#and i've hinted at his love of slightly schlocky horror media before so buffy would totally fit in that wheelhouse!
thebramblewood · 5 months
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Helena and Caleb have been busy burying the hatchet and starring in their new hit sitcom. Currently accepting theme song submissions!
Clue card designed by @surely-sims! I thought it would be a cute detail to add. 🥰
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Caleb: Miss Scarlett with the dagger in the lounge.
Helena: Are you sure you’re not just describing your sister on a bad day?
Caleb: Oh, you mean every day?
Helena: Speak of the devil and she shall appear.
[canned audience laughter]
Helena: Regrettably, Miss Scarlett is out of contention. My turn!
Helena: Caleb, look! Poor little thing. Where did you come from?
Caleb: More importantly, how is it still alive? Animals don’t have a tendency to thrive around here, wild or domesticated.
Helena: She’s a girl! We should keep her!
Caleb: Lilith would hate it. She might even…
Helena: Lilith will not touch a hair on her body! [in baby voice] I’m going to name you Drusilla.
Caleb: Hold on. Is that a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference?
Helena: Oh, well, I went down this research rabbit hole after… you know. It may have included a Simflix binge. Is it forbidden media now?
Caleb: Of course not! [sheepish but excited] I actually have the full series box set upstairs. Should we…
Helena: Drusilla, come back! Don’t you want to meet your namesake?
Lilith: Disgusting little goblin. What particularly loathsome circle of hell did you claw your way out of?
[canned audience laughter]
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