#and i said no thanks weed makes me paranoid. and his response (while being supportive) was like the funniest thing i've heard him say
magentagalaxies · 1 year
related to my tags on that last post: even tho i have had alcohol each time i'm in canada with my kids in the hall friends i still have never smoked pot even tho i've had many opportunities to. see rn i'm caught between "holy shit i could also make it so the first time i smoke pot is with scott/paul" vs "both times i got secondhand high in high school i got super paranoid and i do not want to risk that happening while i'm with these people who i still very much look up to even tho they're basically my uncles." tho also tbh i've been around people smoking weed indoors often enough in toronto that i've probably gotten secondhand high since then (especially at the buddy cole afterparty lmao) and that felt fine so idk i might try it at some point. idk if i'll have my first with a member of kids in the hall but if i end up liking it i WILL smoke with them someday. in any case i still appreciate that paul and scott always offer a joint to me even if i refuse it and are totally understanding when i do. it's a small thing but it makes me feel included
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