#and i cant just draw barely half the cast and leave the others out sigh
indecisive-dizzy · 4 months
hhhh ok so I don't really want to change the characters' designs for the Theme Park AU much outside of eye colors, minor details, and heights.. my in universe excuse is that because the company Bought Playfellow they kept the original designs and wanted to be authentic to the original source when building the park.
Is that okay? My skills are not up for 8 character refs and I enjoy the writing more tbh
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simplysparrow14 · 5 years
The Introduction of Skeksa and Amri
I’ve had this idea in my brain for awhile of how Season 2 could introduce Skeksa and Amri into the storyline. This is a headcanon of sorts, but if it somehow becomes true then call be a phrophet, becuase i know everything!
season 2 better introduce Skeksa and Amri in the most dramatic, pirate way possible. 
(This can also be a perfect opportunity to introduce Amri, since Season 1 didn't have a chance too. I’m not too well-versed in the J.M Lee books as I’ve only read book 1, but I’ve read from snippits/other tumblr posts that Amri likes to boast and flirt on occation.  I know he’s a soft bean, but I just like that thought of a pompus, kind-of-dickish Amri that slowly starts to become the small bean we see in the novels. If anyone who’s read the books can tell me if I got Amri’s nature down right) 
imagine--> Our heroes (Brea, Kylan, Naia, Gurjin, Rian, Hup, Seladon and A very weak Darkend Deet), tied up to their the railing/mast of the pirate ship.  Rian and Gurjin, with Kylan between them, are tired by their wrists to hooks strung up on the Shrouds (The Spiderweb ropes commonly found on ships).  Naia and Brea  and Seladon are tied to latches bolted to the railings. Hup, unfortunately, Is tied upside down, being swung back and forth by a pair of Gelfling triplets who find amusement in the podlings apparent motion sickness. 
No one has touched Aughra, who sits with her cane on a small barrel near the girls.  No one would dare come close to the old crone, for fear of the wrath from her eight-and-a-half-fingers. 
Deet, due to her uncontrollable powers, and the fact that the ship is a living breathing ecosystem, is put into a close-knit metal cage, hanging off the edge of the ship by a hook above the raging sea.  Deet can bairly keep her eyes open, what with the darkening coursing within her draining her of energy.
Everyone is dishevel and sweaty and groggy from being unconscious for hours 
Surrounding them, Gelfling not of Sifa, or any other clan, origin, sneer and smirk at them from every corner of the ship. Some dangle from the large sail mast, others on the railings. A group sit on a cluster of old barrels, while a few stand on the main deck. Every Gelfling had a weapon within his or her hand, ready to brandish them at any sign of struggle.  Scars mar their bodies. At their feet, Fizzgigs and other creates growl with anticipation of a new snack. 
At the very front of the group,  A grotton with a half-shaved head and blue cloak stands with a high-and-mighty energy to him. At his hip, a vapran sword gleams in the light. He whips it out, using the blade to point to each of our heroes. 
He addresses his crew with bravato, walking slowly up to the group “Very good, everyone! A fine catch from the Silver Sea. Now, lets see what treasures we’ve dragged in from the surf...”
Moving swiftly, he digs the blade into Rian’s neck. Rian growls as the blade shines against his face. Amri casts a smirk at him, amusement dancing within the black pools of his eyes.  “A Pretentious Stonewood,”
He points to Kylan, who whimpers as Amri’s sword presses into his cheek. “A cowardly Sprition.... No, wait, a cowardly Half-breed Sprition,” A laugh escapes his chest. “You should really do better to conceal yourself. Your Stonewood ears are showing.”
He barely looks at up as he walks past, not bothering to stop the triplets from their playitme.  “A disgusting Podling,”
He turns to Gurjin, drawing his blade across the drenches large forehead.  “ A flat-footed Drenchen,”. He swipes the blade off Gurjins forehead swiftly, leaving a faint but noticeable red mark. 
“And his flat-footed Sister!” A roar of laughter erupts from the crowd of gelfling. Amri moves closer to Naia, pressing his blade under her chin. Naia’s gills quiver in anger, a soft rattling sound echoing from her neck. Amri’s brows knit in concentration. “Flat-flooted, yes, but... better looking by a considerable margin.”
A rush of heat rushes to Naia’s cheeks. Gurjin squirms against his ropes, muttering under his breath. 
Amri ignores Gurjins insults as he moves to Brea and Seladon. With his blade, he taps Seladon’s new All-Maudra Crown. “The Traitorous All-Maudra,” Then turns to to Brea. “And her transgressor sister.” 
“You stole that Vapran Sword,” Brea notes, her eyes falling to the bejeweled hilt. 
“Oh this? I’d say Stolen is a strong word. I like the term, Generously donated to be a much better alternative.”
Beside them, Aughra huffs and ‘Bahs’ as Amri walks in from of her. “It seems we have Mother Aughra on our vessel. The Deserter of Gelfling kind,” 
Mother Aughra gives a sneer. “Speak for yourself, You half-shaven fizzgig.  Your grotton. Used to live in caves did you? Now you snort sea-salt with these sun-frenzied lot. Quiet the contrast. Come any closer with that stick-- and I’ll fling you into the waves.” Using her walking stick, she taps Amri’s sword with annoyance. 
Amri growls at Aughra’s words, stepping back a bit away from the old crone, the crowed behind him having quieted to whispers. Turning from Aughra, he makes his way to the railing, grabbing hold of the shrouds and pulling himself up to Deet’s cage. Tapping his sword against the bars, Amri laughs as Deet cowers back a bit from the loud noise. The cage swings horribly over the ocean. Her dark veins glow from her agitated emotions.
“Stop!” Rian yells, struggling against the rope. “Don’t do that--You’ll scare her! Dont!”
Amri looks to Rian. Then to Deet. Then back to Rian. A wide smirk crosses the grottons face. “Oh,” He drawls.  He hops down from the railing, making his way over to Rian, drawing his blade to the Stonewoods neck again. “Would you look at that? it seems as though the Stonewood might have affection for the parasite that poisons the mainland,” With one fell swoop, Amri rakes the blade across Rians neck, drawing a very thin small line that trickles down is skin. Taking the ends of his blue cloak, Amri whips the blade clean before twirling it in his hand. “How romantic,” He sneers, his voice laced with amusement. 
The Gelfling behind Amri whoop with excitement as the captives struggle with their bonds as Amri twirled his blade
“No! Stop!” Deet yelps, thrusting her hand through the bars. The purple veins glow with the hideous purple residue of the darkening. 
“Stay back!” Amri screams, thrusting the blade into the cage, just barely striking Deet. “Parasites who drain the land of life don’t get a say in what I do or not.” Amri says, drawing back his blade. “As long as your feet are planted on his ship. You follow my rules--”
“Amri. Enough.” A voice calls, velvety and smooth. “You’re scaring the grotton. The Emperor specifically asked for her not to be harmed--physical or otherwise.”
The Gelfling go quiet as, with a flourish of her flamboyant long-jacket, A Skeksis emerges from the darkness of the ships cabin. With purple, blue and pink down feathers, a large over-jacket and a feathered hat, the Skeksis looks magnificent, towering over her crew. bravado laces her movements as she strides toward the captive. 
