three of you attempted to draft a peace treaty in a meager four hours.
But you wouldn’t sleep, not yet, not until you had reduced Azriel to a beautiful, orgasmic mess in his chair. Not until the hazel of his eyes were blown dark with desire and pleading as you straddled his hips.
The next hour was a fight to stay awake as the words on the pages in your lap began to blur into obscurity, mind muddling with theories and questions — though the book was an off handed choice, you couldn’t deny that the information was coincidentally incredibly pertinent to the discussion you were having with Rhys and Amren earlier in the day.
The telltale sigh of a day’s work completed pulled your attention away from your book, gaze settling on your mate. His hair was mused in a way that told you he had spent the last however long skating his fingers through it, but as always it fell perfectly across his forehead in defiance of the tiredness creeping up his neck.
Azriel’s eyes met yours and apparently your coy seduction earlier still held his body in a vice, evident in the way he stood and stalked to you. There was a cool, domineering edge to his movements and you knew your plan had worked to a degree, but the determination you had to break him down had leeched out of you the same way the night had stolen the day’s heat.
You hummed in satisfaction as he leaned down to kiss you, the pressure gentle and so, so sweet. A stark contrast to the dark and tempting storm of desire Azriel flooded your senses with down the bond.
Never once breaking the contact of your kiss, he’d wedged a knee between your legs as one hand braced against the arm of the loveseat while the other danced at the hem of your dress, endearingly asking for permission.
Your mouth curved against his and you guided his hand up to your hip, gasping delightedly when his hand tracked further up your waist, bringing the hem of your dress up with it as he slotted your hips more comfortably against his leg.
His lips traced a scalding trail of open mouthed kisses against your jaw, your neck, a chuckle rumbling deep in his chest that had your hips rolling against him.
“So bold for me,” he said, his hand skating across your unclothed skin while he urged your hips to grind a little harder against his thigh. You gasped, the pressure so wonderfully perfect against your cunt.
Though your initial intention was to get Azriel all hot and bothered, you couldn’t deny that the game you had set yourself up in had the same effect on you; the lingering, almost lazy path his eyes swept over your body every time you shifted across from him left heat singing between your legs, untamed longing for you dancing down the golden thread between you.
“Az…” you rasped, arching your hips up to meet his still clothed body, the top of your dress pushed languidly down to your waist as Azriel played slow music on the skin of your breasts. The loveseat was a cramped fit at best, but Azriel’s surprising flexibility and dexterity made it work despite the general largeness of his wings and frame. He’d made even the smallest corners of the House work for your sexual escapades.
The memories of all the scandalous little happenings you two have been partaking in the past few months flitted across your mind’s eye like an erotic slideshow, and you groaned. Legs tightening around his in desperate search for more friction, more contact, more of him. His name on your lips again was a wanton plea, a sound so wonderfully obscene Azriel almost came in his pants.
“Hmm?” He hummed, closing his lips around your nipple, teeth gently tugging before his tongue was quick to soothe the ache. The way your hips were grinding so shamelessly against him had his head spinning with a swirling mix of lust and love, and he clung to the last shreds of self discipline he had. It was all he could do to not tear both of your clothes off and sink himself deep into your brilliant warmth.
Azriel had always been patient, mastery over his desire was a skill he’d honed meticulously over the past few centuries — though you had a way of quickly unraveling his self control with one flutter of your eyelashes. But he wanted to make this last for you, wanted to draw out your pleasure for as long as possible. So he pressed his thigh more firmly between your legs, his own hips slotting against the side of your body.
You gasped at the feel of him, of how hard he was against your hip, and you tried to reach him, tried to get him to release some of the tension you knew coiled in his belly. He groaned deep and breathless when you pressed insistently against him, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment before he continued his ministrations on your body.
Azriel’s hands were everywhere, trailing paths around your breasts, up your neck, into your hair, and between your legs the way he no doubt was doing with the maps on his desk earlier.
