#and i was just nodding and saying ‘uh huh’ a lot. trying to speedrun the convo
tevatron · 1 year
my catholic colleague asked me if my family is christian and when i said no she said "oh, but you seem so nice!" uh oh!
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axther · 4 years
where the lord does not look
todoroki shoto/female!traitor!reader 
In which Todoroki Shoto blackmails a classmate and pays the price. 
warnings: blackmail, violence, questionable kiss
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It felt wrong. It always did. 
YN L/N watched Aizawa Shouta talk about the importance of pack thinking, of teamwork, of loyalty, and it felt cruel. The sun was shining through the door window, Sero and Denki were passing notes about something, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ochako casually glancing at Midoriya. There was the smell of spring in the air and the taste of hope on the tip of everyone’s tongues. 
And YN wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. 
She didn’t know how she got involved with the League of Villains in the first place. Her quirk, while powerful, wasn’t necessarily villainous. She was never teased, never abused for anything in her life except for insignificant bullies. She had no obstacle or hindrance. She just remembered asking for power to a man with no face. 
And here she was. Helping plot the downfall of the pillar of the hero youth. 
She knew it would crush so many. Midoriya was the first to come to mind, with how hard he worked to enter if the rumours were true. But everyone else who decided to throw their lives on the line for a job that fatal at worst and exhausting at best would be forced to relocate, reconsider. 
YN held her head up a little bit higher when she realised that she was slouching. The last thing she needed was for anyone to ask her if something was wrong. She knew that she would burst like an overfilled dam. 
The bell rang and YN almost shakily rose to her feet. Her bag was in her hand when Mina and Tooru grabbed her arms on either side, tugging her away. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” Mina yapped, poking a finger into YN’s cheek. “What’s got you so upset?” 
YN felt panic rise in her chest but masked it with a concerned look. “What are you talking about?” 
“You were all wimpy during class. What’s up with that?” Tooru chirped. 
“I was thinking.” YN raised an eyebrow. “That’s you’re supposed to do in class. Though, I suppose you wouldn’t know that.” 
“Hey!” Mina let a mock frown grace her cheeks. “That’s mean!” 
“It’s true.” YN smirked, letting the panic start to flow away. 
“Well, what were you thinking about?” Tooru began, a teasing tone on her voice. “Was it...Todoroki?” 
YN jumped, nearly stopping the two in their tracks. “What? That’s-!” 
“Ha! We were right!” Mina howled, puffing up her chest and thumping her fist against it. “Ah, young love~!” 
“Mina, we’re the same age-” 
“Doesn’t matter! So, where are you gonna confess?” Tooru pitched in. 
They had a point, of course. YN had a crush (albeit a small one) on Todoroki Shoto. It was bred out of unspoken respect; he had every right to be a villain if what YN had heard was right. He had a terrifyingly powerful quirk, a terrible childhood, and little social skills. And yet, he did the one thing that YN could not. He prevailed and walked on the path of light. 
YN sighed. “I’m not going to. I don’t stand a chance.” 
“No way! He was staring at you all throughout class today!” Tooru giggled. “He couldn’t look away.” 
“What?” YN stared wide-eyed at the space where she guessed Tooru was at. “Bullshit.” 
“Nope! I even got a pic!” She pulled out her phone (with a cute Mount Lady charm on it) and showed a picture of Todoroki that was clearly taken underneath her desk. He indeed was staring at YN’s back, but it was more the look of glaring daggers than anything.   
“That...doesn’t look positive.” YN murmured. 
“He’s emotionally constipated! He’s probably head over heels!” Mina said, entering the cafeteria. 
“Uh-huh…” YN was about to break off when she felt a tap on her shoulder. All three girls turned only to see the young man they had just been talking about. 
“T-Todoroki!” YN yelped, literally jumping when she saw him standing there. He looked neutral, watching her intently.
“May I have a word with you, LN? There is something I’d like to discuss.” 
Both Mina and Tooru squealed as YN nodded, clasping hands and jumping. Though they didn’t say anything otherwise, the message was obvious. 
YN followed Todoroki through a side hall, keeping a bit of distance between herself and the student. Though she hated to admit it, she felt hope grow. All the talk of him liking her back was getting to her, and she just hoped that Mina and Tooru were right. 
He stopped just outside, where no one was around, and YN nearly ran into his back. She stumbled as he turned. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” 
“I’ve been watching you.” 
YN stopped talking, blinking up at him with wide eyes and a blush rising on her cheeks. “Pardon?” 
“You take a lot of calls, late at night. And you send letters.” 
YN froze. “I’m sorry?” 
“One of the letters fell out, and I planned on putting it back in the mailbox for you. But there was no address on it.” Todoroki looked deathly serious like he would try to kill YN if she tried to move. His bangs made his face shadowed, and it was enough to make YN’s heart stop. 
She felt bile and panic rising. The letters were shipped to the League, through someone they had in the post office. And the calls were given to Toga, who would change into someone else every time so that if anyone heard, there would be no vocal leads. 
“During the USJ attack, you and I were placed in the same division. While, yes, the villains attacked you, they put in noticeably less effort, and you never made any attempt to actually hurt them. With your quirk, you could have easily put them all to sleep. But you made it hard.” 
YN started hyperventilating, eyes flicking left and right in hopes of looking for an escape without having to hurt Todoroki. “What are you trying to say?” 
“You’re the traitor.” Todoroki put it bluntly, and yet, YN felt as though he hadn’t said nearly enough. It felt like the world froze, with YN’s eyes glazing over in terror. Her breathing was laboured and she even felt a little faint. Her world was collapsing, she wasn’t ready to go to jail, she was terrified. There was a white-hot rushing in her veins, and she fell to her knees. 
“I won’t sell you out.” Todoroki looked down at her like one would look at roadkill-intrigued, but disgusted. “For a price.” 
YN looked up, tears ruining her vision. “What is it? I’ll do it.” 
“I have favours. First, I don’t really feel like doing this week’s homework. I already know of all it.” He paused, looking neutrally cruel. “Actually, this entire semester. I don’t feel like doing it. Understand?” 
YN mutely nodded. 
“Good. If any one of the assignments fails, then it’s over.” 
Todoroki left, purposing hitting her shoulder with his knee so she would fall over. She couldn’t get up, nor did she even move, until Mina and Tooru came rushing out. 
“Oh my god!” Mina knelt, grabbing YN’s face with care. “Are you alright?”
“We saw Todoroki leave, and he didn’t look...happy…” Tooru started but trailed off when a fresh wave of tears overcame YN. “Oh, no...sweetie…” 
All three girls stayed huddled together, the two cooing at YN until Mina paused.
“So...did you get...you know…?” 
“Rejected?” Tooru finished. YN sniffled loudly, before nodding. After all, there was no way in hell that Todoroki would love someone like her, now. 
“Oh my god...I am so sorry…” Mina wrapped YN in a hug, while Tooru was fuming. 
“What a jackass! He should’ve accepted you! He has no taste!” She stood up, crossing her sleeves. “I’m gonna have a talk with him!” 
“Tooru!” Mina called out. “Don’t. Not right now.” 
Tooru relaxed, watching YN break down even more. “...You’re right. Sorry.” 
“And we’re sorry...for telling you that…” Mina fell silent. “We’re sorry.” 
“It’s not-” YN managed to get out, trying to talk past her sore throat and sobs. “It’s not your fault.” 
And there they stayed, even with Midnight offering condolences for a rejection that never happened and offering the rest of the day off. 
The sun set low, and Mina and Tooru had to leave as the stars came out. The cold came creeping up YN’s arms, and yet, she stayed. 
And in the distance, a young man watched. 
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YN paced the length of her dorm, holding the phone to her ear. 
“Himi...Himi, please, it’s me.” 
