#and i cant form coherent sentences atm
taeonice · 1 year
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Thoughts about this theory???
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dottores · 2 years
now that im not on the verge of sobbing at 4am, i can actually give proper feedback that makes sense and isnt just me keymashing and hoping you understood what thats supposed to mean
i mentioned in an ask (i think?) about how much i admire your understanding of the characters and shit but that was too vague and now that i can actually fucking think and form coherent sentences i'll just go deeper into it. its SO SO obvious within your writing how much you understand the characters and their personalities, but more importantly, their emotions. im not sure how else to word this but your writing is so...well rounded? if that makes any sense. every single emotion you portray these characters in is so insanely accurate it feels weirdly canon even though most of the time, theyve never actually been shown like this in the actual manga. IF YOU DONT GET WHAT I MEAN I'LL USE RAN BEGGING IN THE RECENT CHAPTER AS AN EXAMPLE OKAY!! obviously ran is presented as a pretty closed off character emotionally, so we've never seen him break down or get upset or beg in canon, but god the way you wrote him im fully convinced that if he did ever beg for something (or someone 😱) it would be exactly the way you wrote it (I RLY HOPE YOU GET WHAT I MEAN). even more simple and often overlooked emotions like joy...you write them so well like its almost like you studied every bit of these characters before each chapter because god its just...wow honestly. im always going into the chapters with such high expectations yet somehow you exceed them EVERY SNGLE TIME your writing leaves my mind all fuzzy and i have to put my phone or laptop down for a bit and process what tf i just read bc its just THAT GOOD i would talk more about how you present rindou, y/n, and EVEN HANMA?? (i only started liking him after i read lda btw) but atm all i can think ab is ran and the way you write him so i'll analyse them another time 4 you <333
other than ur unbelievably accurate understanding of the characters, the way you invoke tension within the story and how it changes ever so slightly each chapter is so beautiful to me. this chapter you repeated the phrase "three dead, five arrested, six." OR SMTH every few lines and i was about to scream bc of how tense the atmosphere was i could not I WAS FIGHTING TRYING NOT TO READ AHEAD YOU DONT UNDERSTAND?? in other chapters you, if i remember correctly, tend to drag things out but not in like an annoying way, you do it in such a thoughtful and tactful way and it makes reading so so much more enjoyable than it already is. god i just I CANT SAY ENOUGH FOR MY LOVE OF HOW YOU USE SUCH SIMPLE AND COMMON LITERARY TECHNIQUES IN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL WAY IM GOING TO SOB CAT I CANNOT. DO THS. ANYMORE.
i also mentioned in an ask about how good you are with pacing i think? a lot of the time some stories may seem or feel rushed but thats never ever the case with you??? again you "drag things out" but every single word is so so important and meaningful and i could neve even think about skipping ahead or missing a few lines in the fear that i'll miss somethig out. each chapter goes by so slowly but so quickly at the same time?? how did you even manage to do that im screaming. i was reading and thinking about how the pace is bc its just..insane, god. the techniques you use, the words you choose, everything is so well thought out and makes the story feel so real like YOU HAVE ME THINKING IM Y/N???ENOUGH MY HEART CANT DO THIS. no, and i truly genuinely mean this, story has ever had me feeling this many emotions PER CHAPTER and ive been on here for a whilleee. honestly saying good job isnt enough, neither is rereading, i need to inhale all of your words and let them live in my lungs bc i cannot do this i wanna hug and bite and squeeze ad kiss your ran and rin YOU PORTRAY THEM BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE IVE SEEN SO FAR and it genuinely drives me crazy bc they feel so real to me when i read lda
i have so much more to say but this is getting too long and im sure ur very very busy so NEXT TIME OKAY!! <33
anyways IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I DIDNT REALISE!!!! but the point is i love you and your writing so so much and im so grateful to have you posting these FOR FREE??? insane honestly. TAKE CARE OF URSELF MWAAHHH ILY BYE BYE <333
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i waited all day to respond to this cuz i wanted to give it the attention it deserved. oh my fucking god. i don’t think you understand i read this at work and literally started crying at my desk. and then i read it like 8 more times and teared up every single time after that too.
like i am genuinely at a loss for words right now this is actually the sweetest and most thoughtful think i’ve ever been sent. like i worry so much about characterization and pacing — they’re two of the things that stress me out the most while writing i always am so anxious over not capturing characters correctly, so this might’ve been the most reassuring thing you could ever say to me 🥹🥹
you literally do not ever have to apologize for sending me long asks or anything oml pls i am so grateful and appreciative it literally means the world to me when you guys send me stuff about LDA cuz i want you guys to love it and the characters just as much as i do 🥹🥹🥹 i love talking to you guys about it i literally love you sm you just made my entire week 🥹🥹🥹 maybe the whole month tbh
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