It was infuriating how close you were already, how swiftly the tables had turned (though you half blamed the sudden onset of your fatigue the day had cursed you with), how with one well placed touch you were on the brink of collapse at Azriel’s mercy yet again.
He was urging your hips faster now, his fingers and lips making quick work of all the places he knew would have you keening. And before you could even register that he was still fully clothed, hard cock still straining against the confines of his pants, you were falling, breathless and dizzy with release.
The night had been far from over. You came twice more in that godsdamned loveseat – once with his fingers buried inside you and another time with his head between your legs – before he whisked you away to your bedroom where you finally, finally felt the delicious stretch of him inside you.
By the time the sun was making its appearance over the horizon once more, you had lost count of how many times Azriel had you begging.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Though your spicy little rendezvous in his office – and encore in the bedroom – wasn’t quite an exact replica of what played out in the book you had apparently just read, Azriel had thought your coy seduction had its intended effect. He’d been so fucking desperate for you that he couldn’t wait until you were out of his study to have you coming for him.
But, as he skimmed the pages of the chapter you marked, he couldn’t help but think that maybe he wouldn’t mind being fully at the mercy of your whims, wouldn’t mind submitting to the pleasure that you so easily coaxed from him. He was already always so eager to please you, so willing to crawl to the ends of the earth for you if you had so much as suggested you wanted him to.
“Azriel?” Nesta’s voice dripped with wicked amusement, effectively pulling him from his erotic reverie. “I never thought I’d see you in this section of the library.”
He hadn’t anticipated that he’d run into Nesta, a severely idiotic oversight on his part considering the House’s library was something akin to her own personal sanctuary. Azriel turned slowly on his heels to face her, mind working in overdrive to come up with a viable excuse for him being there.
“Nesta,” was all he came up with. Pathetic.
Her smirk turned deadly when she realized he was floundering. Arms crossed over her chest, chin tilted ever so slightly upwards, she looked the very portrait of smug amusement; he would expect nothing less of his friend who moonlighted as Lady Death.
Nesta’s eyes dropped to the book he forgot he was holding, and her eyebrows shot up in understanding, “Ah, I just recommended that one to Y/N. She gave it a hefty five stars. Said it was…intriguing.”
Nesta’s sly comments were enough to confirm Azriel’s suspicions that you were taking bedroom inspiration from the arsenal of smutty books the House stocked. And, with the way Nesta was biting her tongue, he could tell that she knew exactly why he was there.
Cassian, that fucking mouthy bastard.
Before Azriel could open his mouth to tell her that it wasn’t what it looked like – even though they both knew it was exactly what it looked like – Nesta stalked past him, pulling books off the shelf with striking precision. With a stack of five books balanced on one hand, she took the one Azriel was holding and reshelved it.
“These are Y/N’s favorite,” she said, this time with a little bit more softness and understanding as she placed them gingerly in his arms. “I’m sure she’d love if you read them.”
Azriel scanned each cover, a fond smile working to tilt the corners of his lips. You did love these; he had been familiar with these covers long before you were even mated, always keeping a lovingly watchful eye on the things you enjoyed, filing the knowledge away in his mind for later.
“Thanks, Nesta,” he said sincerely, adoration for you filling his chest with warmth as he remembered the excitement lighting your eyes while you read these books, cute flush radiating off your cheeks.
Nesta only nodded, giving his shoulder an encouraging few pats as she stalked off to another aisle, no doubt scouring the shelves for a new read.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Azriel told himself that he’d only read a few chapters — for research — but he hadn’t realized that he’d spent the better half of his day off lounging on the loveseat in his study.
Despite his previous reservations around the smutty books you’d so lovingly treasured, he found he was enjoying them — and not just for the well written, detailed sex scenes that you were pulling ideas from. He was two-thirds of the way through the second book, in the midst of the big climax, when you snuck up on him.
“It seems you’ve discovered my dirty little secret,” you said coyly, arms coming up behind him to snake around his shoulders.