Amri backs away, sheathing his sword with a flourish of his hand. His large ears fall flat to his head “My apologies, Captain. I got a bit too... carried away...”
“As he always does,” A gelfling girl sneers, stroking a battle scared fizzgig. She’s younger then Amri, with tight brides weaved among her reddish-brown hair. 
“Amri always wants to be captain,” Her twin sneers. In her own hands, a pluffm chews on a large scroll. Her hair is shorter then her sister. “But all that Bravado will do him nothing if he cant strike his opponents--”
“Enough,” Skeksa snaps. The girls cower back in fright at the aggravated Skeksis. “You sound like childlings! Silence your mouths, or i’ll gladly stitch it shut for you.”
“Yes, Captain,” The girls say in unison. 
Aughra gives a huff as Skeksa strides toward her. “So, Skeksa, this is where you slinked off too. Cant say its an improvement.”
“Mother Aughra,” Skeksa greets, bending low to Aughra’s eye level. “How wonderful it is too see the incarnate of Thra has returned from her cosmic voyage. I hope it was worth the long absence.”
Aughra grumbles as she taps her staff on the walkway of the ship. “Wouldn't have done you any good. Your little brain would have popped half-way through. But i see now that you’ve done something considerable with your time. Not like your brethren. Not essence-dependent.”
 Skeksa laughs, deep throat and pleasant to the ears. Her purple and pink feathers ruffle in the salty sea-breeze. “My brethren were weaklings; too scared to gain a few scars. Too scared of death to face it head on.  I am nothing like them.”
“Bold words to say, considering you’ve answers the Emperors request to capture down Gentle Deet in order to take her back to the castle. You say you are nothing like them-- but just as plainly as the feathers on your wrinkled head, i can see that you are far from being different”
Skeksa sighs as she lifts herself to her full height. Hands behind her back, she walks slowly to Deets cage. “ Mother Aughra, I do what i must-- if not for the mainland gelfling; then to my crew. The mainland dies due to the power that rushes through the grottons veins. It effects everything--even the skeksis who live within the castle. How can i sit back when the dakrneing that leaks from gentle Deets body threatens to poison our world? I am mearly doing what is nessisary for Thra.” 
“Necessary for you. Not to Thra.” Aughra retorts. 
Skeksa chuckles. Moving her hand through the bars and using a claw, she lifts Deets head to look at her. Deets eyes are a deep purple, blurry with Darkned-fever.  Her breathing is labored, and as far as Skeksa can see, the veins are a deeper purple then before. Skeksa flicks the claw away, creating a red line under Deets jaw. “Quiet the contrary, old crone. You left to bring Knowledge to Thra-- tell me again how that turned out?”
Aughra says nothing. 
Skeksa cant help but chuckle again. “That’s what I thought.” With a violent push of her hand, Skeksa batters the cage, sending it swinging back and forth violently. “Gelfling, To Cera-Na!”
“To Cera-Na!” The gelfling echo as every gelfling scrable to their places within the ship. Gelfling climb up ropes and masts, going this way and that as they prepare the ship for departure. Brandishing their knives, Several cut down Rian, Gurjin and Kylan, catching them before they can fully hit the floor.
 Rian struggles violently as he is carted off, his hands bound behind his back.  “Deet! Deet! Let me go! Let! Me! Go! Noo! Deet!”
“Rian!” Deet screams, watching as a hatch is lifed up from the floor and the Stonewood is thrown in, followed by the deep yelp of Gurjin and Kylans whimper. Hup is thrown inside as well, his tiny body hitting the floor harshly before the hatch is closed. “Rian!”
Amri, his sword in hand, beats the cage one more time,silencing Deet. With a smirk, he makes his way to stand at Skeksa’s side. 
Brea, Seladon and Naia are cut from the railings. They’re dragged forcefully into the cabin. Aughra is left to walk herself, no one daring to touch her as she takes a swipe here and there at the Gelfling as she walks to the cabin. 
Skeksa surveys her ship, at the hustle and bustle of Gelfling as the vessel takes off through the silver surf. 
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seekthemist · 5 years
Omg 12 with Lamen 😻!!!! Thank you! Love your fics!
Anonymous said: “79 Lamen, for the smut prompts pleaaaase 😋”Anonymous said: “12 Laurent and Damen”
“Don't be so rough. there can’t be any marks.” (x2) + “You don’t need to cover up the bruises/hickeys.”
CCCCCCOMBO MONDAY at the smut supermarket!As with every number past the #35 there is a disambiguation depending on where you sent this from (mobile or pc) but I went with my gut feeling on What The People Want.Partially under the cut, and E-rated
Other Captive Prince fills: Lamen #47 ; Augandros #96(107) ; Lamen #99(110)
From this prompt list!
The room was golden with candlelight, intimate in the partial shadows cast by the canopy. The curtains of it were of white linen, almost hanging from the marble of the high ceiling–more meant for filtering the sea breeze than actually keeping heat in.
This was custom in Ios, familiar to Damen like breathing, even though he now occupied the room of the King rather than the quarters he had grown in.
The current predicament would probably be alien anywhere, because Laurent had the unique ability of morphing all things and places he touched into a new shape, in Damen’s eyes.
He turned his hands, testing another grip, and pulled again at the restrains around his wrists. The fabric was so richly adorned Damen was basically sure Laurent had tied him with pieces of his own Veretian garments. Still, they didn’t budge, not even under the considerable strength Damen exerted on them.
“Don’t be so rough,” Laurent scolded him, with an exaggerated stress on his words that definitely felt like mockery. “There can’t be any marks.”
Damen didn’t suppress the impulse to roll his eyes. “And whose fault would it be, if there are?”
Laurent huffed, looking at him from above, “Certainly not mine, I would say. I’m not the one pulling like this.”
“You’re the one who wanted to test his knots.”
“And aren’t they excellent?” Laurent cooed, with a thin smile. “Would your ship masters be proud of me?”
The mental vision of Laurent showcasing a pair of thoroughly tied up wrists to the hardened seamen in charge of Damen’s float was as entertaining as the reality would probably be. He had seen Laurent spending the last weeks on Akielon nautical books and he was looking forward to another you-won’t-know-what-hit-you show.
“Overjoyed, I’m sure.” Damen leaned back against the pillow, not pulling anymore–for the moment. “Are you also planning to lend me over to them and see how well I work if they hoist me up a mast?”
“Don’t be ridiculous you would weigh down the sail!” Laurent countered, trying to stay serious and instead breaking into laughter two seconds after.
“So you won’t tell them,” Damen deduced, his voice low and sweet enough to coax Laurent to caress along his bare arms, soothing, and check on the ties. Pulling on them had tightened the knots, but not enough to be numbing.
“The point is never in telling, lover,” Laurent murmured, kissing at the curve of Damen’s elbow. “Merely in suggesting.”
“How will you suggest to them about the toy that you commissioned?” Damen asked, his body getting more tense at every contact, at every second that Laurent spent drawing this out.
“Mmmhn, that’s kind of complex, isn’t it?” Laurent’s voice went even lower, so suggestive it gave Damen goosebumps. “What should I suggest to them? That you tolerated it for the love of our marriage? That I made you enjoy it? That you loved it?”
