#and how capitalism and oppressive forces benefit from and also encourage this kind of selfishness (selfishness is the death of community and
cdfreak · 3 months
im not saying anything new here theres probably a million like proper well written essays about this out there but the deep intense self-centeredness white people (especially american white people) carry is innnnnsane. everything has to be about Me everything has to somehow relate back to how it would affect Me and how Eye am the victim here. we claim self defense when committing violence against people of color, hold an iron grip on positions of power culturally and politically, are made uncomfortable when shown movies that arent about us. even when engaging with discussions about racism it has to be about us and our guilt. you see it all the time in white queer circles, we find out about harmful homophobic or transphobic legislation in the global south and dont spare a thought for our brothers and sisters living there - the conversation becomes instead about us and how this could hypothetically affect our lives. See a homeless man suffering, think instead about how it makes us uncomfortable or scared instead of feeling for him and what he is going through. im kind of just rambling but this pattern pops up literally everywhere once you start noticing it and its very very eye opening to see how white supremacy rewards and reinforces these behaviors in us and how in turn we reinforce white supremacy in day to day life
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