#and i see chapter 89.2 is now translated
kinglyyato · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Since it happened actually. I haven’t been able to get these thoughts outta my head. So here it goes.
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Chapter 51, pages 34 and 35.
Seeing as how we’re now going into chapter 89.2 this is old drama by this point but...There are so many conflicting emotions around this.
To start with- Hiyori wants to be with Yato. That’s clear as day. This chapter only pushes that closer and closer to our face. The fact that, deep down, Hiyori sees that the only way she can truly stay with him forever, is to become his shinki. (or regalia if you’re an anime nerd like me I always say regalia its easier for me to say lmfao)         But the problems arise with knowing that is what she wants. 
That’s what Trash Dad wanted him to do. 
“Make Hiyori your shinki. I’m sure she’d be elated by that...Kill her and summon her soul to your side. But if you can’t handle a tainted soul like hers, I could lend you the koto-no-ha to make her do whatever you want. So be a good god and grant her wish.”
Yato himself did not realize that to be Hiyori’s true wish, and he might have done what she wished if it wasn’t for these few reasons...
His existing connections with her.
He would have to kill her.
She looks so much like Sakura.
If he did kill her, he’d have to watch himself killing her when he names her.
He would have to name her something, and then not ever call her Hiyori for the rest of their existence.
She probably wouldn’t be the same once she became a regalia shinki.
She wouldn’t have any memories of her life. 
Who’s to say she’d even remember him as a shinki? (ow my feels)
He would absolutely slip up and call her Hiyori. He knows he would.
The fear of losing her if he were to call her Hiyori...and spark memories.
It could turn out just like with Sakura and he’d never forgive himself.
If it did turn out like with Sakura, Yato would get faced with this: “Why did you kill me, Yato?”
Yukine would also have to not call her Hiyori again.
Yukine could be the one physically killing her.
Hiyori would have to die...
If Yato weren’t to kill her and someone/something else does, he’d have to see how she died and would more than likely get really pissed and go after whoever killed her. (might lose his mind a bit)
He loves her too much to kill her and to take her away from her life.
The reasons he said in the chapter.
He does not want to hurt her. 
I can go on. And I will go on.
If she were to die, and since her soul is tainted, no other god would want to take her in. Yato would be left with the choice of either taking her himself and dealing with all the above struggles, or leave her to be consumed by the other phantoms and having to kill her that way.
If an other god were to take her in, he’d be upset with himself for not taking her in, and having to see her under a different god.
The other conflicting problem with Hiyori wanting to be his shinki, is that...You can only become a shinki if you die but still want to keep on living. In Hiyori’s case, she wants to do both. She does want to keep living so she can be with him, but she wants to die to be with him longer. Not to mention the fact she’s half phantom/ayakashi. It would be like naming a regular phantom right? Which is why TD suggested using the koto-no-ha on her. That would still be hurting Yato. Look what it did to Ebisu.
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Yato does talk her down and comfort her by telling her that he can’t do that. Not only for his own reasons, but also for her well being. She has people who would miss her, people who love her, people she’d never see again... 
...but does that really still change the fact that she truly wants to stay by his side, indefinitely?
I don’t think so. But there really isn’t a way around it...
Also this is still a thing that happened. 
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There’s gonna be another post when I get around to it. Hold tight.
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travoltacustom · 3 years
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Thank you for your participation! These are the final results for the 4th Hypnosis Microphone International Poll. After months of work on this, we have estimates for general fandom opinions. Do you agree or disagree with the general opinions? Please let us know!
The results were held back from original posting as we were waiting to post for a month before the 2nd DRB finals (which is on Doppo’s Birthday this year.) My deepest apologies for how long this took to get out. We will be releasing these results with a section per day, with the end of these results showing the Japanese side.
Click the READ MORE to view the results.
The data collection for this poll received 902 votes to give us an indication of the demographic of those who consume Hypnosis Mic. This poll was open to English speakers, and thus, results may be considerably Euro/American-centric. The word ‘international’ has been used to refer to how fans are from many places around the world, but the poll may also refer to this group as ‘English-speaking’ etc. The Japanese poll had a smaller respondent pool with 400.
This poll received the most activity through Twitter, given that the series is most active on that platform. The poll was also posted on Tumblr, Facebook and the HypMic wiki. Commentary has been given on sections of the poll. These results will be available in full on from this account. The Japanese poll results shall follow about a week with comparison to this poll.
The poll was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021. This poll is UNOFFICIAL and none of the composers of this poll have any relation to King Records whatsoever. 
This will be split into MULTIPLE posts due to the amount of data and limitations of tumblr.
This section examines what percentage of HypMic's English fanbase consumes certain media.
How long have you been into Hypnosis Mic?
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Before the project began -  Sep 2017: 3.7%
Since Pre-Battle Season 1 - Oct 2017 - Feb 2018: 7%
Since Battle Season 1 - Mar 2018 - Dec 2018: 19.4%
Since Post-Battle Season 1 - Jan 2019 - Nov 2019: 29.6%
Since Pre-Battle Season 2 - Dec 2019 - Dec 2020: 40.3%
Release of Enter the Hypnosis Microphone: April 2019
Announcement of Dotsuitare Honpo & Bad Ass Temple: September 2019
Announcement of the start of the 2nd DRB: December 2020
From this group of people, only 293 people, or 32.5% of respondents were around during the 1st Battle Season.
