#and how Luke didn't denied it. Neither Alex.
i need to talk about Alex, Luke and Reggie and their families' dynamics.
We don't get a lot from the show apart from Luke and it's not that much either, when we think about it. But from Reggie and Alex? Crumbs of backstory. the references we got to their past from the show is that Reggie's parent were in a bad relationship and Alex's parent were homophobic. god bless the guy who decided to write books abt it bc i can't stress enough over not knowing abt their past.
So starting with Reggie, my favorite backstory, is that he had parents who were always fighting amd he also had a little brother, age not specified but i guess between 8-11, Steve admired Reggie and his band and Reggie kinda regretted not spending enough time w him bc of the band. idk thinking of Reggie as an older brother opens lot of possibilities for what his character would've become. also brings more of a reason why he's so goofy and lightheaded, it can be either a way to separate from, maybe, a figure of power for his brother, being held to a responsibility or something alike, i mean, none really knows how stuff were inside Reggie's house so there's no way to tell if they had been heavily neglected at some point. or maybe being optimistic and joyful was just the way he tried to find to make things lighter for his brother when he was around, maybe to his whole family when trying to keep them from starting a fight (we also dont know for how long reggie's parents have been fighting). either way, fascinates me.
Alex also intrigued me a little bit, but i liked to figure him out. I personally enjoy when fanfic writers make his parents religious or give him fear of coming out to his friends, but, just ain't real. From what I've read on the book, Alex's parents used to be supportive of the band and welcoming to his friends, they'd have sleepovers w the whole band, and be warm and welcoming. When Alex mentions being gay, he says he wouldn't sneak a guy he actually liked out of his window and wanted to bring this hypothetical guy through the front door like his older sister did w her boyfriends, this being the 90's its a pretty prideful statement for a gay teenager. But Kenny mentioned Alex is pride of himself and wouldn't hide it. So i don't think Alex got christian fever over his sexuality, neither did his parents. What i guess, is that Alex was the kid with "Cool Parents" that would let him be and do what he wanted, be supportive of him, Alex pretty much mentioned on the show he was always trustworthy (in rhetoric to Reggie never being believed as a kid). What also would explain how Alex can grow so confident of himself and expect to receive the same treatment his sister does. So the moment Alex came out, something he never took back, even when his parents didn't approved, it shifted the whole "modern cool parents" thing bc yeah, Alex can have a band, be a drummer (which is not everyone's favorite instrument to have at home), let his sister bring multiple boyfriends to their house, but if Alex wants to bring guys, he better do it far from their eyes. "do what you want, but not under my roof". Clearly, it affected him to have a family who was loving and supportive, just to find out that being gay was going to twist the way his parents saw and treated him like, and ofc that's not what Alex wanted, he wanted the warmth and the love he'd always received before. also, Alex being a young brother makes sense to why he's a little shit on the show.
Luke also has interesting background. Different from Alex, who had a family who supported his band (til they didn't anymore) and Reggie, who had a family who probably didn't cared, Luke had a family very much disapproving of his life dream, so much that i doubt they've met the boys personally, aside from Bobby bc he was Luke's oldest friend, since there's a moment on the book Alex asks where they are and its Luke's house, and they have been friends for years so its interesting Alex not knowing where Luke lives. i think Sunset Curve was just a part of his life that Luke didn't shared with his parents bc he knew it wouldn't be worth it. What doesn't mean Luke didn't wanted to share, he was trying to make it without his parents' support, getting a job to buy instruments and other stuff for example. And if Alex is not the religious link of the group, Luke definitely is, not only he makes mentions of Hell and Heaven, but his house has a huge cross on it, visible on the clip of Unsaid Emily, and i think that's why Luke, at the same time he doesn't want to talk of the past, is the one who feels more guilty about the way he left things with his mom. Boy got hard catholic guilt on his head even if Luke himself isn't really into religion.
I'm not gonna make myself long with Bobby, bc if Alex and Reggie left crumbs of backstory, Bobby left drops in the sun. but the book had some pretty cool details, he got three older brothers who are sport trifecta, and Bobby is the kid who only got to play in a band, he doesn't get a lot of attention from his parents and even Luke is his friend since they were kids and they started playing together, he also feels apart from the band, he also seems to care a lot about Luke since he wanted Luke to make up with his mom on the day of their show at the orpheum. So it does adds dimension to the character we see on the show.
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innytoes · 2 years
if you’re still doing prompts, #25 from the saucy list, for the sunset curve boys? maybe it starts off as a funny haha joke but then they realize one of them is being super quiet,,,,love your ideas so much!
It had started off as a joke. They'd watched Grease together, and the next time Luke was all flirty, Alex had leaned over and said in a breathy voice: "Tell me about it, stud."