Azriel jumped at your sudden appearance, inwardly cursing himself for teaching you how to sneak up on someone so effectively. He closed the book swiftly, feeling a flustered blush creep up his neck.
You pouted and rested your chin on his shoulder, “Aw, you were just getting to the best part! Don’t stop reading on my account.”
Azriel groaned but gave in, leaning back into your touch, “Don’t tease me.”
“I would never tease you, my love,” you said mockingly before kissing his cheek. “It is really the best part, though. The paint scene—“
Before you could regale the details of the main characters’ sexual escapades, Azriel took your chin in his fingers and slotted his lips over yours in a silent plea to stop your innocent tormenting. He reveled in the way you kissed him back without pause; he didn’t think he’d ever get used to the way you loved him as eagerly as he did you.
“Dirty little secret, huh?” He quipped, lips brushing yours as a bemused smirk lifted the corners of his mouth. You rolled your eyes as you made your way around the back of the chair, gesturing for him to uncross his legs so you could settle yourself on his lap.
Your weight was a welcome comfort as he continued prodding you, “Is this why you’ve been so…eager lately?”
“I didn’t think you’d notice,” you admitted, winding your arms around his neck as he scoffed in mock disbelief.
“Give me some credit love, I notice everything when it comes to you.” Came his quick response.
You pursed your lips, half in childish dissatisfaction that your little game was over, “I just wanted to know how to get you to beg for me. I needed ideas.”
Your nonchalance belied the wicked sensuality of your words and he chuckled, wrapping his wings around you both before mapping a scathing trail of kisses up your neck. The pillowy feel of his lips brushing your ear made you shudder, his teeth nibbling playfully at your earlobe as he hummed deep in his chest, “We have a lifetime together, there’s no rush. But since you want it so badly, shall I show you how well I can beg for you?”
Azriel’s offer sent an exhilarating shiver down your spine, and you so desperately wanted to give in, wanted to watch him come undone beneath you as he pleaded with you to touch him. But you shook your head despite yourself, competitive stubbornness the only barrier between you and what you wanted.
“I want to earn it, make you want me so bad you can’t help yourself.”
Your words were a breathy murmur that nearly had Azriel flipping you over right there on the too small lounge chair, but he resisted, prioritizing his assurances that you were the only thing he wanted every second of every day.
“That’s the thing, beloved,” he whispered in your ear, deep voice doused in honey reverberating in your bones as your desire flared so wildly it made you lightheaded. His hand, calloused palms rough against your skin, skated beneath the hem of your dress to grab hold of your hip and move you so you were straddling him.
This was the image you played over and over in your mind. The unbridled, unrestrained look of pleading in his eyes that blew his pupils wide, that had his hips shifting against yours in a display of just how much he wanted you.
“I always want you,” he continued. “I’d beg for you like I am dying of dehydration and you are my oasis. Just ask, and I’ll do exactly as you say.”
You were mesmerized, finger tracing the sharp contours of his jawline before ending at his chin, tilting his gaze up with the same practiced dominance you’d seen him slip into countless times before. You savored the way he shuddered at your touch, pretty lips parting as his chest heaved.
The corner of your mouth quirked, your breath a ghost over his lips, “Show me, then.”
