#and he recovered... he rallied he overcame and he's gonna have a whole life now
I think it's a little strange of me to be hyperfocusing this much on what trauma was done to Jonathan Harker but I think what it is is the novel lets the audience in on all the quite severe and longlasting repercussions of Jonathan's ordeal but only hints at what the trauma actually is and that's driving my imagination wild. The pure insanity, the fact that he just slipped into an immediate disassociative state the second he saw Dracula, the fact that according to Mina he is having fully immersive nightmares where he doesn't know where he is and she has to talk him back to himself. When Seward's like "he looks like an old man now" like that's all so real and vivid and my Friend Jonathan Harker was hurt really badly yet it's never confirmed by Stoker that he was even bitten like I need the details I need to know what exactly happened to my good friend Jonathan Harker that made him suffer this much.
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