“Oh? YN-chan? What’s wrong?” The voice was initially a deep baritone, a man’s voice, but it dripped into a sweet honey tone, that of a schoolgirl’s. “Were you crying?” 
“Himi, they know. Someone knows. They...he isn’t telling right now, but…” 
“What?!” She heard from the other side. “Someone knows?!” 
There was more shouting from past the phone, some from Shigaraki, others from Twice. They were talking before Toga went back on the phone. 
“How long can you shut him up? Who is it?” 
“T-Todoroki Shoto. He...he’s blackmailing me into doing stuff for him in exchange for him keeping quiet.” 
“Stuff?” Toga yelped. “What stuff is making you do? It’s nothing creepy, right?” 
“Creepy?” YN heard Twice yell. “We can’t even let him touch her! If he tries anything then-” 
“Oh, would you shut up?” Shigaraki sounded strained. “She slipped up. She has to pay.” 
“The little bitch just exposed the whole operation! Fucking kill her!” Twice hissed. “She needs to be pulled out and saved!” 
“YN-chan, what stuff is he making you do? It’s not talkin’ about us, right?” Toga said. She sounded worried, but coming from her, it wasn’t comforting. 
“No...homework is what he’s starting off with, but I have a feeling he’ll go further. He won’t be satisfied. I know that I’ve already exposed the breach, so if there’s any way to hurry up the operation…” YN glanced at her door when she saw a shadow pass by, and lowered her voice to a whisper. 
“Ughhh. This is trying to do a speedrun! This is unacceptable!” 
“Shigaraki, it is only a matter of time…” Kurogiri said. “It is almost complete.” 
“What, we rush the whole thing and fuck it up? No, no, no, no, no…” 
“YN! We’ll come and get you and we can play a game together!” Twice yelled. “I hope you fucking rot, you slimy-!” 
“How did they find out?” Kurogiri’s voice came clearly over the phone. YN took a deep breath. 
“He said that one of the letters...the postman dropped it and saw there was no address. He…” YN stopped. She was already lying to save her own skin on both ends, so what was another lie in the wall that of half-truths and deceit that would save her?  “He opened it and read some before accidentally burning it in anger.” 
Kurogiri sighed. “Then I suppose it couldn’t be helped on your end.” 
“Fucking useless piece of shit!” Shirgiraki bit. “I knew he’d fuck up!” 
“Shigaraki, please.” Kurogiri’s voice had turned away from the phone before turning back. “We will try to speed up the operation. Can you give us two weeks?” 
“I’ll try.” YN whispered. “Thank you.” 
“Stay safe. Do not disappoint us.” 
“Love ya’, YN-chan! Make sure to come back to us!” Toga yelled, probably from over Kurogiri’s shoulder before the line went dead. YN let out a shaky sigh before deleting the call log and moving to her desk. Both her homework and Todoroki’s was out, and that meant that she had to forge his writing in order to make it work. 
She was writing away, late into the night, taking no pause out of fear that Todoroki would find some flaw and alert the whole school. She worked and she worked until the clock hit two A.M. She looked up, feeling almost woozy when there was a knock at the door. YN jumped in her seat before walking over and answering it. 
On the other side was a wide-awake Todoroki, who glared at her through the crack in the door. 
“The homework. Hand it over, while everyone else is asleep.” 
YN nodded, sulking over and grabbing the sheets of work. He snatched them out of her hands, reading it over and checking that it was all done. 
“Alright. Today, I want you to be the one to tell my father that I will not be seeing him this week, but instead doing such things as hanging out with friends and attending parties.” 
“But...but how do I contact your father?” YN felt her head pound. Todoroki met her eyes with a raised eyebrow. 
“Figure it out.” 
He turned and left, and YN gave a heaping sigh. She turned to her bed, her own homework only half-finished. She was exhausted, rightfully so, and collapsed into the pillows. Regret pooled in her gut. Some part of her still loved Todoroki, but it was quickly dying. 
It was dying, along with the rest of her. 
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The next five days were hellish. 
She supposed the second day, where she had to approach Endeavour, was kind. While he was upset about his son not even bothering to talk to him, he didn’t lash out onto YN, nor send a message back. It could’ve gone much worse, she was well aware. The next day she was forced to make his meals, though it wasn’t that hard. And after, she was to do his laundry. All were relatively easy deeds. 
But the day after that Todoroki ordered her to clean his room. And when she entered, it was so torn apart that she was sure he ripped everything out of the drawers on purpose. And the day after, she was told to take up all of his chores for the dorm, confusing both Sato and Midoriya. 
Mina and Tooru took notice of YN’s behaviour but didn’t ask. Mina was still beating herself up for hyping up YN, and Tooru was still furious at Todoroki’s supposed rejection.  
And for YN’s feelings for Todoroki, they were absolutely and completely quashed. 
She had no idea he could be as heartless as he was acting. Anything positive that she had for him was gone, replaced with deep scorn. 
And the only lifeline she had was calling the League every night. Toga, while crazy, did provide some comfort, with the promise of doing each other’s nails and hair when the attack arrived and YN was taken to the home base. The regret and fear she had of being a villain before was slowly disappearing with every night that she fell asleep to the sound of Toga and Twice babbling about video games. 
On the sixth night, YN called to Toga specifically, venting left and right about the things that Todoroki was making her do. 
“And then, he told me that I had missed a spot, and when I went to look, he went and picked up a tissue that definitely wasn’t there before!” YN hissed into the phone receiver. 
“No way!” Toga barked. “What an asshole!” 
“I know, right? He just wants to make my life hell. I can’t wait for you guys to get here.” 
“Ugh! Same! Me ‘n’ Twice have been stocking up on the goods so that way when you get here, we can have loads of fun!” Toga laughed loudly, and YN heard Twice laughing, too. “We’re getting excited! It’s only a week away!” 
“Yeah,” YN murmured, a soft smile on her face. “Thanks. I’m gonna go and get some sleep. You guys make sure to rest up, too.” 
“Maybe~! Love ya’!” Toga hung up and YN felt the silence of the night draw in. She felt oddly content, and she let out a soft sigh. 
There was a feeling of content that she hadn’t felt in days. With all the work that Todoroki had piled on and the stress of keeping it all under wraps, she could feel her eyebags during the day and wish for the sweet release of sleep during the night. 
YN rested her arm on her forehead, letting the darkness consume her eyes and try to soothe the headache that was coming on from even thinking about Todoroki. 
“Yikes,” She sighed, rubbing her temple with her spare hand. “I’m screwed.” 
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Meanwhile, Todoroki was no better off. 
While he had no headache, he was staring at his ceiling with the covers of his bed pulled up to his chest. His arms were folded, but his eyes were narrowed in thought. 
Before he had learned about YN being the traitor, he hadn’t thought much of her. She seemed like a meek girl, with a terrifyingly powerful PSI quirk. She stuck to her friends and stayed in her lane. 
‘The perfect candidate for traitor,’ Todoroki thought. As far as he knew, she had no terrible history or actual motivations to become a villain. So when he found the letter and put and two and two together, he was shocked. He wanted her to vehemently deny it, to say that it was maybe a love letter or a secret note to somebody else. 
But all she did was cry, and Todoroki had his answer. 
He didn’t know why he chose to blackmail her, of all things. He should’ve turned her in, as a hero would have. But he didn’t. And at first, he didn’t know why he wanted to spare her so. Was in how miserable she looked while she was crying? Was it how she didn’t even look angry, but just scared? He didn’t have an answer. 
Until he made her clean his room. 
To be honest, he tore it apart just to see what her reaction was. He wasn’t a messy person but he wanted to make it tough for her. So, periodically throughout her cleaning, he would check up on her. At first, it was to make sure she didn’t throw away anything important, but once he realised that she was doing something so domestic, it made him feel warm on both sides. She had a broom and trash bags, and a bandanna to hold back her hair. She worked ferociously, determined to finish quickly. The hair came loose at times, and sweat grew over her as she lost herself in the cleaning and her thoughts. 
