#and i didnt spend very long looking for refs either so its not like its super obscure lmao
ssspringroll · 9 months
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i think its done. so i have to stop procrastinating and get to the rest of the place now. oh boy
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michaelreaderreblog · 6 years
Angels and Hockey
AN: “ And I have a request for you as well!!!! Michael watching his first hockey game with reader. Don’t matter if it’s on tv or live at the arena. Don’t matter on the team either, you can choose on that part. Reader explains why the referee blew the whistle and why the one goal is called off. So as the game goes on he is beginning to understand the game and begins getting frustrated with calls and goals. Even noticed an angel has taken a particular well known hockey player for a host vessel. 😃😃😃” A request made by @jacobmarkstrom25 I hope I wrote this to your expectations and sorry I wrote it out so long but I couldnt help myself. I liked a few parts and well this is the outcome of it all. I hope everyone enjoys this one and thanks for reading and requesting. Requests are always open
Word Count: 4,733
You and your brothers finish up a case with no problems at all. A case that took you all the way to Vancouver, Canada. The drive up was even beautiful.
“Who else needs an ice pack” Dean asks while getting them from the cooler
“Im good. I just took an advil” Sam replies while getting comfortable on the bed
“Wow you guys are old” you say while looking between them
“Shut up” Dean says while getting on the bed and try and get comfortable as well
“So we staying for a couple of days?” you ask looking up from your laptop
“Yeah. I want to go fishing” Dean says while laying on the bed
“I want to check out the farmers markets and just explore” Sams turn to add in
Once you got your answer, you continued going through the Vancouver Canucks website. The beloved hockey team to the city.
For once you wanted to check out a hockey game but you werent sure if your brothers would want to go with you.
“Do any of you want to check out a hockey game? I can buy the tickets” you ask before purchasing them
“No thanks” Dean says
“No but thanks for asking” Sam says while looking to you
After they both reply you hear a familiar sound of wings in the room
“Michael” Sam says looking to him
“You’re late to the party. We cleaned up the mess here” Dean says adjusting the pillows behind him
“My help wasnt needed then” Michael says coming to sit with you
“Nah” Dean replies while continuing to relax on the bed
“Catch any other cases?” Michael asks looking between all three of you
“No, other hunters caught a few and are taking care of them” Dean says while finally getting comfortable
“What now?” Michael asks
“Well we are going to spend a couple more days here and just explore the city” Sam says while getting up from the bed and getting himself a beer.
He throws Dean one as well, he looks to you if you would like one but you nod. He goes back to the bed.
“Michael would you like to go to a hockey game with me?” you ask looking away from your laptop
“I would love to” he agrees with a smile
“If I hear one more thing about hockey. Im gonna puke” Dean says looking to you
“Hockey” you reply while smirking to him
“Bugger” Dean mutters to himself
You heard what he said and giggled. Sam rolls his eyes at the both of you.
“So when is this game?” Michael asks looking to you
“The game is tonight. So we should head out soon” you tell him while an email is being sent
You opened the email and your digital tickets were emailed. You downloaded the file and it was done.
“Are you guys going to be ok by yourselves for a few hours?” you ask looking between Sam and Dean
“Yes. You know we can take care of ourselves” Dean says while looking to you
“Before yes. Now you’re old is why Im asking” you reply
“Bugger” Dean says once more
“Get out” Sam says pointing to the door while getting a laugh out of it
Michael with the snap of his fingers brings the both of you outside the Rogers Arena
“What time does the game start?” Michael asks standing beside you.
“The game starts in an hour” you tell him while looking to your watch
“What shall we do for an hour?” he asks looking around
“Well I want to eat” you reply
Michael then zaps the both of you to a restaurant. All the zapping is getting you dizzy but you were getting used to it. Slowly.
“I didnt realize how hungry I was. Those appetizers didnt do a thing” you say while finishing off the last of your nachos
“Those nachos were really good” he says while wiping his hands
Once the main course meal was placed in front of you is when you finished it off with no problem at all. Michael did the same as well and thankfully he is full
“Ok that was the greatest meal” you say while cleaning the table
“How much more time til the game starts?” he asks placing his plate on top of yours.
You cleaned the table before the waitress came and made her job easier. All she had to do was take the plates, cups and utensils away while wiping the table.
