#and here comes a wild pocketoffeels
foodsies4me · 2 months
When Alec decide to have a nap in the orphanage garden and baby Max and Sorcha decide to join him
+ general rookies always circulating around him
I am slightly cursing you for making me break my "no Magnus POV till Bridges is done" oath, but also this was too cute a scene that I couldn't stop myself from writing this.
His vision swims with pulses of light, the million sunbeams increasing his headache into a migraine that has him swallowing pain and bile back in equal measure. His body shakes with exhaustion, his fingers prickling with oversensitivity despite how familiar all these sensations have grown through the years. Magnus is tired and exhausted, his limits so far out of sight that they might as well have been the starting point. Ragnor and Agatha are talking among themselves, discussing something Magnus doesn't have the wherewithal to pay attention to at present. Neither is looking at him and Magnus takes the chance to slip away before either can notice his growing unease and discomfort. Magnus is about to head back to his loft, his mind running through all he still has to do despite his clear exhaustion, the plans he still needs to discuss with Raphael, and the potion he still needs to finish for Catarina and the werewolves. He planned to head straight home only for his eyes to land on a giggling Shan and Cylia, who disappear behind the corner and into the small garden behind the orphanage. The two girls are holding a bouquet of flowers in their hands - daisies, bluebells, forget-me-nots, and other flowers Magnus doesn't have the time to recognize. Even with exhaustion dragging him down, his magic hurting more than any headache ever could, Magnus follows them to see what the two girls are up to. He can hear Ali's voice before he turns the corner, bright and gleeful as he whispers something to a giggling Shan and what sounds like a chuckling Zacharias. His little magicians are all turned with their backs to him when he peeks in their direction, talking among themselves and looking down at something on the ground at their feet. A step closer reveals that something to be a sleeping Lightwood, his arms wrapped around a dozing Max and Sorcha. Lightwood's face is pressed tightly to Max's wavy blue hair, Max's fists clutching Lightwood's shirt between his hands. Sorcha is tucked under Lightwood's armpit, scaly feet wriggled under Lightwood's shirt and pressed to his bare skin in search for warmth. Yara is lying draped over Lightwood's middle, her face cushioned on Lightwood's stomach as all four continue to doze peacefully - unbothered by the giggling voices around them or the flowers that Shan, Cylia, and Ezra are braiding into their hair. His little magicians are all smiling happily, his ward looking safe and content in Lightwood's arms and some of the exhaustion fades from his shoulder as Magnus reminds himself why he's been pushing himself so far for so long. Just a little bit longer. His eyes linger on Lightwood's face, soft and peaceful in his sleep and Magnus feels another wave of pain and doubt wash through him. He just needs to hold on a little bit longer. Lilith, please just don't let him have made a mistake.
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