The tone was enough to make Damen’s body tense–a different, more spontaneous wave than the one he inflicted himself before. Lodged deep inside him, the plug was dense glass, perfectly polished and slick, heavy on spot that sparked with sensitivity.
He groaned and Laurent weighed down on his lap with more purpose, exacerbating the sensation. Damen’s cock twitched uselessly, deep inside Laurent. Laurent took that little shivering breath that assured Damen he wasn’t the only one feeling this.
“That you loved it, then,” Laurent whispered, a maddening undertone of a moan between two vowels.
“I would love it even more if you moved,” Damen half-begged, half-bargained.
For a second he almost hoped his wish had been granted, Laurent’s hips moving in a narrow circle. Then wider. Wider still, with his back bending. He was the most alluring of visions, strong muscles and white skin, that little surprised expression when his own cock twitched as if Damen’s cock inside him was a novelty every time. Laurent was such a glorious rider, he would be glorious now, riding Damen.
Then Laurent stopped.
They both breathed heavily, bewildered.
“Convince me,” Laurent hummed, when he could trust his voice not to crack completely.
Damen felt a wild sound drawing from his throat, one that always made Laurent’s eyes go wide. He pulled against his restraint again, the fabric knotting tight against his wrists. But nothing gave in, definitely in no way that would allow Damen to flip Laurent around the bed like he meant to.
“Come closer,” Damen asked, instead. Then, when Laurent folded over him, their noses brushing–so close, so intimate–he added, “Turn your head.”
The shiver of anticipation ran between them, from Laurent to Damen, skin against skin. It made Damen smile, knowing how eager Laurent was–how he must knew what was coming and yearned for it.
Laurent turned his head to the left, and Damen nosed along his right ear, blowing the hair away with a little huff of breath. That was enough to make Laurent swallow hard, so Damen did it again–just for the sake of it, just to feel Laurent clenching around him with barely any stimulation. It was a bit of a strain for Damen’s neck, to lift his head up and cant it to the side, but it was worth it.
Damen opened his mouth and caught the skin just below Laurent’s ear into a kiss.
“Mhn,” Laurent hummed, very still for a second. Then Damen sucked lightly, flicking his tongue against the soft skin, and Laurent’s spine lengthened in subtle squirming–his hard nipples rubbing on the span of Damen’s chest. “Ah…” Laurent broke into something more substantial, when Damen let him go.
It would mark, with the same ease it was turning red already, even in the shadow cast by Laurent’s own body over his.
“Again?” Damen suggested, grinning a bit.
It took Laurent a couple of seconds to inhale thinly and nod.
Damen kissed him again, and again, over his warm and beautifully sensitive skin–so close to his hair, behind his ear, in spots close enough to each other to trace a little path.
At some point through it, with his fingers digging hard and desperately on Damen’s shoulders, Laurent began to move. He didn’t acknowledge the fact that Damen had convinced him, but the rocking motion started and then went deeper, and deeper.
“You won’t cover this up, would you? The mark of my kisses…” Damen groaned, running his teeth over the shell of Laurent’s ear without biting down.
Laurent didn’t reply with anything but a broken whining moan, jumping in his throat at the same rhythm of his motion over Damen’s lap.
Damen watched him unraveling and let himself go as well, catching Laurent’s lips in a kiss just as Laurent came all over his chest.
“Ah,” Laurent stressed, shivering and still riding off his pleasure.
The dug of his nails might probably leave a mark as well. It was this thought exactly to tip Damen over the edge, pulling desperately at his restraints as his his body bucked and arched with it.
Later, unbound from the headboard and combing Laurent’s hair slowly, Damen asked, “Will you really not cover my marks?”
“Will you not cover mine?” Laurent replied, sleepily, from the crook of Damen’s neck.
“Maybe,” Damen laughed under his breath.
Laurent settled better against him, a deep sigh releasing the weight of his body more fully on Damen’s body. “Then, maybe.”
It was as close to a yes Damen could get from Laurent, without jeopardising his games, and it let the feeling of it lulling him to sleep.
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buckysgoldenheart · 6 years
Unprofessional: Part 3 Seb Stan x Reader
Summary: Starring in the same movie meant feelings between any two actors was not allowed.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Note: 3/?
Warnings: Cursing and stuff. Probs some spelling mistakes. Same old, same old. Self-Body-shaming? Small chance that this is written weird and I just cant tell anymore.
Words: 2105
Hope you guys like it. Comments are appreciated!!!!
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Part 3:
Seb P.O.V
Chris paused after taking a sip of his beer from his relaxed position on Seb’s apartments couch. “So, was it good? Or not good? Or what? Cause I don’t know, I feel like I wouldn’t be as upset as you’re are right now, but maybe I’m crazy.” He shrugged.
“You’re not crazy.” Anthony confirmed from his own spot next to the blond. “Seb is crazy.”
Blue-grey eyes flew wide at the blunt comment. Crazy? How am I crazy? “I’m crazy?! How the fuck am I crazy!?”
Anthony’s eyebrow rose an inch up his forehead, clearly saying without saying how idiotic of a question that was. “For complaining! Jesus man, did you see this girl!?” He whipped his phone out from his back jeans pocket, pulled up your picture from a website praising the upcoming film and the actors cast in it, and shoved it in Chris’s face.
Chris made no move to get a look, only nodded and took another swig. “I did, yea I know, she’s definitely hot.”
“HOT, Seb!”
Then the smartphone was turned face-front to Sebastian and extended as far as possible by Anthony’s long arm as if proximity would further prove his point.
Seb rolled his eyes, crossed his arms at his chest, and sighed in annoyance. “I know what she looks like.” It’s not like I could forget her if I tried.
“Are you sure? Cause you are not acting like a man who just kissed this woman a couple hours ago. You’re acting like a man who thought he was kissing this woman only to find out that it was actually a large dog once he opened his eyes.” Anthony slightly chucked.
“Oh, that was funny.” Chris grinned at his friend, who smiled back with pride.
“Thanks ma—"
“No, It wasn’t!” Seb yelled, throwing his hands in the air. “Guys! What. Do. I. Do!?”
“What do you mean what do you do? You do nothing. You’re gonna have to make out a lot before this movie is over.”
“Chris is right, Seb.” Anthony agreed, before a sly smirk took over his face. “Besides, she probably didn’t feel anything. Like kissing cardboard, I bet.”.
“I hate you.”
“Can’t hate us too much. If we’re gone you won’t have anyone to complain to about your ‘problems,’” The brown-eyed man curved his fingers in the air in the shape of a quote. “that every other living, breathing man would consider a blessing from the big man upstairs. I mean, she must have a lizard tongue or something. That’s the only conclusion I can come to as to why you would complain about this woman putting her mouth on yours.”
Chris made a face at the image that scrunched it unattractively, but chuckled. “Yea Seb, does she have a lizard tongue?”
“No, she does not have a lizard tongue! She’s--her tongue is…” Seb groaned and dropped his head in frustration. “…it’s fucking perfect.”
