#and i always assumed “huh‚ maybe they have dyslexia. i'm not one to judge”
I don't know if my elementary and middle school education was just leagues above some other schools or what, but sometimes I'm amazed at how much basic knowledge high-schoolers don't know
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master-jarrus · 4 years
Rewatching the cartoon beauty and the beast
Some notes:
Gaston is smart enough to provide intellectual stimulus for Belle. He's just to arrogant, conceited, and sexist for it to work out.
I forgot Maurice almost went off a cliff.
The live action did a lot better with pacing. 21:34 and Belle is already in the castle here
Can we appreciate the scenery for a sec!
Belle's voice is kind of whiny but then again she is supposed to be afraid so... can't really judge
Also why did she want him to come into light before agreeing?
You didn't let her say goodbye! Ooh look at that guilt already displaying itself
He's honestly really awkward which makes a lot since he's been a beast since he was 11
She's using that same face she uses with Gaston
Was spring/falling and it's now snowing
The people only like Gaston because he owns the bar
Fun fact: Gaston is based off of someone's ex and that is an absolute nightmare think about
🎶Le fou I have been thinking
A dangerous pastime
I know🎶
She never drank the tea
Adam (the beast that actually is his name) only acts how he does because he was spoiled and then people felt bad for him which allowed him to get away with more
Cogsworth and Lumiere have the same vibes as Dwight and Jim from the office
I aSked heR NicEly
Actually you didn't
Be our guest!
Oh wait, laze about the castle... guess that throws out them spoil him because he was cursed.
The forks' faces are creepy
"Who said anything about the castle being enchanted" well let's see your a talking clock. Yeah I have no idea how I could've possibly jumped to that conclusion
He literally could've just said, "don't go into the west wing I don't like people in my quarters." And she would've never gone in there. Just saying
Also for someone who often has to deal with someone who can't take no for an answer, you'd think she would take no for an answer
Screams get out, realizes he screwed up and completely lost his temper.
Question: was he remorseful because he scared her? Or because he thinks he just ruined his only chance at being human?
Belle looks great with her hair down
Like she's absolutely terrified and stuff but that lighting working for her
Beast just passed out
She was going to leave him
Why will it sting? It's just water, right?
"I wouldn't have run away if you hadn't frightened me!"
Tumblr media
Asylum guy: that's despicable! I love it
Le fou doesn't think Belle is a good match for Gaston apparently. That or he's trying to tease him and it's not working out well
Unrealistic expectations: getting a library as a gift
Belle likes a ton of sugar and cream in her porridge
When you think about it they fell in love in about a month or 2 maybe three
Please just let chip in on the secret nothing works better at helping people realizing their feelings then the awkward reveal that a child provides
Her hair bun is so weird. It's just kind of of folded over weirdly.
Huh, I always remembered it as they were eating and the scene changed to them dancing not Belle getting up and dragging him onto the dance floor with her
The animation with dress twisting around her!
All of a sudden no snow
Are you happy
Gets sad
That hesitation on the please as if she isn't sure if she should say it or not is such a mood (alexa)
Why did she bring her dad back to the castle? Wouldn't it be smarter in every aspect?
Dress change
She didn't question the snow man?
Well, I guess she was busy focusing on her father
She proves the beast's existence, her father and her are still locked up
Assuming that the beast will want their children as a sacrifice even though he never has before
The lightning on the mirror
Can hear women singing in the mob song, all men in the mob
I'm surprised they didn't assume Belle sent the mob to the castle
The chopper is an ingenious design but I see on fatal flaw. There isn't any actual way for the ax to be brought back up
Cogsworth having a mental breakdown and just becoming a lunatic
Anybody else get the sense we were suppose to get creeper vibes with the guy pulling out the feather duster's feathers?
Why didn't gaston bring his gun?
Gaston apparently thinks the beast has a beak
People make it seem like adam gave Gaston mercy because he's changed and honestly no, it's because he never killed anyone before
"Beast!" Girl, it's been at least 3 months and you still don't know his name?
She has to actually say it for it count for some stupid reason
Ooh kind of dark idea: what if she didn't like him and he was only changed back because he was dead? Also would that lift the curse off the staff?
Yes because you would be able to walk after being a beast for 10 years
When you realize that curse wasn't lifted off anything/one until the kissed
Clothes from when he was a beast perfectly fit his human form
When I was little I thought Maurice and Mrs. Potts were going to get together because they were old and single
End of movie
Y'know I only planned on taking note of Gaston's intellect and probable dyslexia
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