#and i wish we'd had more missions with him than just the First Forge one
I just want Erend to believe in himself
Erend seems to have so little self confidence, and I just want to scoop him up and hug him and tell him it’s okay we all need you and you’re doing a great job!
I’ve loved Erend since the first game, not as a romantic option for Aloy (although he clearly has feelings for her) but he is so ready to support her no matter what.
So it breaks my heart to talk to him in the Base and he is like ‘oh yeah well I guess I’ll try and learn this stuff, not sure if I can really do anything to help though’
And it’s like EREND
I just want him to believe in himself ;_;
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c0unt3rc0m84t · 2 years
Alright now that I've had like a day since I finished Eternals... let's go.
Sersi isn't getting enough praise. She's a complete badass and I loved her so much.
Sprite was an amazing character and I loved how they just grew bitter with humanity since their in a child body. That made so much sense and I loved Sprite so much. I will protect them with my life.
Kingo was hilarious and he deserves every but of praise he gets.
Thena is not getting talked about enough. My queen got hurt badly over this movie and I will protect her with my life... yeah she's more capable than me.
Druig I figured was gonna be one of my favs as soon as I heard his name. I know we arent supposed to like him, but I love how he's so empathetic and impulsive together that he ends up being a worse person because of it. I found him to be a breakout character for me.
Makkari, my beautiful Makkari, you are too good for the MCU. Omg, a speedster that's deaf is a perfect concept. She's so sweet and compassionate and relaxed, yet she will flip if prompted. I loved that we now have 2 ASL users in the MCU with Echo and Makkari. I have the beautiful headcanon that Makkari and the Eternals all made Sign Languages across the world.
Gilgamesh, you were too good for this movie. I screamed when Gil died, like how dare they. HE MADE PIE AND USED HIS LIFE TO HELP THENA AND THIS IS WHAT HE GETS?!?!?! In all seriousness though, I'm truly distraught that they just snuffed him out like that, but I have hope that he will return down the line with the World Forge.
Phastos is the first openly queer character in the movie side of the MCU and it took too long. I'm so happy he's in the movie, his character was awesome being the tech guy of the Eternals, and it sucks that he's the one who made the atom bomb. I think he had one of the most interesting stories in the movie. We get to see him have a family which was awesome. I'm shocked they got to do all of that in this movie, I honestly thought we'd get a wlw relationship before we got a mlm relationship in the movies and I gotta give em points for going with this. This was great and I'm very happy about this.
Ajak was interesting. It's depressing that she caused her own death but such is life. I love that it showed how close they were with her and it makes her death feel like it has meaning. I kinda hope we don't see her return but I'm sure we are going to.
Ikaris, I'm gonna say this and I'm gonna lose the little credibility I have... Ikaris shouldn't have died (should he have actually died). His story could have become more interesting. He went from falling for Sersi, to becoming a pawn for Ajak and Ahersham? to murdering his closest friend for Ahersham, and fighting the rest of his family to do what he thought was right. He was a perfect soldier, not a good man. Then he realizes that, and instead of letting him figure out where to go from that he flies into the sun and dies.... fuck them. He could have become more interesting but they suck. Whatever.
Karun was a perfect gem. He better return down the line, I doubt it but he should. Kinda wish he had more to do and could have helped but it's whatever, he was great.
Dane was one of the characters I was most excited for in this movie and lemme tell you!!!! How dare they. It's fine he'll be a bigger character down the line but I'm a bit upset. It is what it is.
Character Ranking (Top 5)
5. Sersi
4. Sprite
3. Makkari
2. Druig
1. Thena
Relationship Ranking
4. Sersi and Ikaris... I think it's supposed to not be good. I think that was the point. He was obsessed with her but also with his mission and she moved on.
3. Dane and Sersi
2. Phastos and Ben
1. Makkari and Druig
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