#and i want to express this bcs im talking from the perspective of john linnell fans. and people who say gross things about russell mael
waspstar · 4 months
band fanbases is a topic i could talk about forever. but i shouldnt bcs the topic literally like irritates me and riles me up so bad i just get really jumbled in the head and upset. its so complicated. ive experienced the fanbases of different things like, games, or shows. none of them felt like band fanbases. i dont know. band fanbases i also thinkhave gotten worse within the past few years. people are so weird now. and i dont just mean like, saying "i wanna fuck this old guy" it gets even weirder. weirder towards fellow fans even. whats the chemical theyre putting in the water thats making so many of these teens and 20 somethings bizarre and odd about real ppl minding their business otherwise
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