#and i got a fishbones keychain!!!!!
dirtylittleanimals · 1 year
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💣 Guess who's (probably) going to a medieval faire next month!!!
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cuz-reasons · 2 years
My packages are on the way yippee
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2021.02.16 2nd session of Meguro Rock-May-KanGIG at Zepp Yokohama
The encore of the recorded concert changed, it was such an awesome surprise! Felt a bit more like an actual concert, I love the idea of the changing setlist!😆
When they prepared the stage again for the talk session, Fujieda and Takabayashi came first. F jokingly started the introductions with 'hi this is Fujifuji~ and...' but T didn't realize what's F is doing (or did he?😂) and didn't join😂 after a moment of F waiting he finally joined with '...I'm T'.
Then F invited the band members on the stage and again Die and Kyo came on stage!
Die stayed in the same outfit, but Kyo changed! He had a long oversized greengrey-ish coat and shirt with a scarf thing.
D: はい、Dieでっすー
K: 京です🦊
F started to talk about Kyo's birthday again, but then K casually turned to the side and very casually without a comment pointed his phone at F.
F: are you filming me?!
K: I can't? (あかん?)
F: Ah no, it's okay...
*K continues*
F:... so Happy Birthday Kyo!
K: you know, I'm not that happy with the waiting time between the sessions, I'd prefer to do the talk part at the beginning and then go home. I don't want to waste time. We should have two patterns, one with the talking first.
(I guess some fans would be happy with that too😂)
F: (moved to the Rock-May-Kan film topic) so you played your new song, Ochita koto no aru sora there, how was it?
K: it was okay, it went smoothly
D said something like the song was ok, it will likely change/transform when the tour comes (?)
F: so it wasn't hard.
D: the hard part was that the stage was so narrow there was only space for few extra people (cameramen), all other staff were waiting in the audience area
F: so when you had to change guitars etc they had to climb the stage?
D: also with guitar tunning, especially the 7 string one, it's really tough and takes time, so it felt there wasn't enough time during short breaks between the songs. Toshiya always does tunning humself, I don't, I guess I should improve that a bit.
F: any songs that stood out?
K: I guess Jealous
F: in what way?
K: the arrangement was too old, it's actually embarrassing (how bad it is), the lyrics too. I changed the lyrics, I was laughing internally at myself, but I couldn't change the arrangement. it was like hell.
He also complained that some parts were too high, they were hard to sing. Some parts changed the piano intro done by Takumi etc, he didn't want to listen to the CD, old version, because it was too embarrassing.
F: and it became a 2021 version?
K: I want to change it even more, make it less troublesome for me.
D: it wasn't hard for me, but it is old, so the song's speed doesn't match my body anymore (not too fast, just wrong speed), it was easy to play though.
K: but it was hard to know how to move during the song.
*Kyo then showed us a movement he got unhappy with*
K: So I moved as little as possible
F: it didn't look like you had this much trouble
K: I'm a pro in the end.
F next talked about the release of Oboro on April 28th.
F: K, you said that Oboro is refreshing. How about TDFF?
K: てんでだめなぶしぶし (TendeDamenaFujiFuji can translate to 'utterly useless Fujieda')
F: D, you said it's powerful, what about Oboro?
D: the music video is good. The filming took quite a long time, the way we used to do it in the past.
K: it was [refreshingly] cool, too fresh (light).
D: it got refreshing from about halfway?
F then talked about the merchandise. He started with the travel poach, he held it up and moved it closer to the center of the table so fans could see it on the screen in the back. But by doing that it ended up quite close to Kyo's head. K gave F a super bewildered look, turned to check the screen in the back and then continued to give F evil glares of 'why you doin this to me'😂
K: I thought that rubber keychains are so cute! We should release the older costume versions as well (he got applause from the audience for that).
K then commented it looks so cute that they all got beheaded with their heads so low, like they're holding their heads.
D grabbed the rechargeable heat pack and said (totally sarcastic): ah so wa~rm...
F: the highest temperature is 40℃.
K: (gets the pack) Can you charge devices with it? Huh, it just gets hot? When you're in trouble or sth you can't use it as charger? People would have wanted that in December...
F: ...(passes it to Die)
D: it's exactly the same temperature as the charging phone...
F next showed us the usb power strip holding it over Kyo, K got uncomfortable again😅
After that they moved to the questions from fans.
D: "anything you were particular about when creating the setlist?" We added songs we were thinking about playing at SOGAI, so also some older songs.
F: do you have any good questions?
K passes one paper to F.
F reads: "did F do anything to make you angry?"
and K replied with a list😂 the main was again F's easy ハイハイハイ ( like yeayeah) or biting his lips.
F: how about you D?
D: nothing really.
