#and i admit that the trust thing and what maria says about tommy following joel was weak writing wise
mariatesstruther · 1 year
maria millers’s “whos been cutting your hair” line is so insanely interesting to me because, objectively, it’s an absolutely bonkers and unnecessary question to ask in the context of a literal apocalypse, but she says it so sure and normal. you can tell it actually matters to her so much about whose been cutting this random little girls hair that shes probably been thinking about it for their entire conversation, and then she sets up this cute little salon chair situation instead of just cutting her hair over the trash can. maria puts a towel over ellie’s shoulders and (SO MAD they dont show it) even wets her hair to make sure its all straight and even when it gets cut, which ellie has likely never had anyone do for her before. the woman is also incredibly attentive to her: she realizes by ellie’s lack of response that she likely has zero clue was a district attorney is and immediately puts it into the simplest terms for her. she engages her in genuine conversation super directly, which i think is ESPECIALLY important to point out because a big point of tension for ellie this whole episode is feeling left out of the conversations (unspoken and spoken) that happen between tommy and joel—and maria, as we know from the matching looks on their faces when joel and tommy hug, feels the exact same exclusion.
their entire first meeting scene just goes crazy in that maria is so immediately inclined to help ellie feel as comfortable and normal as she can be at this point. she sees that her coat isnt thick enough for their winter, so she instantly trades for a heavier one. she gets ellie new shoes and double-checks that theyre the right size. she guesses ellie doesnt have access to period products so she gets her some without even knowing for sure if she has one already. she knows from ellie’s negative reaction that she doesnt like to get her hair cut and immediately promises that shes not doing anything drastic, just a trim.
and to bring it back to the that line, cutting your split ends regularly is such small thing, but so so so important for your hair’s growth and health. i think its a great little example of how, over time, everybody has just learned to live without these kinds of small but incredibly meaningful gestures and rituals and habits, like getting their hair cut. and maria mf miller is out here being the one to make sure jackson is a place where people dont have to sacrifice those small and meaningful things because its just her instinct (likely left over from being a mom, just like her affinity for cutting hair)
idk man just thinking about maria miller and ellie miller and the shared experience of post apocalyptic womanhood
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tlou-1 · 4 years
Joel x Reader (Home) - Chapter 12
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 TBA
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Chapter 12 - Big News (You share your news with your family and receive some bigs news of your own + wedding) 
Thankfully it didn’t appear your ankle or foot was severely damaged but the doctor had asked you to avoid putting weight on it and to revisit her in two weeks for a final once over. More importantly your family were elated by your and Joel’s news, Molly couldn’t believe you were actually settling down after all these years, the same for Tommy with Joel. The things about Jackson is, they tried to celebrate things as much as possible. It often gave people something to look forward to and revel in something joyful... in saying that these things could potentially get bigger than needed. 
A couple days later after the proposal, Joel and you are sat opposite each other on the sofa one afternoon, your legs resting a top of his enjoying the peaceful cosy day. You were looking at him for sometime, mulling over how you wanted to marry Joel Miller but in a way that suited you both. “Joel?” You say softly, he looks up from the book he was reading “hmm?” He replies his mind slowly rejoining the real world. 
“What if we were to get married soon?” You ask, pulling his book down further away from his face. 
“How soon?” He asks now looking at you. 
“In a week or two?” You shrug trying to suggest it as casually as possible. You explain your logic, in that the longer you leave it, the more things will get out of hand and people would have time to prepare. Neither of you were the big wedding type and neither wanted a fuss. Something simple in the church with a small group of people was more than enough.
“Damn - why didn’t I think of that?” He chuckles. 
“So you agree? Something simple, in the church just over a week from now? Say next Sunday?” you smile.
“Sounds perfect” he sighs and goes back to reading his book. 
The plan is simple, a small wedding in the church with your family and friends. Joel was to borrow a shirt and tie from Tommy and you planned on wearing the one dress you owned, it was not formal but it was the best you could do. Molly however had another plan for your dress, a few nights before the big day, you, Ellie and Joel had joined Molly and Jesse for dinner. At the end of the meal Molly stood up from the table and announced she had something to show you and Ellie and that the boys would have to keep themselves occupied in the meantime. In her spare room on the bed lay a dress, it was a cream sheath gown very simple and classic. 
