#and if it wasnt a little debbie or a bag of chips they legitimately wouldnt eat it. they threw big fits
snobgoblin ยท 2 years
ace has lived on stealing junk food from gas stations so when he moves in with the band to work on the now now on days that the band made a home cooked meal he would try his best to be polite and eat it, but like there is something about REAL food not being as filling as junk food so he'd always go off and buy a jack in the box or mcdonald's burger like an hour after eating dinner with the band.
also he was only polite in eating their food because when that pic of him and noodle at the derby was taken noodle had a talk with him that if he disrespected any of them then she was going to cut him up and hang his intestines on the wall. she smiled while she said this so that scared him into acting semi-right.
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜ญ yeah
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