Luke had refused to answer to anything else the entire day, including in the bedroom. It had just escalated from there. Alex had proclaimed himself Your Majesty, and Reggie joked that Han Solo was a perfectly sexy nickname. (He'd very quickly backed off when Luke had done the Yoda Voice while telling him to take his clothes off, though.)
Bobby had just rolled his eyes, refusing to go along with any of it. They should have known he was only biding his time. Just when the worst of it had died down, he struck.
They'd put on a movie that had turned out to be kind of lame, so the night quickly devolved into fooling around on the couch. Luke had his tongue down Reggie's throat, pulling him back to lay down against the couch cushions. Alex rolled his eyes when Luke's heel poked him in his side, Reggie sprawled on top of him. "Really, guys?" he said, pulling away from where he'd been nipping at Bobby's lower lip.
"You try telling him no," Reggie laughed, sucking on Luke's earlobe to keep him from protesting. Luke moaned, but managed to poke Alex in his side again in retaliation, making him yelp. Bobby rolled his eyes, moving from the couch into the comfortable armchair instead.
"How about you come sit on Daddy's lap instead, Alex?" he said, smirking.
Alex groaned. "Really, dude?"
"What, that's somehow worse than Your Majesty?" Bobby shot back.
"One hundred percent," Alex said.
Luke, not one to be left out, sat up and laughed. "Loads of people are into that, Alex, it's a whole thing in porn."
"You'd know, you perv."
"Aw, come on. Don't you wanna be Daddy's good boy, Alex? Or would you rather be naughty instead?" Luke poked Alex in the side with a finger, leaning around Reggie, using him as a human shield when Alex tried to retaliate. Neither of them seemed to notice the way Reggie had gone bright red.
"Now boys, are you going to behave, or do I have to put you in time out?" Bobby smirked. "Or maybe put you over my lap instead."
"Oooh, Daddy," Luke moaned, before breaking off into giggles.
"Hey, Reg, are you okay, man?" Alex asked, finally noticing how quiet Reggie had gotten. Usually he was right there with them, joking along, but he was suddenly very silent, squirming in his seat.
"Yeah!" Reggie squeaked. "Totally fine, yeah, absolutely."
"Oh my god," Luke said gleefully. "You're totally into it, aren't you? Look at how red your face is."
"Shut up!" Reggie said, shoving at him, but not denying anything. Reggie knew he was a terrible liar, so he didn't even try anymore. Luke wrapped an arm around him so he couldn't make a break for it, hooking his chin over Reggie's shoulder.
"So Reggie has a daddy thing," Alex said, shrugging. "Called it."
"Shut up, you did not," Luke said, even though it totally made sense. Reggie groaned, burying his head in his hands.
Bobby grinned, getting up and pulling Reggie out of Luke's grip. He went, burying his face in Bobby's shoulder. "End me now," he whined. "Make it quick."
"C'mere," Bobby said, pulling Reggie back to the chair. Reggie ended up straddling him, arms wrapped around Bobby's neck, making it impossible to hide how affected he was just by Bobby's jokes alone.
"Now, are you going to be good for Daddy?" Bobby asked, voice husky and low. Reggie bit his lip, nodding even as he heard the others snicker behind him. Bobby paid them no mind, pulling Reggie in by the back of his neck and kissing him long and deep, slipping his tongue into Reggie's mouth. Reggie whimpered, letting him take what he wanted, relaxing against him. When they finally parted, they were both breathless.
"Good boy," Bobby whispered, enjoying the way Reggie shivered.
"Okay," came a strangled voice from the couch. "That was pretty hot."
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Reggie Peters x female!eader
Summary: You have a crush on a certain ghostie boy.
Warnings: sibling arguments because why not. not proof read
This is for Valentine secret gift thing that @screwunsaidemily hosted! So this story is for @wdwmarveldisney They said you wanted either Luke or Reggie so I chose Reggie I hope you like it! Also this shiz is probably cringy I wrote most of it at 3 am.
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You were the only lifer besides Julie who could see the phantoms when they weren't playing. You are Julie's next-door neighbor and close friends with both Julie and Flynn. You slowly gained feelings for a certain leather-wearing ghost. He also gained feelings for you, but he was a lot more on the fence about falling in love than you because of his parents.
"Hey y/n." He teleported into your room when you were doing homework making you jump.
"Reggie! Hey! How was practice?" You asked giving him a quick smile before looking back down at your notebook. He always came over after the band practiced.
"It was good! What are you doing?"
"Algebra." You shrugging.
"Sounds boring can we hang out." He begged flopping backwards on the bed.
"You can watch tv while I do this... Have you seen any of the new toy stories?" You asked reaching for the remote to your tv.
"I haven't seen any? What's toy story?" You gasped, though it made a bit of sense, you didn't know the exact month he died in but you do know that he coulda died before it came out.
"Your watching all four!" You said quickly going onto Disney plus to find the first one.
