#and i guess it falls upon me to unpack the structural racism at work in the upper echelons of the fbc
stellerssong · 9 months
3. and 6. for the new years ask >:)
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
might break into awake alan at some point, if only because at this point i have basically no faith in fandom-at-large's ability to acknowledge that woc have souls, brains, hearts, characterizations, or, indeed, major plot-driving storylines. same with blue eye samurai, with the added caveat that there's no way i would ever publish in that fandom, because AS a queer mixed race asian woman with a specific interest in japanese history. i just knoooooooooooooow people are already out there somewhere making strong statements about sexuality/gender divorced from race and historical context that would instantly transform me into an earthly vessel for the infernal powers of satan himself. and i'm not trying to get mixed up in that shit.
realizing this answer makes me sound extremely mean and jaded about fandom. hm! well! so it goes.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
well, i've got a lot of wips that need to be cleared off the docket before i can seriously think about starting anything new, especially since i'm really trying to have revisionsverse be truly donezo this year. HOWEVER i was vaguely talking to @eri-223 about some kind of character study of Kiran Estevez immediately pre-Control that brings in both her ill-fitting mentee/mentor relationship with Helen Marshall and her crackly but also sorta sexy antagonism with/towards Emily Pope, and i thiiiiiiiiink there's just enough canonical justification for her to end up talking to both of them and maybe even The Federal Bureau Of Control's One And Only Singin' And Dancin' Man. so. wheels turning, etc.
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