#and hes like “gale hun its a controlled concoction youll get into deep shit if youre found making it illegally”
just-a-trans-nerd · 10 months
I kept changing my Tavs voice to be higher with each of the masculine variants bc I could never decide which one suited him more and because im Like That i Had to come up with an in-universe excuse to why his voice kept changing. So I just declared he has magical testosterone potions he used to get from a pal in baldurs gate. but ever since the squid ship stole him away and he woke up with the rest of of the Gay Brigade in fuckall nowhere, hes so preoccupied with the tadpole/absolute nonsense that the journey to baldurs gate is getting prolonged and he cant get back to his prescriber!!! So bc he isnt taking it every day, some effects start to wear off. They wont ever go away completely to his relief, but his voice gets a lil lighter and less hair is growing back after shaving. Its like when you forget to get your T re-prescribed and go a while without it bc life and busy and then one day you wake up to a blood moon . and its like. ah. i see. better get back on that boy juice huh
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