"There's four of them?" He asked. You nodded giggling before you started the movie, he sat up getting comfortable next to you on you bed as you kept working on the movie.
Those movie dates became a regular thing, though neither of you would admit they were a date. "Hi! I brought snack! I stole it from Julie's kitchen." Reggie said when he poofed in holding a bag of chips.
"Reg! You can't steal their food!" You said laughing. "Take that back! I have snacks here. But thank you." He smiled happy he made you laugh, before he took the chips back. You went down stairs and grabbed your own chips.
"I'm back!" He said smiling when he teleported into your kitchen. "What are we watching today!"
"I was thinking a romcom since Valentines is next week." You said grabbing a soda from the fridge.
"Okay." He nodded smiling.
Soon the movie was over and you had fallen asleep during it, he sighed. He wanted you to be his Valentine but he was scared. He poofed back into the garage where Luke and Alex were waiting smirking.
"How did the date go?" Luke asked.
"It wasn't a date." Reggie said.
"Lies. So did you ask her to be your Valentine like you said you would?" Alex asked.
"No. I chickened out."
"Come on man! She clearly likes you!" Luke said.
"No she doesn't." Reggie denied.
You looked through your locker for a hair tie not noticing your best friends coming up behind you.
"Hey girl!" Flynn said leaning on one side of your locket while Julie leaned on the other side.
"Hey." You smiled at them real quick before looking back in your locker and pulling the hair tie out of it.
"How was the date?"
"It wasn't a date! I'm not dating a ghost." You said.
"Yeah, your just friends who cuddle up and watch movies together every week." Flynn smirked at you. You rolled your eyes.
"Does it even matter he's dead. I kinda have to get over him." You sighed shutting your locker.
"If it makes you feel better he likes you back I hear him talking to Luke and Alex about you." Julie gave you a reassuring smile.
"Jules your also in love with a ghost you can't be giving me advice."
"Ah my friends falling for hot ghosts." Flynn said putting her arms around your shoulder, and Julie's shoulder.
"Okay tonight you gotta ask her." Luke said to Reggie.
"And you have to ask Julie to be yours." Alex said smirking at his best friends.
"Now go there and ask her!" Alex said to Reggie giving him a gentle push before Reggie teleported to your room.
"Jake get outta my room!" You said pushing a boy that Reggie didn't recognize, seemingly not noticing him behind you.
"Come on Sis im home from college and you don't wanna hang out! Why you going to call your boyfriend." The man teased before noticing someone standing behind you. "Or invite him over." You looked at him confused before looking behind where Reggie was watching confused, yet relieved as he hear the boy call you sis.
"You can see him?"
"You can see me?" You and Reggie asked your questions at the same time.
"Yeah weirdos." You pulled him into the room shutting the door. "He's a ghost. And he isn't my boyfriend."
"You gotta be kidding me. I won't tell mom if you have a boyfriend but you can't expect me to believe he's a ghost."
"Oh my God." You mutter. You walked over to Reggie and waved a hand through him. "See ghost now get out of my room and don't tell mom."
"Your dating a ghost. Haha loser!" Your brother laughed before leaving.
"Sorry bout him he's visiting from college for the weekend something about a breakup and hating valentines. I don't know. Anyway what movie do you want to watch today?" You asked Reggie jumping on your bed.
"Uh I don't know... Y/n can I asked you something?" He asked his voice going quieter as he spoke. You nodded. "Can we be valentines?" He asked gaining a small bit of confidence to look up at you.
"Yeah!" You exclaimed maybe a bit too quickly. "I mean sure that'd be cool."
"Yeah." Reggie smiled before your door was busted open.
"I knew it your dating a ghost!" Jake said smirking at you. You glared at him for ruining the moment. "Mom!! Y/n has a-" Jake began to shout before you tackled him. "Ow."
"Shut the heck up." You glared at him before giving Reggie a apologetic smile. "Jake you ruined the moment."
"Fine sorry at least introduce me to your ghost boyfriend."
"Fine." You stood up helping him up. "Jake, Reggie. Reggie, Jake. Now Jake get out."
"Eyo ghost dude I'll kill you again if you hurt my sister." Jake said making the I'm watching you motion as he walked backwards.
"I'm scared." Reggie whispered.
"He's kidding. Besides your already dead he can't do anything." You said. You sat back down on your bed Reggie joining you. You slowly leaned to lay your head on his shoulder not thinking it would work but you didn't fall through him. He instinctively put his head on yours smiling.
"I can touch you!" You said looking up at him smiling.
"Cool!" He smiled at you. You realized how close your faces were but didn't make an effort to move away from him, instead you slowly leaned forward giving him time to pull away if he wanted to but instead he met you in the middle kissing you back.
A/n: hope you like it! even if it is a bit cringy.
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