“Oh, well then I totally get why you’re so upset then.”  Anthony’s sarcastic tone once again rang out much to Sebs exasperation.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“What could you do?” Chris chimed. “You have to start filming tomorrow. Just do your job, man. She’ll do hers.”
“We are gonna have to kiss again.”
Anthony laughed, making Seb very nervous for his friend’s next words. “If it were me, I would just fuck up the scene every time, then I’d get to kiss her all damn day. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the sex sce--”
He immediately snapped his mouth shut at the glare directed his way that, with enough effort, could’ve burned a hole through a wall.
“You have no idea how close you are to death.” Seb said. If he thought he wanted to punch Anthony before, it was nothing compared to what he wanted to do to him now.
“I’m just saying…”
“Well stop ‘just saying.’ I took it too far, guys.”
Chris cleared his throat, drawing his friends’ attention to him. “Do you think she could even tell that you weren’t acting? The director basically asked you to kiss each other.”
“He asked us to get to know each other, but does what I described to you sound like a get-to-know-each other kiss?”
Though a sarcastic question, Seb wanted the answer to be ‘yes,’ hoping maybe Chris had similar experiences in the past; that this kind of kiss wasn’t unheard-of between co-stars or known to cause any problems between them.
“Maybe.” Chris replied, shrugging his broad shoulders. “You told her it would be a good idea to make it as accurate as possible for the sake of the scene, so where’s the harm? You did what you said you would do.”
The harm?! The harm is that she’s beautiful and funny and nice and sexy and kisses like a damn angel with a sinful side. “The harm is that I felt something I shouldn’t have.”
Anthony and Chris’s eyes blew wide and a moment passed as the men soaked in that information. They clearly knew Seb enjoyed kissing you, but feelings?
“Ok,” The blond said, drawling out the word. “The way I see it, you have two options: talk to her and see if she felt something as well and then figure out a way to put it behind you or ignore it completely.
Seb rubbed the back of his neck, his white t-shirt threatening to rip at the seam around his bicep. “I don’t know. Those don’t seem like helpful ideas.”
“How is that?”
“Because neither will make me forget what happened so I can do my job right.”
“Yea well, being wiped like Bucky Barnes doesn’t exactly happen in the world we’re in…I don’t think.” Anthony’s eyebrows scrunched together as he contemplated his statement. “Look, take it as a good thing. You guys have chemistry. That’s certainly not a curse when you’re acting sex scenes out with another person.”
“It would be a good thing if it was acting chemistry, but this is not that.” Seb fisted his fingers in his hair and tugged. “This is just bound to fuck me up. We kissed and I felt something and then she ran and now I’m fucked.” He said, almost sounding like he was getting ready to laugh; like he couldn’t believe he got himself into this situation.  
Anthony’s jaw dropped open. “She ran? What did you do?”
“Nothing, I don’t think.” Seb sighed, running a hand down his face. “Maybe I did. I have no idea. She just…left, like broke apart from me, pushed me away, and ran out the door; and now--”
Chris nodded in understanding and smiled in a way that didn’t quite reach his eyes. It was meant to be a comforting smile made just for his friend but didn’t exactly cut it. This situation was going to be more of a problem than he initially thought. “Seb, I get it, she’s beautiful, she really is, but you shouldn’t freak out over some, some…thing you feel that you don’t even know how to describe. That’s a waste of time and energy.”
“You don’t think I know that; that I don’t know how crazy I am sounding?” Seb pressed his palms into the pits of his eyes, forcing dark spots to cloud his vision. “Kissing her made my brain explode a little, Chris.”
“How does something only explode a little?” Anthony mumbled, and Chris swatted him across the arm as he listened Seb; watching as the brunette let his arms drop back to his sides.
“I didn’t want to stop.”
“You need to talk to her; get a sense of what she’s thinking. I know I said an option was to ignore it, but I you’re in deeper than I thought.”
Seb blinked a slow blink, his eyes staying closed for an extra beat to take in the words of his friend, his annoyingly, wise friend. “How are you always so damn sensible?”
Chris finished his beer and put it off to the side on the table, then chuckled. “It’s not like it didn’t take practice.”
Y/N P.O.V 
Securing your purse at your shoulder, you walked across the dark pavement to the studio where you would have to have sex with Se—do your job, and you just wanted to run back to your tiny, safe Subaru and drive home. Your first day on the job, while supposed to be nerve-wracking and a little stressful, would not be for the reasons most were used to. There would be no scary boss or overwhelming amount of paperwork; no fear of mean co-workers or possible offending of customers.
Nearly at the door, you sensed some heavy footsteps from afar that quickly turned into a slight jog as they got closer.
You heard it somewhere behind you; the end half of your name louder and nearer than the beginning, but you didn’t turn until a strong hand was gripping your forearm with surprising softness and turning you to face its owner.
“Hey, I was calling you; you didn’t hear me?” Seb asked, his lips stretching into a sweet smile, but your face remained impassive, though not on purpose. After yesterday, you were just kind of out of it; awake all night, tossing and turning as you thought about this man’s lips, his perfect perfect lips on yours, the feel of his arms around you and his abs through both of your shirts when you pressed your bodies together.
“Uh, n-no—” You stuttered, because that’s what you only seemed to be able to do when he was around.
“I was hoping we could talk, just for a second.” His eyes were pleading and you didn’t want to deny him, but you had a feeling it was either about the ‘sex’ you would have to have today or the kiss you had yesterday. Who am I kidding, it’s about today. He probably never gave that kiss a second thought.
“Look, about yester—”
“Alright kids, you were supposed to be inside five minutes ago, so let’s get a move on. Get in there and strip. I want you on set in ten.”
You let out the breath you had been holding since those eyes linked to yours, while ‘Thank fuck for our director’ ran through your head about a million times in the ten seconds it took for you to turn from Seb and hurry towards the door, leaving him to stand there, disappointed.
Naked…just great.
You held open the small silk robe that barely covered your thighs and studied your body in the full-length mirror with dissatisfaction. They could make up your face and curl your hair until it looked just sexy enough to turn on any man, but…
What will they do about my body? CGI editing, or something?
Stretch marks and small scars and little red spots around your bikini line from shaving with the cheap razors you bought last week.
Women sexy enough to sleep with Seb, or any of his characters, do not have marks on their bodies.
However, you weren’t likely to develop silky, smooth skin within the next two minutes, so you tied your robe, sighing, and stepped outside the dressing room into a crowd of way too many people for you to be comfortable.
And there he was, just standing there like he wasn’t almost completely naked while a member of the crew placed something over his crotch so that what lay underneath never touched you. You shook your head to yourself for being slightly upset that that wouldn’t happen.
Then, a small woman with a headset appeared before you. She rushed out a string of words that you couldn’t comprehend as she ushered you towards the set. You did however, hear her tell you to slip off your robe to get prepped for the scene before she walked away and left you to wait for someone to help. You looked around at the scurrying people and at the giant bed you would have fake sex on, never noticing Sebs eyes grazing all over your barely covered body.
Five minutes later, you were standing a foot from Seb, thankfully with your robes back on, while the director explained the way the scene would go.
“So Y/N, you already admitted that you love Seb and the scene will start off with him kissing you against the wall over there,” He said, pointing to the far left of the set. “before you end up on the bed. Everybody got it?”
