#and i wish the communication b/t departments were 100x better and i would truly be proud to work here but honestly
zzzawa · 8 years
i wrote that i wasn’t gonna rant about this in a long text post but i’m the bitch that lies a lot
i just want to say that collectively, all of our coworkers have agreed our recent coworker doesn’t communicate well, and their lack of common sense and knowledge makes it super difficult to explain to them about certain job etiquette because of cultural differences
BUT MY DUDE, tonight was so stupid - this supervisor (idk who she is or what she does but she’s not from my department!!) comes during a work shift to pull this coworker aside to let them know that she’s considering placing them in a different job area bc frankly they aren’t cut out to be working in my department, and this supervisor comes into the kitchen asking us all these questions and making things so difficult for us to get our work done... and when she leaves, our coworker starts to just burst out getting angry how no one likes them or anything and it got to the point where everyone was quiet bc we were FED UP with them being incoherent but this coworker just... kept talking shit and i’m pretty sure they started cursing us out in their native language and they went on about ‘i came from another country only to be here and work like this!! this isn’t what i need!’ and ngl that part made me a lil sad but cussin me out and calling me names while we’re all trying to finish our job bc we’re on a time limit like.. lmao ok keep cryin about the fact that you’re not getting fired???? you got this job bc of a relative who works at the SAME place like???? ok......
and they’re holding us up by not doing their job bc of what happened is like.. so wild to me like if you’re gonna keep saying ‘wait until i am gone and you all can work without me’ like ok!! leave already!!!!! no one cares at this point if you got up and left like we all wanna go home!!
and i felt really bad for my other coworker bc she didn’t have to work today but she took a double shift and i know she had no time dealing with this coworker’s ignorance!! every time we tried to rationally/calmly explain to him about the situation they kept saying ‘no no no’ and continued to ramble on about how we were against them and stuff
i was so close to just quitting lmfao but i still need this job until i can find another one that isn’t so.. that isn’t like this lmfao i wish i could work at a game store or something like... i’m tired of this life
first of all how fucking unprofessional for that supervisor to come in the middle of a WORK SHIFT, like all of this would’ve been handled better if this was done before or after the shift, how fuckin lame do you have to be to do that and then go into our kitchens and say ‘are those shoes non-slip? if you fall bc of those shoes you’ll get written up :)’ FUCK OFF
anyway i work tomorrow but if that coworker is there you better bet it’s gonna be chaotic.. i personally don’t have to like u as long as we work together to get everything done but if they act up i’m... not having it lmao 
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