#and i also need to keep an eye out for propagands and try to remember the self reblogs and i dont wanna be on tumblr that much rn
powerpolyculeshowdown · 5 months
ive been playing a lot of stardew valley to cope w sttess and just yesterday and the day before i found out it kinda has canon polyamory sorta.
so for ppl who dont play the game, theres heart events as ur friendship increases with each villager, lil cutscenes or sometimes gifts. Each villager has a total of 10 hearts to fill, but dateable characters cap at 8, the final two being locked behind actually dating them. You *can* date more than one character, but that's very much cheating and they will get mad.
Except - i'm sure a lot of you already knew this but I only found out recently when a friend told me - if you have a rabbit's foot in your pocket. With that item in your in your inventory ur allowed to date all of the bachelors, get all their 10 heart events and a bonus group one where they don't get mad at you. I'm not sure how the scene goes cause I never got it, but I thought it was interesting that you can do that.
The reason I said kinda sorta is you don't really get to properly discuss the relationship so it's more like the player still cheated but they don't get mad than a proper relationship, but I still think it's pretty neat, cause I've always wabted to get all 10 heart events but I didn't want to make them mad so I never tried... Also, unfortunately, you csnnot marry multiple bachelors without a mod, but I did see a few polyamory mods in nexus! Haven't downloaded one myself, cause I feel weird about dating siblings and I wouldn't know how to choose between haley and emily or maru and sebastian, I love them all dearly đź’– I also saw one that allowed you to marry a villager AND be roommates with krobus without making it romanceable (him? they? does krobus hace pronouns?) which I think is great!!
Anyway I just wanted to talk abput the rabbit's foot thing here cause I thought it was interesting! Not quite polyamory but the closest you can get to without mods.
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donveinot · 4 years
Education and Safeguarding our Children
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Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash In the late 19th Century there was concern over “inroads of secularization in higher education and as a base for the education of lay workers and full-time Bible teachers, evangelists, and pastors.”((“Bible college”)) The main concern for parents then was how they could protect their children while ensuring them a good higher education? The other concern was for the sound biblical education of Christian workers, both lay and pastoral. The solution became the Bible College Movement, and between “1882 and 1920, 39 Bible schools were founded in the United States.” ((“Bible college)) In North America that number has now grown to over 1,200. ((“Bible college”)) Sadly though, as we look at the current state of many if not most of these institutions, as well as the state of the church, we must acknowledge that Bible schools have fallen prey to many of the same issues and teachings, and in some cases worse teachings, than the institutions Christians were originally fleeing from. Trusting parents send their near-adult son or daughter off to a well-established, high profile Christian institution and they return practicing “Christianized” Eastern mysticism and embracing the idea that all religions have the core truth about God. How did this happen? Well, parents believed the institutions were safe places where their offspring would be protected from false ideas, and never gave a thought to the need to “trust but verify,” to quote the late Ronald Reagan. Theologically sound parents, and many of their home churches, were not holding the educators accountable to carefully present the truth of the Bible, and it probably never crossed their minds that they needed to. What happens when pastors and teachers are educated in a Bible school that has in many ways abandoned Biblical teaching? They go on to pastor and teach in churches, of course. How can churches hold the line against heresy in these situations? It is a very serious problem. But the problems in the schools of higher learning of yesteryear first trickled – then flooded – down to the elementary and high schools of today. In the mid-20th Century the US government mandated public school.((For a brief history see, “Compulsory public education in the United States”)) In the 1960s and 70s, Christian parents were growing very concerned about government controlled education and the secular school system undermining the faith they as parents were passing on to their children. Some began to call for a return to the homeschooling practices of earlier generations. They, like the parents of college students in the 19th and early 20th Century, wanted their kids to be well educated in a safe environment, one which upheld Christian values and teaching without the pollution of secularism, paganism and sexual indoctrination being foisted on a child without the parent’s knowledge. Quite a number of parents pulled their kids from public schools and invested themselves deeply in educating their own children. Parents who kept their children in the public schools needed to be especially vigilant concerning what their children were being taught, because, invariably the schools did teach things that presented serious challenges to the faith, and parents were responsible to correct that, and foster discernment in their children. Safeguarding children while they are being educated, whether home-schooled or public schooled, is an important responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Unfortunately, public schools have grown far more intent on propagandizing children away from their faith as time marched on. A few weeks ago Alex Newman wrote the article, “Amid Coronavirus, Movement for Public School Exit Grows.” His opening paragraph has several important points: With coronavirus keeping children home from public schools around the world, a growing coalition of Christians and conservatives is working to make sure that once the crisis is over, millions of children never go back. Instead, the coalition, known as Public School Exit (PSE), hopes to facilitate a massive exodus into the safe sanctuary of homeschooling and high-quality private schools.