#and honestly I don't think Laura's priorities are the romances right now
fivegoldpieces · 4 years
Do you think it was a good idea for Marisha (and Liam) to reveal their feelings for Jester if they had no intentions of pursuing it? At least Marisha did it in game unlike Liam (which was an even worse decision) but still. After all, this is not a book, we’re not privy to their internal monologues so it just feels kinda pointless to me if they never intended to do anything about it. Marisha didn’t even have a song about Jester in her playlist. It looks like she completely dropped it. Strange.
I mean, they probably intended to follow up when they revealed them, but I don't think we can really say that they don't plan on doing anything now? I guess I can see it in Liam's case since it was confirmed OOC and Caleb doesn't seem to be showing signs of telling anyone - but of course that could change, like a lot of things in the game. In Marisha's case, I don't think she's fully dropped that thread - even with the playlist, or her recent interactions with Yasha, it doesn’t automatically mean that Beau’s feelings for Jester is suddenly just gone, it just means that she probably has feelings for both of them that she needs to sort through; and even if she does intend to drop that thread, I doubt she would do it with no closure. 
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