#and i was like oooooooookay lets sit in this feeling and see if we can transpose it to paper
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
it's very interesting listening to Lover songs and then Midnights songs back to back because I think if Midnights had followed Lover, it would have been less of a disappointment to fans/critics alike. They're both sonically and thematically along the same line of progression and a lot of people compare lover to midnights as the day vs. night albums and that feels apt. It's almost like folkmore was a gift and a curse for her. what now seems to have been a temporary detour into a creative side project all along has unfortunately become her life's greatest artistic achievement. to the point where people who'd never been interested in her music at all were drawn in and critics/critical fans were surprised and impressed for the first time in a long time at what appeared to be the next great evolution of her talents. the flip side of that is unfortunately those new fans were never interested in her prior work and are not interested in her return to that style, and the critics/critical fans who were thrilled by this new direction and excited for the future are equally disappointed and frustrated by her return to form. with a little distance now, I'm getting the feeling that the general dismissal, bordering on dislike, of midnights as a whole might be rather a manifestation of that disappointment and less a fair reaction to midnights on it's own. it is absolutely true that it's creatively a step down from folkmore, in dexterity and complexity and originality, nobody is arguing against that. but i know for myself, if i compare my opinion of midnights to lover, they're both the same level of mid generally. the highs of lover are higher than midnights, but the lows are also lower than midnights, so they average out to the same level of appreciation in the end. following lover, midnights does take a few steps forward, that had it been the successor, i would have perhaps celebrated as much as i did the Archer and such. midnights feels like a natural progression of lover in a way that, had folkmore never shown me how green the grass was on the other side, i might not have rejected it as viscerally as I did. alas, that's not how this played out, and idk if i'll ever be able to remove the stain of disappointment upon first listen to midnights in a post-folkmore world, but it makes me wonder. i think aaron is also to folklore what jack is to midnights in that had i not heard how her sound could grow with someone as texturally rich as aaron, i might hate jack's omnipresence less. and furthermore, it gives me a little insight into how differently taylor views these past 4 albums than we do and why sometimes an artist can be her own worst enemy on her way to realizing her creative potential, whilst the artist herself carries on blissfully unaware.
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andziaregina · 6 years
"You should bloggggg!"
If y'all say so.
I've been told I'm pretty entertaining when I tell stories. Lately, my stories are mostly dating related and few and far between. I'm generally just watching whatever I'm binging, or reruns of Trixie and Katya.
So I'll start this story from the beginning of this year. I turned 30 in March, and literally everything since then is a fucking rollercoaster. Mostly excellent, but the fun, tragically hilarious shit is what we're focusing on here. My ex and I broke up because she wanted to get back together with our old roommate. Yes, back together, old roommate. That's a different mess but after 3 1/2 years, if your choice is someone whose teeth are more congruently jagged with yours then please, date your cousin. 🤷🏻‍♀️
So we break up, and WHAT ELSE DO YOU DO AFTER YOU'VE BEEN DATING WOMEN FOR A FEKKIN DECADE but sleep with a guy. Y'all chill, I've been to this rodeo (a lotttttt). So the fucking hilarity is I'm just like hell ya, sleeping with someone who I've always been friends with and this can be super easy RIGHT?! Obviously Karen if you have to ask the answer is absolutely not- make this as painfully awkward as possible. So this carried on for ya know like, 3 or 4 months or some shit. My *ass* catches some feels, duh, but it doesn't work out. Here's where I can be an ADULT THIRTY YEAR OLD GDI but why? It didn't work out supposedly because the sex fizzled out or whatever wording was chosen to explain to me why the ghosting happened on his part but the truth is whiskey dick is a HELL of a condition and some people can't own up to it. The TEA is that a lot went into this! Meeting family, going to weddings, annual summer parties- but ya know. Whiskey. Fucking. Dick. AND EVEN BETTER after literally being told "here's why I ghosted" I get told it's because he was thinking about me AFTER the girl he had been seeing/liking/literally who gives a fuck got a boyfriend and he was sad. Sad, Barbara. Lmao. I can't make any of this or the following up. THEN this idiot sends me a snap of himself in the shower with a beer and says, "Have a beer with me?" No, lmao. I also posted a song on snap by an artist named James Bay, and his ass with the same first name is like, "Am I your James Bae lololololol" STFU you ain't funny.
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Oooooooookay so ironically this same weekend i find out there are really creative ways to cover up whiskey dick, another guy I'd gone out with a few times told me I was "a lot". This fuckin' guy. Check this out: so I go out with this guy for drinks. I think we hit it off, we text quite a bit, whatever. So he's like why don't you come to my place for whiskey and TV binge. I'm like, "Y'all, I love a good night in. Yes. Absolutely." So I go to his place, we talk and he shows me around and is perfectly nice. I need to also mention now, before the audacity this child had is discussed, that I am pretty picky about height. I like girls my height or a bit taller, and I like guys literally as tall as the Red Wood Forest. These aren't set in stone but I just want to feel ~*~like a lady~*~ and someone being taller than me does that for me. This dude is 5'8". I'm 5'7". So you can already assume I'm trying to tell myself if he's a decent person I will clam up, put out and be okay. Well, I'll be the first to say if I am sitting on a couch and your choice is to approach me from above like a swooping (tiny) falcon and aggressively kiss me with no preface, you gotta miss me with that bullshit. But, again, let's just see where this goes. I mean I fucking shaved, what did I THINK I was doing this night?? Okay, so we make out and things move along and we decide to go to the bedroom and obviously we had *iNtErCoUrSe*. But the fucking thing is, he did this like dirty talk but like- not well. If someone has to incessantly ask me if I like something, chances are I either already don't or I certainly won't anymore. So, I just knew with each drying pump, I would have to say something or ensure the most inflamed vaginal lips on earth and I ain't trying to have that. So I tell him, "Hey, dirty talk just isn't doing it for me." THIS FUCKING GUY had the god damn nerve to tell me I would just need to get ear plugs. Wrong, bucko. Absolutely, unequivocally not correct. And more over, when he hit me with the typical, "I can't get off with a condom, I'm a twat," I was like well that's too bad. "Do you want to suck it?" Y'all, I hollered. No, I sure don't bud. I sure the fuck don't. So I left.
Honourable mentions before I continue: super short guy who lied and told me he was 5'8" and is irrevocably 5'5". Also, another guy who I had EVERY FUCKING GOLD-COVERED, GIFT-WRAPPED CHANCE TO POSSIBLY DATE and would have been great, but don't worry I let ol Whiskey Dong cloud my judgment so whatever.
So then I meet this chick. Super attractive you GUYS. About my height, long dark hair, super fun and we seem to get along great. But fun fact, she's married. Her husband and she have a polyamorous relationship and everything is cool so ya know what THIS IS 30. Well, she cons me in to going out with her on a random Wednesday because her husband wants to meet me. Well, in case I was curious what my jam is right now- he solidified that it's men. I kiss BOTH OF THEM JESUS and have a blast and it's just fun. Then she's like, no chill I have to see you all the time omg you don't feel well I can come lay around with you omg. Girl, no you cannot. Then I'm just like, "I can't do this." Well my fucking God she sure did have her husband call me because of this. Y'all calm down, this lay ain't even that great SEE ABOVE FOR CHARACTER REFERENCES. I haven't heard from her since yesterday which is honestly the longest yet and I'm glad.
I did meet a new guy, so far so good. But I'm not saying anything until I ruin it, at which point I'll be back with more tales from the crypt. 🖤
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