#and his debut was on his bday + two goals
trennoandgreggo · 9 months
shut up that's so cute
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potahun · 4 years
Some more Qin Shen Shen moment translations (part 4/?)
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Link to other translations so far
-Pretty much all the cuts in Ep. 9
a. Episode 9: Zhou Hua Jian is on stage, patting his face with a tissue after his and Yi Qiao’s performance, and Li Keqin basically decides to throw Zhou Shen under the bus. 
ZS, talking discreetly to LKQ about ZHJ: Why does he consistently carry those tissues to absorb facial oil? haha 
LKQ: *lightbulb moment* ...Ask him in a moment.
ZS: !...I don’t want to. Haha *cutely, with his arms in a cross* No! 
LKQ, raising his hand (to ZHJ): Wait a second, just to ask... Earlier, when you finished singing, the young singer next to me had a question he wanted to ask you.  (ZS, pointing at LKQ in disbelief: EEEEYYY )
ZS, helpless but goes with it (to ZHJ): Uhhh....It’s teacher Keqin who asked me to ask this...... Why do you consistently carry those tissues to absorb oil or to wipe sweat? 
ZHJ, being a great sport: ?? Why wouldn’t I carry them? *laughs*
LKQ (to ZS): That’s just how senior singers are!
ZS: Oh. Alright! (to ZHJ) It’s teacher Keqin who asked me to ask this. Sorry elder brother Hua Jian. *bows*
ZHJ, playing along: Not at all. Not at all! You’re asking for the brand of the tissues, aren’t you?
ZS, panicking while LKQ is cracking up next door: Aaah...?? *uneasy laughter* (ZHJ, still playing: Or is it the price??) Yes - uh, the brand! Y-y-you can just tell me backstage. 
ZHJ, still laughing: No problem, no problem.
ZS, barely recovering, but grabbing LKQ’s shoulder while LKQ looks like he’s having a blast: Is this how you throw people under the bus?? Is it??? (LKQ leans into ZS’s part of the sofa, still enjoying himself too much)
b. Episode 9: Football cut, Li Keqin had told Zhou Shen that if he could shoot the ball into the goal, he could choose the song. If not, Li Keqin would choose. The result’s not surprising.
LKQ, each of them sitting on a football: I’d like a song with a lot of long notes.
ZS: A lot of long notes right? *thinks*
LKQ: Actually, I used to have this song called “Great Concert Hall” *demonstrates a little* But I’m scared that you’ll have to sing in Cantonese again -- it feels like each time, I’m bullying you. *snorts*
ZS, kickstarting broadcasting mode: Not at all. Why would everyone else think that you’re bullying me? They’ll just think that you’re giving me an opportunity to practice my Cantonese. *impish smile*
LKQ, patting ZS on the shoulder: Good kid. (Both crack up)
They talk about Han Hong’s “Tian Liang Le” and its sad backstory and ZS does a K.O on Li Keqin with his “my every song are my children” line. (already translated)
LKQ: What else is there?
ZS: *sings a little bit of “That Sea” / “Na Pian Hai”* (LKQ: Ohhhh! )
LKQ: *sings along* Eh, this song is really good. (ZS: It is a really good song.) But if we really decide to sing this one....we might have to make some changes to it.
ZS: Truth be told, if it’s a duet, it will already be a little differen-- eh? At the end, wasn’t it supposed to be you choosing the song? Why am I giving so many ideas?
LKQ: Eeeh, we’re a teaam... (ZS: Aaaahh) Okaayy *snaps fingers* (ZS: As expected of senior singeeers *snaps fingers with him* Role model artists are just differennnt) LKQ: It’s like you and your every song being your childreeenn. (Both start laughing again) 
c. Episode 9: During Qin Shen Shen’s performance, Li Keqin’s earphone monitor fell during his high note and was basically hanging behind his butt for the rest of the song. At the end of the song, the MC points it out:
MC: Elder brother Keqin, had you realised that it fell?
LKQ, no shame whatsoever: Yeah. *clears throat* 
ZS, very impish: Haha!
LKQ: So I was scared that this...this young person here *designates ZS* (ZS: You’re young too.) ...would feel embarrassed, so I...tried to give it my maximum. 