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lateatnewyork · 5 days
pairing: f1 grid x antonelli!reader, ollie bearman x reader
summary: the newest addition to the f1 track... is gen z through and through
extra information: kimi antonelli is your younger brother, you're reserve for mercedes, george broke his arm so you're stepping in. you and ollie have rivalry. (you can imagine u raced for any f2 team)
fc: no one
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liked by kimiantonelli, georgerussell and 503,298 others guess whos on the track for the rest of the season 🥳 view comments
lilyzneimer my favourite driver! ➥ ynantonelli my favourite mclaren person! ➥ oscarpiastri excuse me?? ➥ landonorris i thought we had something yn 😞 kimiantonelli thank god shes gone from here ➥ ynantonelli 🙄 paularon cant wait for the peace olliebearman (we're cheering cos youre gone) ➥ ynantonelli fuck you too this comment is deleted ➥ ynmywife NOT THE PR TEAM COMING FOR YNS ASS mercedesamg so excited! lewishamilton 😎 ➥ ynantonelli cant wait to over take you! logansargeant pls spare me ➥ ynantonelli no one is safe ❤️ yukitsunoda yipee ➥ ynantonelli yipee! charlesleclerc dont run me over ➥ ynantonelli no promises you fraternize with dogs ➥ olliebearman YN IM NOT A DOG ➥ ynantonelli your words not mine ➥ ynantonelli i was talking about leo alexalbon YAYY ➥ alexalbon this is lily i lost my phone ➥ ynantonelli LILY! ➥ ynantonelli leave alex. ➥ alexalbon yn its me again wtf?
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liked by ynantonelli, mercedesamg and 349,284 others YN Antonelli retires from the rest of the F2 season to race for Mercedes-Amg in Formula 1. Antonelli is stepping in for George Russell who broke his arm for reasons we still do not know. We wish YN the best of luck in Formula 1. view comments
ynloml wishing luck to the drivers instead ➥ ynmywife FR user09 who was she on top of in the first picture? ➥ user59 nah man yn was holding kimi up ➥ user42 yeah shes crazy strong
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liked by f1updates, f1gossip and 492,481 others yn antonelli seen with a man before her home race in Italy. view comments
kimiantonelli ok what ➥ user09 even kimi didnt know 😭 ynloml NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ynsno1fan this feels like an invasion of privacy
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liked by paularon, kushmaini and 144,537 others she took these if u care view comments
ynantonelli no one cares ➥ olliebearman no one asked ynantonelli ew ➥ olliebearman says u ynantonelli jumpscare ➥ olliebearman dont u have a boyfriend ➥ ynantonelli cant believe u have a girlfriend charlesleclerc i have a daughter in law?? ➥ oscarpiastri i have a sister in law?? alexanderasaintmleux tell her to come over ➥ kimiantonelli YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS ➥ landonorris pls tell us paularon cutie ➥ ynantonelli oh! ➥ paularon so its ok when u do it to ur friends but not when i do it ➥ ynantonelli yeah? ➥ paularon flipping sexism user09 YN AND OLLIE GONE?! ➥ user48 my ship broke and sank like the titanic ➥ ollieyn what if theyre dating each other ➥ danielricciardo nice try they hate each other ➥ user59 DANIEL?????
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liked by lilymhe, mercedesamg and 239,482 others live from the Imola GP, YN Antonelli's radio comments are disabled
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liked by maxverstappen, charlesleclerc and 693, 529 others lando we can be world champion i said view comments
maxverstappen can u delete the middle picture pls and thank you ➥ ynantonelli nope ❤️ charlesleclerc the caption 😕 ➥ ynantonelli i told u no ones safe kimiantonelli im telling mama u drank champagne ➥ ynantonelli im telling her about you then ➥ ynantonelli and your actually underage olliebearman congratulations i guess ➥ ynantonelli thanks i guess ➥ oscarpiastri wtf just happened ➥ paularon ^ ➥ kushmaini ^ ➥ arthurleclerc ^ ➥ kimiantonelli ^ ➥ landonorris you guys are gonna ruin their one civil moment lewishamilton good job 😎 ➥ ynantonelli thanks lewis ! maxverstappen cannot believe u beat me ➥ ynantonelli girl are just better ! ➥ landonorris real! ➥ maxverstappen lando you're not a girl alexanderasaintmleux YAY ➥ ynantonelli ILY kellypiquet so proud of u bby ➥ ynantonelli 🥹🫶 lilymhe cant believe how far you've come ! ➥ ynantonelli STOP ILYSM