“I need you to try it on so I can fit it properly to you” Molly said as she tied up her hair. 
“How did you - did you make this?” You ask overwhelmed. 
“Tried to, I have always been a dab hand with a needle and I had some help from the girls in town. We couldn't find any white material but I think this is pretty close. Even had some lace left over from a curtain to make a veil”. You couldn’t help but pull her into your arms and thank her. You didn’t want anything fancy but you did have to admit the thought of being so underdressed at your own wedding had been daunting.
The day before your wedding, you found Joel in the bathroom with a razor exceedingly close to his jaw. 
“Oh no - is the thought of marrying me really so bad or are you just worried about Tommy’s speech?” You sigh over dramatically, peering your head into the bathroom. Joel has a bit of a chuckle but goes back to focusing on the task at hand. 
“I am actually trying to shave this thing before tomorrow” he says inching closer to the mirror for a better look. He seems defeated when you approach him and slowly take the blade from his hand, “Please don’t” you smile up at him, running your hand along the ruff hair on his jaw.
“Why not? Everyone else is telling me I should. That I should be clean shaved for the day” he gruffs.
“Because, I want my husband to look like Joel Miler” you say giving him a kiss before putting the blade away in a drawer.
“Plus you look sexy with a beard” you joke as he playfully taps your ass as you leave the room.
“Trust it to start snowing on the one day I put on a dress” you joke standing in the hallway of the church. Everyone else except you and Jesse were seated, Maria had decided to set a few round tables out for friends and neighbours to sit, with your and Joel’s family seated together at the front on a long table. 
“You know most people would think that was romantic” Jesse laughed placing your arm in the crook of his. He asked if you were ready, ‘To marry Joel? Of course. To have everyone looking at me? Absolutely not’ you thought but you nodded and made your way into the church hall. The room had been adorned with fairy lights and kept simple like you had asked. 
After the short service you and Joel sat side by side while members of you family celebrated with you. As Tommy got up to give his speech which Joel had insisted he did not have to give, you took Joel’s hand under the table “Just relax, how bad could it be?”. Turns out pretty bad, even cracking jokes about Joel’s first wedding years ago that just didn't quite land but that somehow made it all the more funny. 
Ellie got up from her seat and cleared her throat as though she were about to give a follow up speech but Joel quickly sat her back into her seat “I don’t think I can take another one Kiddo”. Maria announced it was time for your first dance together as Mr and Mrs Miller, “But we didn’t pick a song?” You whispered in Joel’s ear as you make you way to the centre of the room. 
“We didn’t but I thought you wouldn’t mind if I picked for us” he pulled you in as the music started playing. Crazy Love from your Van Morrison record started playing. 
“A very nice choice Mr Miller. If I remember correctly this played the first night we spent together” you smile.
“It was Mrs Miller and we will spending tonight and every other night together from now on. I am going to feel a little bad taking that dress off you later though, you look stunning” he whispers and you can feel his breath on your neck as you both slowly sway to the music.
You settle into married life pretty quickly, not much changes it turns out except Joel occasionally calling you wife and you calling him husband. “You best make a call at Dr.Henry’s this morning” Joel called to you as you began putting your boots on to take Bruce out. You groan “Joel, I am perfectly fine. You know that”. 
“Oh I know that darling but if you could just let Doc know that, maybe she will stop asking me to send my wife across for her final check up” he jokes but you agree to go. 
“How’s the foot feeling?” Dr. Henry asks, she was a kind and warm women not much older than you. 
“It’s honestly much better now, thank you so much for taking a look at it a couple weeks ago” you fake a smile. You felt bad but you hated being examined and wanted to leave the room as soon as possible. 
“That’s good to hear, that’s good” she trails off. 
“Great, do you mind if I get going?” You say quickly pulling your socks and boots back on before she can try and examine anything else like last time. 
“Y/N, your foot isn’t why I asked you to come visit me. The last time I ran a couple different tests just to get a general view of your health” she sits down next to you. 
“Yes I vaguely remember you sticking a needle in my arm and asking me to pee in a cup Doc. Please don’t make me do that again” you whine which makes the doctor laugh.
“No, it’s actually about the results from last time. I had a look at the samples and well - well you are pregnant”. She explains.
You feel what you thought was a knot in your stomach, but in a second you realise that knot was potentially a baby. 
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