“Yea.” Seb said, but you only nodded. Luckily this wouldn’t require you to speak, just act.
“Ok people, robes back off please.”
Perm/Tags: @dugan365 @moonlightimagination @pietrotheavenger @marvel-fanfiction @agentsinstorybrooke @dani-si @alyssiamking @wintersoldier98 @then-there-was-me-emily @prxttybirdz @tessvillegas @xceafh @jazzwoman897 @fandoms-who @meganwinchester1999 @ufffg @debra77 @rebelliouscat @anise-d-castle6 @projectxhappiness @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @lowkeysebby @stringgeek13 @quotemeow @notmyfault404 @jjamesbbarness @stangirl4eva @guera31 @sophiatomlinson23 @youreahandsomedevil @thisismysecrethappyplace @rex-orange-baby @slytherin-in-hufflepuff-robes @randomawesomeperson102 @asstiel4-20 @amina4-4 @buckysrcse @tacohead13 @pxrrishly 
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ninetiesmanic · 7 years
My Reckless Northsider
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A/N : OH MY GOSH im super nervous to be posting an imagine on here for the first time ever. I would really appreciate it if you guys send me feedback on it . umm i think ive cleared everything and oh obviously the gif is not mine and yea i hope you guys enjoy it!
Part 2
“You really think you can just barge in there and not expect anything bad to happen? ” His eyes were ablaze as he towered over you. In any other situation you would be able to keep your cool but you really did not appreciate being talked to like this.
“How stupid can you b-”  You cut him of fist clenched at your sides as you glowered at him.
“Look I don't understand why you're so angry. I was just trying to help Archie before he got himself killed!”
“You were trying to help?! Are you out of your mind,”  You took a step back momentarily taken aback by his outburst. It occurred to you that the space between you and him was barely existent and from this close up you could see every line of emotion on his face.  Eyes narrowed,a evident frown on his lips. It didn't take much to figure out he was pissed.
So understandably it was sort of stupid to storm into ghoulie territory and wave a gun in there face but you would never admit that out loud.  In your defense you were being heroic and trying to save Archie from yet again doing something very stupid. Once you had fired the gun and a bunch of furious eyes stared your way you knew in a way you had screwed up. So admittedly you were very much relieved when Sweet Pea and other serpents had shown up to save you guys from a very dangerous situation.
“Are you even listening to me?”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms on your chest meeting his fuming eyes head on. “I was listening but it occurred to me that I don't appreciate being berated like im a child Sweet Pea.”
“Y/N, are you listening to yourself, you a northsider ,made the idiotic decision to walk into ghoulie territory and you're telling me you don't want to be berated like a child”
You looked away from him not comfortable with the way his dark eyes gazed at you intently.
“Look can't we just move on from this? It already happened so let it go,” you sigh running your hands through your hair in frustration. This argument was starting to irk you.
“No we cant.” he practically screams in your face and you were very close to telling him to calm the fuck down. It wasn't fair that Archie got of the hook with his friends leaving you to get chastised by a very upset serpent.  
You groaned in frustration meeting his eyes once again. “Why does it even matter what could've happened Sweet Pea, im not hurt,” You say trying hard to end the argument.
However this only seemed to make him angrier as  he slammed his fist into the wall beside your head.
You looked at him in horror as the sound of his fist hitting the wall echoed between you two.
“What the hell Pea” you scream out half worried for his hand and other half scared shitless.
“What if I wasn't there Y/N, anything could have happened to you,” you open your mouth ready to dispute but got caught off guard as his large hands came up to grab your chin drawing your face closer to his.
“You wanna know why I am angry Y/N? Its because you do the stupidest,most reckless things that endanger your live as if its not of importance to you.”
“Thats rich coming from you,” you manage to mutter out.
“You're right I shouldn't be the one to tell you that, but I am a southsider I don't get the same opportunities as you do.You can't keep risking what you have.”
Your jaws clenched in annoyance and you made it clear as you pulled his hands away from your face. “Fuck you Sweet Pea you don't know anything about me. So I made a stupid decision. What has that got to do with you? You're not my boyfriend so stop acting like you are!”
Something shifted in his eyes and for a moment you felt breathless from the way he looked at you in that instant. You were aware of how close he was to you, chest heaving from all the yelling that transpired and his shoulder hunched a little just so you guys are face to face. His eyes shifted from you eyes to your lip, his pupils dark as they focused on you.
“You have no idea how crazy you're driving me.” he says, voice deep and rough in ways that left your body tingling in anticipation.
“God I wish I didn't care about you as much as I do, I'm a serpent my loyalties lie with them not some bratty northsider.” he seethed and you hated how your body chose to respond to him. What the fuck was happening.This couldn't happen between you two. You swallow nervously and bring your hands up to push him off of you.
He didn't budge at first eyes still watching me intensely. “Sweet Pea….Move” you whisper breathlessly. Whatever was happening needed to stop right now.
After a moment he pulls back away from you. You let out a shaky breath and cast your eyes away from him trying to break whatever spell they were putting you under.
“I’m,” you stop trying to gather yourself. “I'm gonna go” you say finally.
“I'll take you home,”
You jump to argue as you also took in the sight of his bruised fist.
“Pea it-”
“Y/N i'm not leaving you alone,” he states matter of factly. You sigh and nod in defeat really not in the mood to argue anymore.
To say the ride to your house was awkward was an understatement. It seemed your body was still hyper aware of Sweet Pea and it felt uncomfortable have places of your body pushed up against his. As soon as you reached your house you practically leapt off in happiness.
“Well thanks for the ride im just gonna um go inside,”your words came out frantically conveying just how much you wanted to get away from him.
“Y/N wait,” his voice managed to root you in place as you dreaded whatever words he would mutter out next. You turned around and decided looking at your fidgeting fingers would be safer than his alluring eyes.
“Look at me,” he demands lightly. You breathe out bracing yourself for whatever was going to happen next.
“What?” you say defiantly meeting his eyes or maybe the space between his eyebrows. Gosh you felt pathetic.
“I think what you did was reckless,” you sigh already sick and tired of the same argument.
“Wait just listen,” he stands up from his motorcycle and you not so subtly take a step back.
You did not need a repeat of what happened earlier. You and him were barely friends so you didn't understand what brought on this new development in you guys’s relationship but you needed it to stop. Guys like Sweet Pea who were not used to being in serious relationships were something you would always try to avoid.
“I know i'm not your boyfriend, i'm not even sure if we are friends but that doesn't stop me from caring about you. You need to stop putting yourself in dangerous situations. You can end up getting seriously hurt.” He says staring deeply into your  eyes.
You felt the urge to look away again but didn't want him to think he affected you.You also did not want to dwell on the fact he said that he cared about you. A part of you however was happy he had even uttered those words. Sweet Pea had always been somewhat emotionally detached so having him say that to you made you feel special.
“Okay fine i'll admit what I did was...stupid so i'm sorry. Okay. There I said it. Happy?” You declare in defeat. This argument was honestly tiring you out and you just wanted to forget this day ever happened.