 ZS, using the polite form of “you”: Ah, no, no, no. Please do not say that. I am scared. *still laughs* 
Fun fact:  Li Keqin’s earphone monitor fell in Zhou Shen’s presence not once, not twice, but three times: once here, once in Episode 12, and one time during their 2020 New Year’s concert event (Ye Lang Disco) after which Li Keqin probably couldn’t hear the music anymore and looked like he had to find his rhythm back by reading Zhou Shen’s lips.
d. Episode 9: Backstage room. Even though they’d introduced what they’d sing as “That Sea”, what they sang is actually a combination of “That Sea” and another song called “Listen to the Sea” ( “Ting Hai”). Li Keqin explains.
LKQ: Actually, I think those two songs’ lyrics overlap quite a bit. So...I thought, if we could mix them together, it could give a bit of a ....... *wiggles silently while looking at ZS*
ZS (to the camera), translating: ...a nice surprise!
LKQ: A nice surprise! Yes!
e. Episode 9, after each group wished Li Keqin happy birthday using their own musical way. 
MC (to LKQ): So the show’s staff team doesn’t really have a birthday present for you, but we’ve found a very special song and through this song, we’d like to ask you a question, is that ok? *the staff puts on a song*
LKQ, thinking briefly before nodding: Mm.
MC: Elder brother Keqin, this song is very meaningful to you. 
LKQ: Of course. I used this song to enter a competition (T/N: the competition thanks to which he debuted).
MC: 34 years ago... (LKQ makes a face) you used this song to win a singing competition.
LKQ: Yes, at 2 years old. 
ZS laughs. LKQ, next to him: ;;;;;;;;;;;
Li Keqin then explains how, at the time he won the competition, he had signed up for college (he was actually 18) and told his parents to give him 2 years, if after 2 years there were still ppl willing to sell his CDs, he’d stay in the industry etc. etc. 
f. Episode 9: Easter egg at the end of the episode, i.e. Zhou Shen rallies the other participants one by one and organises a bday surprise for Li Keqin. 
ZS (visiting ZHJ): Hello teacher Hua Jian.
ZHJ, while asking ZS to sit: Eeehh! Hello little Zhou (ZS: Hello, big Zhou) Old Zhou finally meets small Zhou.
Zhou Shen explains that he wants to do a bday surprise for Li Keqin. Zhou Hua Jian replies that he’ll think of a few lines to sing to him, including writing a few lyrics, which Zhou Shen finds to be great. 
ZS, bullshitting: Then...Then the day after tomorrow is my birthday, can you also write a song for me? (both crack up)
ZHJ: Let’s talk about that tomorrow. (Both crack up again) So, now that I’m already going to put in work for him *grabs ZS’s arm* what are you guys singing tonight? *laughs*
ZS: Ahh! *slides away on his chair* We’ll sing whatever you’ll sing!!
ZHJ: Hey, no need to slide away on your chair like that! (ZS slides away even more)
(Later, when Zhou Shen visits Ren Xianqi) RXQ: So, what you’re saying is that you’d like to give him a “surprise” (said in English). 
ZS: Yes. 
RXQ: How do you want to do it? Splash him with cake?
ZS, laughing: That’s not a “surprise”, that’s a “shock” (also said in English).
Zhou Shen then says he also needs the younger singers’ help and visits Ayanga first. They say hello and start acting needlessly formal.
ZS, in an uncharacteristically deep tone: May I ask if this is gentleman Ayanga?
AYG, in the same tone: It is.
ZS: I am gentleman Zhou Shen. 
AYG: Please sit.
ZS, shaking his hand, still acting formal: Tonight, I need your help for something. 
AYG, playing along: Tell me.
ZS: Tomorrow....*switches to mischievous whisper* ...is teacher Li Keqin’s birthday!!
AYG: Then what do you have?  Do you have cake? *laughs*
ZS: Of course. A birthday surprise should of course have birthday cake.
AYG: Is it those cakes that have multiple levels and are really high?
ZS: Full of peaches.  (ZS cracks up and looks at the camera) No need to broadcast this (T/N: Not too sure, but I think there’s an inference with peaches and old people?)  Anyways, I’ll count on your cooperation, Ga Zi Ge. (AYG: Of course! Such a good thing) See you later, gentleman Ayanga.
