#and how Jeremy played Holmes as they found mary's body
amypihcs · 2 months
So, i was thinking.
Sherlock Holmes obviously HATES 'passion crimes', as they are sometimes called (eg, cardboard box). One spouse kill the other and the person the other cheated with, or kiss one for baseless jealousy etcetc, and this might also be one of the reasons why he has such a low opinion on romantic (how to find any fault in it!).
But also, Sherlock Holmes, a man who cares so, so, so much and has an incredibly big heart, doing cocaine to cleanse the details of those cases from his mind, when he's young and when he's still not so sure of Watson and his affection towards him and exactly how much he can tell the good doctor. And then they get together and start aging together. Holmes dies and comes back and quits cocaine. And Watson is always there to remind him that life is much better than the awful, ugly case they just solved together. Watson is there to kiss him and hug him tight, shielding Holmes from his own thoughts going always back to what he just solved.
Watson is there instead of his 7% solution, much more stable and reliable than the injection. Holding him tight and keeping him together when all the awful things they saw in the cases come back to Holmes' mind.
Holmes starting to jokingly call Watson his 100% solution, since he has no need to dilute him.
And of course, whenever the thunder has the voice of the cannon or Watson is also having a hard time with memories Holmes is there for him, playing for him, reading for him, holding him close, making him listen to his heartbeat, bringing Watson back to the safety of 221b first and then to that of their cottage.
Don't come for my head <3
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