He realised that it was exactly what she would look like if she was a housewife. 
He realised that the entire time, he had her doing things a lover would do-calling the parents, helping with work, cleaning, cooking. None of them were dangerous, and she had them all done in three hours at most. And as Todoroki laid there, he started thinking less on the favours than it was YN herself. 
She was a girl. That was the first thing that came to Todoroki’s mind. Even though no one was around, he nodded with confirmation. It was a safe thought. It was a fact. 
She trained well, sometimes even out of school time. He had come across her in more than one situation where she would be using her quirk to make Bakugou levitate, with him howling the entire time. Her eyes would glow too, like changing lights in a pool. Todoroki always thought it was pretty. 
That, too, was a fact. Her eyes were pretty. 
Todoroki’s eyes snapped open. Yes, it was a fact, but it was not a safe thought. He imagined shoving it into a box and kicking it far away, into the depths of his mind. 
He closed his eyes again, sighing. 
She was strong. That was a safe thought. 
She had nice arms. That was not a safe thought. 
She did her best to take care of her skin, judging from the occasional skincare products he’d find lying around. Was that a safe thought? He wasn’t sure. 
She was smart, but not terribly so. That was a safe thought. 
She looked nice in her tights. That definitely wasn’t a safe thought. 
And as Todoroki thought more and more about YN, he began realising that he thought most things she did were good, technically speaking. She helped Denki with school sometimes, was positively receptive when Midoriya wanted to write about her quirk in his notebooks, and always supported the girls in any of their endeavours. She was kind and pretty, and smart and strong and sweet. 
And then, with wide eyes and a quelled feeling of horror, Todoroki thought, ’Oh my god,’ 
’I’m in love with the traitor.’ 
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“What now?” 
Todoroki stood in front of YN’s door, hands in front of him and looking strangely innocent. His hair was combed, which was weird, and if YN took a deep breath, then she would smell some sort of cologne. 
“There is a girl in the General Course. Ai Suzuki. I want you to reject her for me.” He said it was a completely straight face, as though he was telling Aizawa that he couldn’t come into class the next day. YN blinked, processing the order, before jutting her head out in shock and recoiling again. 
“What? That’s terrible! You need to reject her yourself, for her sake!” She looked appalled and was about to slam the door shut when he put his arm and foot in. 
From behind the door, YN stopped, before groaning and opening the door again. 
“Fine. And when the poor girl is miserable and goes around slandering you, don’t come after me. And we’re not friends. Don’t call me YN.”  
She shoved past him and locked her door, storming down the hallway and making tracks for the General Education dorms. 
“What floor, jackass?” 
“She’ll be in the greens,” Todoroki called back, sounding ready to laugh. YN turned and walked through the doors, keeping an eye out for a girl standing alone. 
Sure enough, a student who reminded YN of a doe stood with her hands in front of her, looking side to side. It broke YN’s heart that Ai would have to be rejected in such a cruel way, but it was her or YN’s entire wellbeing. 
“Hey, are you Ai Suzuki?” YN approached the young woman, who jumped. Ai’s brow furrowed. 
“Y-Yes. Where’s Shoto?” 
YN sighed. “There’s no easy way about this, especially since he’s such a coward.” 
Ai’s entire body seemed to slump, her eyes watering and hands shaking. YN felt the guilt bubbling in her stomach, but she continued.  
“But he wanted me to tell you that he’s not interested. I’m really sorry that it had to be this way, but-” 
Abruptly, Ai reached forward and slapped YN across the cheek. Tears were streaming down the young lady’s face.
“You-! You-! I…!” Ai seemed to be grasping for words while YN nursed her stinging cheek with her hand. YN didn’t retaliate but tried to help Ai sort out her emotions. 
“I know it’s terrible, and if you want, I take you to him so that way you can work out what you need. I get that-” 
“Just shut up!” Ai snapped, before flushing. “Please. I…” Fresh tears made their way to Ai’s face before she ran off. YN turned to head back, only to see Ai run headfirst into Todoroki. He seemed surprised, glancing up at YN before looking down at Ai. Ai stared at him, eyes wide before sobbing again and running to the General Education dorms. Todoroki watched her run with curiosity, while YN watched with pity. 
“I see it went well.” Todoroki turned back to YN, about to say more when he realised the red mark on her cheek. “Did she hurt you?” 
“Why would you care?” YN snapped, glaring at him. “You’re fucking terrible, and that’s bad, coming from me.” 
She stormed off, letting Todoroki watch her leave. He seemed stunned, standing and blinking dumbly at her retreating figure. 
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YN held an ice pack to her cheek, staring at her ceiling, watching the blades of the fan spin. She wished that her mind was empty and aimless, but concerns surrounding Todoroki arose. 
He had become more casual than he ever was, something that didn’t happen even before he found out about her ties to the League. It was as though he was trying to seem pleasant, but it all seemed like a trap. 
“Fucking ice-for-brains.” YN pouted. “Bitchboy.” 
YN’s phone abruptly rang and she jumped. It was several hours earlier than the League usually called, so when she picked it up and saw the contact ’L’, her brow furrowed. 
“Hey, everything okay?” She asked, worry lacing her tone. She heard broad laughter, and then Toga giggling. 
“More than okay! We can come sooner!!” 
“Wh...what?” YN blinked, flabbergasted, before rushing to her door and locking it. She held the phone to her shoulder while stuffing towels along the bottom so no one could eavesdrop. “What’s going on?” 
“Shiggy found a way to mass-produce the Nomu so we can get to you in, like, two days!” Someone spoke, but it was too distant to hear who before Toga started talking again. “Tomorrow! We can get to you tomorrow!”  Toga was audibly jumping, and YN felt her shoulders go slack. 
“No way.” She breathed. It was like the world was on her shoulders, and that it had been slowly lifted. “Are you serious?” 
“Yup! I wouldn’t joke with you on this,” Toga said. “Probably.” 
“Probably?” YN laughed for the first time in what felt like forever. “You have no idea how happy this makes me.” 
“Well, we’ve got a bonus for you! For hangin’ on!” 
“Yeah? What is it?” YN fell onto her bed with a grin. 
“Well, according to Shiggy,” (Shigaraki, in the back, howled ‘Don’t call me that!’) “Had everyone accounted for except for one! And, well, he just so happens to have been doing some no-no stuff lately…” 
“I get to kick Todoroki’s ass?” YN sat up from her bed, excitement on her face. A deep part of her felt disgusted at the glee in getting revenge, but it was quickly put down at the thought of Todoroki begging for forgiveness. 
“Yup!” Toga tittered. “And then Kurogiri can take you back with us and we can do whatever! It’s not like we’ve got any parents to regulate us there, anyway.” 
“That was a twenty-five cent word, Himi. I’m glad. What’s the time of the attack? I wanna set an alarm.” 
“Hey!” Toga yelled over the phone, and YN winced. “Shiggy! When are we gonna see YN-chan and Deku and Ochako?” 
“If everything doesn’t get fucked up, then we should get there by six in the afternoon. Don’t fuck it up.” The phone was clearly pointed in Shigaraki’s direction, but he still sounded a bit distant. 
“Yessir,” Though he couldn’t see it, YN saluted. “You got it.” 
“We’ll see you soon, YN! I looove you!” 
“See ya, Himi.” 
YN hung up, laying back down on the bed with a giddy smile. She rolled left and right, hugging the phone to her chest as she laughed. She knew she was being loud, and if Todoroki heard, then he would be suspicious, but she didn’t care anymore. She was so close to freedom, so close that she could taste it. 
So close. 
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Classes were unbearable. 
