#and helaena even flinches when alicent reaches for her—it seems like she isn’t a very nurturing mother figure and doesn’t understand
ladysansa · 2 years
the stark difference of how Alicent is portrayed as a mother and as a person and how Rhaenyra is portrayed…very interesting to see and it really brings home just how much her father has impacted her and fucked her up—and how much she’s changed.
Alicent forces all of her anxieties and worries onto her children and she doesn’t seem to be very invested in them—she seems rather bored around Helaena and her bugs and Aegon doesn’t seem like he wants to be king, but Alicent wants to instil in them the same mistrust she has to Rhaenyra and, even though Rhaenyra offers her an olive branch, she refuses it. Alicent doesn’t want peace in the family, she doesn’t care about the things she insists that Rhaenyra doesn’t care about. She wants her son to be king, because she still trusts what her father told her all those years ago, that fear that he instilled in her, despite the fact that we’ve seen nothing from Rhaenyra that would make us thinks she would ever harm her brothers and sister.
I have no doubt that Alicent once loved Rhaenyra very much, we’ve seen it. but Alicent’s paranoia and mistrust of her—and her blind trust in her father—is going to start a war, and end in the deaths of thousands and the deaths of all of her children and grandchildren. It isn't going to be Rhaenyra that starts a war—it's Alicent.
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