#and i went crawling under the house checking all the ducts and finally found him and played zeus and cut him out of the duct
stumblngrumbl · 6 months
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i'm supervising rufus on an outside excursion - he recently had a traumatic event and has a couple burns on his head so i don't want him to be outside all day like normal but figured the morning sun isn't as strong and moving around would be good to keep the fluids moving
and of course Tiberius found me
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What do I gotta do?
Warnings: cussing, kidnapping, mentions of rape, and drinking. I think that's it. --------- You were slightly drunk. Okay. More than slightly. But who could blame you? You just found out that your boyfriend asked you out on a dare. You had really loved him. That's when you pulled out your phone and started typing up an email. Dear asshole, I talked to my mom today. I never had the heart to tell her we broke up so when she asked about you I told her you were fine. Which is true of course. You are fine. You were always fine. You never needed me. I just regret it took me so long to realize that. I should have known. Should have known I was just another pawn in your ever perfect game of chess. Just once I wish you would fall so hard for someone who would turn around and break your heart so you could know how this feels. But that is a pain I wouldn’t wish on my biggest enemy. I never wanted to know what heartbreak felt like, it feels like I’ll never be whole again, I should have known you were playing a game when you came home that night drunk with lipstick on your collar, but i was willing to try to make us work. I wanted us to work. God do I feel stupid sitting here writing this knowing you’ll never read it. Then again, people always say writing down your feelings helps. As much pain as I’m in now, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You gave me some of the best experiences i have ever had the pleasure of having. Even after our fights you managed to make me smile and keep me crawling back to you. Why did I keep going back to you? As I look at everything we went through and everything I put up with for you, I regret staying by your side because I should have known better. I should have known better than to play with fire, people always told me that standing near you would lead to burns, I told them you kept me warm. I should have listened. I got burned. I truly wish you happiness, but I also hope I see you in hell motherfucker Once Yours, Y/N You sent it and passed out almost immediately afterwards. The alcohol your system finally catching up with you. - It was no surprise to anyone that Thomas Jefferson was still up at 2 am, he usually was. Whether it be fucking some poor girl or trying to find a way to beat Alexander Hamilton in their next debate, he was not one to go to sleep early. What was surprising was when he got an email at two in the morning, when most people slept. He checked it to see if it was from work, but when he saw the salutation, “dear asshole,” he knew exactly who it was from. He knew it was from the girl he loved, the only one he had actually loved. He could picture the hot, angry tears that would have been streaming down her face as she wrote it, he could imagine what he would have said if he had been beside her. “Baby, don’t even worry about it. Anyone who could make the sweetest and most amazing girl ever cry isn’t worth the tears.” and even then he was right. He had made her cry. Something he had swore never to do, in order to keep her safe. He felt his own tears fall as he read the harsh words he had never wanted her to have a reason to say to him. He didn't know if he wanted to leave it or email back so instead he texted the source of all his problems. “I hope you're happy. She hates me. Now leave her out of this. She was never in this. Leave her alone.” His anger grew as he sent it. He had lost his chance at love and the only girl he ever had a chance of being happy with was gone from his life forever. - Charles Lee smirked as the text from his good pal Jefferson came in. Charles knew Jefferson would do anything to keep that bitch safe. Why he was so obsessed with her He would never understand, but the why didn't matter. What mattered was that Jefferson would be willing to break her heart in order to protect her. Charles laughed as he texted the moronic idiot he held in the palm of his hand, “actually, I don't think I will. You see, she needs a shoulder to crying on in this tough and difficult time. Oui? And I just had to add French knowing that was the language all the love letters you never sent to her were written in.” His laugh could be heard through the room as he donned his coat, heading out into the cold winter air. - You were finally asleep after sending the email. Everything was quiet. That was when a window a shattered. You sat up, but couldn't do much else before you were grabbed and let out a scream as you were pulled outside, a bag was forced over your head, duct tape over your mouth, and your hands tied behind your back as you were thrown into a vehicle that took of speeding down the road. - It was five in the morning when Thomas got the call. You were missing. He knew who had taken you, he just didn't know if he could get you back. Sobs wracked his body as he tried to figure out where the hell you could be. He couldn't focus on anything but you. It consumed his every thought. Were you hurt? Could you be..dead? His mind plagued him with toxic thoughts he couldn't escape. He didn't know where you were, but he vowed right then and there that he would get you back. If it was the last thing he did. - Charles Lee pulled your limp body out of the black van and took you inside the old farm house his family had owned since the revolution. He tied you to a chair and sat down to wait for you to wake up. He took the bag off your head and took a picture of your sleeping form making sure it sent to Jefferson. He had the nerve to caption it,” tick tock, you might not want to take forever. Don't know how long I can resist taking a look under that outfit.” - Thomas Jefferson was a normally calm man, but when he got that text, he was ready to kill someone. He punched the wall of his apartment, leaving a hole in his wake.
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stumblngrumbl · 6 months
couldn't find Rufus last night
at dinner i realized that i hadn't seen him for a while, since i finished my computer work and had gone out to prune trees in the orchard, it was very strange because he normally joins me in the orchard or wherever i'm at in the big yard and hangs out nearby but i hadn't seen him
so got flashlights and went all over the land looking everywhere - checked the chicken coop area twice, went all around the pond in case he was hunting out there
then i remembered that just after i had gone outside and before pruning trees i had fixed the furnace because its fan was making terrible noises, a new one came in the mail yesterday and it was quick to install nice yeah but
there had been ten minutes when the hvac had been open that i wasn't at it and what if Rufus had climbed in?
kinda ridiculous but as i walked around the land searching for him i kept thinking about it
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that slot is about 6"x12" and he could've gotten in and what really worried me is that after i installed the new fan i ran the furnace for a few minutes to test so i was envisioning a charred Rufus in the duct somewhere (not really, the temperatures aren't that high but you get the idea)
so finally i opened the furnace and pulled the fan (like the above pic which was taken when i first removed it while diagnosing the furnace origin) and realized that yes he could've gotten in
then i got work clothes on, a bandana, a breathing mask because under a house it's dusty, gloves, and crawled under the house
luckily it's not as low as some crawl spaces but it was still tight. i could ignore the return ducts because i realized from the inside of the furnace that he was only in those leading from the furnace to the vents in the rooms - where the hvac is pushing air
i basically lifted ducts trying to find a heavy spot and finally i found it
glad i had sharpened the knife the previous night and took it with me on my crawl, i cut into the duct and pulled out a terrified Rufus
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he's generally fine. he got some abrasions on his head and a couple minor cuts - it looks like an amateur barber gave him too close of a shave in a couple spots - but his eyes are unmarred and his breathing is totally normal.
we cleaned him up, gave him a little dinner and he slept well; he got up and had some breakfast as normal this morning.
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