#and i'll give your muse a lead at random OR you can comment or DM me if you want a specific one
tomahawk-swing · 2 years
Maha hardly caught a wink of sleep in the past 48 hours. He had rung up every old contact, gathered every little hint he could think of, any lead that might take him onto the right path.
The result of his search wasn’t anything to be proud of... but it was a start. They could barely be called “leads”, but he was certain that with some more digging, he might actually find some interesting information.
Dingo’s old PET, fortunately still functional, with muffled recordings of the last conversation to happen in the boy’s bedroom.
Data from his computer, right before Tomahawkman was last plugged out of the system.
An old wrist brace. Dingo was supposed to wear it from time to time, but it was long abandoned in his wardrobe.
And... a rock. A plain, old rock from very, very far away.
Unfortunately, Maha couldn’t divide his attention between them all. He needed some help.
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hxzelwallflower · 6 months
⋆˙⟡ Knowing your partner well can
potentially make writing together a lot easier
Tumblr media
Name: - Bravo.
Pronouns: - she/her.
Name of muse: - Eileen R. Roosevelt.
Preference of communication: - Dms are good as long as we're following each other. I do have a Discord, but I'm very selective of who I give it to since I'm easily overwhelmed and have days where my social battery is low. Don't get me wrong I love talking and writing random scenarios, but during the work week my brain is extra smooth.
Experience/how long (months/years?): - My very first roleplay was with my best friend back in 2009, when "P.ictochat" was still available for the N.intendo Lite. I didn't start engaging with the public until mid 2012-2013, where I was introduced to platforms like Y.ahoo M.essenger and D.eviantART. While I originally joined T.umblr back in 2017, I never got involved with the rpc until December of 2021. I've been just about everywhere from old Y.outube comments, S.kype, T.witter, and even MSN. In total, I have fourteen years under my belt.
Best experience: - A T.witter thread between my current muse, (Eileen) and a Mafia!Fell Sans that wound up becoming one of the biggest slow burns to date. For two years me and my friend dragged out their relationship, deconstructing and piecing them back together to create a long-term ship that finally set sail two years down the road. They were one out of a handful of people from the Undertale community that really gave me a confidence boost, helped me improving areas of my writing as well as becoming some of my closest friends.
RP pet peeves/dealbreakers: - I'm chill when it comes to this community, very few things annoy me and I tend to blacklist whatever characters or fandoms I won't engage with. However, jealousy towards roleplay partners or vague posting is something I do not tolerate. Same goes for people who actively display passive aggressive behavior, or drag others into drama they have no involvement with. This community is a safe space for folks to come after a long day, whether to let off steam or just kick back and relax, nobody wants that negative shit.
Muse preference (fluff, angst or smut?): - Casual conversation is my go-to for days I don't feel like writing more than a couple paragraphs, it's always fun to see where things lead and get a feel for the others literature. 'Course fluff and angst are loved all the same, though recently I've focused more on domestic scenes of just day to day habits with a little of both sprinkled into the mix. I'll be honest though it's been, several years since I last wrote smut. Nothing against it I just, don't really think about it much since I prefer to explore character dynamics with something softer. My muse in general is soft, and it's extremely rare she gets put into a situation like that.
Plots or memes: - I'm a hoe for plots, but the easiest way to kick things off is to meme your way. I tend to approach people with questions about their muse if they're from a verse I'm not familiar with, and you're more than welcome to do the same! Eileen is multiverse for a reason, and while some of the more primary ones are listed on her carrd she does have a few that aren't on display.
Long or short replies: - Somewhere in between. I tend to mirror my partner's writing to make it easier, long as there's one paragraph for me to work with I'm not picky.
Best time to write: - There's never really a "good" time, but your best bet is on my days off. (Sun-Tue), I try to dedicate a few hours among my schedule to drafts or social media so they don't pile up. My activity is spotty enough, so don't take it to heart if I don't respond to you right away. I always draft things.
Are you like your muse: - In many ways, yes. While I'm more educated in sign language than French that's one thing that separates me from her. We do share alot of sensory/neurological challenges on a day to day basis, the need to keep our hands busy whether it be with a toy, with work, or other things as well as becoming short with people when we're overstimulated.
tagged by: yoinkus from @/lultimagoccia , now you do it weenie!
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