#and i know ive done pat gill proud
sheriffofmagic · 10 months
would it be funny to make my pfp the toad. after all these years
yessss we could make extremely dated polygon references as a team <333 we could do a polygon version of mishapocalpse where everyone changes their picture to the very good toad
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peckin-pat-marlow · 4 years
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Tagged by @captain-teddy-reese
50 Questions: OC Interview
1. What’s your name?
“Howdy. I’m Patricia Marlow.”
2. Give us your full name
“...Ah fine! My middle name’s Winifred... Patricia...Winifred...Marlow.
3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it and how did you come to have it?
“I’ve been called shorter of my names: Pat, Patsy, Patty Cake (don’t bother askin’ why.) But folks way out south west know me as “Peckin’ Pat Marlow. I shot my town’s sheriff the day after...his obstruction of justice. Gave him that kiss he wanted afterwards. And it became a habit with anyone I killed as leader of the Marlow Marauders.”
4. What species are you? (Human, werewolf, etc? Or are you an alien?)
“Last I checked...I’m still human.”
5. Where were you born?
“I was born in a town the south west of texas. It was famous for its large lake and gold mine a few miles out. Just make sure you have ginseng and special vegetation for the snakes and lizards...I wouldn’t head there if I were you. Hasn’t rained for 13 years.”
6. I see. And that would make your age...?
“That would make me...36 years old.”
7. Okay, now...are you a good guy, or a bad guy?
“What I’ve done doesn’t make me a saint, but it don’t mean I have bad morals.”
Part II: Tell Us More About Yourself...
8. How would you describe your personality?
“Back before I was soft, sweet and kind..had to be for the kids, but I still held myself firm for the adults as well. When the town reared it’s ugly head...I became a different person; ruthless, vengeful, hard hearted, didn’t take shit from no person when it came to me and my gang. It take no responsibility for indirect harm because they didn’t handle circumstances better! I was willing to do whatever it takes to get vengeance not with death, but with nothin’ for ‘em left! But I couldn’t my gang be taken with me in my final moments.
But after that last score, when I suddenly found myself alive and rescued. I began to mellow out...I still had my temper and was satisfied with what I’ve accomplished, but I became more aware of how the world was changing. So I just wander the lands to keep an eye on this changing world and hope it’s for the better.”
9. Would you say you're someone who can handle pressure?
“I’ve had moments where I was frustrated...but I’ve managed to maintain my composure around misbehaving kids and disrespectful adults.”
10. Do you like to read?
“Well, yeah. What kind of teacher doesn’t like to read?”
11. Favourite Colour
“I’ve grown fond of the colour black.”
12. Do you get along with others?
“Just because I get along with people doesn’t mean I like them. I do so to get the job done, and if they don’t cross me I choose them to stick close and see how things turn out.”
13. Do you have any enemies?
“Many could call me their enemy, but the one I call my nemesis won’t bother me anymore...”
14. How about friends?
“I became friends with my gang through the trust and teamwork we had for over 13 years. I’m sure they’re all fine and free. I have met other folks but I can’t call them friends just yet.”
15. Are you patient?
“I can be...When your a teacher you have to be patient to know more about situations.”
Part lll: Hypothetically...
16. Suppose that you could become any creature you know of. What would you pick, and why?
“I’ll say a cougar. They’re just as vicious, independent, dexterous, with some self indulgence. They can still purr, y’know?”
17. One of your enemies in question 13 just complimented you. Response?
“Which one? If it’s Gill then he’s complimenting me with sarcasm and rage since he’s still not found the loot. His generation’s gonna be diggin’ for years and won’t be the ones to find it.”
18. One of your friends in Question 14 just insulted you. Response?
“I prefer their insults as criticism. But at least their words won’t mean they betray me straight away.”
19. If you could change anything about yourself...
“I can’t see me changin’ anytime soon...but I guess I gotta find somethin’ else to do without second guessin’.”
20. About your home...
“It ain’t like a manor, but It had enough space for my parents and my things...But it was so damn expensive thanks to Gill’s daddy...it got burnt down by an angry mob, along with my school, Miles’s stand and his donkey, Sally-Ann...
Part IV: Now We Get Personal
21. What're your parents like?
“They were geniuses compared to the other folk in town. Both of em met in the city where they got their degree. I don’t think their families approved though, as I haven’t heard a thing about my grandparents. But they were good people using their money to buy two properties, for my home and school.