Looking at those who were around during the battle season 88.4% did not vote at all, while 11.6% did vote.
At the time of the 1st DRB, voting was only possible by buying CDs and certain merchandise, unlike the additions of the 2nd DRB where you could purchase a ticket to the lives.
How many of the HypMic drama tracks have you listened to?
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Buster Bros!!! Generation Dramas: 69.7%
BAYSIDE M.T.C Dramas: 70.3%
Fling Posse -F.P.S.M- Dramas: 74.2%
Matenro -Aural Medicine- Dramas: 70.3%
B.B vs M.T.C Dramas: 63.7%
F.P vs M Dramas: 71.8%
The Champion Dramas: 63.1%
Enter the Hypnosis Microphone Dramas: 61%
Aikata Back Again: 64.7%
The Heart’s Conviction Can’t Be Broken: 62.6%
Helter Skelter: 61%
All in the same boat: 60.9%
The Loneliness, Tears, and Hope of a Puppet: 67.5%
Chaser from the Past: 60.9%
Guidebook Dramas: 31.7%
Manga Bonus Dramas: 27.6%
Have not listened to the dramas: 2.1%
How much of the HypMic manga have you read?
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SOME of B.B vs M.T.C: 34.7%
ALL of B.B vs M.T.C: 45.8%
SOME of F.P vs M: 31.3%
ALL of F.P vs M: 52.4%
SOME of TDD: 32.6%
ALL of TDD: 53.3%
SOME of D.H & B.A.T: 64.2%
Have not read the manga: 10.5%
Thus, all together:
SOME/ALL of B.B vs M.T.C: 80.5%
SOME/ALL of F.P vs M: 83.7%
SOME/ALL of TDD: 85.9%
At the time of the poll, BB vs MTC, FP vs M and the TDD manga had completed, while DH vs BAT was incomplete. BB vs MTC +, FP vs M+ and Dawn of Divisions were announced during the poll’s conduction.
How much of other HypMic of other HypMic content have you explored?
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Track 1: 69.7%
Track 2: 70.3%
Track 3: 74.2%
Niconama: 70.3%
HPNM Youtube: 63.7%
HypMic concerts: 71.8%
1st Spotify Radio (1-6 episodes): 63.1%
1st Spotify Radio (7-18 episodes): 61%
1st Spotify Radio (19+ episodes): 64.7%
This question also asked about those who have watched the anime, but as respondents ticked multiple options of how much they had seen, these results were unable to be posted.
Track 2 & Track 3 were playing during COVID which may account for the lower numbers of viewers. Niconama streams have also been discontinued and have now been replaced by the HPNM Youtube streams.
What HypMic official merchandise have you bought? This does not include magazines that contain manga chapters or interviews.
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Trading/blind goods: 29.3%
Paper goods: 11.3%
Plush goods:  35.1%
Apparel: 10.4%
Accessories or cosmetics: 4.3%
Stageplay specific goods: 2.7%
(Collab) Food:  2%
Magazine with HypMic content: 8.5%
Manga (any edition): 13.7%
HypMic Guidebook: 16.7%
Non-battle CD: 13.6
Battle Season CD: 7.4%
Subscribed to HYPSTER: 9.8%
48.3% of respondents have not bought a piece of HypMic official merchandise.
Most bought goods: Plush goods (35.1%), trading/blind goods (26.4%), the official guidebook (16.7%)
Least bought goods: Items from food collabs (2%), stageplay specific goods (2.7%), and accessories and cosmetics (4.3%)
These last are understandable as most food can’t be shipped internationally, as well as cosmetics like the perfume that contain alcohol.
Only 9.8% of respondents have a HYPSTER subscription.
Do you play Alternative Rap Battle (ARB)? It is fine if translations are used?
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PLAY / DO NOT PLAY: 72.3% / 27.7%
Since HypMic is not translated into other languages, how does this affect your consumption of the material?
Don’t understand Japanese & don’t use translations: 2.9%
Don’t understand Japanese so I use translations: 52.7%
Understand some Japanese but I use translations: 36.5%
Understand some Japanese & don’t use translations: 8%
With these numbers, we can see that:
55.6% of respondents know some degree of Japanese. This poll did not ask to quantify how much Japanese was known by fans. 44.4% do not know Japanese.
89.2% of respondents use translations. 
To the 2.9% of people who don’t use translations and don’t understand a thing that’s happening, please respond. Are you okay?
How familiar are you with Japanese hip-hop, the genre of HypMic?
Regularly listens to J hip-hop: 22.8%
Regularly listens to Western hip-hop but not J hip-hop: 12%
Regularly listens to Japanese music but not J hip-hop: 54.5%
Do not listen to Japanese music or hip-hop: 10.7%
With numbers, we can see that:
34.8% of respondents listen to either Japanese or Western hip-hop. 65.2% of respondents do not listen to hip-hop.
These numbers seem to match up with the later results that show that 79% of respondents do not listen to J hip-hop artists outside of HypMic and 69% of respondents do not listen to/could list Western hip-hop artists at all.
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To see the next part showing the demographics of the International fandom, please follow us to the next post.
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