#and his men are like 'STOP TALKING ABOUT NORIEL'
Wynmar after Noriel tells him that they’re just enemies
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averymessyxmas · 6 years
Chapter 5:
10 years ago: Flashback May 27, 2008
 Vada: 18 years Old
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 I was at my locker getting the rest of my shit out, since I wasn’t going to be in school anymore. I was heading to GSU in the fall. “Hey gorgeous” Omari said. I turned around and smiled at him. “Hey” He made me blush so hard. Omari was on the football team, he was the quarterback, he was fine as hell, at least I thought. He was going to Kennesaw State, to play for their football team. He had chosen me out of all the girls in school to be his girl, plus we had been dating for almost a year now. “You already for tonight?” He asked me. I nodded. “I been ready since school started” I said laughing. He walked with my art class. We only ever held hands when we were alone, and kissed when we were in private, he said He didn’t want other girls to get jealous. “Is the hotel ready for tonight?” I asked him. He smirked at me and pulled me closer to him. “You already know”. I had planned to lose my virginity tonight, with Omari. I was really loved him.
After school, Omari dropped me and Janessa off at home, Janessa was a freshman and a cheerleader for the football team. Janessa and I weren’t that close but she was my little sister and we watched out for each other. “Vada, I know you had plans to go to the end of the year party tonight, but your father and I have to go to this Charity Gala tonight and we need someone to watch the kids. “Mama, you know I already had plans, ask MJ he don’t have nothing better to do” I said. She was going through her blackberry. MJ shook his head and walked by smelling like weed. “Nah, I’m bout to dip Vi, sorry I got plans tonight on the westside” He said. “Well Janessa can do it” I told her. My mom shook her head. “Janessa does not pay attention to them, and you know that” She said to me. I stomped off and slammed my door. My mom busted through my door. “You will NOT slam any door in this house Vada, you don’t pay no got damn bills under this roof, now it’s just a end of year party, it’s not like I’m asking you to miss graduation!” She yelled. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. “Fine” I said. She nodded. “Now hopefully we will be back before midnight and you can still catch the party” She said to me. “Okay” I told her. My parents were leaving, and Dad left me his car for emergencies only. “Vi, I’m going to Nicki’s” She said to me. I nodded. A car honked for her. “Who is that?” I asked. She ran down stairs with her gym bag. “Nicki’s sister Erica” She said. “Bye!” She yelled before slamming the door. I had already let Omari knew I might be late, he was kind of disappointed but happy to see me later tonight. “When I get big, I’m going to go to party and stuff too” Nori told me. “Well I have time before mama and daddy get back, maybe I can do your makeup” I said to her. Her eyes got big and she smiled brightly. “Yes! You’re the best sister ever! Nessa always yells for me to not use her stuff” She said making a silly face. 3 hours had passed, and I made cookies and ordered pizza for Nori, Nari and Little D. After Nori got her make up done, she pretty much stayed in her room with her karaoke machine thinking she was Beyoncé. Nari was playing Grand Theft Auto in the play room, and of course Little D was following me around the house with his blanket he named “Franklin”. I was chill sitting on the couch with Damien’s little head in my lap watching “Bad Girls Club” when my friend Tiana called me. “Hey T what’s up?” I answered. “Girllll, your man is up here at the dance showing out you need to get here”. She said. I sighed looking down at my little brother. “T, I can’t I’m babysitting, my parents will be back soon, and ill head over there”. “Aight girl, but hurry”. Right after Tia called my parents texted me letting me know they be late, and there sorry I had to miss the formal. “Fuck this shit”. I went upstairs and got dressed. I checked on the kids before I left. Nori had fell asleep in the playroom watching Nari play the game, Nari was still up playing the game, I assumed he wouldn’t notice I was gone, and I brought Damien up to his room. I grabbed my dad’s keys and left to go to the party. When I pulled up, I called Omari and his phone went straight to voicemail. “Girl about damn time, you made it”. My best friend Milan said. I met up with her and Tiana. “So what happened?” I asked. Milan sipped on her drink and looked over at Tia. She was shaking her head. ”Omari was all over Janessa” She said. I looked at her crazy. “Janessa is here?” I asked. She nodded. She pulled up with Erica and Her sister Nicki”. I around for them, and I couldn’t see him or Nessa. “Where are they?” I asked. My heart was racing. My sister wouldn’t do no shit like that. They shrugged. “I got vodka, if you need some, let’s just dance”. Milan said. I grabbed the vodka and took 5 shots. I was fucking drunk as hell looking all over the party for my man, and my sister. “Vi, there go Miles” Miles was Omari’s best friend. Tia said pointing to him. He was standing up against the wall letting Briana the hoe of the school grind on him. Pretty Ricky “Hotline” was playing. “Miles!” I yelled. He looked over at me. “I can’t hear you shawty!” He yelled over the music. I walked over to him. “Where’s Omari?” I asked in his ear. Briana stopped and looked me up and down. “Bitch he’s with me” She said. I walked up to her, with my friends trying to pull me back. “Vi Vi your drunk chill”. Milan said. “Bitch nobody wants him”. I snapped at her. She rolled her eyes at me. “He went outside to take your sister home, she was drunk when she got here with Nicki and Erica, that’s the last I seen him”. He told me. I went outside and tried to find him. I was drunk and irritated. “Vada, maybe he left” She said. I shook my head. “He would have hit my line, but he hasn’t” I stressed. I walked all over the party. I decided to check upstairs. I saw his car when I pulled up, so I know he ain’t leave. I heard moaning upstairs, and something told me to check. I knocked on the door, but there was No answer. I knocked repeatedly. The door finally opened revealing Omari sweaty with the door cracked hiding the rest of his body. He was breathing hard and his eyes widened when he seen me. “Vi, I thought you was at home babysitting” He said. