#and i guess the two with mariel and dandin
quick question, does warrior cats..... ever end? is it still going?
have i trapped myself eternally in stories of fuzzy little war criminals?
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msmargaretmurry · 6 months
B, H, J!
b. What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
redwall for both! tween becky was obsessed with the redwall books, somehow stumbled across someone's geocities redwall fanfic archive, and decided to try her hand at it. i think i got like two chapters in; the ancient word doc is lost forever to the cycle of family computers. but i had FEELINGS about mariel and dandin. tween becky was, as you may have guessed, a big nerd.
h. How would you describe your writing style?
i think it's pretty straightforward and character-focused! i definitely love a very close third person pov because i think it gives a good amount of freedom for prose and description while allowing me to really get into a character's head, and i put a lot of thought into filtering a story through the lens of my pov character. i think that i have a pretty good ear for the rhythm of language and rely more on that to make my stories flow and sound good than relying on a particularly sophisticated vocabulary or expansive knowledgebase.
j. What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
answered here! but i will answer again and say i love slow burn. so much. like PROPER slow burn, where you're like 50k in and dying because they're touching hands. i think i did some good slow burn work in tnno but i would love to do it again. unfortunately everyone i am currently writing about is too horny.
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the-wolfbats · 4 months
random thoughts after reading 4 more Redwall books
the bellmaker
Honestly it's pretty badly paced like the main heroes (Mariel, Dandin, that gang) are stuck in a castle for like 1/3rd of their story)
but it may also be the shortest one but my ebook is also fucked.
the most interest part of the entire story are the 4 pages we get of the little stranded animal children and the adult hedgehog whose back broke from a mast falling on her, it's not really said what happened to her brain but she "was confused", and she dies and they leave her body in a tent as a tomb on a deserted island.
also I guess two characters who disappear but are so mentally distressed from their ordeal they become near savage.
also bc the world is so segregated, some species are always Good and some are 99.999% bad, and the 00.00001% we see be good - it would have been nice for them to actually stick around Redwall for a few seasons.
Redwall (the OG one)
if I were to outline every bit of early installment weirdness we'd be here all day so I'll just leave it at
this canonically takes place the book after the bellmaker (ironic I tried not to read them in order)
"I'm like a bad penny; I always keep coming back" THERE'S CURRENCY???
so going from names like Dandin, Bowly, and Finnbarr to names like Colin, Hugo, and Ambrose, like...I know it was written first but it's hilarious to imagine these animals went through some hhuman weeaboo phase 800 years later for about 10 years
also that apparently Portugal did not exist, showed up, and then went away again
bit about rats: First they're like "Hey don't discriminate against rats", meaning the dichotomy of good species vs bad species wasn't set in stone like it almost is for the rest of the series (see above)
there's also a mention of "Wandering Foxes" so foxes also weren't pigeonholed into "bad"
you can see this in the naming convention - Sela and Chickenhound (We'll get to the livestock thing in a bit) where most of the other vermin names are like Scumtail and Dipshit and what not.
then the rats ate an entire litter of piglets so were the piglets sentient? there's also a mention of livestock so I guess they were that but this is very Some Animals are more sentient than Others.
There's also a mention of badgers working in the mines and I do somewhat appreciate how there were more oppertunities for badgers in the old days besides "Lord of Salamandastron", "lone warrior", "mother", until you get about to Eulalia.
there's like different types of mice and rats when later in the series, it's just 'rats' and 'mice' with the occasional dormouse.
good lord this isn't even halfway through the book yet i'll make another post
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