“I would be happier if we hugged it out,” His lips stretch into his signature smirk as he spreads out his arms and for a moment you were happy about the familiarity it brought.Your relationship was always one that was carefree and fun, you guys never labelled it as friendship or anything further than that but then again it never felt necessary.
“In your dreams sweet cheeks,” you say jokingly.
“That could be arranged.” he jokes back crossing his arms and your eyes are drawn to his bruised fist.
“If we still are on the topic of stupid and reckless actions let's talk about you punching the wall,” you say pointedly. He shrugs sheepishly momentarily appearing somewhat embarrassed for the reckless action.  
“You wanna come in so I can bandage that up“ you ask already pulling out your house keys from your jacket pocket.
“I dont think thats a good idea,” the roughness in his tone catches you off guard.
You swallow nervously but try to play off the change in mood “Why not? Afraid you won't be able to control yourself around me “ you half joke.
“Something like that,“ for some reason the answer left you excited and angry at the same to the point that you couldn't respond to him.
“I guess i'll see you around,“ he says getting back on his motorcycle and you found yourself unable to formulate coherent sentences and just watched as he sent a smug smile your way before riding away.
Somehow you feel infuriated, that sneaky bastard knew what he was doing.
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royallyanxious · 7 years
Concept from your friendly resident roman loving anon: roman breaks his arm and is sad bc he cant perform with a broken arm so the other sides write loads of reassuring and happy comments on his cast to make him feel better (and u bet ur ass he keeps either the cast or a picture of it somewhere in his room to look back on) (you can also bet patton puts a pun like 'its break a leg not break an arm silly' on the cast)
Platonic LAMP
Word count: 1400ish
TW: broken bones
 "I had no ideathat Sides can break bones..." hummed Virgil examining Roman's cast. Smallsmile was tugged on his lips."I have a very weird feeling that my pain bring you alot of satisfaction.” Grunted Roman, leaning his head against the wall in hisroom. Virgil raised his gaze and sent an evil smirk hiding half ofhis face in the shadow of his bangs."That feeling evolves into certitude." Roman sighed.Virgil stuck out his tongue and took a step away, lettingPatton come closer."Oh, kiddo." sighed Patton letting his fingerstravel across the white cast "Why can't you be more careful..." hegently patted the injured hand. Roman growled quietly.
"Hey, Pat be careful, that bone is broken afterall." huffed out Virgil quietly."Would you mind telling me how did it happen?"asked Logan squatting next to the bed. His eyes were scanning the cast as if hewas trying to somehow look through it."Well..." Roman cleared his throat "That waslong and tiring battle. Both of us were blind with sweat which was covering ourforeheads an eyelids. I was barely standing on my legs and-""I was there. He fell off the ladder." cut himVirgil casually earning a death-glare from Roman. Logan snored.Patton's lips curled up but the politely tried to hide it byplaying with the paw of his onesie."I was decorating the stage when it started tremblingout of nowhere!" excused himself Roman "I thought I had this undercontrol-""He was singing When Will My Life Begin from Tangled andtrying to dance..." muttered Virgil."You could have caught me My Imbalanced Romance!""The only imbalanced thing there was the ladder and mayI remind you that I told you to calm down!" groaned Virgil."You could have caught me..." mumbled Roman."I was on the opposite side of the stage!" Virgilslammed his hand again the wall "Do you seriously think I wouldn't caughtyou if I could?" Virgil clenched his teeth and only then the othersunderstood how much he blames himself for this situation. His hand slipped downthe wall. "I’m sorry okay? I really am!” He looked truly heart-broken.
Roman smiled softly.
“Don’t sweat itVirgil, I should have been more careful. It’s my fault.” He re-assured theanxious side and sighed “Too bad the play will have to be postponed… I reallywas looking forward to show it to you guys…” Roman fixed his gaze at thepattern covering his pillow. His painted red nails were a little bit nervouslystroking little golden strings which were decorating each corner of the pillow.
“Hey, Ro…” Patton satthe right side of the bed, gently hugging Roman. “It’s fine kiddo. We can wait.At least you will have more time to learn the script. You got perscripted more time.”
“Yeah… I guess you’re right Padre…” Romansmiled faintly, fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt. The other sides werewatching him cautiously. They knew how important this play was to Roman. He putall the effort into it, planning every step and every detail. “If you don’tmind guys I would prefer to stay alone for a while.” Said Roman finally chewingon his lips.
“You sure kiddo?”Patton tilted his head. He would prefer to keep an eye on the creative side.Logan delicately nudged Patton’s shoulder.
“Let’s give him somespace Patton. Roman needs to rest now.” The logical side said quietly and Romansmiled with gratitude.
“O-okay… If you needanything just let us know…” nodded Patton a little bit hesitantly.
“He can walk Patton. His arm is broken, not leg.” Reminded Virgil,holding the door open for the others to leave.
“We should dosomething to cheer him up!” pouted Patton, folding arms on the chest, makinghim look like a toddler.
“Agreed. He lookedincredibly upset with this unfortunate event.” Nodded Logan, tapping hisfingers against the table.
“I want to at least try to fix this…” mumbledVirgil.
“You say it’s yourfault one more time and I’m going to physically fight you.” Patton raised hisfinger and pointed it at Virgil, frowning.
“What do people usuallydo when their friends get sick?” asked Logan completely ignoring Patton. Thesilence fell in the common room.
“… Make them get-well-sooncards?” suggested Patton finally.
Virgil pulled up thesleeves of his hoodie, making a hoodie-paws.
“I mean… it is anidea but this is Roman we’re talking about. We can do better than that.”
Logan rubbed hischin.
“How about a chart?”
“A chart?” snortedVirgil.
“Yes, a chart showinghim how many famous actors suffered from having a broken arm.” Nodded Logancompletely serious.
“This one is a littlebit… too original.” Said Virgil carefully.
“We could spell onhis cast!” lightened up Patton suddenly.
“I think you meant “casta spell” Patton and although it would be very satisfactory to heal Roman thisway, I’m not sure any of us is able to achieve that.” pointed Logan politely,adjusting his necktie.
“No! I meant spell onhis cast! I saw it on some movie! A kid had a cast on their legs and theirfriends left cute, little notes on it! Like a magical spells!” Patton clappedwith delight.
“That could...actually work out.” Nodded Virgil.
“Even though from thelogical point of view this action is quite pointless, I  suspect this is something that could makeRoman feel better.” Said Logan finally after few moments of considering prosand cons of this proposition.
“Great! Since we all agree I’m gonna bring some crayons!”
“Now, Virgil you getthe purple one…” whispered Patton handing the anxious trait one of the colorfulcrayons “I will take the orange one and Logan-“
“I will take blue.”
“But the blue one isbroken.” Whined Patton quietly.
“That’s not of agreat importance if it’s broken or not. I still can write with it.” Loganwithout asking for permission reached for the blue crayon.
“So what’s the plan?”asked Virgil for the third time since they decided to do this.
“It’s easy. Basicallywe wait until Roman falls asleep, slip into his room and write small notes onhis cast. He will wake up to see a lot of nice things and that will put him inbetter mood!” explained Patton cheerfully. He was clearly excited with thewhole idea of sneaking in and out.
Virgil shushed him,peeking through the keyhole.