F: " do you have favourite ramen?"
K (immediately): Jiroken. And it has to be smaller noodle portion with more toppings (麺少なめ全マシ), it's the best.
D: I don't really eat ramen.
F: you also said no McDonald.
D: yeah
F: Have you tried Jiro?
D: once or so
K (concerned😂): did you eat normal ramen? Which shop?
he made sure Die knows which ramen to order and which shop is the best😂
T: "which venue would you like to play at next?"
D said not exactly a venue, he would like to go to prefectures they haven't been to yet.
K: Nagoya Music Fan.
F: in Fujigaoka?
T: Does it still exist?
F: yeah.
T: let's discuss it in the future (aka not very likely?😂)
F: but it's not impossible!
F then picked a 'combo-question': "do you use any perfumes? What are you crazy about now? What kind of BGM do you play at home?"
K: I don't use perfume. I have a bar soap I like, the old style one with an image of cow on it. It doesn't have a strong smell.
F: how about BGM?
K: I only play Fortnite. Ah, but now the Chinese buns skins are on sale. I've been playing for a year and only saw someone using it once. Somehow I like the least popular skin.
K: at home I also eat cookies. Chocolate cookies.
F: what kind/brand?
K: Any.
D: I use perfume / he said he got Fueguia (but then there was some thing wrong with the frangrance after a while, it went away???)
And no crazes or BGMs.
D: "when you travel on work to other cities, are your seats on bullet train decided? Do you sit next to someone?"
D: it's not really decided, we travel by ourselves (??), most of us prefer aisle seat. So I was surprised when once Shinya asked if we could swap so he can get the window side.
F: and you K, window or aisle?
K: Definitely aisle. If you're on the window side and someone next to you falls asleep it's really rude to wake them up if you need to get up. I prefer to be woken up than wake someone up.😇
D: There's also the table.
K: aaah, Shinya likes window seat so you could put the table down with some food on top of it and then pretend to be dead sleeping.😈
The change😂 he was laughing so much at the idea too😂
F: "what's your preference for the food at venues?" (??)
K: sushi.
D: like in Shinkiba.
K: yeah, I get so excited.
F: We also had sushi in the US.
K: We got it from a fan.
D told us a story how he was able to start eating eel/unagi, he doesn't like fishbones but once in Nagoya everyone was having hitsumabushi backstage and saying how good it is, so he tried and actually liked it.
F: "Did you watch any good movies recently? I watched Miike's 'Imprint'". Do you know this movie, K?
K: Yeah, it as good.
F: you watch movies often.
K: Recently I watched Rob Zombie's '3 from Hell'.
F: how about you, D?
D: a movie with Tachi Hiroshi, a new one, about yakuza (he didn't remember the title, but most likely ヤクザと家族 The Family (2021)).
F: "Do you have a favourite fruit?"
K: melon.
F: do you eat it at home?
K: no・食べない
F: do you eat it if it's backstage?
K: yes・食べる
F: but at home?
K: no・食べない
F: melon...
K: like・好き
F: do you eat melons at home, D?
D: I don't.
T: "who do you like from Fist of the North Star?"
D: I saw it, but I don't remember details.
K gave a very detailed answer but as I haven't seen it I didn't really get it (the only name I caught was Shuren)😅 but he compared one character to F?😆
And then came Kyo's biggest laughing fit.
The question was about some story about other members they remember the most. Kyo talked about how once Kaoru had trouble with the mic stand and guitar cable, the cable got twisted around the stand and Kaoru ended up empty handed which Kyo found very amusing. Then Kyo just kept gesturing the 'round round・ぐるぐる' bit and he was laughing so much he started crying🤣
But then Die said he had a similar situation once and F replied he remembers that. Kyo burst out again and then it was also Die's turn to just lose it🤣
The laughers to the point of tears continued for a while as they tried to calm down😂
But then.
Suddenly the backscreen went black with a message 'battery empty, please change battery' and the venue that was giggling because of band members also exploded.
The timing was just too much🤣🤣🤣
F said it's time to finish anyway and asked them for the last comments for the fans, starting from Die.
Die: ... 🤣... can't think of... anything🤣...I'm crying🤣
F: ... let's go from Kyo
K: ... I don't have anything to say... all...
(a moment)
Kyo: I don't have any big message. But please wait a bit more for the new single. It will be like Taiyou no Ao 2.0, in a good way. ...or Taiyou no Ao remix.
Die: Thank you for coming today. ... I'd really love to do a normal tour soon, shows with audience. For now please enjoy the concert film from Rock-May-Kan, but in the future let's enjoy the show all together... I still can't stop tearing up🤣 ok, I'm done.
A marvelous ending of even more marvelous day😆💚❤️
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