(( Amid Coronavirus, Movement for Public School Exit Grows)) As we have noted, it is for valid reasons that Christian homeschooling advocates are working to persuade parents to shift from public education to “homeschooling and high-quality private schools.” They are regarded as a “safe sanctuary.” Although we know there are still good teachers in the public schools, public school has become one of the main tools used to transform culture away from Judeo/Christian morals, ethics, and beliefs. Besides teaching blatant immorality as a positive thing, schools are also bent on educating “Americanism” out of children and supplanting that with globalist thinking. People who do not have children in the public-school system, or are not paying attention, might be shocked at what the kids are “learning.” Besides that, we have seen some particularly good things coming out of the homeschool and private Christian school movement. Oddly enough though, the week after Alex Newman’s article was published and we cited it in our Crux email, a homeschooler posted an advertisement by a Christian homeschool podcaster on the Facebook page of Marcia Montenegro, our co-author of Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret. Since Marcia’s page is unrelated to homeschooling, why was an ad by a homeschool podcaster posted there? It was a promotion for “Your Homeschool and the Enneagram With Sherri Lund” being promoted on Lynna Sutherland's crowdcast, “Live Without Training Wheels.” At this point the Enneagram has infected over 200 Christian college and university campuses, so we hoped this ad was just an initial introduction into the homeschooling movement. After all, the premier reason for home-schooling children is to keep them safe from false and heretical teaching, and certainly the Enneagram is the false and heretical teaching du jour. Thinking Lynna may simply be unaware of the pagan occultic roots, heretical theology of the Enneagram and, Marcia commented on Lynna’s site (which Marcia posted on her FB page). Lynna’s first response to Marcia was: “I know not everyone is comfortable with the Enneagram” Marcia then provided a short overview of the origins, problems, and lack of validity of the Enneagram. Part of Lynna’s response should be a blinking red warning light that this homeschooling resource is not safe: I understand that for some, the pagan ideas woven into some streams of the Enneagram teaching mean they are not comfortable making use of that information in any way, just as some Christians are not comfortable with any version of Yoga or observing Christmas because of their pagan connections” The inclusion of Christmas as having pagan connections demonstrates a lack of knowledge of Church history, but that is not uncommon.((See “Christmas is not Pagan”))  Why someone would be “comfortable” with including “pagan ideas woven into some streams of the Enneagram?” In a recent interview with Doreen Virtue we demonstrated “Why the Enneagram is a dangerous new age tool.” How someone claiming to be a Christian can be comfortable with occultism, Eastern mysticism, and its practices, is beyond our understanding (How much rat poison can someone safely ingest?). Introducing these beliefs and practices to unwary homeschoolers and their children seems unconscionable. As the day wore on, concerned homeschoolers began looking at the various homeschooling resources with a new eye. It sadly appears that, like the Covid virus, the spiritual virus of the Enneagram is sweeping through the homeschool population. Here is what these discerning homeschoolers discovered in their search. They found and sent us “Homeschool Curriculum Choices Based on Your Enneagram Type,” at Living Well & Learning Well with Alicia Hutchinson. We were also sent, “Enneagram for the Homeschool Mama” and “April: Discover your Enneagram!” both by Beautiful Feet Books. When one of the homeschooling moms who uses their material emailed the publisher asking for an explanation, she said she received a response which unfortunately included: “…an explanation of why the owner believes the enneagram is a valuable tool” Just how deep the infiltration into the homeschooling movement goes is unknown at this point. We have been in discussion with Alex Newman and our friend, podcaster and homeschooling mom, Karen Campbell, “That Mom.” They are both trying to alert homeschooling leaders, but Karen at least has been discovering the Enneagram is also in the churches of some of those leaders. Homeschool should be a safe environment for the children. Many parents do not have the biblical training to catch heresies of this nature and have placed their trust in those who operate within what Alex Newman called a “safe sanctuary.” But no sanctuary can or will remain safe unless someone is guarding the door. The Apostle Paul called for the Ephesian Elders to constantly perform boundary maintenance in Acts 20:28-31: Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore, be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. Christian leaders are to zealously guard the perimeter to prevent wolves from coming in from the outside. They must also watch for signs of infection within the flock and keep the infected from spreading the virus to others. Christians are like most human beings in that they address what they identify as a problem, and then turn their attention elsewhere. But without attention, things can deteriorate very quickly. The march of evil in this world is relentless, so we can never turn away from our essential responsibility to counter false teaching within and outside of the church. The homeschooling movement is not a church per se, but it is obvious that it needs gate keepers also, trained in discernment and willing to stand up and protect. Otherwise the “sanctuary” of homeschooling is no true sanctuary at all. If Christians do not have the will or the courage to address false teaching within the Body of Christ, we probably lose the right to address false teaching outside the church, like, for example, in the public schools. (For more information on the origins, teachers and theology of the Enneagram see Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret)Ω
