#and here comes etzel with the steel sandal!
redmessenger · 1 year
"lukas, wasn't it?" peaceably, as though the words to follow should be ' nice weather we're having ' or ' i wanted to thank you for your recommendations the other day. ' instead, there's the crackling static of gathering lightning, the popping of blue-white fulgur, and the pervasion of ozone preceding a storm. thunder magic always had a way of sucking the oxygen out of a place, even as open a grounds as gronder field. he didn't have any interest in sneaking up on the man, even if he was an ' opponent ' for the day. part of him rather hoped that by announcing himself, he might even give the spearman an upper hand, and so end this quickly. first they'd asked him to survey a battleground, then they asked him to fight in it. for sport.
"... if possible, i'd like today to go by quickly."
etzel ( 5/5 ) → attacks lukas ( 5/5 ) with thunder. etzel critically hits! (20) , 4 dmg.
Etzel. Lukas' mind offers his opponent's name quickly, though there's not much use for it now. The man's identity comes second to his apparent occupation, the robes he wears and the powerful magic he wields. A mage, he concludes with a frown. Lukas fought his fair share of them back in the war, but they always proved to be tricky opponents.
Etzel Roll: 20, crit! 4 damage dealt, Lukas 1/5HP
And this one is no different. Thunder magic strikes him frightening power and accuracy, nearly bringing Lukas to his knees. When Etzel said he wanted a quick fight, he certainly wasn't kidding. Fortune favors his opponent, but Lukas has no interest in surrendering when the battle's just beginning.
"...Very well. Let's not waste time with talk then."
Lukas (1/5) counterattacks with the Javelin! Hits (8), -1.5HP Lukas (1/5) attacks with Shatter Slash! Hit (12), -1.5HP and -1 def/res for one turn
With Etzel so close, Lukas strikes quickly with the javelin. Another one of those Thunder strikes could easily kill him if they aren't careful. But if he manages to unbalance the mage, he might just have a chance of winning this battle.
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