#and i'd like to think we hopefully get some clarity on why ted's been this guiding force for trent too
Ok, had an outright delusional conversation with my mum about ted lasso and this is what she said: what's the point of colin coming out in the grander scheme of things? Why is trent's presence at richmond relevant to the plot? Trent ultimately being there to help colin through his coming out is sweet and inspiring but, on its own, it doesn't drive the big plot, only creates a new sideplot. So, what is it's relevance to the main plot/character? How is colin coming out and trent helping him relevant to richmond, relevant to ted? She said it implies ted goes on some sort of self discovery journey that mirrors colin's and with all the gay stuff happening it's not a huge mental leap to assume ted starts to question his sexuality too once he hears about the experience of being closeted from someone going through a coming out. And she specifically said this is seeded in ted's relationship with sassy: even though sassy seems to show genuine interest in him (whether that's romantic or purely sexual) ted always seems to go along with it mindlessly, without questioning if it's what he really wants/needs in that moment. He uses their relationship as a distraction from his depressive episodes but never genuinely seems interested in sassy as a romantic/sexual partner. So what would happen if he started to question his encounters with her? What would happen if he started to question where the selective disinterest is coming from? Would he find it's only because he just can't let go of michelle? Or is it because he can't let go of the expectation surrounding these encounters? He's never had to answer such questions because he's been with michelle from such a young age. What if he started to explore encounters he DOES find genuine interest in and what if he finds the encounters are unexpected and scary, similarly to colin pre coming out? What if trent helps colin, but ultimately, inadvertently, importantly, helps TED in his journey to self-acceptance and colin is just the spark to light the fire? It's so big brained cause it ties most of ted's struggles together so neatly: his struggle with his marriage, with who he is outside of the marriage, with why he's always felt he needed to justify his presence with 'being curious, not judgemental', his relationship with sassy and trent and most importantly his father, ESPECIALLY as we might learn about trent's relationship with his father
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