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© 2020, Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc All rights reserved. Excerpts and links may be used if full and clear credit is given with specific direction to the original content. Read the full article
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hanzi83 · 7 years
Fuck 2017
It’s that time of the year again where I decide to bitch about my year and basically spew the same rhetoric without any proof of anything, and try to dress it up like it is something new and refreshing, but I think enough over the last year has taken place where maybe I can present a new narrative, but probably not, so if you continue to read this mess, it is on you because you decided to read this far into what is happening in my mind. Since a lot of people reading this are already reading my personal journal thoughts, this blog will not come as a surprise to you, and even the Stern Show hired trolls on Reddit will already talk about this blog before it is even posted like they did last time, to showcase they are monitoring everything I have ever typed into my journal entry.
 I don’t even know where to start with 2017 because it has been the year of transparency and secrecy, even more so than usual and it is like they knew just being on the Anti Psychotics they could get away with being even more transparent, at any gathering, or any time I spoke my mind and let off some steam in my platforms to spew my irrational opinions on things, but it seems more than obvious that people from my past are trying to resurface and while they have made their tactics seem secretive, they know by now that anyone wanting to connect with me, is someone who is compromised and it is like they want people they need to be interjected into my business so it makes it easier for them to take over, and by the end of the year it has come into fruition with their tactics of politicking with the past and having their connections while making it seem like we are in the same wave length, and because I don’t budge to their opinions, which is meant to persuade me, I can see the utter disdain they have for me.
 Even though I have been granted freedom to attend limited gatherings this past year, I can see the agendas and the narratives being spun in their favor. People who try to communicate with me, whether they are internet trolls or people I know, or even certain industry type of people, they all work with a point system and it is finally making its way to the surface, but it has always functioned like that, to me at least, where you have specific interactions, and get people who are in this game, which is someone like me who I suspect in a government program, and depending on the interactions you have these people who are also in the game, you can obtain certain amount of points and get your access to having connections with the system, whether it’s getting perks to attend events, vacation points,  concerts, sporting events, access to industry escorts etc, there are tasks at hand, and it feels whenever I am allowed going out, and because my life is controlled chaos, because once you become a part of the Stern Show world, your entire life is compromised, and everyone you thought you knew since you were a fucking kid is in on it as well, and whenever I show any type of suspicion, I can see the delayed responses, the nervousness, the eye contact with others, the writing in their private groups profusely, I can just tell that there is more that meets the eye. It feels like people have been convincing me to do a podcast and because they have their hands on advanced knowledge that someday I will be vindicated, it seems like they are already practicing being these people with no agenda and everything they present to me and in front of me is some genuine feeling and motive, but it isn’t, in my opinion. I have always been able to read people pretty good, and because this entire world is fake and the system looks at people like me who can’t function in this world on their own and have issues with depression, it is easy for people to just kick me when I am down and dismiss my opinions, and it triggers a response in me inside because it feels just like it did back in the day and because of that I realized that people I know, their flaws have not changed and it still continues to manifest
 See this is what I was worried about, I envisioned writing a nice recap of the year and already I am not feeling what I am writing, but since you people who need to gather intelligence on me and monitor my every word spoken or written online, you will still read it and proclaim you don’t read it because it is all drivel, but I am the only one who was a part of the Stern Show that is at least putting out something unique, even if you think I am utterly insane and that is fine, because people who would waste their time reading what I am saying, or every time I’m on a social platform, while you are able to do whatever you want and access any industry event that you please, you are still mentally ill enough to keep tabs on anything I do. You have my phones tapped, and you make it completely obvious about it, whether it is liking specific tweets I don’t remember liking, or whether it is playing different playlists on my Spotify, and also not to mention when I am writing in my personal journal on my computer you move the cursor multiple times to flex your muscle and show your presence and do it subtly because no one will believe me.