But I can’t give em that. Their last wish was to make sure I improved the head on my soldiers before they slowly died together from Diphtheria...I didn’t know they passed until Miles came to check on me.”
22. Do you have any siblings?
“None. I was an only child, thank goodness. If I had a younger baby sister, Gill would target her more than me...”
23. What's your occupation?
“I used to be a teacher in my hometown. Since I was the only women with the knowledge thanks to my parents education, I took up the role. Taught both kids and adults to read and write.”
24. I see, that's a good job to have. Do you like it?
“I enjoyed my job when it came to the kids. Nothin made me feel better than givin’ them somewhere to be while adults did their own thing, though I wished I could have give them more subjects, but reading and writing was more tolerable to teach than the other things that adults couldn’t make sense of. As for the adults...I won’t lie there are some worse than the children. Way worse.”
25. Are you seeing/dating anyone?
26. Married/Engaged/Other?
“I wished for that with someone once.”
27. If yes, how did you meet?
“...I met Miles Wiley when I first came to town after my parents moved. He was a vegetable farmer with a donkey he claimed was over a century old from the vegetables he ate. Many folks who can’t afford the doctor’s fee often came to him for tonics, ointments, all sorts of ailments that were reliable, especially for the gold miners who came for the juice as repellent for the lizards. Before me he was the only stranger in that town...He made me welcome even after I took over the town’s teacher and helped repair my school, only askin’ for the spiced apricots I made.
But the town found out how close we really was from our first...and last kiss. He only wanted to fix me after being broken down for so long...We tried to escape by boat, but of course Gill had his ferry and me and Miles weren’t much of a shot...He wasn’t even armed but he shot him...he shot him even as I held him.
28. Tell us your biggest secret.
“Aside from people thinkin’ I’m dead? Everyone knew about me and Miles so I got no big secret to hide.”
29. Your worst fear? You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to.
“After what the Sheriff did, I fear being put into that situation again where I was taken advantage of right under others noses...Then there’s being in the middle of a ring of fire.”
30. Favorite food?
“I may had made spiced apricots once upon a time but it ain’t my favourite food. I don’t have it as much as I like to...but I do miss that Pecan pie.”
30. Favorite drink?
“Spiced Island Moonshine. I just discovered this recipe and it tastes like the goods of home and warm escape. I could kiss Marcel for makin’ this but... then I’d have have to kill him.”
31. Tell us one thing you're the most proud of.
“I would have said getting revenge on Gill for killing Miles was the best thing that happened...But I never imagined letting the group go free after our last score would take that. Some graduation, huh?”
32. Something embarrassing? You don't have to answer this one, either.
“Whatever is embarrassing is what happens when I’m drunk...”
33. If you didn't answer Questions 29 and/or 33, tell me why.
“I may have mellowed out from my recovery, but I have my damn pride still.”
34. Is that a good reason?
“Just take it as you will...”
Part V: Closing
35. Are you satisfied with your life?
“I felt like my life was nearly wasted than satisfied. I loved Miles but I wasted my life in that town. I remembered my gang more fondly than the town. But I’m still young to do somethin’.”
36. Anything you feel like you have to do? It can be something long-term, like a bucket list, or something you need to do right now.
“Well my vengeance has been achieved and leading a gang is something to tick off. I’m gonna start looking for things as Patricia Marlow and not Peckin’ Pat.”
37. Any hobbies?
“I have developed a thing for watching shows in the theatre, and I used to play the banjo to sing songs with kids. I’m sure I haven’t gone too rusty.”
38. Quick, you get one wish! What did you just wish for? It's alright, you can tell me...
“I wish Miles was alive....That’s the one thing I can’t have back.”
39. How would you describe that wish? Good? Bad? Selfish? Selfless? Other?
“I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of us...Folk wouldn’t have approved of us, but...we’d be more free if we got out together.”
40. Have you been honest with these questions?
“That I have...Now that you know me it’s all about what u gonna do?”
41. Your personal quote?
“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
42. Do you like change?
“It’s what I fought for when things didn’t change enough...”
43. What's your most valued possession?
“Since they burned Miles’s body, I wasn’t left with much to remember him. It was a good thing I found his hat after I left town, but I haven’t taken it out of my satchel since.”
44. Anything else you feel like sharing?
“Not right now, I ain’t.”
50. Last question!...yup, that's it! How do you feel?
“Like a few pounds has been lifted off my shoulders. Or it might just be one of my firearms...Haha! Don’t worry, I just gotta reload.”
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