AYG: Ay. Ms. Zhou Shen-- (ZS, holding him down: Don’t stand up.) 
Zhou Shen then realises what he said and hits him while Ayanga laughs. Zhou Shen finally visits Xiao Zhan.
XZ: What do you need me to do? 
ZS: Push the cake trolley!
XZ: No problem, I’m the best at pushing cake trolleys! 
ZS: Ah, really? Then ok, thank you. *shakes his hand*
XZ: Ah, that’s it? Whoa, this surprise is pretty easy to do!
For the surprise itself, Zhou Shen hides behind the sofa in the backstage room where all of the senior singers will come sit & chat. He lies down with a confetti cracker and his gift for Li Keqin. The seniors come in and start chatting about things, including their younger singer partners. Ren Xianqi mentions that whenever people see him and Liu Yuning together, they find Ren Xianqi’s legs really short (because Liu Yuning is super tall), and Li Keqin picks up:
LKQ: Well, my partner is not easy to work with either!
ZS, hidden behind the chair: ????? *narrows his eyes*
LKQ (to the others): You (RXQ) said just now that after working with yours, you found out that your legs are very short. Well, me? After working with mine, I suddenly found out my key is very low! 
Zhou Shen laughs silently behind the sofa, while the seniors agree.
RXQ: Right, Zhou Shen’s singing key is really high. 
LKQ: Yeah, my key is like here, and his is there! *demonstrates the gap with his hands*
ZHJ: That...that, we all know already. Doesn’t he have any other small problems/bad points? (RXQ: Right, any other small....?)
LKQ: ...No. No, he doesn’t. Appearance-wise, we match quite well. It’s very nice. 
ZHJ: *chortles* He makes your legs look long. 
All the seniors laugh, and Zhou Shen feigns being hurt behind the sofa, rolling his eyes. 
ZHJ: He really doesn’t? Not even a small problem?
LKQ: No, no. I find him very fun. He just doesn’t like sports. So I’ve asked him, what do you usually do at home? And he told me... “I lie down at home”. That’s it! (ZS is covering his mouth behind the sofa) So each episode, I take him out to play a sport. (RXQ, interested: Eh? ) Yeah! Yeah, yeah. For the 2nd episode, we played badminton, and yesterday, we played football.
ZHJ: Oh, no wonder, no wonder -- I think he grew taller! (all the seniors laugh, and ZS also laughs behind the sofa) That fast!
Zhou Shen finally makes the confetti cracker explode, scaring all the seniors. Li Keqin is in complete ????????? mode while Zhou Hua Jian is already dying of laughter at seeing Zhou Shen come out from behind the sofa. Li Keqin finally sees Zhou Shen and jumps to his feet:
ZS, vaguely threatening: Teacher Keqin~ 
LKQ, dying of laughter but also cowering: Eiyo, yo, eiyo, ey... Whoa! You’ve been hiding there for this long?? 
RXQ: You want to scare us to death?
ZS: From the beginning, I’ve marked down each and every single one of the bad points that you’ve raised about us young singers. (ZHJ laughs) I shall transmit them to the others one by one. But especially you *grabs LKQ’s arm* What you said was exceptionally truthful. 
LKQ, opening his mouth like a goldfish: Thank God I praised you a tiny little bit in the beginning, huh? Otherwise I’d be done for, huh? *makes space for ZS on the sofa* Sit, sit, sit...
The other young singers finally come in with the cake and more confetti crackers, thus completing the surprise.
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Episode 9 bonus, not a QSS moment, but the others’ comments on their performance: 
FYQ, on behalf of him and Ayanga: Really, really really. This definitely needs written notes. (...) These two have already collaborated multiple times; there’s plenty of chemistry. And especially Zhou Shen...his voice is multi-layered, it keeps piling upwards...... Li Keqin’s voice is SO stable! You sang these songs of yours, changing back and forth, it made us really enjoy it... *remembers his killer line* The score will definitely be high. (T/N: he says that line for every group throughout ep. 9) 
ZHJ (about FYQ): It sounds a lot like a report on the situation of the stocks market. 