 I debated even writing this blog because I envision me speaking some type of truth and say some refreshing shit to fuck with the people to fuck with me, but the system doesn’t allow people to actually acknowledge it, even though it is pretty obvious they read it, with what they mention in front of me and how obvious they want to become about it, but it never goes anywhere. I am in the middle of it and I am already losing interest and sometimes I think it is by design because my thoughts can be manipulated because they have advanced technology to fuck with my head, and the genius part is that even if I am right, no one will believe me, because most of the people reading this shit are in on what is happening and they have been trying so fucking hard this past year to basically make it look like every suspicion I have had to seem like the opposite and when they see me they have this blank stare on their faces like “We have been reading this thoughts and seeing his rants on social media, so we acted the opposite and did it accordingly and he is going to be pissed to see that his suspicions haven’t been confirmed”
 Not only have people I have known stolen my contacts, and my own friends they never had connection with, but they aren’t satisfied with that, because this stuff is organized and people are a part of different secret societies and have moved it online under the guise of fantasy football, and secret Reddit groups, they also have their opinions bribed whether its traded for sex, or whether they can some type of spot in on it and if they don’t write or produce for something then whatever it is, is trash. I see this with music tastes and who certain people can hype up and who they don’t hype up, depending on if someone they know produced the song or is connected with the person themselves. The part that bothers me about this the most is that they hide it from me like they live regular fucking lives, and then when they know I will be vindicated in the future, they will want to be a part of whatever I do, and insert themselves in it like they invited me to places, even though the places they invited me, were limited and if they didn’t want me to see something, they would concoct ways for it to be done without me noticing. These are the people who are supposed to be my best friends, and I don’t have any of those.
 It is funny to hear certain people go off on all the people who committed sexual assault, because even that shit is by design, whether the acts happened because of some ritual, but again it became convenient for these people to meet those type of people before it was out in the open so you can say you met them before it was known, even though it was always known in some fucking way, and even though in reality behind the scenes, these people are supposed to be caught and they know how their careers are ending, they are still probably cool with the people who are chastising them, but you can’t admit that in public, so all these purists out there who go off on it and don’t explain the ritualistic shit you have to partake in, it is disingenuous and that no media outlet, mainstream or independent actually report with accuracy, they report whatever is allowed to be told, while the mainstream does a shittier job and a more propagandized way of being transparent with their shit. If these outlets were out for truth, why wouldn’t you expose what Howard Stern has done to people and how he has mentally tortured them with underhanded tactics, and even people in my own life are even afraid to say anything bad because they got their connections from him, it was because they were associated with me and because I wasn’t about making moves fast enough, they had to do it behind my fucking back, and now they are loyal to him, while some of them act like they hate him, but they are still loyal to them, because he allowed them to get access to the chicks they can fuck, or whatever events they can attend, and then they can all act like pretend feminists when everyone is partaking in orgies and bribing each other’s opinion.
