#and i guess emotionally numb from a benzo is find when all that's going to happen is making me numb and pass out for like an hour
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Oh my god. So. My wisdom teeth surgery is tomorrow. (*internal screaming*) And i woke up early today so i’d be able to easily wake up at like 830 tomorrow for it. And i got the reminder i set on my phone for the day before about that time, looked at it, and rolled over in bed for a couple minutes. SomeHow. The twenty minutes i was there was long enough for my brain to give me a 24-hour jump in time. It was 10:15am tomorrow. I was fifteen minutes late for the appointment and I was more scared of having the surgery itself (checks out) than having everybody mad at me for being late (still pretty scared tho). And i went out into the living room to find my mom waiting for me so she could drive me. And that was when i noticed it wasn’t real. My mom lives hundreds of miles away. I wake up. It’s 10. The dread of having to wait another 24 hours hits. Great.
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