ZHJ, on behalf of him and Yi Qiao (about LKQ and ZS): I feel like this group, from ep. 1 onwards, they’ve kept levelling up (...) We will work hard too. In the future, when we grow up, we’ll definitely learn from you. *laughs* 
AC, on behalf of her and Xiao Zhan: Oh, I was closing my eyes earlier on and thinking ‘where did this girl come from? Her singing is so beautiful! (ZS looks to the side, embarrassed) (...) Especially, these two, they have a kind of...It’s like, when we used to do acting in the past, the director would tell us that acting is like a ball game, if one side’s ball falls to the ground, the scene won’t look good. This scene (referring to Qin Shen Shen) looks really good.
RXQ, on behalf of him and Liu Yuning: I think it’s really pleasing to the eye. Especially the stage design, and those two looking like they’re looking at each other across the sea, and then slowly, slowly getting back together. It makes you feel the sea waves coming and surrounding you. *appreciative sound* Good. *thumbs up*
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Ok guys thanks for being so understanding about the break! I’m working as fast as I can, but I’m afraid I might have to close the requests for a bit. Get them in now if you have them. I’ll let you know when I close them! Anyway... happier topics! Here’s the updated queue!
Today (what isn’t posted today I’ll add on to tomorrow)- Tyler Seguin- picks on insecurities accidentally
               Andre Burakovsky- broken up but dance at a party
              Miles Wood- smut
              Tom Wilson- DWTS jealousy
Friday 5/12- Artturi Lehkonen- embarrassed in front of good friend Gally
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Chris Kreider- Stepan behind the mic couples interview
Saturday 5/13- Connor McDavid- dating famous singer
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Carter Hart- helping him after WJC loss
Sunday 5/14- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
                Tyler Seguin- shower smut
               Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday 5/15- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
               Jake Virtanen- smut
               Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday 5/16- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff spot
Wednesday 5/17- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
           Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
           Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
               Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Problematic Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
             Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
               Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
                   Nico Hischier- smut
                  Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
74 notes · View notes
footyplusau · 7 years
Melbourne v Collingwood: Father-son pick Callum Brown to make senior debut for Magpies
Collingwood father-son pick Callum Brown will make his AFL debut on Monday against Melbourne in the annual Queen’s Birthday clash.
Coach Nathan Buckley confirmed the news for Magpies fans after training on Thursday at The Glasshouse.
Play Video Don’t Play
Daniher focused on football not contract
Play Video Don’t Play
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FootyFix: Queen’s Bday bragging rights
FootyFix: Queen’s Bday bragging rights
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 12 in the AFL.
Daniher focused on football not contract
Play Video Don’t Play
Daniher focused on football not contract
Daniher focused on football not contract
Joe Daniher is adamant he is only thinking about footy, letting his manager and club handle the contract negotiations.
Daniher learnt from the best
Play Video Don’t Play
Daniher learnt from the best
Daniher learnt from the best
Neale Daniher assures reporters his nephew Joe comes from a family of superstars, who are proud he carries on the Daniher name at Essendon.
AFL plays of round 11
Play Video Don’t Play
AFL plays of round 11
AFL plays of round 11
Impey has the power to leap, Geelong play total football to beat Crows, Suns put Eagles in the shade, GWS are awesome and go top and Dusty racks up the Brownlow votes yet again.
FootyFix: Cats face stern test against Crows
Play Video Don’t Play
FootyFix: Cats face stern test against …
FootyFix: Cats face stern test against Crows
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 11 in the AFL.
AFL plays of round 10
Play Video Don’t Play
AFL plays of round 10
AFL plays of round 10
Top Cat takes a screamer, Buddy deadly but Burgoyne all silk, Garlett turns it on in Alice, Tiges rule Dreamtime at the G and Greene brilliance delivers in the West.
Late Geelong goal beats Power in thriller
Play Video Don’t Play
Late Geelong goal beats Power in thriller
Late Geelong goal beats Power in thriller
Geelong and Port Adelaide played out a see-sawing affair which ultimately saw the Cats prevail by just two points.
FootyFix: Queen’s Bday bragging rights
Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 12 in the AFL.
“It’s great to see a Brown in the first 22 for Collingwood again,” Buckley said.
“There’s a bit of romanticism with his old man that will clearly be reflected on.”
Callum Brown turns out for Vic Metro against Vic Country last June. Photo: Eddie Jim
It promises to be a debut to remember for Brown, son of club legend Gavin, with a crowd of 72,000 expected to attend.