“Half hour” you reply looking to your watch
The both of you get up from the table and walk to the register to pay for the meal. The waitress comes back and is thankful for the table is cleaned. She is also thankful for the generous tip.
Once the both of you are in front of the arena is when you walk in the building. You line up to get your tickets scanned. You pull out your phone and open the email with the tickets. Once they scan your tickets is when the both of you walk in the direction of your seats.
“These are amazing seats” Michael says as soon as the both of you get to your seats
You managed to get ice level seats for the both of you.
“You know the rules of the game?” you ask smiling to him
“Yes I do. I was there when the game was created, just waited for someone to come along and take the game far” he says while looking to you.
As the players begin to take the ice for pregame warm ups is when you got excited because you never got the chance to attend these types of games.
Never had the time. Dean and Sam went to these types of things but it was never the sport that interested you. So you never went with them.
You and Michael talk about the case that you and your brothers finished to pass the time. Finally when it was time for puck drop is when Michael is fascinated.
The Canucks score the first goal and the crowd goes wild. You and Michael cheer as loud as the both of you can. The arena is loud with cheers and hollers for their favourite player.
You see Daniel Sedin skate by and made your inner fan girl jump for joy. You see him nod to Michael and wondered if it was just a fan appreciation kind of thing. You didnt think much of it
Michael couldnt believe who he just saw, he thought he died right after the fall because no one has ever heard from him in a while.
Soon after the first goal was scored, another was scored but it wasnt the home team. It was the opposing team and the game is tied in the first period.
Michael keeps an eye for anyone else he is familiar with but no one is. Only the one Daniel Sedin.
“Enjoying yourself?” you ask while never taking your eyes off from the game
“Yes I am” he answers quickly
He leaps out of his seat for an embellished penalty call against the Canucks and the opposing team is on the power play. Leaving the Canucks one man short.
“That was an unnecessary call” Michael says while sitting back in his seat
“Very agreeable” you reply while the opposing team scores once more.
They lead by one goal and the first period is over. Intermission while everyone gets out of their seats and goes to the food vendors or even alcohol vendors.
“Thanks for coming with me to the game. Dean nor Sam wanted to come, they wanted to do their own thing. Which I dont mind but it just would have been nice for a family thing” you tell him while the zamboni makes its rounds
“Not a problem. We all need to do our own things when they havent been practised in a long time and the three of you hunt as a family. So I see that as a family thing” he says as he looks to you.
Daniel looks across the rink and sees Michael. Well the angel hosting his body sees Michael and wondered how he escaped out of the cage. He will wait until the second period is over to tell him to wait for him after the game. Along with the Winchester girl.
As the second period is about to start, the players come back to their benches but the goalies switch sides.
“Now we get to see all the action” you say while looking to the main face off
“NO MORE STUPID CALLS REF!!” Michael yells while banging on the glass
Other people in your section clap and agree to his comment.
Finally the Canucks score to tie the game in the second period and the goal is by Henrik Sedin assisted by Daniel. His brother.
After puck drop from the main face off the Canucks score another goal but that was called off for goalie interference.
“THAT WAS A GOOD GOAL!!! HE DIDNT TOUCH HIM!!!” it was your turn to leap out of your seat and yell at the ref for the stupid call.
You and Michael both look to the jumbotron to review the play. Over and over they showed the clip and the entire arena cheered because they see the goal is good. The goalie was untouched.
“THATS A GOOD GOAL!!!!” you yell once more
You notice that Michael is chuckling to himself and you look over to him and wonder why he is chuckling to himself.
“Whats so funny?” you ask looking to Michael
“Every time you go frantic over the call, the camera man always points the camera on you” he replies while laughing once more
You look up to the jumbotron once and sure enough, the camera is right on you but soon switches back to the call.
Daniel sees what you are doing and chuckles to himself as he watches you go frantic over the call and appreciates that. For the teams sake.
Back at the room Dean and Sam are having a laugh while watching the game.
“Looks like they are having fun” Dean says while taking a gulp from his beer
“You see that one players eyes glow?” Sam asks pointing to the TV
“No, what they glow?” Dean asks looking to Sam and the TV
“Hope they will have replay and wish these TV’s had the option to pause” Sam says in hopes they will have the replay
Sure enough as they replay the one play is when they both noticed Daniel’s eye glow blue as he chases the puck down.