YN felt like a kid on the last day of middle school, right before they go to Disney or some other amusement park. The day trudged on, and no matter what Mina and Tooru did to try and get YN’s attention, her thoughts always returned to the League and the attack. 
Sure, she was nervous. It was entirely possible that everything could go wrong and it all fail. She could be arrested for treason, Todoroki could decide to expose her, and the League could choose to leave her behind. It could end in absolutely disaster for her. 
But YN had hope. 
And that hope remained after classes had finished. YN was near skipping, waltzing past Todoroki on her way to her dorms. 
She knew she needed to pack her things. It was all simple stuff; clothes, her toothbrush and toothpaste. She had to leave her phone behind, which was regrettable, but it had a tracker in it that her parents and select friends could see. 
And speaking of friends, YN needed to get Tooru and Mina out of U.A. before the attack, and have them be gone for long enough that they would remain safe. There were ways, but YN knew she needed to keep discreet. 
So, when she walked to her dorm, she eyed the clock. It was five fourty-three, which mean that she could have them take a relatively short trip and still be kept in the clear. YN caught Mina and Tooru on her way. Mina near jumped, nervously grinning. 
“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been weird all day!” 
“Yeah, yeah. Um, I have a favour to ask you two.” YN pulled them aside, taking out her wallet. 
“What is it? Is something wrong?” Tooru presumably tilted her head. 
“Ehh, sorta?” YN faked a grimace. “I, uh...my period started.” 
Mina blanched, and Tooru placed a hand on YN’s shoulder. 
“What’dya need?” 
“Yeah! We’ll go get it!” 
“God bless, you two. Uh, you know that mart that we came across that had the best f/s? It’s like, fifteen minutes by the train?” YN shelled out the cash, making sure there was extra. “I’m craving that, to be honest. And you guys can get something else, of course.” 
“Sure!” Mina took the money and shoved it into her pocket. “Let’s go, Tooru! We’ll see you later!” 
YN waved as the two dashed out, knocking Todoroki on their way to the doors. Mina shot him a half-hearted apology before they were gone. YN gave a languid wave back, feeling almost sad. She wouldn’t see them again. It pulled against her heartstrings, but she knew that she was too far in to back out. 
“They’re certainly energetic.” Todoroki walked up to YN, eyeing the doors with his hands in his pockets. 
“Yeah. Whatever.” YN’s peacefully happy demeanour changed. She glared at him before walking away. Before she could successfully escape, though, Todoroki put a hand on her shoulder. 
“I want to talk to you.” 
YN glanced at the clock. It was ten before six, and she felt nervous. “Not right now. I’m busy.” 
“Please, it’ll just take a second. I’ll come with you.” He took his hand off of her shoulder, and she rolled her eyes. 
“Fine. But make it quick.” YN began speed walking to her dorms, not caring if she looks suspicious. “I have shit to do.” 
“I wanted to actually ask you in private. It’s something...a bit personal.” 
YN stopped walking, eyes wide. “You’re not going to…?” 
Todoroki recoiled, shaken. “No! No, it’s not. It’s an emotional matter.” 
“Oh, joy.” YN rolled her eyes again before almost jogging to her dorm. She eyed a different clock, and it showed five fifty-two. 
“I’ve been thinking about it. About you,” Todoroki began as they walked into her dorm. YN grabbed a backpack off of her wall and began throwing whatever she could find in there that she would deem necessary. Todoroki shut the door, but stood by it as YN spun around. 
“I know that I’ve been...complicated towards you.” Todoroki said, rolling his hands to help elaborate. 
“Uh, yeah. That’s a nice way of putting it.” YN threw eyeliner and mascara into the front pocket of her bag. Todoroki huffed, upset that it backfired. 
“I think you’re pretty,” He tried again, leaning a bit towards her and sounded hopeful. “And smart.” YN said nothing, but paused and gave him a look that was a mix of confusion, disgust, and ‘duh’. “And I know that I’ve been making you work because of circumstances that were out of your control.” 
“What’s your point, Todoroki?” YN threw the last of her underwear in the bag and zipped it, spinning around with her hands on her hips and the bag over her shoulder. “Get to it.” 
Todoroki faltered, eyeing the bag. “What are you packing for?” 
“None of your goddamn business. Speak, or else I’m ignoring you.” 
This snapped Todoroki out of his staring contest with a video game pin on your bag, and he swallowed. He was stiff, and anxious, and hid his face with a ninety-degree bow. 
“Please be my girlfriend.” 
YN froze, shock on her face. “What?” 
“Please date me.” YN shook her head, snapping out of it, before her jaw dropped and mixed emotions came over her face. “You’re fucking…” She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. 
“I know that you must hate me. But I’m sure that you’re not the traitor by choice. If you choose to date me, my father and I can help you leave the League. We can protect you, and we can-” 
“Protect me from what? Wait, wait, wait. You’re saying that they guy that fucking blackmailed me wants to protect me from people that have done nothing to me?” 
“Done nothing?” Todoroki rose from the bow, looking both confused and hurt. “They’re villains, YN. They are absolutely going to hurt you!” 
“Bullshit. They...they’re the only ones that gave a damn the whole time!” YN threw her bag on the ground, throwing her hands up in the air. “I fucking-! I can’t believe-!” 
“And what about Mina? And Tooru? And I could have sold you out at any point!” 
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna go?” YN felt heat rise to her cheeks and her stomach turn in rage. “Yeah, okay. Mina and Tooru were great. And that’s why they’re not here right now! But you wanna fucking hold it above my head that you could have had me fucking arrested?” 
“That’s not what I was trying to say!” Todoroki’s voice lowered from the shout, desperation in his tone. “No, I..! I was trying to say that I love you! And that I didn’t want you to get hurt. Please. We can get you out of this.” 
Todoroki grabbed her shoulders, not forcefully, but intimately. He could feel her breath on his face, and the tears beginning to show in his eyes. 
“You...unbelievable!” If Todoroki looked close enough, he could see traces of betrayal. “I have no idea what you think asking someone out is. You can’t just walk in an-and expect love!” YN voice rose with every word, until Todoroki leaned forward and placed a kiss firmly on her lips. She let out a muffled yelp, frozen, but Todoroki didn’t move. 
He savoured it, because for just a moment, when he closed his eyes, he could imagine you loving him back. 
But then a blaring alarm from YN’s phone went off. 
YN shoved Todoroki off, coughing and rubbing at her mouth furiously. Todoroki stood still, a blush on his cheeks. YN licked her top teeth as the alarm sounded, hearing the constant, stinging ring, taking a moment before a sick joy rose in her.
“YN, please...We can work this out together. We can get you into the witness protection program, or something-” 
“Too late,” YN hissed. Todoroki faltered, taking a step back. 
“I said, you fucking reject,” She muttered lowly, looking up at him with her head hung. “Too. Late.” 
“W-What? Why?” Todoroki began to puff his chest in some indiscriminate mix of rage and sorrow when he felt something close around his throat. It was as though he was being choked, but no one was touching him. His hands flew to try and relieve the pressure only to be able to claw at his own neck. There was the sound of glass breaking outside, and people screaming. He could hear Present Mic calling for help. 
“You really thought...” YN began as furniture began floating, along with Todoroki himself. He kicked his feet and struggled, but he was thrown back through the dorm door and into the hallway wall. YN was sweating, the alarm still going off on her levitating desk, and she looked thrilled, with her eyes pulsing out of her skull and her hair flying in front of her face. Her bag levitated towards her, and her jacket fit itself onto her shoulders before the backpack followed. Todoroki could only watch in pain as she approached. 
“You thought you could control me forever?” YN wheezed. Todoroki turned to see Midoriya and Bakugou running towards them before a smoky, inky black portal consumed them both. His eyes went wide when he realised what was happening. 