Buckley said that, after the initial shock of being told of his selection, Brown was “over the moon” at the thought of playing his first game for the club where his famous father won a premiership in 1990.
“His VFL form has been really strong over the last three or four weeks,” Buckley said.
“We broke protocol a little bit by letting him know this morning in front of the boys. He didn’t know it was happening, so he was pretty shocked. Clearly he was pumped.
“We know that we’re not going to lack in endeavour or grunt from him and he’s got a fair bit of class to go with that.
“He’s busy, he’s a ball winner and a ball hunter, he’s got great short speed and that lateral agility.
“He’s an exciting young prospect with a great attitude, a really professional young man and he’s not going to die wondering.”
Alex Fasolo is also a strong chance to return to the team after sitting out last week’s match to deal with mental health issues while James Aish will be considered after recovering from a fractured cheekbone.
What Taylor Adams said was right. We haven’t been a successful club for a long period.
Simon Goodwin
But the Magpies will head into battle against the Demons without Tyson Goldsack (shoulder), Daniel Wells (calf) and Jamie Elliott (ankle) who all injured themselves against Fremantle on Sunday.
Buckley suggested Goldsack might only be sidelined for two weeks, while Elliott could miss anywhere from one to four weeks and Wells would be out for at least a month.
Buckley was bullish about his team’s ability to cover for the absence of the key trio.
“We’re in a much better position now to be able to deal with that,” he said.
“If we bring the same attitude and effort that we’ve seen in recent weeks we’ll be pretty hard to beat, so we’re pretty confident heading into the game.”
Buckley was disappointed to lose Wells again for an extended period considering he had been playing so well after a delayed start to the season.
Many eyebrows were raised at Collingwood’s decision to hand Wells, 32, a three-year deal at the end of last season given his extensive injury history at North Melbourne.
However, Buckley maintained he did not regret recruiting the veteran midfielder.
“It’s what happens when you get to the end of your career (with) your body, you can’t trust it as much as you used to in the past,” Buckley said.”The footy that he played in the time that he was up and about whets the appetite. There’s no doubt he was pretty important to us, especially early days when he came back into the side.”
The traditional Queen’s Birthday clash with play host to ‘Big Freeze 3’, a fundraising initiative to help find a cure for motor neurone disease.
Former Melbourne coach Neale Daniher, a sufferer of MND, is a central figure to the campaign and Buckley was full of praise for him.
“Neale is an inspirational character,” Buckley said.
“For him to be as courageous as he is suffering what he’s suffering, and to be the pioneer for the fundraising and the awareness of MND is first class and when you see any person that’s going through duress, or in the plight that he is in, and do it with such grace, dignity and positivity, it’s a fair example for us all.”
The post Melbourne v Collingwood: Father-son pick Callum Brown to make senior debut for Magpies appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2rOn8oN via http://footyplus.net
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue
Ok guys so big moment here. As of right this moment, I am book until SEPTEMBER!!! I have over 300 requests and as much as I love you guys:
Im so sorry to do this guys but I am getting a wee bit overwhelmed! I’ll open them back up when we get closer  to September. Thank you guys so much for understanding! My asks will stay open cause I like chatting with you guys though!
ALSO- I have not forgotten about my Laine series! I’m hoping to finish it up this weekend!!! Vacation has not been productive for writing!
So now that I’ve announced that... here’s your updated queue!
Today- Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
               Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
               Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
             Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Problematic Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
             Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
                Nico Hischier- smut
                Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Tuesday 8/22- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Wednesday 8/23- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Thursday 8/24- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Friday 8/25- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
             Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
             Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Saturday 8/26- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Sunday 8/27- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Monday 8/28- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Tuesday 8/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
             Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
              Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Thursday 8/31- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Friday 9/1- Leon Draisaitl- smut
36 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Happy Saturday! Playoffs are in full swing and the Worlds have started so hopefully you have some hockey to watch! And I’m working on the imagines to read! Thanks y’all for being so patient with me! Love you!!!!!