“It could be the glare from the camera flashes off his visor” Dean says not really thinking of anything
“Maybe” is all Sam says but once the game is over is when he will research this once the game is over
He feels as though an angel is hosting a vessel
They finally rule that the goal is good and the Canucks finally have the tying game
“Well its about time” you say while sitting back down.
As the period ends is when you notice Daniel Sedin skating towards the both of you is when you get all excited once more
“Michael wait for me after the game” Daniel says looking to him
Michael nods and feels something familiar about him
“How do you know Daniel Sedin?” you ask while feeling excited
“I dont but we’ll see how this goes” he says never keeping his eyes off of him.
“Mind staying after the game?” he asks looking to you once he doesnt see him anymore
“Sure, I dont” you reply very quickly
“An angel is using that hockey player as a vessel” Michael says looking to you.
You look to him quickly and couldnt believe what he just said
“Who?” you ask
“Lets get drinks” he says while he leads the way to the vendors
You follow him up the stairs and leads the way to the nearest one. He gets himself a water while you get a coffee.
“You think Daniel is a vessel?” you ask
“Yes I do but I am not sure who is using him as a vessel” he says while the both of you slowly make your back to the seats
“What are we going to do?” you ask while making your way down the stairs
“Well we are going to stay after the game and hear what he has to say” Michael says while taking a sip from his water
“Alright” is you say and the players come back for the third and final period.
Back at the room Sam manages to find a clip from the game and goes through the one play where he saw the glowing blue eyes.
“Hey check this out” Sam says while freezing on the one player that glowed the blue eyes
“Angel? Or something else?” Dean asks once he has the laptop in front of him
“Let me screen print this and I’ll send it to y/n” Sam says cropping out a few things from the screen print.
When he is done, he sends it to you and maybe Michael would know something about it.
“Sent” Sam says while Dean is placing his laptop to the side
“You think y/n can handle this?” Dean asks while looking away from the TV and to Sam
“She has Michael and I am most definitely sure she will call if she needs more help” Sam says looking away from the TV and to Dean
“I knew we should have went to the game with her” Dean says with regret
“Shes fine. She has Michael” Sam reassures him
Its the last minute of the third period and the Canucks are in a comfortable lead. When the final buzzer goes off is when everyone cheers and sighs of relief.
“Well moment of truth” you say as a notification goes off on your phone
You pull out your phone and its a text from Sam. He sent a picture and you open it right away. Its a picture of Daniel Sedin with blue glowing eyes and captions ‘you might be up against something’
You show the text to Michael and he sees what Sam has captured
“Tell him its alright. An angel and I am going to find out more” Michael says while giving you back your phone
“I will send that now” you say while texting back to Sam
“You: We know. Its an angel using him as a vessel. Michael is going to find out who” you hit send
Sam pulls out his phone and reads the text
“Dean, they know. Michael is going to find out more” Sam tells him while Dean was about to get ready
“Find out more as in who the angel is?” Dean asks putting his jacket down.
“Seems that way” Sam says while waiting for another text from you.
They sit in the room patiently waiting. Dean on the other hand just wants to head down to the arena and find out what is going on.
“I dont think we need my brothers right?” you ask after reading the text from Sam
“No, we will be fine” Michael replies while getting up from the seat and heading out
“I will let Sam know that we wont be needing back up” you tell him while sending a quick text.
As the both of you make your way to the players entrance is when a security guard stops Michael. They both have a quick conversation and both look to you. You knew Michael was telling him about what Daniel said and the guard let him through along with you.
“You and Daniel must go way back if its important to meet up with you” the guard says while leading the both of you to the players lounge.
“We sure do. All the way back to Sweden” Michael says while walking beside him
“Alright wait in here and make yourselves comfortable” the guard says and disappears into the players locker room
Well what it appears to be.
“Did you want me to wait in the hall or here?” you ask looking to Michael
“See what hes comfortable with” Michael replies looking to you as he grabs your hand
You smile to the gesture and go close to him as you give him a kiss to the lips.
“I didnt realize you two are bonded” Daniel says as he comes into the lounge
“Yes we are. We have been for a while” Michael looks to him with a faint smile
“I guess Castiel wasnt the only one who is fond of the Winchester’s” Daniel says while walking closer to the both of you.
“Ezekiel” Michael says as Daniel gets closer.