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liked by olliebearman, lilyzneimer and 739,481 others when the plans make it out of the grid (i didnt invite ollie) tagged: kimiantonelli, lilymhe & alexalbon, arthurleclerc, logansargeant, totowolff, lewishamilton, olliebearman, oscarpiastri & lilyzneimer, paularon view comments
user09 i wonder what a grid hangout looks like ➥ ynantonelli it has: kimi almost falling off the boat, alex almost falling off the cart, arthur getting pushed into the sea, logan thinking he got stung by a jellyfish, lewis teaching toto how to ride a bike, ollie being scared of horses, oscar and lily being in their own world, and paul being too busy taking photos to order his food paularon bro posted the worst photo of me ➥ ynantonelli news flash: you look like that all the time lilyzneimer YOU'RE SO GOOD AT TAKING PHOTOS ➥ ynantonelli ur so photogenic its super easy 😍 ynantonelli guys charlesleclerc and alexanderasaintmleux came too ➥ ynantonelli they just had to leave early cos leo didn't like paul ➥ paularon pretty sure he didnt like ollie ➥ olliebearman nah bro pets love me especially cats its prolly kimi lilymhe STOP SO THATS WHY U LEFT EARLY ➥ ynantonelli idk what ur on abt kimiantonelli cant believe both u n ollie left early to go to ur bf/gf ➥ kimiantonelli wait kimiantonelli YN ANSWER MY CALLS ➥ ynantonelli no ❤️
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liked by olliebearman, susiewolff and 591,284 others YN Antonelli wins Singapore GP ahead one lap of everyone else. She kept the lead since lap 7 of a 62 lap race. After her win, she jumped out of her car and jumped into F2 driver Oliver Bearman's arms. The two were believed to have shared a rivalry on the track during YN's F2 days, but perhaps that rivalry was all fake. view comments
kimiantonelli nah bro she dead user09 THATS ACTUALLY CRAZY user82 i need time to process this ynmywife so the rivalry wasnt real 😭 paularon ok what ollieyn YES user54 the one race kimi's not in the garage 😭 totowolff what ➥ user58 bro calling the pr team asap landonorris what did i tell you user28 I TOLD YOU ALL
user58 ok but she looks so happy ➥ user32 fr user11 the way ollie twists her to hide her from the cameras user41 height difference i need 😣 user53 theyre so hot user92 wait so whos the wag ➥ user42 deffo ollie user43 kimi prolly fuming ➥ user98 what is he gonna do hes like 5'6 😭 user48 they havent said anything yet the interviews are in a bit
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liked by olliebearman, lilymhe and 729,381 others loverboy ❤️ comments are disabled
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liked by ynantonelli, alexanderasaintmleux and 492,583 others lovergirl ❤️ view comments
kimiantonelli im gonna run u off the track ➥ premaracing no u wont paularon kimi's gonna kill you user09 THE FIRST PICTURE IM FOLDING oscarpiastri who taught u how to take such good pictures ➥ olliebearman yn 😭 charlesleclerc MY DAUGHTER IN LAW ➥ alexanderasaintmleux nuh uh shes my daughter only alexalbon crazy u didnt even tell me logansargeant this is a wild revelation kushmaini im scared for u dude premaracing our favourite driver and wag ➥ olliebearman ynantonelli they called u a wag u gonna take that ➥ ynantonelli pretty sure they called u a wag ➥ premaracing ^ lilymhe YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTEEE lilyzneimer oscarpiastri learn how to take pictures like that pls ➥ oscarpiastri ok 😞 ynantonelli ollie baby u were meant to turn the comments off 😭 ➥ olliebearman oops ynantonelli i love you ➥ olliebearman i love you too
a/n OSCAR WON YIPEEE i lowkey feel bad for oscar tho like the way lando ignore him on the podium, mclarens lowkey messed up for this
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acomaflove · 3 months
Azriel: *sneezes and shadows come out of his nose*
Nesta: ………So we are all just going to ignore that?
Cassian: Oh my bad; bless you, Azriel.
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