#and i know people would create a robot to be like neurotypicals and cishet people
Okay so i'm in philosophy class, and we're talking about the differences between humans and robots.
and they just asked, "Do you think it is possible for us to create a robot just like a human?"
But like, why would you want to? I'm not even trying to be philosophical here, i genuinely just don't get the fucking point.
We already have humans. I understand wanting to add robot limbs to a human body to help, for example, disabled people. Like, if you miss a leg, you can get a new one. But why do you want a robot with a human mind?
Even if you succeed, what's the point? Like, great, now we have a robot that can think like a human. What now? Are we going to let it live with us? Or are we going to make it to everything we tell it to do, which would be kind of cruel, considering it has a human mind now.
Are we going to destroy it because we are afraid of it, or will we continue and see if this whole "robots will take over the world" thing is true? Because frankly, neither of those options sound great.
I think people are so focused on the 'How?' that they don't really think about the 'Why?'
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