Michael smiles once he realizes who he is, past the vessel.
“Finally you come to realization on who I am” Ezekiel says looking to Michael as he places his hand on his shoulder
“May we have a word in private. Sorry y/n but I’d like to speak to my brother in private” Ezekiel says looking to you
“Sure, I can wait out in the hall. I saw a bench some where down the hall” you reply while smiling to him
“If you just walk out there is another lounge where they serve coffee. Its for the wives and girlfriends” Ezekiel says looking to you.
Instead he leads you to the lounge and sure enough the servers are still there but the room is empty
“Thank you” you tell him
“Not a problem. Ion can take care of you” he says while looking to the server and his eyes glow blue as well.
“Winchester” is all he says and continues doing what he was doing before the both of you walked into the room
“What can I get you?” he asks leaning against the bar
“Coffee” is all you say and he places the order for you.
“You come here with your brothers and Michael?” he asks while serving you the coffee and the cream and sugar
“Well my brothers and I came here for a case and we handled it pretty well. Michael showed up after we cleaned up the mess” you tell him while taking a sip from you coffee and its really good
“Nice. Happy to hear you three cleaned up the mess” he says while wiping down the counter top
“Im glad to see you arent as hostile as the other angels and Ezekiel” you admit while setting your coffee down.
“Well when I heard Castiel was looking for Metatron and seeking retribution. I knew that you Winchester’s would be doing the same with Amara” he says while looking to you.
“After all that why didnt you go back to Heaven like all the angels did?” you ask
“What happen to you? I thought you perished” Michael says as soon as Ezekiel/Daniel enter into the players lounge and takes a seat across from Michael on the arm chair
“Well I didnt get in touch with the other angels because my grace was partially mutilated” he says looking to his hands
“This vessel. How did you come across this athlete?” Michael asks once more
“Well once I found a temporary one, which wasnt holding me well and Daniel Sedin was hospitalized after sustaining a major injury” he replies remembering back to the time he found Daniel in a hospital.
His hockey career was in jeopardy when the injury came along. He wasnt ready to walk away from the game just yet and prayed constantly for a speedy recovery. Until his prayers were sort of answered.
“You didnt force yourself on him?” Michael asks in hopes he wouldnt.
He hoped he wouldnt be the type of abomination to forcefully take a vessel.
“Father no. Once I saw him, I told him who I was and once I asked if I can take him as my vessel. I can heal him and also heal myself. He liked the idea so much he didnt hesitate. He didnt want his hockey career to end” Ezekiel said while looking to Michael.
“How did you get here to Vancouver?” Michael asks never taking his eyes off of Ezekiel
“During the fall, I ended up falling in a park called Stanley Park here in Vancouver” he replies while slightly smiling
“Dean and Sam found out you were something celestial due to the grace glowing during the game” Michael tells him
“Well I guess they arent useless at all” Ezekiel says while chuckling
“You are still doing Heavens work and I cant say anything about that” Michael says while looking around the lounge
He looks to the TV in front of him and notices its on the sports channel showing the replays from earlier games.
“Either way still doing the Lord’s work” he says while his smile never fades
“Daniel is an amazing husband, father and athlete. Something I thought I would never enjoy but I do” Ezekiel says while looking to his hands
“Ezekiel the prophet and now a healer. Always doing whats right, Im extremely proud of you” Michael says while looking back to his brother.
“Thank you” he says while feeling shocked he heard Michael say that.
“And what is of Heaven?” he asks looking to Michael
“Well Heaven is restored but still short of angels. Im in the process of making more but still need to train them. For they are fledglings” Michael replies
“Who is in charge?” he asks curiously
“I left Hannah in charge, she knows what she is doing and she is very trustworthy” Michael says while looking to his brother once more
He wants to ask if he would like to come back to Heaven and train the fledglings during the off season but he gets the feeling he would rather enjoy the time off as Daniel.
“You enjoy the hockey game? Y/n sure did” Ezekiel asks looking to Michael
“Yes I did enjoy the game and it was my first” he replies while chuckling at the thought of your reactions.
“When I found Ezekiel, we had long conversations about going back but in the end we decided to stay earth bound” Ion says looking to you.
You already finished your second cup of coffee and basically enjoying a conversation with an angel.
“How did the both of you find each other?” you ask while tilting your head to the side
Ion looks to you and couldnt help but smile for it reminded him of a certain angel.
