#and hell i quoted pokemon a few tags ago but sumo and black & white had great stories
helladventurers · 1 year
(long negative rant, be aware)
I think i'm starting to pinpoint one of the biggest reasons I can't really connect with the plot of botw and totk anymore 😫 and it's because I'm really tired of the "peaceful world whose entire source of conflict can all be pinned into a single, cartooningly evil individual/organization" trope
I'm rewatching some fire emblem playthroughs, another series who relies on that plot narrative too much, and it's exhausting to me 🫠 I thought that totk was a step down from botw plot wise, but it's really Nintendo's incapability and refusal to evolve and to make stories more complex than bog standard "evil always falls and light destroys darkness" kinda stories
#having watched a playthrough of revelations was eye opening lol#because that's an entire game/route who undoes all depth the story might have had just to introduce a big bad it can pins the blame upon#and that was the first moment i went 'ah this is a pet peeve of mine isn't it'#and like#fuck i don't care if you keep doing this to series like pokemon or mario#but you can't make a story on the scale of stuff like fire emblem or zelda where that's all it boils down to and expect me to stay invested#it doesn't help that them wanting to simplify everything also killed paper mario#which was one of my favorite series of all times#but at this point I can't even say it anymore because the amount of games i hate of the series outweight the amount of ones i love#and i that combined with everything nintendo has been doing#i'm just kinda done with them and their games#and hell i quoted pokemon a few tags ago but sumo and black & white had great stories#and again in sumo's case they just undid all the depth the story had in a later game#and they don't even pretend pokemon now is anything but a money printing machine for them#...also i fully realize that this might attract negativity considering i'm naming several series with giant rabbid fandoms#and if you're one of the people who might be angered at this#just don't waste your time and do something better than engaging with this post#bothering to engage with this post in a rude way will earn you nothing but a block#also i'm not saying fates had much depth to begin with just that they went and destroyed whatever depth there might've been there
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