In 30 years you will find out some of these chicks in power are doing the same shit as the guys were doing, and the cycle will continue because if they actually cared about sexual misconduct and assault etc, they would have access to report it right away. I am not talking about the victims, I mean the system monitors everything everyone does, they allow this to go on for so long, and they have these chicks signed to these nondisclosures and when they are allowed to speak out about it, in a limited fashion mind you, it makes them look bad because there are inconsistencies to the story and how they were hanging out with those same people they are accusing after the fact. There is something that isn’t being told and because you don’t blindly accept the official story of how it went down, you are labeled a rape apologist or something, The entire system is dirty and tainted, and it will keep going in cycles, no matter how many times we put a nice bow on it and tell you it is a changed system.
That is why I would want to die right away. I can’t stand looking at people in the past, and I don’t look forward to the future, even if I am vindicated, that is where the real trouble and problems begin. I just want to be dead, but they won’t allow any of that because people in my life aren’t done profiting off me in some fucking way. They have organized situations where I am asked out to be distracted, and if I get to go out, the situations are extremely limited, and because I am given orders to speak to certain people of certain establishments, it makes me think a deal was made and people in the establishment have to pretend not to know who I am when they are paying to see me, they can hire organized gang stalkers. There is a program going on where they enlist you without you even knowing, and then present a different reality. It might sound crazy but it will be revealed in some way.
 I will always blame myself for being close to certain people, or even partaking in the Stern Show, and now the people in my life, have been given the control to control my life and how much I can be downtown or how much praise I can get for speaking at functions, because they don’t want me to shine, and the fact that these people control it make me sick and I don’t have control of my own fate. The entire system is broken, these people are corrupted people and I don’t want anything to do with them. Now  I am stuck seeing a therapist that I don’t even know is sent by the system to keep record of what I am saying and because we speak in one specific spot in my house, which I believe is tapped by the government, I don’t think anything we say is private. Everything is accessible to these people. They can tell me that stuff is not my business, yet they have so much invested into whatever I am writing and doing on my own. They can hack my fucking phone. I have reached out to independent media, you know the “truth tellers’ none of them will look into what Stern has organized.
If Harvey Weinstein had Mossad Agents suppressing news stories about his sexual assaults, what do you think someone like Howard Stern has been doing? You really think someone like him is this blindly supportive of Israel and has been pro cleansing the Middle East, these same fucking “media outlets” won’t even look into him being one of the main people in Trump’s ear, because he had you all convinced he is some liberal now and even the people who hate him online are fake hating him because the narrative they have for hating him is that he doesn’t say “GARY THE RETARD” anymore, and that he is censoring that language, when it is an obvious ploy to make it seem like that he is this liberal who used to go against the system and he was never someone who went against the system, his entire career was manufactured in a fucking boardroom, and he made you think he was this edgy guy, but he was never edgy, the stuff he did, maybe it was funny, but it was never edgy, see this is why the “PC” side is limited, and the right wing have always had control, so much so they made you think the brink of edginess is saying racially charged words, and incorporating every negative taboo because the “PC” side made it seem like those were the things that were being censored, and it didn’t help that the representation they had putting out that view were flawed people, like the religious right etc. They fooled us into thinking that type of behavior was edgy, and those people are more PC than what the PC left is, whenever it comes to Israel, the police corruption, or the military, these “edgy” types are the ones who bow down for them but that is seen as being a “MAN”. And because the “PC LEFT” doesn’t explain why certain things are propaganda, especially when it has to do with foreign policy or race etc it makes them look like they don’t want to be mean, and the people on the right are the ones who are edgy and ballsy because they don’t want to shoot down anyone who claims racism. The designed it this way on purpose, and we all fell for it, and now because there is some representation of good in the system, they make you think that liberalism is the mental disorder, another clichéd talking point from right wing assholes, when in America there is no real left representation in a mainstream system, maybe with some social issues etc but most of those type of people are leaning to the right anyways because the system by default is a right wing narrative.