“Well it was during training camp last season and I already got this job. I saw him and knew that there something familiar about him” he says while taking the cup from you.
“Your grace” is all you say while holding onto every word he says
“My grace was broken from the fall and being locked out of Heaven but wasnt lost. I could still sense other angels” he says while looking to you.
“Wow and now you work as a server at the Rogers Arena and attend to the wives and girlfriends of the team” you say while smiling
“By night yes. By day I work as a librarian” he says while finishing cleaning his station
“I always wanted to work in a library but with these monsters out there. I couldnt” you tell him while following his every movements.
“Are you and Michael bonded?” he asks being curios about the both of you being together at the hockey game
“Yes we are. We have been for a while, well after he escaped the cage and some how he lead himself to the bunker” you tell him while remembering those days
It felt like a life time ago
“After the release of the darkness is when he got out of the cage. Not escaped” he corrects you.
“How was that even possible anyway?” you ask while you never got the chance to ask Michael yourself
“Well the cage is only meant to hold Lucifer and if any being is ever released to earth is when the warding is weakened for Michael” he says while remembering the testaments as a fledgling.
“So thats how he got out of the cage” you say in a hushed tone
“Well it was good seeing you and speaking with you. I think its time I head home” Ezekiel says while getting up from the arm chair
“Like wise. I think Dean and Sam are anxiously waiting for our return to the room” Michael says as they both walk out of the lounge and into the lounge you are in.
You look to the door and see the both of them walk in with smiles on their faces.
“I take it was a good reunion then” you say while looking to them
“Yes it is” Ezekiel says looking to you.
“Well it was good the both of you and hope to meet up again soon” Michael says while looking to his brothers
“I hope as well. Never know we can be fighting side by side once more” Ion says while waving the both of you off.
Finally Michael zaps the both of you back to the room.
Dean and Sam look to the both of you. Once they land their eyes on you is when they both begin to laugh.
You give a sour look at them and makes them laugh even more.
“Why are you guys laughing?” you ask while taking your jacket off and placing it over the chair
“We saw you go nuts on camera during that one play there” Dean says while finally containing his laughing.
“Oh geez” you reply while sinking into the chair
“Anyways, how was your evening guys?” you ask while getting up and getting beers from the fridge and giving everyone
“Well we didnt get the chance to do the things we wanted but we are going to do them tomorrow” Sam says while opening his beer
“Dean I will go fishing with you” you say while looking to him
“Sam, I will go to the farmers market with you. And actually tell you what is organic” Michael says looking to Sam
“Thanks, Im good with that” he replies while smiling to him
“Me and baby girl spending some much needed time” Dean says as he sits next to you and wraps his arm around your neck.
“Awesome” you smile to him while looking to Michael.
“So the angel taking a vessel. Who was it? And who was the vessel?” Sam asks looking to Michael
“Ezekiel, he is taking a Daniel Sedin as a vessel” Michael replies while looking to Sam
“How did he end up using him as a vessel?” Dean asks finishing off his beer
“Well after the fall and him almost loosing his grace. He heard Daniel’s prayer and went to the hospital. He sustained a career ending injury but when Ezekiel told him who he was and immediately said yes about taking him as a vessel” Michael continues while remembering his story.
“While Ezekiel was healing Daniel, he was also healing himself and while Daniel healed. He felt younger while playing the game and wanted Ezekiel to say longer” Michael adds while looking between Dean and Sam
“So he never wanted to go back to Heaven?” Sam asks
“No, he didnt have any interest in going back to Heaven at all” Michael replies looking to you.
“Are there other angels taking vessels in other leagues?” Dean asks looking to Michael
“I have no idea. Ezekiel didnt mention anything” Michael replies while thinking back to their conversation.
“Well I am going to check out the bar and even get myself a labatt” Dean smiles as he mentions the Canadian beer.
You immediately think of Bobby, the time he told you and your brothers the story of taking a case in Saskatchewan and celebrating with labatts with a fellow hunter.
You loved how Michael liked to hang around with your brothers, even though it was a bad start but that faded once the darkness came along.
Michael enjoyed the time with you at the hockey game and loved every moment of it. For once there was no hunting involved or the talks of monsters or angels killing each other. It was a good evening.
The break that you all some what needed and it was a great one.
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