“I thought heroes were supposed to do the right thing, Todoroki.” YN spat, grabbing his chin so he could stare her in the eyes. They had begun sparking all sorts of colours, even ones that he had never seen before. More furniture in the living room and open dorms were floating and Todoroki felt his heart in his throat. 
“You…” He choked, one eye closing from the pain in his spine. “You bid your time…” 
“Abso-fuckin-lutely.” She grinned, eyes crazed, before using her quirk to pick him up again. This time, he wasn’t choking, but he couldn’t move. “And now, you must suffer the consequences.” 
She waltzed from the dorms to outside, dragging Todoroki behind her. When he passed the doors, he had to look away from the heat and the light, but when he opened his eyes, he felt tears swell. 
The main building of U.A. was up in crystal blue flames, with students and staff alike running out screaming and crying. Someone fell out of the windows, on fire and wailing the entire way down, and there was a sickening crack when they landed. The heat scorched his cheeks, and embers flew into his eyes and hair. When he opened his mouth to yell, he could taste the copper of blood on his tongue. He could see Midoriya and Ochako trying to fend off Toga, and Kirishima and Sero trying to restrain a Nomu, only to fail. 
He knew that even if he could make any noise, if he could move, if he could use his quirk, he wouldn’t be able to. The shock set in his bones, and he felt the weight of the world.  
“You know, they were supposed to come about a week from now.” YN waltzed across the burning grass, putting it out before she could burn her shoes. “But when they heard you were blackmailing me, they sped it up. Isn’t that sweet?” 
“How could you?” Todoroki managed to spit out. He saw the gentle smile on YN’s face, and he felt his heart snap. “They were...our friends…” 
“No. I mean, at first I was guilty. Actually, I really was guilty right up to when you found out. Then I realised that they didn’t really notice me.” She hummed, clearly in a good mood, with the terror and chaos around her. “Mina and Tooru kinda noticed. But they bought whatever I told them. They’re still good people, but they didn’t care that I clearly had something on my mind. Least of all you?” YN turned her head to look at Todoroki. “Did you know I used to have a crush on you? You didn’t so much as glance at me for the entire time before you found out.” 
She looked back forward, making her way to the swirling black mass. Kurogiri and Shigaraki stepped out, and when Shigaraki saw YN, he took to scratching his neck. “You didn’t fuck up.” He sounded surprised. 
“Nope!” YN chirped. “I’m ready to roll once this place is dust.” 
Shigaraki let out a dry laugh at her choice of words before looking over at Todoroki, who was trying to struggle. “You already had him?” 
“He was trying to ask me out.” YN crossed her arms. “So I just took advantage of the opportunity.” 
“Cool. Dabi’s already gotten the main school-” 
“Clearly.” YN piped in. 
“So the damage has been dealt. I just need to recall everyone.” Shigaraki gestured at Kurogiri, waving a lackadaisical hand. “Originally, I was just gonna leave you, actually.” 
“Wait, seriously?” YN grimaced, completely ignoring Todoroki’s squirming. 
“Yeah. But then he found you out.” He turned to Todoroki, who froze and glared at Shigaraki. “When are you gonna fight him?” 
“I dunno. I kinda wanted everyone to be here, but if we can’t make that work…” 
“Get it over with.” 
“You’re the boss.” YN shrugged, giving Todoroki only a moment to be afraid before crushing him against the nearest wall. His eyes were overshadowed by his hair for a moment when his entire body curled in pain, both against his will and YN’s quirk. He felt bile crawl up his throat, and spit came out when he coughed. 
“Y...YN...please…” He looked up at her, tears flowing down his cheeks and crushing sorrow on his face. “I know there’s good in you…you’re not a villain…” 
YN winced, and for a moment, she looked conflicted. Todoroki felt hope, his eyes widening, until the conflict was abruptly gone. In its place was rock-hard disgust and he was picked up again, before being smashed into the dirt. YN began throwing him violently, increasing the strength and rate of the hits. She didn’t stop until his head hung and he was panting. Blood was everywhere, and when he looked up at her, it was flowing into his eyes. 
“It’s not about good or evil anymore.” YN whispered. It was potent, even amongst all the chaos and noise. “There is no good or bad anymore. Just power.” 
YN looked almost deranged, eyes blown wide and panting heavily. Her hair had fallen into her face, and Shigaraki looked surprised, again. 
“Wow. Didn’t expect you to go loose.” 
“I hope it’s okay, sir.” YN let Todoroki fall, blowing the hair out of her face and composing herself. 
“Yeah, sure, whatever. I don’t care.” 
YN nodded and Kurogiri placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“You did well. Welcome to the League.” He watched YN give a huge smile, as though she didn’t just help slaughter an entire school, and rather had just been given a star spot in a play. 
“Thank you, sir! You won’t regret it!” 
“I’m sure we won’t.” Kurogiri nodded, looking sagely at the destruction and the approaching forms of Toga, Dabi, Spinner, and Twice. 
“I’m sure we won’t.” 
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a/n: hi this took WAY too fucking long i am so sorry 🥴 i sabotage myself but anyway!! this was interesting to do bc i never really did a traitor!mc but i am a sucker for angst 🥴🥴
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i am drunk on power: 3. Canon Divergence + q. Meet Messy + 53. “Kiss me while everyone’s looking.” or 51. “Play along.”
Uhhh I don’t know what happened here, because this started out kinda funny and then got kinda sad and then kinda funny again. Soooo yes, please enjoy this take on Geralt speedrunning through Chapter 1 of The Witcher 2 by way of sucking dick.
Geralt crept forward toward the sound of the flute, Vernon and Triss following behind him, and blinked when he saw the elf perched atop the tree branch as if waiting for them. Iorveth certainly had a flair for the dramatic. He stood when he saw them and gestured toward Vernon with his flute.
"Vernon Roche! Special Forces Commander for the last four years. Servant of the Temerian king. Responsible for the pacification of the Mahakaman foot--" Another sweeping arm gesture had made him lose his balance, it seemed, and he teetered precariously at the edge of the branch, flailing, before slipping off it.
He hit the ground with a loud thump, and Vernon barked out a laugh beside him. "Serves you right, you grandiose son of a whore."
Iorveth wasn't moving. Geralt heard faint rustling up in the bushes on the cliffside, above them -- Iorveth's men, no doubt.
"This could be a trap," Triss said, looking around.
Iorveth was very, very still. "Don't think so."
"Then let's take him in. We can interrogate him in Flotsam." Vernon stepped forward, and Geralt threw an arm out at chest level, stopping him.
"His archers are up on the cliff. They'll shoot us if we try to take him." He watched Iorveth for a few more seconds, wondering how to break the ridiculous impasse. The archers would have to take the long way around in order to come down and help him, but they wouldn't leave their position with Vernon Roche, a sorceress and a witcher still standing over him. He sighed, then simply put both of his hands up and raised his head to shout up to Iorveth's men. "Don't shoot. I'll help him."
"Help him?" Vernon repeated, sneering.
Geralt took a couple of steps forward, experimentally, and heard no sound from above. He approached Iorveth and crouched next to him. "Hey. You conscious?"
Iorveth groaned and curled in on himself, clutching the side of his head with one hand.
"He's faking," Vernon called out. "Be careful."
"Look at me," Geralt said, ignoring him. Iorveth raised his head and squinted up at him, then closed his eye tightly and covered it with his free hand, cursing in the Elder Speech. "Great. Went and gave yourself a concussion, didn't you?"
No answer came. Geralt stood and walked back to Vernon and Triss. "I'll escort him to safety. You go on to Flotsam and see what you can find out."
"What?!" Vernon wasn't happy -- no surprise there. "I'm not letting you leave with Iorveth. Do you have any idea how many of my men he's killed?"