Today- Auston Matthews- smut
              Ben Hutton- reads to kids
Sunday 5/7- Ben Hutton- meet and greet fan experience
              Morgan Rielly- truth or dare smut
              Drew Doughty- embarrassed after fight
Monday 5/8- Alex Galchenyuk- protective and fights
              Patrik Laine- tries to convince sister Jets are better (probably going to                 be a multiparter not gonna lie)
              Jakob Chychrun- insomnia and nightmare
Tuesday 5/9- Auston Matthews- unknown feelings and jealous
               JVR- with KIDS and pregnant
              Miles Wood- Jealous smut
Wednesday 5/10- Sebastian Aho- pregnant and about to give birth
               Auston Matthews- Takes care of reader after skating injury
              Tom Wilson- fight smut
Thursday 5/11- Tyler Seguin- picks on insecurities accidentally
               Andre Burakovsky- broken up but dance at a party
              Miles Wood- smut
              Tom Wilson- DWTS jealousy
Friday 5/12- Artturi Lehkonen- embarrassed in front of good friend Gally
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Chris Kreider- Stepan behind the mic couples interview
Saturday 5/13- Connor McDavid- dating famous singer
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Carter Hart- helping him after WJC loss
Sunday 5/14- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
             Tyler Seguin- shower smut
             Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday 5/15- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
             Jake Virtanen- smut
             Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday 5/16- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff                   spot
Wednesday 5/17- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach                             Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
              Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
              Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first                           boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and                       jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you                  and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
               Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player                is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later                      when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates                   smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting                    you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears               his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after                fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking              Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings               while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure                of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
              Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt                           fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being                 a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out                   with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other                 cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
               Auston Matthews- stressing about school testing
49 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
I’m so sorry this is so late guys! It’s been a crazy day and I completely forgot today was Saturday!!!!! SO SORRY!!!! Here’s the updated queue!
Also.... I have a Charlie McAvoy smut on queue.... the person requesting it asked for me not to write it, so as of right now I will take it off, unless someone else would like to request it. Up to you guys! Just let me know!
Here we go!!!!!
Tomorrow- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
              Tyler Seguin- shower smut
               Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday 5/15- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
                Jake Virtanen- smut
               Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday 5/16- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff spot
Wednesday 5/17- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
                   Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
                  Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
             Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Problematic Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
              Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
             Nico Hischier- smut
            Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
              Montreal Canadiens- sick during the flu
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
21 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Happy Wednesday folks! We’ve overcome a lot this week (I’m thinking mainly just Monday and Tuesday)! Here we are! Time for the updated queue segment! Sorry I’m only down to three a day right now, but finals are upon us as well as a vacation coming up so I’m trying to get ahead! Anyway... enjoy!
Today- William Nylander- fight/make up and smut
              Victor Hedman- older, trying to learn Swedish
Thursday 5/4- Auston Matthews- annoyed by energy
              JVR- fight and first I love yous
               AJ Greer- call up to the Avs
Friday 5/5- Noah Hanifin- free reign
               Nate Schmidt- baby fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Tyler Seguin- Mitch trying to set his sister up with Matt Martin
Saturday 5/6- Dylan Larkin- road trip panic attack
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Ben Hutton- reads to kids
Sunday 5/7- Ben Hutton- meet and greet fan experience
              Morgan Rielly- truth or dare smut
              Drew Doughty- embarrassed after fight
Monday 5/8- Alex Galchenyuk- protective and fights
              Patrik Laine- tries to convince sister Jets are better (probably going to                 be a multiparter not gonna lie)
              Jakob Chychrun- insomnia and nightmare
Tuesday 5/9- Auston Matthews- unknown feelings and jealous
             JVR- with KIDS and pregnant
              Miles Wood- Jealous smut
Wednesday 5/10- Sebastian Aho- pregnant and about to give birth 
             Auston Matthews- Takes care of reader after skating injury
              Tom Wilson- fight smut
Thursday 5/11- Tyler Seguin- picks on insecurities accidentally
              Andre Burakovsky- broken up but dance at a party
              Miles Wood- smut
              Tom Wilson- DWTS jealousy
Friday 5/12- Artturi Lehkonen- embarrassed in front of good friend Gally
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Chris Kreider- Stepan behind the mic couples interview
Saturday 5/13- Connor McDavid- dating famous singer
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Carter Hart- helping him after WJC loss
Sunday 5/14- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
             Tyler Seguin- shower smut
                Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday 5/15- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
              Jake Virtanen- smut
              Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday 5/16- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff                   spot
Wednesday 5/17- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach                             Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
               Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
               Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first                           boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and                        jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you                 and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player                is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later                     when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates                    smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting                            you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears                   his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after                 fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking              Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings               while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure                 of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
                 Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt                            fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being                  a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out                   with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
19 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Happy Saturday ladies and gents! Here is your updated queue for the week!I’m really sorry yesterdays posts got so messed up. Queue hates me! Also I am at the end of my semester so I may be also working on a multichapter fic... I haven’t decided yet. Anyway... I have nothing else to say.... weird... anyway! Enjoy!