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. I pushed the door back to see my sister in the bed with the sheet covering her body. “You fucking my sister?” I asked him. He looked down. “Vi, I’m sorry” He said. I felt rage run through me as I punched his ass. He fell on to the floor in his boxers.“Shit” He said. “Vada, it isn’t what it looks like” She said. My breathing started to increase, and all I saw was red. I snatched Janessa by her hair, and we started fighting. She was screaming and trying to block my hits, While Omari was trying to pull me back. Janessa was crying. “Vada stop”. Omari stressed. I let go of her hair and started hitting on him. “You fucked my little sister! I trusted you, I fucking loved you” I screamed. My friends pulled me back. “Im sorry Vada”. He said. “Give me the keys, I’ll take you home”. Milan said. They brought me downstairs and out of the party. Everybody was looking at me. They climbed in the car with me, as I was crying dramatically. I was extremely hurt. When we pulled up to my house I seen the police was there. “Shit” I said. I quicky got out of the car. “Vada!” My mom screamed at me. “I trusted you to watch them!” She yelled at me. “What happened?” I asked. My Dad glared at me. “Damien was scared and called the police because he woke up and couldn’t find you”. He said. “Im sorry” I said. Tiana and Milan were beside me. “I will drive the girl’s home”. He said. My mom shook her head. “We expect this out of Janessa but not you Vada”. I rolled my eyes. “Fuck her” I said. My mom smacked me in my face. “Watch your mouth, are you drunk?” She asked. “Yes” I said. She shook her head. I went upstairs and got in the bed and went to sleep hurt, in the middle of the night I heard my door crack open, and I felt a little body get in my bed. “ViVi?” I heard. I opened my eyes and seen Damien. “Are you okay?” He said. I nodded, and he laid down with me. When I woke up, I heard my mom talking. Damien was not in the bed, so I assume he got up for some breakfast. I walked down stairs and seen the kids on the couch watching T.V., I went to fix breakfast in the kitchen, my parents were downstairs ignoring me. “Im disappointed in you Vada”. My dad said. I honestly felt so numb I didn’t care. I heard the front door slam, and in walked Janessa into the kitchen. My chest heaved up and down. I dropped my cereal bowl. “Vada!” My mom yelled. “You fucking bitch!” I yelled reaching for Janessa, she ran behind Daddy. “Daddy help!” She screamed.  “Vada! What the hell is got in to you?” My mom asked. “Ask Her she knows what she did! She fucked my boyfriend!” I screamed. “Vada, please calm down. Are you sure? She’s only 16, your sister wouldn’t do that” My dad said. I screamed. “Your innocent little baby fucked my man” I said. Janessa looked at me then my Dad. “She’s lying Daddy”. Janessa lied. “Vada, maybe you thought you saw him with Janessa, honey men come and go” She said. “Are kidding me?” I asked. I screamed some more. “Vada, chill the fuck out!” My dad yelled at me. “Damien, Narkim and Norielle upstairs now!” My mom said. I ran upstairs and texted Tiana and asker her if I can stay with her. I grabbed my suitcase and packed my important shit. My dad came in my room. “Vada, maybe you need to see someone, maybe you are insecure” He asked. I rolled my eyes. I ran downstairs with my bags. “Where are you going?” My mom asked consoling a crying Janessa. “Im leaving” I said. She shook her head. “Let her leave mom” Janessa said. “Bitch” I said bout to snap at her. “Vada chill!” My mom said. I shook my head. “As long as she’s here, I’m leaving and never coming back!” I yelled
Now: December 18th 2018
“Baby, you now have a man who loves and cares about you, that was 10 years ago” Michael said. I rolled my eyes. “She never said sorry”. I told him. He shrugged. “Sometimes you don’t get a sorry Sky” He said. I groaned loudly. I heard a knock at the guest house door. Michael got up and opened the door. Janessa walked in. I sighed and looked at her. She brought me and Ice pack. I looked at Michael who was looking at me. I stared at for a minute then grabbed it. “Look Vada, were older, were grown ass women, I’m sorry for what happened that night, I didn’t mean to hurt you or cause a rift that would escalate this bad, I was 16. I was young, and I thought I was the shit. I honestly never realized Omari was your man, I never seen yall together, that night he dropped me off, he explained everything, and I felt bad, he never tried to stop me or anything when he realized who I was, but I didn’t expect you to tell our parents, so I lied. I never meant to hurt you I’m sorry” She said. I nodded slowly. “I mean your right, and I’m sorry for putting my hands on you, and I for um I forgive you” I told her. She nodded.  “Okay”. Michael smiled and looked at me, signaling me to hug her. I got up and hugged her. MJ, Nori and Narkim walked in with Damien and Nylah. “Damn, I never thought I see this” MJ said. “I have decided to end the beef between us” I told them. Janessa smiled softly. “I’m also sorry to all of you for just abandoning yall, I was hurt and I turned the hurt into hate, I love yall” I told them. “Group Hug!” Damien yelled. We all hugged. I looked back at Nylah and Michael. “He said group hug” They joined in. “What’s going on up in here, I know yall ain’t start the party without me now!?” We turned around and seen Grandma Rudy.
Omari Jones: at 18 years old
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