"We'll never find the kingslayer if we take him in. His Scoia'tael will warn him and he'll slip away. Let me do this. I'll meet you in Flotsam." He turned and went to Iorveth again. He'd sat up, eye still squeezed shut, and was rubbing at his head through his scarf.
"Be careful," Triss told him. He gave her a nod over his shoulder and she and Vernon left toward Flotsam, muttering to each other.
"My men will... will shoot you if you hurt me," Iorveth ground out through his teeth, looking rather unsteady even sitting down.
"Uh huh. Can you stand?"
He gave it a valiant try, pushing himself to his feet and managing to straighten up most of the way before swaying sideways and falling down again. "One-- one moment."
"No. We're too close to Flotsam. Gotta get you outta here before somebody spots you." He reached for Iorveth, then paused. "Call your men off. I'm picking you up."
Geralt suspected Iorveth wasn't the kind of man who liked to be carried, but he must have been in too much pain to protest. He gave a half-hearted scowl but waved his archers away. Geralt waited until he heard their retreating footsteps, then picked Iorveth up and tossed him over his shoulder. "Just had to bloviate at us from a tree branch, huh?"
"Shut up," Iorveth's voice floated up from behind him, sounding more unsteady than angry. Geralt shook his head to himself and headed away from Flotsam, back toward the beach and then up into the forest. It wasn't long before Iorveth spoke up again. "Put me down." His fingers scrabbled clumsily at Geralt's back. "Vatt'ghern. Put me down."
Something about the tone of his voice made Geralt stop, and as soon as he put Iorveth down he crawled away on all fours and retched into the underbrush. All that came up was bile, and Geralt thought about how light the elf had been, even wrapped up as he was in chainmail and leather.
"Why are you helping me?" Iorveth ground out once he was done, sitting back and wiping his mouth on the back of his gloved hand. "You're with Roche."
"Came here with him. Doesn't mean I like him." He crouched down and this time Iorveth was able to meet his eyes, though he was still squinting against the sunlight. "I'm looking for the kingslayer. I've been accused of Foltest's murder."
"Pity. He's under my protection."
"Why? You think he's killing kings because he cares about elf rights? He's using you."
Iorveth shook his head, then winced and raised a hand to his temple. "I... I care little what you think, vatt'ghern. We're working toward a greater purpose."
He still looked rather green. Geralt sighed. "You have a camp nearby?"
"I'll take you there." He made to grab Iorveth again, but the elf held up a hand, stopping him.
"No. I'll be sick again."
"Then walk." Geralt stood and held out a hand, and Iorveth managed to pull himself up after taking a deep, steadying breath. He spat onto the ground, then started walking unsteadily, holding on to Geralt for balance.
Iorveth's men caught up to them before long -- four of them, bows out, winded from running through the forest. "Iorveth," one of them said, eyeing Geralt as if waiting to see whether they'd receive orders to shoot him.
Iorveth waved a hand at them dismissively. "We're headed to camp," he started, and it looked like he'd wanted to say something more, but he hissed in pain and closed his eye, relying on Geralt's guidance to keep walking.
"One of you run ahead and get a bedroll ready," Geralt said in his stead. "And a fire. I'll need boiling water."
"Do as he says," Iorveth added much more quietly.
It took some time to reach the camp. It wasn't much -- a narrow gap in a rock wall that opened up into a small, low-ceilinged cave, with a few bedrolls spread around a small fire and a set of old crates serving as rudimentary stools. There were three more elves waiting there -- one led Iorveth away from him he collapsed onto a bedroll, breathing heavily. He was pale and sweating from the short walk.
"What's wrong with him?" a woman asked, shooting Geralt an accusatory glare.
"He hit his head," one of the archers responded, and it seemed he respected Iorveth too much to offer any further detail. Vernon would have no such scruples; Geralt suspected that most of Flotsam would have heard the story by the time he got there.
He sat by the fire and set about making a potion, similar to one he'd use on himself but diluted enough that it wouldn't harm an elf -- something to help with the pain in his head and settle his stomach. The elf woman stood staring at him suspiciously, and he showed her the dried herbs and ingredients as he pulled them from his satchel. Once he'd gotten the lot of them brewing, she gave him a grudging nod and went to sit by Iorveth's side.
"You his lover?" Geralt asked to fill the silence, stirring the contents of the small pot over the flames.
"He'd have to hit his head a lot harder than this to lie with a woman," one of the elves muttered in the Elder Speech somewhere behind him, and a few of them snorted in response. Geralt filed the information away into a corner of his mind. The woman pressed her lips together and glared at him, apparently unamused by her friend's jest.
"Fine, don't talk to me. Still with us, Iorveth?"
Iorveth's jaw was clenched tight and his eye still closed, but he gave a small nod.
"Try to stay awake. I'm making something for the pain."
Someone gave Iorveth water, which he promptly threw up. Geralt snatched the empty mug and filled it with his concoction while the woman mopped up the mess with a rag. He watched the small group for a few moments as he blew on the hot liquid. They looked pale and drawn, all of them, and stank of hunger and exhaustion. He sighed and set the mug down. "Make him drink this once it's cooled down. All of it, slowly. There's more in the pot if he can't keep it down."
He stood. They eyed each other but let him go without a word, and he headed deeper into the forest.
He came back to the cave later, carrying two rabbits, a handful of wild carrots and some mushrooms. There were only two elves left with Iorveth -- the woman and one of the archers. The rest of them had been up in the trees when he'd approached, standing guard, but they'd let him pass without comment again. He set the food down near the fire, then added a few potatoes and some plums from his satchel.
Both elves stared at the food silently, their stomachs growling, audible even over the crackling flames. Geralt sighed impatiently. He hated seeing elves reduced to this -- their stubborn pride only made it worse. "Take it. He'll feel better if you get some food into him."
He turned to Iorveth, who was still lying on his bedroll, curled under a blanket with most of his armor discarded around him. When Geralt sat down, he opened his eye and seemed to have an easier time focusing on him than he'd had before. "Gwynbleidd."
"Geralt," Geralt corrected.
"Gwynbleidd is a much better name."
"Fine. How do you feel?"
Iorveth's eye fluttered shut. "Strange. Dizzy, if I try to sit up."
"It'll pass in a few days if you get enough rest." The elves were rustling around behind him, chopping the food and skinning the rabbits. He left them to it, keeping his focus on their leader. "Gonna tell me where the kingslayer is, now? Just want to talk to him."
"Lies aren’t a good look on you, Gwynbleidd." His eye opened again. "You've got much kinder eyes than the other vatt'ghern does."
Kind eyes weren't something Geralt had ever been accused of having before. He blinked. "Yeah, well. If you're just going to compliment me in exchange for saving your life, might as well get out of here and look for him myself. Hope Roche doesn't find you like this in the meantime."
He didn't even make it to his feet before Iorveth wormed one hand out of his blanket, touching his leg to stop him. "Wait. They have Ciaran, my second in command. He's being held in Flotsam on a prison barge. Find a way to free him and I might set up a meeting with the kingslayer."
Well, that was much more of a lead than what they'd arrived to Flotsam with. He gave a short nod. "I'll see what I can do."
The next two days passed in a mad blur -- he'd met Dandelion and Zoltan (who'd narrowly escaped the gallows thanks to Triss and Vernon's intervention), hunted for ostmurk, killed the kayran, and finally broken Ciaran out of the prison barge in the dead of the night with the help of Triss, who'd had to mend what had looked like half of the poor bastard's bones before he'd even been able to walk.
He collapsed into one of the inn's dirty beds, slept like the dead for a few hours, then dragged himself back out and into the forest to seek out Iorveth again.
