#and i dont like being forced into combat since that's just not my playstyle
foxstens · 1 year
maybe rubicon isnt that bad
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asaspro-blog · 7 years
A fully compiled list of suggestions for FortNite
New Post: https://fortnite.asas.pro/a-fully-compiled-list-of-suggestions-for-fortnite/
#fortnite #game #fun #esport #news
A fully compiled list of suggestions for FortNite
Before you start reading, I think this game is nearly perfect. I haven't enjoyed gaming this much since the release nearly MW2. This is just a list of ideas I have thought of or seen all in one place that could be used to make Fortnite even better than it is now! Not all of these changes are neccessary, however, it would be nice to have Epic see this list so they are aware of some of the things that might need changing in future patches. If I have not given people credit, I apologise, the list is too long for me to go find the OP's of some of these ideas. Also, if you do not like any of my suggestions, let me know why you think it would be a bad idea.
First off the spectate mode needs a serious overhaul. I understand that they don't want teammates to be massive helpers but seriously, there is no reason we should be forced to spectate with no HUD, no map, no crosshairs, no teammates names. One really annoying thing is not being able to see damage numbers coming off enemies in spectate mode. This needs to be updated so I can actually enjoy spectating.
Now that there is no more friendly fire in squads and duos, going into your inventory screen should also show you your team mates inventories.
Be able to spectate your friends while they are in a game and you are in the lobby. I again understand that this may be not wanted due to the previous argument listed, but when I see a friend that is in a game with 10 alive, I want to watch and gee up so badly. – maybe have a 1-minute delay on the spectate?
You should be able to continue running whilst in the inventory. Controls for this should be the right-stick or d-pad. It would be much easier to make inventory changes on the go, especially when running from the storm.
I think that bushes (item and map-bushes) are a good meta in the game; they offer the chance to win to almost anyone. They cater to people who enjoy the stealthy playstyle. That being said, it is far too difficult to see or notice whether someone is in a bush or not, I shouldn't have to shoot a bush to see if someone is in it. Ideally there would be something that would indicate that someone is in it; maybe make it shake/ shimmer every [designated time] or have a different colour, or feet just poking out the bottom very slightly. Also, after using the bush item, there should be some way to remove the bush. It seriously takes up half your screen and if someone is standing 5-10m in front of you in a close fight you legitimately cant see them.
If your bandages stack over 15 when picking up some more, it should not drop your weapon, but rather pick up the exact amount to get to 15 for one stack. No one ever needs more than 15 bandages.
Mini-shields, bandages and grenades should auto pick-up if you already have some in your inventory.
When in spectator mode other teammates should have a glow around them that is visible through walls, eg. CS:GO. This one can maybe be skipped, as it is a bit gimmicky and takes some skill out of the game. I do think that it is fair enough just for the fact that when you're in your forts, sometimes its a clusterfuck trying to find which level people are on and what not.
Console players should be able to bind their own controls. It's surely not too much time or effort to allow this to happen. As well as this, players should be able to switch the order of their building/ assign buttons eg. R1, R2, L1, L2. Also, at the moment there is a bit of delay on console after pressing the build button to being able to rotate through your build options. The delay is really slight, but when I am in a hectic close encounter fight and want to build, I know that I just have to press circle, R1, R1 to get my ramp. So I smash it really quickly but instead of taking me to my ramp, I will instead change a gun and only move one step across to the floor due to the delay. Please change this.
Kill cams. Final kill cam at least. So many times I think I'm in the all clear and just get killed out of knowhere. It'd be nice to know how you died.
After you win the game, give 10 seconds of running around/ emote time to celebrate your win. It would be funny to see all the creative celebrations people would do after winning. Allowing building in this time would be cool too. I saw an idea to even pick an emote that will automatically play when you win. There should also be a "podium" shot almost of you and your squad doing a victory pose or whatever like in COD:WW2
There should be some challenges or achievements which give you awards. Even if its as simple as a different colour umbrella for amount of wins. Green – 5, Red – 10, Blue – 20, Purple – 50, Gold – 100. This” style=”width:100%; height:auto;”>
The weapons not picking up glitch has been happening so much more recently. Not sure if something has changed but this needs to be fixed eventually.
I'm not sure if the sniper and shotgun glitches are real or not, but I have definitely had times with each which have made me think WTF after shooting through him. If this is a bug then it needs to be fixed.
Recently I had a glitch that so far I have not been able to recreate. It is a bit difficult to explain so I will give it a go. I was in a fort and I was looking at another guy in a fort about 100m away. I was moving back and forth on my ramp to pop my head out and take cover. It was either my wall or his wall that was a bit broken, but when I moved back and forth passed my wall, I would see a split second shadow/silhouette of his full body through the wall. Made it really easy to snipe him.
If you are switching to a bandage or shield and spamming R2 to use the item, sometimes a 'fake shot' comes from your gun. The gun sounds and feels like it just shot, giving away your position to enemies, but not actually firing the bullet.
Sometimes, when building, your building rotates to try to fit the terrain and then stays locked in that rotation. Can lead to annoying deaths.
I think the Fortnite combat system is seriously fucking fun. When I play, I often just jump to the most popular areas and run around killing as many people as I can, rather than actually trying to win. There should be some ways we can play this game without having to play a survival based game mode. I think that some form of either 1v1 duels, 2v2 or 4v4 duo and squad battles that take place in various POI's of the map. This could be similair to a counter strike search and destroy type mode, or even a straight out deathmatch. Some people argue "this is a battle royale survival game, dont try to change it". That argument is silly IMO. Why limit the enjoyment we can have with this great unique combat system and force us into one game mode. With 40 million players atm I think that there would be no issues with "stealing" some of the player base to these other game modes. If they were to create some of these game modes, it would ensure so much more longevity to the game. I'm not sure how long I will be able to continue just with the battle royale mode for a year or so.
Similar to the last point, I think that the ability to create custom matches would be a very solid addition to this game. First off, there needs to be a sandbox/practice mode to practice building and to an extent shooting. It should just be a small portion of the loading island with some resources, guns and target dummies. Being able to create a private match with 1 mate just to test certain things out would be really beneficial, and it would also be fun as fuck to be able to 1v1 your friends.
For limited time game modes, I think that a Snipers/pistols or snipers/shottys game mode would be an enjoyable addition. I saw a good idea of having it as a 'Wild West' type mode with only snipers, revolvers and pump shotties.
More things on the list
Duos on OCE all the time! Having duos only online from 4-11:30 is seriously shit. After 11:30 all of squads is just duos that cant play anymore cause the servers have shut. I get that Epic wouldn't want to restrict their players from playing with each other, but how often do you have 4 people who can play at the same time not during peak times? I think duos should always be available as it is much more competitive.
Although I love the new map so far, I feel like we might have just gotten too many POI's. I used to think that the east side had maybe 1 too many, but now the west side has probably more POI's than the east. I feel like it just spreads out the population base too thin for there to be exciting games from all of the players. An idea might be to have rotating POI's so they can make the most out of the POI and the models, but reduce the amount lf drop locations for players.
If there is anything you feel that I have missed or should be added, let me know and I will add them on.
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