#and i always had the Gud shit as opposed to what our mum buys
knifeprtys · 2 years
hii we’ve been mutuals for a super long time but don’t really talk as much buuut i just wanted to send a little message to check up on you. i hope you’ve been doing okay or at least hanging in there. i’m always thinking of you and wishing you the best! wishing you a peaceful august ahead of you 💛💗
hellooo💗💗 it's so incredibly kind of you to ask how i'm holding up, i can't express how much i appreciate it rly thank you💞 i am gonna ramble a bit sorryy but i'm doing okay i think, surviving at least. my sister's birthday was on the 27th and it's been p rough for me since then bcos i was sorta putting all of my energy and thinking into still trying to make it a special day for her and since, not being up and on the move for her is draining me almost more than actually doing anything would so ig thats why i haven't been online as much but my friend suggested that i start a journal for her of happy memories and stuff so i think doing that might help a bit ! i'm thinking about going along to a group grief counseling thing with my mum, my aunt and a few other family members later on this month so that should be good for me too. it's incredibly hard to get any sort of help in that way here esp just now so it's rly the only thing any of us can do and the group is JUST starting so we'll see how it goes. i'm not the type to talk unlike how i am on here lol but just listening might help! but YE, thank you again!! i hope you're doing alright and i hope august is good to you as well💞
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