He checked the cave first, and this time one of the sentries up in the trees greeted him with a nearly cheerful "ceádmil" as he walked by. He figured that probably meant Ciaran had found his way back to the group and put him firmly into the Scoia'tael's good graces. "Good afternoon," he replied in the Elder Speech, and the elf frowned at him from between the leaves of his tree. Geralt recognized him as the one who'd mumbled about Iorveth in front of him; maybe that'd teach him not to run his mouth around strangers.
Iorveth was alone in the cave and seemed to have heeded Geralt's recommendation to rest; he was still on his bedroll despite the late hour, propped up on one elbow and working on a piece of waybread. "Gwynbleidd," he said warmly in greeting. "Ciaran came back to us this morning. I'm in your debt."
"Twice, now," Geralt replied, but couldn't bring himself to mind much. There was one fewer elf in prison, and Loredo was probably pissed off. Win-win. "Feeling better?"
"Mostly. My head still hurts at times, and I tire easily."
"Like I said, give it a few days." He sat down and Iorveth held out his waybread silently. Geralt blinked at the offering, then broke off a piece. "Thanks. What about Ciaran?"
"He's doing better than he ought to be. He said they beat him to within an inch of his life and left him to die in his cell." Iorveth's expression had darkened, and he dropped the rest of his waybread as if his appetite had suddenly left him. "I'll make sure his captors suffer just as long."
"Mm." Geralt tried his piece. It was bland, but better than a lot of the things he ate on the road. "He isn't just your second in command, then."
Iorveth's eye narrowed. "What are you asking, vatt'ghern?"
He shrugged. "Heard one of your men talk about you the other day. Don't think he realized I could understand him."
"I don't know what you heard, but you must have misunderstood. Ciaran isn't my type."
"So what is your type? Witchers?" Geralt asked, then had time to ask himself what the hell he was doing during the short silence that followed. The opening had been too perfect, and he'd reacted the way he would have had any beautiful woman been in Iorveth's place. A stupid reflex.
The corners of Iorveth's mouth quirked up into a small smile. "Certainly not Letho."
Letho -- now Geralt had a name, and perhaps that had been worth a moment's awkward silence. He popped the rest of the waybread into his mouth, chewing slowly as he thought. He couldn't recall hearing the name anywhere, but that didn't mean much; there were a lot of things he couldn't recall.
"Ciaran filled me in on how he was captured. It seems you were right to distrust Letho. He tried to convince Ciaran to betray me and take over the unit. A fight broke out when he refused. Some of my men died."
"Where is he now?"
Iorveth hesitated only briefly before speaking. "He usually stays near the ruins of Cáelmewedd."
"The baths?" Geralt asked. Iorveth nodded. The ruins weren't far, but Geralt could hardly go on his own -- he didn't know what kind of mutation his School was into, but Letho was built like a brick shithouse. And Iorveth was in no state to help, so he'd have to go back to Flotsam and--
"Iorveth." One of the sentries poked his head into the cave. "Letho's coming."
"Shit," Geralt hissed. Letho couldn't see him here. He'd smell him, though, even if he managed to leave without being spotted. He heard the sound of Letho's heavy footsteps outside and tried to think of a plan.
Iorveth had been thrown off-balance, too. He stared at Geralt, green eye searching his, then grabbed at the edge of his jerkin and pulled. "Come here," he said quietly in the Elder Speech. "Play along."
They'd been through too much over the span of a couple of days for Geralt not to trust him. He let himself be maneuvered around by the elf, unsure what was happening until he found himself lying between his legs. Iorveth flipped his blanket over him, covering his upper body, and Geralt groaned when he realized what the plan was.
"Iorveth," Letho called out, and Geralt heard his armor scraping against the edges of the cave opening as he made his way inside.
"I don't want to be bothered. Come back later."
He'd slowed his breathing down and was doing a decent job at sounding distracted, his voice low and his fingers creeping into Geralt's hair. Still a stupid plan, though, because Letho would be able to smell Geralt, and then smell that Iorveth wasn't even aroused. Unless...
"What are you playing at? We both know who that is."
Unless he was aroused. Geralt palmed at Iorveth's cock through his trousers, resisting the urge to shake his head at how his stay in Flotsam was going, and Iorveth's breath hitched above him. "And?" he asked Letho.
"He's here with Roche. Am I supposed to think this is a coincidence?"
Geralt squeezed Iorveth's cock. It was stirring in his hand -- wasn't just his kind eyes Iorveth had been admiring, that much was clear. He started working on the fastenings of Iorveth's trousers. "I don't care what you think, Letho. He helped one of us break out of the prison barge."
"And-- and his reward is to suck your cock?" Letho retorted with a disbelieving snort.
Geralt rolled his eyes as he pulled Iorveth out of his trousers. He'd sucked a cock or two before, decades ago during a particularly cold, lonely winter at Kaer Morhen, but hadn't felt the urge since and hadn't exactly shouted it from the rooftops, either. His reputation would never recover from this -- kingslayer and cocksucker. "It seems some of your kind can appreciate the finer things," Iorveth said, then moaned softly as Geralt put his tongue on him. He was playing up his reactions, Geralt knew, but he still felt his own treacherous cock twitch in response to the low, breathless sound.
Well, at least there'd be no mistaking the smell that was coming off of him now. Off of them both. There was a long pause, which Geralt filled by pressing open-mouthed kisses to the head of Iorveth's swelling cock and flicking his tongue over it, knowing Letho could hear him.
Finally there was the scrape of Letho's boots against the ground as he took a step back. "We'll talk later," he muttered, sounding a little lost. He left, adding "fucking elves" under his breath as he went, and Geralt rumbled out a laugh around Iorveth's cock, now hot and heavy in his mouth.
Iorveth pulled the blanket off. He'd acquired a pretty flush across his sharp face, and his eye was hooded as he watched him. "You can stop," he said in the Elder Speech even as he tilted his hips, pushing himself deeper in.
Geralt paused, considering. He was hard, too, and he shifted uncomfortably against the cold ground, reaching down to adjust himself. Iorveth groaned at the sight and let his head thump back to his bedroll. And then he groaned in pain, having apparently landed on the bruised spot on his head. Geralt snorted, slid one hand up under his shirt and onto his stomach to hold him still, and kept sucking.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Boo! - Yoosung Kim
Another day, another part of my randomly generated Halloween “series” of one shots. Today is bb Yoosung. If you saw this posted already 👀 no you didn’t.
Warnings: spoilers for Yoosung’s route
Prompts: haunted house, bb is scared, make out in a secluded spot (I swear I didn’t make this happen y’all could’ve gotten apple cider but this is what the generator chose HAHA)
Summary: Yoosung, freshly injured, wants to spend a fun Halloween night with his partner. He thought after he took all that pain he’d be brave enough to conquer a haunted house. He was wrong...
Yoosung has planned out the whole date. It was your third time going out together since the RFA party. His eye injury had healed considerably, but he still had to wear an eyepatch when he was out and about or focusing so that he wouldn’t get headaches. Still! He didn’t let it get him down. In fact, it made him even more confident. You would never have expected him to plan everything out like this when you first met over the messenger.
It was definitely a Halloween date. Of course, it was Halloween, but what really hinted you in was Yoosung asking you if you had the stuff to dress like a pirate. After a quick run to the store you did.
In fact, you looked kinda hot ? Like not to flex, but you did look really good, bandana and poofy shirt and all. He has asked you to meet him at his apartment and then the two of you would start the date together.
It hadn’t dawned on you why he chose pirates until he walked out, fully dressed. You had just assumed that was the costume he already had and would be easy to coordinate. But nope. It was because, well, his eyepatch. You covered your mouth to hide your shock upon seeing him.
“Pretty smart huh?” He asked, putting his hands on his hips proudly.
“Can I laugh?” You asked timidly, moving your hand away from your face slightly so he could hear you.
“Please do! This was the plan.”