“I think he’s asleep.”He whispered to the others and gestured them to come closer to the doors. Logantook off his shoes to make less noise.
They crack opened thedoor. Indeed it seemed that Roman fell asleep. His chest was rhythmically raisingup and down and his face expression was much  more relaxed now.
The first one who wrotesomething was Patton. His tongue was sticking out as he was spreading more andmore of orange color across the white cast. Finally he looked at his work andnodded with content. He was done.
The next one was Logan.He took much more time than Patton, thinking twice before writing down eachletter.
The last one who approached sleeping Roman was Virgil. He hesitantly squattednext to the sleeping man and with a little bit shaking hand, scribbled fewwords on the edge of the cast. Taking one small glimpse at Roman he quicklybacked off.
Roman yawned and lookedat the clock, hanging on the wall.  Hehad been sleeping for two hours. The empty feeling was still aching him fromthe inside but at least he wasn’t so tired now. He wanted to get up, find therest of the sides and maybe eat something when his gaze fell at the white masscovering his arm. Only that now it wasn’t completely white.
Roman moved his armcloser to his eyes which almost immediately started filling up with hot tears.
“These guys…” hemumbled to himself “These guys are something else…” he said to himself readingthe small noted once again.
“It’s break a leg, not break an arm silly!” with a small drawing of a puppy next to it.
“I would love to remind you that I improve that saying. Fracture a femurRoman. But not literally this time.” Written with blue.
“…I hate both of these equally. Get well soon Princy.” Written in purple.
 “These guys aresomething else…” smiled Roman, the feeling of emptiness in his heart was gone.
UPDATED TAGLIST: @depressed-alone​ ​ @changeling-ash​ @dear-lover-dearest​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms​ @calmingthoughtsinyourhead​ @zo-geeky​ @fandomfreak-19​ @thegnatnat​ @inha-led​ @tree4life25​ @panic-at-theeverywhere​ @reallyanextrovertipromise  @shit-happens-bitchachos @pastel-patton123​ @pinkeasteregg​ @greymane902​ @princeyssash​ @ilovemygaydad​ @musicphanpie-b​ @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@birosezz @winged-outlaw @anxious-fander-talian-bean @lizaelsparrow @moonstonefox12 @pastelnerd101  somecrappyclone
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imnovampire · 8 years
Not Everything That Hurts Is Bad
Welcome to my guilty pleasure. Full disclosure, this is a Freebatch and I portrayed Sophia in a bad light here, and to be perfectly honest I feel a bit not good about it. But then again it’s a guilty pleasure for a reason yeah? Allow me to apologize to all the lovely people mentioned in my purely fictional portrayal of them. ( Not that they will be reading it, just putting it out there.) Now to all my readers, if Freebatch, is not your thing leave now. Or stay and perhaps it will become your thing, and we can all be guilty together. And for the record what follows here is copious amounts of absolute deprvity.
“Not everything that hurts is bad.”
“Martin! I came by your trailer. Where were you?” Bright eyed bubbly and sweet. He reminded Martin of candy floss. “I stepped out.” Martin answered, suddenly very fascinated by the ground. “Are you avoiding me?” Why was this man so fucking innocent? Martin had to shut this down now. “Yes. Yes I am.” Ben, let out a breathy chuckle and smiled to beat the sun. “Why? Do I smell?” Of all the questions in the world, why did Ben, have to ask that one? Why that question Martin though. Because that…was the perfect question. All last week Martin had been walking around the set half hard simply off Ben’s smell. He had even had to adjust himself a couple of times, no one thinking too much of it just Martin being Martin. “As a matter of fact you do.” Martin stepped into Bens space, seemingly angry. “You smell like cashmere, and earl gray and honey! For fuck sake what man smells like honey!” Ben was rooted to the ground and confused. “I’m sorry, it’s…it’s my shampoo…and…the rest…I don’t know. I didn’t know it was so offensive.” He stammered. Was the fool apologizing? “Offensive? You got it wrong. Its arousing.” Martin, practically hissed the words. “Oh. Oh. Well then.” With each inflection came clarity. Ben smiled a slow knowing smile. “You got it now?” Martin asked after watching the younger man go through a ranger of emotions. “I believe I do.” He seemed to stand a little taller. Martin was good at reading Ben, and he could see full understanding bloom in his eyes. “Maybe we could talk about this later in privet, back, in my trailer?” Martin saw his chance. Wait, chance? Wasn’t he suppose to be shutting this down? “Or…” Ben was clearly pressing his advantage. “My place in Llandiff? You still have a key?” “Yes.” All Martin could manage was a one word answer, his mind flooding with the most inappropriate, unseemly depravitly. “Good. I was hoping it would come in handy one day.” He winked. He fucking winked. And walked away.
Palace Road, of course he lived on Palace Road Martin thought as he did each time he’d come to Ben’s home. No other street would suite, Martin thought as he walked through Ben’s, front door and tossed the key in its place. Posh boy, probably bought it on the street name alone site unseen. He would have to ask. Martin made his way to the kitchen, draw by the low sounds of Amber Runs “5 am.” “Hello Ben.” “Hello Martin.” He smiled a little lopsided. “You caught me a tad off guard.” Ben, spoke as he walked from behind the kitchen island, hair still damp and brearly dressed in a loose fitting white linen shirt held closed by a single bottom, tight white boxer briefs, long legs and bare feet, absentmindedly twirling his wine glass. “I’m a bit indecent.” “I have a feeling that was the plan.” “Mmm. Perhaps. Drink?” “No thank you.” “Hungry?” “In a way.” Martin licked his lips. “Should we talk?” “Cause that’s why I’m here yeah? Chat you up? We’ve been past that for so long now.” They had moved steadily closer to each other as the spoke and where now inches apart. The look in Martins eyes was dangerous, like fire you know your not supposed to touch, yet still ache to get just a little closer almost craving the burn. Ben felt his heart skip. Martin backed him up against island and took the wine from his hand upending it, sat the glass on the island and kissed Ben with barely checked passion. Ben, slid his long arms around Martins waist and down to rock his bottom into him by way of answer, he parted his thighs settling Martin against his half hard cock. “Thats why I’m here.” Martin growled in Ben’s ear as he pressed his body to his. Ben felt dizzy, he could taste Martin and wine on his lip, the former more intoxicating then the latter. He dropped his head back to allow Martin to run his tongue and teeth along the sensitive flesh of his throat, bitting down just hard enough in the crook of his neck to make Ben, jerk and gasp. “Off.” Martin spoke against Ben’s skin tugging at his shirt. Quick fingers undid the button and cast the linen aside. Martin spun Ben around and pushed him face down to the marble countertop, he slipped a finger into the waistband of his boxers exposing one plush cheek and pressed into him as he ran his hand up over each bump of Ben, spine, up the back of his neck into his damp warm curls. Ben shivered at the two apposing sensations, Martins hard cock pressing the cold zipper of his trousers into his soft warm flesh, and the gentle slid of his warm hand up his back. He whimpered. “Jesus Martin.” He pushed back into him needing more. But the lovely contact was broken and Martin backed away. Ben turned. Martins eyes where black, his lips where wet and dear god his cock was hard. Ben made a small sound at the sight of him literally salivating. He undid Martins trouser and went to his knees, taking him whole with a purr in the back of his throat. Martins legs quivered, his stomach flittered, and he staggered a bit. “Fuuucckk Ben. Shhhit.” He tried not to push into his mouth, but it seemed as if Ben begged him to. Swallowing deeper and grasping his bottom. Martin dug in hands into Ben’s curls fully intending to pull him off when the younger man moaned and cast a wicked look up at Martin that nearly undid him. Plush lips dark eyes and his cock. Martin jerked back pulling Ben, away, and took a step back grabbing his cock and squeezing tight panting with his eyes closed. Ben chuckled and sat back on his heels. Martin stayed still trying to calm himself. “Our first shag will not be in the kitchen by the bins.” He opened his eyes slowly. Ben was standing now, boxers half down his hard cock pinned by the fabric against his flat belly. Martin needed to be naked. NOW! Press his body against this pale beauty, take him and take him again making him his. And that’s exactly what he did, until the sun brought the dawn, bringing Ben to his peek over and over never allowing him to tip the edge, watching his need spiral into near insanity before he gave him his release that thundered him to screaming tears. Ben was a sniveling mess by the time Martin was done. He’d never been more proud of his handy work. Or more in love. Fuck.