Today- JVR- team photo proposal
           Artemi Panarin- first date nerves
Sunday 4/30- Mitch Marner- best friends
            Andre Burakovsky- go out to celebrate after a win
            Jakob Chychrun- Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O’Connor
Monday 5/1- Connor McDavid- surprise smut after playoff spot clinched
              Andre Burakovsky- How they met for the first time
             Leon Draisaitl- smut
Tuesday 5/2- Brendan Gallagher- get jealous of Chucky
                 Patrik Laine- impressed by brother’s skills
              Olli Maatta- nervous and rambles in Finnish
              Jakob Chychrun- Scary movie
Wednesday 5/3- Brendan Gallagher- cute and cuddly free reign
              William Nylander- fight/make up and smut
              Victor Hedman- older, trying to learn Swedish
Thursday 5/4- Auston Matthews- annoyed by energy
              JVR- fight and first I love yous
                AJ Greer- call up to the Avs
Friday 5/5- Noah Hanifin- free reign
               Nate Schmidt- baby fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Tyler Seguin- Mitch trying to set his sister up with Matt Martin
Saturday 5/6- Dylan Larkin- road trip panic attack
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Ben Hutton- reads to kids
Sunday 5/7- Ben Hutton- meet and greet fan experience
              Morgan Rielly- truth or dare smut
              Drew Doughty- embarrassed after fight
Monday 5/8- Alex Galchenyuk- protective and fights
              Patrik Laine- tries to convince sister Jets are better (probably going to                 be a multiparter not gonna lie)
              Jakob Chychrun- insomnia and nightmare
Tuesday 5/9- Auston Matthews- unknown feelings and jealous
             JVR- with KIDS and pregnant
              Miles Wood- Jealous smut
Wednesday 5/10- Sebastian Aho- pregnant and about to give birth
               Auston Matthews- Takes care of reader after skating injury
              Tom Wilson- fight smut
Thursday 5/11- Tyler Seguin- picks on insecurities accidentally
               Andre Burakovsky- broken up but dance at a party
              Miles Wood- smut
              Tom Wilson- DWTS jealousy
Friday 5/12- Artturi Lehkonen- embarrassed in front of good friend Gally
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Chris Kreider- Stepan behind the mic couples interview
Saturday 5/13- Connor McDavid- dating famous singer
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Carter Hart- helping him after WJC loss
Sunday 5/14- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
            Tyler Seguin- shower smut
            Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday 5/15- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
             Jake Virtanen- smut
             Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday 5/16- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff                    spot
Wednesday 5/17- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach                             Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
               Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
               Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first                           boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you                          and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player                    is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later                       when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter)
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates                   smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting                     you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears               his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after                         fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking   ��          Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings                while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure                  of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
               Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
22 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Happy Saturday everyone! May all your teams be doing well and not causing you a coronary like mine are! Once again a few notes before we get down to business!
One: Ok I am so sorry but last night at work was terrible so ANDRE BURAKOVSKY HAS BEEN MOVED TO TOMORROW! I’m really sorry guys I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer to finish it!
Two: My Martin Jones requestee... did you have a prompt or just Martin?
Three: I still have part three of Damsel in Distress to write!!! It’s coming I promise!
Ok now on to the part you really want!
