#and i treat it like im a 5 month old in one of those playsets where you put a ball in a hole
chartreuxcatz · 2 years
“Being happy,” is a terrible goal! A proper goal can be measured in some way! 
But how do you measure happiness? How do you define happiness? How do you plan on obtaining it? It’s just an emotion, as fleeting as all the others. Its not something thats meant to be sustained.  Your emotions are just reflections of how your environment (external and internal) affects you. They are a means of communication to others and to yourself.  I despise “true happiness” as a concept. Who decides which happiness is true and which is false? Why do we always question whether happiness is true, but not other emotions? On what basis do you determine an emotion to be “true.” The strength? The duration? The pure chemical reaction within the brain? 
What invalidates happiness and makes it “not true?” Why do we smile and laugh and go “but that doesnt count as happy tho actually.”  Cherish the milisecond of joy you felt when you saw that puppy! The sharp breath out of your nose when you heard that one joke! That one snack you had that was so so tasty! Those moments matter so much. And we forget them quickly because they are just peaceful and boring. Not useful for survival. 
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