#and he was like 'i KNOW you aren't talking lmfaoooooo'
hazellvsq · 1 year
mfs really love slotting hazel in roles. died bc she’s a daughter resurrected bc she’s a sister. everyone’s like “hazel’s not like the OTHER undead ghost that i’m about to kill bc she’s pretty/good/like my sister.” hazel is actually exactly like that other undead ghost.
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morethanonepage · 2 years
1 3 5 8 15?
What's something you've written that you know is OOC and you just don't care?
lmfaoooooo i'm torn between priding myself that NOTHING I EVER WRITE EVER IS OOC and being like, everything i ever write is ooc bc deep down i want even the messiest/most awful characters to have nice fluffy moments together and i know realistically that would not happen BUT THAT'S WHAT I WANT and so i continue to write it.
i think sometimes i *have* written stuff more for the joke of the thing (the one where chas shaves his beard, the javert-adopts-cossette-instead fic) that are MORE ooc bc again, i wrote them for the humor of the situation, but i like to think they're at least within a RANGE of characterization.
(also i mean any time you write non canon esp slash ships they're like, ooc bc the canon creators would NEVER take it there but i ESPECIALLY don't care about that).
3. Something you wish a commenter had called attention to, but got ignored.
oooh i don't know really, there's usually at least one line that i'm really proud of myself for writing in terms of character voice and/or rhythm and/or just like, quiet aching melancholy of the thing and they're rarely mentioned by commenters but like, that's ok mostly. like i think most people who enjoy my fics do so more bc of like, the whole of work & the characterizations over like really beautiful lines or whatever, esp since i see my style as very simple and efficient over it being especially flowery or explicitly emotional.
i do always kind of laugh when i get 'omg so many great lines here i'm not even going to try to quote them all' bc i'm like. well but also you could tho. at least one maybe. to soothe my fragile ego etc.
5. Something you hate to see in smut.
I mean. Also what I hate in smut is what i hate in writing in general -- epithet abuse and OOC behavior. I'm also kind of weirded out by like. Explicit dick measurements (i.e., where inches/centimeters are specified) unless it's for the lulz (and even then i think it kills the ~sexy mood, which might be the intent so I don't mind in that case). Also really roll my eyes when it's a scene between two men and one or both devotes time to ~I don't have to worry about being rough with HIM, not like if he was a WOMAN. like ok bro sorry it's such a CHORE to treat a woman you're fucking with a modicum of care. (I know in a lot of cases this IS arguably in character. but i do genuinely just find it annoying to read). but like. some women like it rough. some men don't. let's broaden our horizons here.
8. Something you love to see in dialogue.
Inside jokes, esp if they're not explained. (like amongst the MCU's INFINITE crimes, the explicit clarification of 'what happened in budapest' is UP THERE)
And just like. Conversations that fit the canon/characters. Like I hate it when characters in fic sound like tiktok teens/tumblr millennials but i love it when they sound like THEMSELVES and aren't just talking about stuff that moves the plot forward. sometimes people just have conversations with their friends. it's part of worldbuilding/setting the mood. And it's ABOUT the conversation-- I hate big blocks of text where it's just one character dumping exposition, I like it when there's interruptions and responses and eyerolls and huffs of laughter etc etc etc.
y'know. the sicko to sicko communication of it all.
15. We all project onto our characters. Where has your personality or life choices leaked onto the page the most?
lolllll well my thirst for nbc!chas chandler is the basis for like, 75% of my johnchas fic (the 25% which is written from chas' POV is about my self esteem issues). also a lot of john being a jerk/saying the wrong things is like, catharsis for me bc i'm generally pretty careful about not upsetting people (shut up it's true in my real life) and i think on some level john enjoys being the worst and it's fun for me to imagine/write what that would be.
also a lot of my AUs have characters be lawyers. like it's pretty heavily implied in a last minute possibility that Poe is a public defender, mostly bc the idea delighted me. In my finnpoe big bang fic that has not seen the light of day, Poe is a political operative with most of my opinions, and Finn is a lawyer from New York who leaves his job to go work in a small up state new york town, which is what i randomly fantasized about doing after going to a wedding in the Hudson Valley. (i know the Hudson Valley isn't REALLY upstate new york. but to me it is.)
Oh god also the so-called travelogue fic (which is a gen fic where Poe spends time with his dad on Yavin IV before the events of TFA but after he joined the Resistance) is mostly just about my memories of visiting Mexico. Like embarrassingly so but I'm still proud of it.
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
decided i hate myself enough to rewatch nancy drew. nd became a hyperfixation for me realllllllll quick and i invested way too much emotion in it because lbr i have no idea how to regulate that shit. anywho #ndthoughts that no one asked for (and dont fuckin ask me either i dont wanna explain)/(block these tags, seriously)
i have several Unpopular Opinions™️ about nancy and most of them are due to the fact that i think she and i are similar in veryyyy many ways and not a lot of good ones. for starts the emotional vs intelligent aspect. nancy is highly intelligent but it's my personal opinion that intellect and social aptitude are trade offs, ie you have one and lack the other. i identify with nancy as a combo of "my way is the only way" combined with "she's the best there is at what she does, but it's so fucking annoying to admit bc shes kinda arrogant about it"
anyway. onwards: AUGUST 25, 2019 // the pilot
-i wonder who nancy's high school bf is and if hes relevant (its a small town after all)
-i fuckin knew lucy wasn't actually murdered bc there was no body, thats like step 1
-my HEART for her hairstyles that aren't body waves with a middle part (god i miss s1 hair looks)
-"it's like that but with no shark" LMFAOOOOOO TIFFANY STOP
-also, who was she on the phone with in the beginning? laura maybe?
-"why does he say your name like that"/"you mean do it for you?" --> these girls are sooo hype to the fact that nancy/mcginnis is a thing (and he's soooooooo eager to pin her w/ something #weirdobsession #intimidated) don't ask me about my nancy/mcginnis thoughts honestly
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: nick is a total asshole for forcing nancy to confess their "relationship" in front of the crew
-^and him following her was a tad creepy but it worked in her favor so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-LOVE the nail polish thing, need me one of those
-"this time next year i'll be in college"/"oh, and i won't?" nick we're not FUCKING TALKING ABOUT YOU
-"like i know more than you?"/"we're helpful" nancy: i'd rather die
-honestly, how the fuck did karen/carson even happen (looking for honest takes here)(i'm not honestly i'm not)
-"hooking up" like father like daughter 😌
(i have a literal venn diagram of nancy's similarities to carson, ryan, and both carson's is called "irony" and ryan's is "foreshadowing") dont even think about asking me about it pls
-nancy is kind of a dick for still asking about jail in the car
and my final thought (about time, bitch🙄): when do nancy's inner thoughts stop? i know they do but ive never actually pinpointed when. to investigate
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