Today- Sidney Crosby- post Stanley cup smut
            Tyler Seguin- famous social media person
Sunday- Jeff Skinner- blushing couple
             Andre- Hang Out part two smutty
             Auston Matthews- smut
            Andre Burakovsky- teasing about his hair
Monday- JVR- Taylor ham vs pork roll
            Dylan Strome- fluffy/smutty free reign XD
             Dylan Larkin- makes fun of trait
Tuesday- Morgan Rielly- WITH KIDS
            Andre Burakovsky- bringing him to Flyers fam reunion
          Carter Hart- comforting you after TV character death
Wednesday- Josh Anderson- date at bowling alley
         Mitch Marner- teases him about gf being badass
          William Nylander- jealous Willy over accident
Thursday- Mikko Rantanen- comforting after stress
         Jimmy Vesey- Hank’s sister/pro snowboarder
Friday- Jakob Chychrun/Dylan Strome- angst about being plus size
           Any player- Lipstick by Dan and Shay
Saturday- William Nylander- Jealous of guyfriend
             Alex Nylander- Willy sees a nude
Sunday- Auston Matthews- first pet name
            William Nylander- insecure about dating an older woman
            Mitch Marner- sees a teammate naked
Monday- Mitch Marner- Catches you rapping
             Andre Burakovsky- hit him in the balls
           Sebastian Aho- argues in Finnish
Tuesday- Derek Grant- taking relationship public
           Colton Parayko- free reign
Wednesday- Dylan Strome- dyes hair for playoffs
          Leon Draisaitl- kids
Thursday- Travis Konecny- free reign
           Auston Matthews- Team posts pictures of you
           Beau Bennett- Seeing each other again after 10 years
Friday- Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn- art teacher
           William Nylander- being interrupted
           Jeff Skinner- cuddles and takes you to a game
Saturday- Jake Virtanen- sees reader dancing and gets horny
            Sebasatian Aho- Hell and Back by Andrew Garcia
          Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else by The 1975
Sunday- Josh Anderson- Oblivious about girls
            Leon Draisaitl- meeting friends/teammates
Monday- Jamie Oleksiak- Percentage sequel
           Tyler Seguin- angsty breakup before deployment
Tuesday- Mikael Granlund- thinks you’re dating him for money
           Alex Nylander- taking someone to a wedding to make him jealous
          Andre Burakovsky- shy meeting the team
Wednesday- Morgan Rielly- car accident
           JVR- team photo proposal
          Artemi Panarin- first date nerves
Thursday- Mitch Marner- best friends
           Andre Burakovsky- go out to celebrate after a win
Friday- Jakob Chychrun- Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O’Connor
           Connor McDavid- surprise smut after playoff spot clinched
Saturday- Andre Burakovsky- How they met for the first time
              Leon Draisaitl- smut
              Brendan Gallagher- get jealous of Chucky
Sunday- Patrik Laine- impressed by brother’s skills
              Olli Maatta- nervous and rambles in Finnish
              Jakob Chychrun- Scary movie
Monday- Brendan Gallagher- cute and cuddly free reign
              William Nylander- fight/make up and smut
              Victor Hedman- older, trying to learn Swedish
Tuesday- Auston Matthews- annoyed by energy
              JVR- fight and first I love yous
Wednesday- AJ Greer- call up to the Avs
              Noah Hanifin- free reign
Thursday- Nate Schmidt- baby fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Tyler Seguin- Mitch trying to set his sister up with Matt Martin
Friday- Dylan Larkin- road trip panic attack
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Ben Hutton- reads to kids
Saturday- Ben Hutton- meet and greet fan experience
              Morgan Rielly- truth or dare smut
              Drew Doughty- embarrassed after fight
Sunday- Alex Galchenyuk- protective and fights
              Patrik Laine- tries to convince sister Jets are better (probably going to be a multiparter not gonna lie)
Monday- Jakob Chychrun- insomnia and nightmare
              Auston Matthews- unknown feelings and jealous
Tuesday- JVR- with KIDS and pregnant
              Miles Wood- Jealous smut
              Sebastian Aho- pregnant and about to give birth
Wednesday- Auston Matthews- Takes care of reader after skating injury
              Tom Wilson- fight smut
              Tyler Seguin- picks on insecurities accidentally
Thursday- Andre Burakovsky- broken up but dance at a party
              Miles Wood- smut
              Tom Wilson- DWTS jealousy
Friday- Artturi Lehkonen- embarrassed in front of good friend Gally
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Chris Kreider- Stepan behind the mic couples interview
Saturday- Connor McDavid- dating famous singer
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Carter Hart- helping him after WJC loss
Sunday- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
              Tyler Seguin- shower smut
            Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
            Jake Virtanen- smut
          Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff spot
Wednesday- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Zach Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
              Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
               Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
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