Anyways basic point is Stern is a Trump supporter and probably an advisor but everyone in the system knows this and have to keep that dick in their mouth about it while pretending they are speaking out against evil, when you really aren’t. It will be funny to see how many of these feminists who are Stern fans have to change their tune after years of parading around and vacationing with him but didn’t say shit at the exploitation of the whack packers and the women they had on their show with their underhanded tactics that exist. And people I know who know about this, they are too busy being bribed with the industry escorts and pretending to be this ultra feminists so they can get laid than actually speak out about actual evil. That is why I don’t want anyone from my past on my team and I will prefer to be dead than ever do business with anyone who has profited off me or helped make me this mental and organized false realities and organize different events so I am not privy to their orgy life style because all these marriages are phony and people swap wives, and I am supposed to believe we are in this world of respecting the rules and women. I am glad I am A sexual. I rather be dead than ever see anyone in my life. Maybe I am being irrational right now but these hidden rules fucking suck and because you guys can hide them because everyone is bought off, not one person in this world, no matter how edgy they seem, is edgy. I will never get over any of this and I will always hate what the system has done to me.
I knew this blog was a fucking big mistake, but I will post it anyways because people will still read it regardless, because they have to hang on to every fucking word I say. They need to study me and do their homework because when I am vindicated, they will plot their next move into getting revenge on me. I know how evil these people can be and I have seen that capability in the past and how they politick and pretend they are just living by themselves and doing nothing and convincing me that we are the same, but we are not. I want to end corruptness, you want to profit off it, and I don’t want to be here to see it. Don’t worry in the end I will lose everything and they will make sure because they will always be bitter about me being discovered first and how more people know who I am but to spare other people’s feelings, they have to dumb down people around us not to know about my “Stern Show fame” because they can’t stomach people approaching me and saying they know who I am. The used to do it before in the gym, or on the street, now suddenly they have no clue, and since most of the time it is an organized game that is taking place, it feels like something is not right.
Even if I am wrong about everything I have written irrationally and I probably am, because I am a delusional fatso, then it is even more reason why I should be off this planet and be done with it, but they can’t afford that, people I know can’t make more connections if I am not around and they have to hide their shadiness and who they are associated with, and because they know I don’t trust anyone, they had to latch on to my family members so they have some sort of connection to a bloodline, by the way bloodlines are important in this world, but no one wants to admit it because they are too  busy telling you that things just happen by chance and we are all random people on this earth. What a crock of fucking shit
 It was probably the wrong time of the month to watch the new Black Mirror season because the technology capabilities that are being foreshadowed fuck with my head because it will probably happen sooner and if not it is already happening behind the scenes since the elite have access to advanced technology. This is not what I needed, and I want to be dead before this shit comes to the surface. I don’t belong here and I won’t harm myself but I will always wait until the day I can fucking die and never see anyone in my life ever again. That is how my mind is always going to work. I will never forgive the people in my life for lying to me constantly and I will never forgive them for all the access they were allowed to have and all the industry fuckboys that helped do it because they bend over for Stern because they always wanted to be in his inner circle, whether its rappers, wrestlers, comedians, politicians etc you can all go fuck yourselves for partaking in mentally torturing me and laughing about it like the little subservient dogs that you are. That is what you are, and because you make a living off not what your “art” is, you making it off of harassing people online and doing dirt for the elite because you are all government agents behind the scenes. I don’t trust any of you, and I don’t want to be cool with any of you. I hope your industries continued to be taken over by the evil for doing this to me or getting joy out of it.
 Fuck 2017 and fuck this stupid blog. If you read it this far, you are one of the stupidest shit heads that have ever existed. Thanks for help fucking with my life on a continuous basis and making it more transparent than ever because it has become transparent. I hope all you industry fucks get what is coming to you, I understand it is hard to accept you had to take the white supremacist corporatist dick and they had to pat you on the head like a good little boy and you played along. Yeah I will say vile things because I am irrational and I don’t want to be here, so here is to 2018 and none of the vindication comes and I just eventually just get killed for popping off with these butter fingers. Go post this on reddit like the paid shills you are and then make a million of fake account to up vote your comments so you get your fucking internet points that you would prostitute yourself for.
I really hope all these industries get exposed and it will be funny to see how these people look at people like myself as the worst of humanity but you have been in an industry that has done more fucked up shit than I could ever fucking think of. Fuck everyone. I will just spend another sad new years on my own and just sleep because even if I could hang out with people, I wouldn’t want to because it would probably benefit you more than it would me.
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