“Come to Paradise with me.” “But you’ve already taken me there so many times.” Ben drolled suggestively into his mobile. “New Zealand, you twat.” Martin chuckled. “Cant. I’ve got Star Trek read.” “Fuck. Stay away from Simon.” Ben flat out laughed. “I miss you Martin.” “I miss you too Ben. When can see you?” “Soon.” “And Zachary.”
“When are you back in London?” Martin asked juggling his bag and his mobile, fishing for his key. “Soon.” “I miss you Ben.” “I miss you too Martin.” “When can I see you?” Finally getting the door open and dropping his bag. Smiling at the sight that greeted him. “Soon.” Ben, purred and hung up his mobile. “Well Benedict Cumberbatch you little cock whore. Hello Gorgeous.” Martin stopped in the door way to admire the scene. A naked Ben, clearly fresh from the bath, lay full out on the sofa on his side, head resting on his arm. “Hello Mr. Freeman you old cock hound. Get over here.” “Try to stop me.”
“I’m getting married.” Ben said as he shut the door behind him. Taking a deep breath and resting his head. “I’m happy for you?” “Yes Martin, your happy for me.” “Good to fucking know.” Anger bleeding in to hurt. “Don’t do this! We’ve talked about this. I want children.” “Right. Why did you come back here tonight? We need to start spending time apart.” “Maybe we do. But not tonight. Please Martin.” He’d made his way to where Martin was standing, and rested his hand over his heart. Martin sighed and closed his eyes. He could never resist Ben, his sweet posh boy resistance was well…futile. He took Ben’s and in his and kissed his fingertips. He opened his eyes. “I could never tell you no. If I could we wouldn’t be here in this cocked up mess today. Come on beautiful.” They cuddled together on the sofa, Ben curled up in some infinitesimally small ball pressed against Martins body, kissing occasionally and watching telly. Martin stroked Ben’s curls and tried not to think about the man he loved marrying someone else.
“Ben, you know I can’t come.” “Please.” “It would tear me apart Ben. I’m sorry. I just can’t.” “Martin…” “Enjoy your day.” The line went dead.
“How could you let this happen! This is just insane!” Sophia was in a rage. “You think I intended this to happen? To fall in love with him? I didn’t. But I’m here now and I’m not leaving.” “You and this horrible man, in back allies and what cheap hotels behind my back for what years?” “Behind your back? Nothing was ever done that you didn’t know about. I never lied to you about Martin! Never once. I’ve told you I adore him. What? Because I didn’t use the word love you thought it was something else? What did you think was happening when I would go away with him for a week? A week!” “Not this! Not this filth! Benedict, how could you?” “How could you lie to yourself? You had to know Sophia.” “So all this our marriage is a lie.” “Of corse it’s not. I do love you and our life together. But Martin, is something altogether different.” “End it. End it or I will ruin the both of you.” Ben was dumb struck. But love or impulse or foolishness spoke first. “No.” “Fine. You leave me little choice then Benedict.” The next day Sophia, was on the Sherlock set. Her first stop was Martin’s trailer.
“Hello Martin.” “Well this is a surprise. Hi Sophia. Ben’s not here I think he’s on set.” “He is. I’m here to see you.” “Really? What have I done to deserve such an honor?” “Apparently, fucked my husband.” Martin chuckled. “You know people would be shocked if they knew the woman you really are.” “Let’s skip the small talk shell we.” “Alright. So are you here to “confront the other woman?” Martin made sarcastic air quotes from his crossed leg position on sofa. “Is that how you see yourself Martin?” Sophie asked as she looked around the trailer as if she expected to find Benedict hiding in a corner. “The other woman?” “With this much cock? Hardly, it was a metaphor sweetheart.” Sophie glared at him. She had always hated Martin right from the start. He was a bad influence on Benedict and he knew it. Worse still, he liked it. “Everyone sees you as the sweet little Hobbit, but that’s not who you are, who you are is…” “A cock.” “Yes, but more then that. You’re a thief.” “Sophia, stop being melodramatic, this isn’t the theater, and I’m no thief.” “Benedict was happy with me until…” “Until what? Until I came along? You forget, I was here first.” “Are you saying this has been going on? This filth?” Martin narrowed his eyes and tiled his head to the side at her use of the slur. “Carful, your true colors are showing.” “Fuck you Martin!” “I’m sorry Sophia, I don’t do couples. Now get out of my trailer.” “You sicken me.” “Likewise.” “Before I go you should know, that I plan on exporting whatever this is you think you have with Benedict.” Martin was not the type of man to take a threat lightly. “And you think I would let that happen? After all these years no one has ever found us out. There’s a reason for that. I am that reason. You believe I’ll allow you to hurt him? No. Let me be clear. If Ben, gets the slightest bit of negative press, you will regret it.” “And what dose that mean? Is that a threat?” Martin just looked at her. His calm disdain was chilling. “Weren’t you leaving?”
“Baby, number 2 on the way.” Ben said to Martin from across the breakfast table after a stolen night together watching his expression bloom into genuine happiness. “Congratulations mate!” Martin smiled at a sullen faced Ben. “What?” “You say you love me…” “No. No don’t do that Ben. I say I love you? Fuck Ben you can’t be serious.” “I just told you I’m having another child with my wife and you're over the moon.” “Yes Ben, yes I am. For you. Because I love you. You deserve everything. The fact that it all can’t be with me is irrelevant. As long as you're happy. I know what this is.” Martin motioned between the two of them. “And I know what it’s not. Don’t. Ever. Doubt. My love. When I’ve sacrificed so much to prove it.” Ben came around the table and kneeled in front of Martin, took his hand and rested his head on his knee. His voice telling the whole story of his heart. “I’m sorry Martin. I never should have said such things.” Martin stroked Ben’s curls. “Your damn right you shouldn’t. Now since your down there…” Ben smacked his leg. “You’re ruining the moment.” Ben couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s a different moment now. ” Martin said playfully thrusting his hips a tad.
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