You burst out laughing. You walked over to him and gave him a hug. “You’re literally the cutest, Yoosung.”
“Okay here was my thought process,” he leaned against his door, preparing himself for his story. “You remember when you were trick-or-treating as a kid and it was cold and you had to put a jacket on? That might be too specific... but you know what I mean?” You nodded, listening intently. “But then the jacket ruined your costume and you were all upset. So you vowed that the next year your costume would be something warm with long sleeves so you wouldn’t need a coat. That’s what I did. I didn’t want my eyepatch messing up the costume.”
“It makes the costume,” you added.
His cheeks flushed bright red. “You look really nice by the way. Really, really nice.”
You finally took a good look at him. He looked pretty dashing as well. He has a floofy shirt on too, with a pretty deep cut V-neck, laces tying it up pretty tight to avoid showing much skin though! He paired it with a red vest, some dark jeans, and boots. “Aw you do too Yoosung! I really like the look. I feel like most men’s pirate costumes are like... goofy, but yours looks really good on you,” you babbled on. He simply chuckled in response.
“So, uh, what do you say? Are you ready to see what I have planned?” He asked, hands shoved into his pockets awkwardly.
“Yes! Please tell me!” You grabbed his wrist and pulled lightly. He got the message and pulled his hand out to intertwine it with yours.
He swung it as he walked out the door with you. “I thought maybe we could go to a haunted house.”
“Nuh uh! Have you ever been?”
“Uh...” Yoosung looked at the sidewalk. “Not really. But I bet it’ll be fun!”
“Definitely. I might get scared though. Sometimes these things are really good but other times they’re laughable,” you explained. You knew your fair share about haunted houses and things; you just wanted to prepare him beforehand.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you,” Yoosung puffed out his chest. “But, uh, will you drive us?” He asked. He had led you to your car. You giggled and got in, beginning the drive, Yoosung feeding you directions.
The place was kinda scary honestly. Okay, it wasn’t really a haunted house per say, but one of those places with multiple “fear buildings” set up. The goal was to get through as many buildings as possible, one leading to the next, but there being an area in the middle where you could get refreshments and take a break if needed.
Still, the atmosphere was spoopy. Someone at a nearby building was reviving a chainsaw, the buildings looked dreary and abandoned, and you could hear screams nearby.
“Sounds scary,” Yoosung commented, a smirk on his face.
“You’re so brave lately,” you giggled, grasping on to his arm.
“If you think about it... I was literally tortured. I think I can handle people jumping out yelling ‘boo!’ at me,” he joked, rolling his eyes.
You laughed at his joke. “I don’t think they’re going to yell ‘boo!’ Yoosung. That would not be very scary.”
“Well why don’t we go find out?” The two of you began walking to the first building. You had to wait in a bit of a line to enter, people all bloodied up walking back and forth past you, jumping at those in line. “You can hold my hand if you want.” Yoosung commented. You grabbed onto his hand.
The first room wasn’t that bad. There were lots of twists and turns, and it was kind of hard to see in the dark, but nobody jumped out at you. A table moved. Yoosung jumped, looking underneath the table to make sure nobody was there. You dragged him along, not wanting to find out.
The next room looked like a jail cell. A girl covered in blood was rocking on her heels, muttering the phrase ‘help me’ over and over again. Again, you did NOT want to face this girl. They usually weren’t too bad unless provoked. But Yoosung had never been and wanted the full experience.
“Stop! We’ve gotta help her,” Yoosung pouted, pulling you back into the room.
“I don’t wanna,” you complained, pulling in the opposite direction.
The girl pounced at Yoosung so quickly that you didn’t even see it happen. She was screaming. He was screaming. You were pulling him to the next room.
Here’s the problem with screaming in a haunted house. When the workers know you’re easily scared, they just keep it coming.
The next room was neon rainbow. The lights were so bright your eyes had trouble adjusting. Oh hell no. A guy was disguised with the wall, running at you. This time, Yoosung pulled you along.
You slowed down while heading to the next part of the building, pausing to catch your breath. “Having fun?” You teased.
You stopped. You hadn’t expected him to admit it. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not brave. I wanted to be brave for you and I can’t do it I don’t like it,” he ranted, nervously fidgeting with your hands.
“That’s okay. You’ve been so brave. It’s okay to be scared,” you comforted. “Let’s take a break after we get outta here, okay? We’ve just gotta make it out first.”
His eyes were determined. It was like you were speedrunning the haunted house. Every time someone jumped out at you or something fell towards you, Yoosung kept moving, pulling on your hand. He wouldn’t even glance in the direction of the commotion. You were out probably in record time.
“Congrats!” The clown at the exit exclaimed. “You’ve made it through the first trial. If you’re ready for the next, it’s right down this path.”
“Hell no!” Yoosung exclaimed, running from him as well.
You were trying so hard not to laugh. You would agree, it was an overwhelming experience, but Yoosung was just so unbearably cute. He pulled you towards the center where the more frightened parties gathered.
“I don’t wanna do anymore,” he whined. You could see a tear in his eye. You felt kinda bad, even though it was his idea to do this.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. You cupped his face in your hands. “Are you okay?”
He pouted, puffing his cheeks out. It made you laugh again. “I’m scared.”
You stopped for a moment, weighing your options. “I can help you take your mind off it if you want,” you suggested innocently, a finger stroking lightly under his jaw.
He gulped and nodded quickly. You two had kissed before, obviously, but not too much. He was a little eager when you did, though. Maybe it was how attractive you both looked in your costumes, but you both just really wanted to make out.
You led him back toward the car, but he couldn’t seem to wait that long. His eyes glanced at the building next to you, the seventh trial, as it was marked. Once you got close enough, he pushed you to the wall of the building, pinning you against the stone exterior. Your head bumped against the wall and you let out a little noise of shock, but ignored it for the most part.
His lips were on you before you had time to think. He wasn’t as slow and as loving as he has been the past few times. His lips, and his tongue at that, were passionate, leaving you no opening to come out for air. His mouth dominated yours, and you let out a small sigh as he continued. He pulled back for a moment, biting your lip before giving you an opportunity to breathe properly
“Jesus Christ Yoosung,” you panted. He took a step back instinctively. Even under the moonlight you knew he was blushing bright red. You grabbed at his waist and pulled him back to you, almost flush against you. “I didn’t say to stop,” you grinned, capturing his lips in yours again.
Your leg hooked around his waist to pull him closer, his hand moving up to your chest. Your eyes were shut right, focused on how good his touch felt. You grabbed a lock of his hair to pull him closer; he let out a small whimper, swallowed by your lips, but you still heard it. You were so caught up in the taste of him, the feeling of his fingertips grazing your skin, that you hadn’t even noticed...
“Boo!” You heard. Your eyes opened quickly and you jumped, bonking your forehead against Yoosung’s, who had also jumped. It was the clown from earlier. “Might I suggest you two carry this on somewhere else? This is a family-friendly establishment,” he teased. His whole spooky persona was gone. He seemed more like a tired teenager at this point.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Yoosung apologized profusely. He let go of you and distanced himself a little bit between the two of you. “Yes. Thank you. We’ll be going now.”
He started walking stiffly and you followed beside him, grabbing his hand again, swinging it along. “Don’t be embarrassed. We’ll never see that guy again,” you spoke aloud, noticing how sweaty Yoosung’s palms were.
“I... I... that’s not it.” He shook his head aggressively. “That... was really hot.”
You laughed, unlocking the door to your car. “Sure thing, especially the part where you actually got scared when the guy said ‘boo!’” He sighed, looking at you expectedly as he situated himself in his seat. You had to deliver. “I told ya so,” you grinned, winking at him.
“If I remember right, you jumped too.”
“Hey, watch it.” You put the car into drive. “Or we won’t continue what we’ve started once we get home.”
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