#and if that means he'll bail on hawks then he'll bail on hawks
intersexdabi · 2 years
mmm. i'm really feeling the hate for hawks in my blood, so let's talk about a civilian league au where touya takes good things from hawks's life. <3 what abouuuuut jin being recently released from prison after a string of robberies from some years ago. and after getting to know jin and using the excuse that he's doing this to keep an eye on him to the commission, he and jin become roommates and friends. but despite falling for jin, refuses to date him on the basis that he was a former villain and that's not a good look. he point blank tells jin this, who's obviously deeply hurt but ultimately says he understands.
cue touya, who hawks hates and vice versa. they don't get along, to put it simply. hawks basically worships the ground endeavor walks on and touya hates endeavor. and while hawks would be content with just avoiding his idol's eldest son, touya won't miss an opportunity to be a hateful little shit. and when touya sees that hawks has moved in with a former member of the top ten most wanted, he's naturally a little bit curious. and when he presses keigo for details, he, uh, gets no answers. but when he mentions what endeavor might think about him dating bubaigawara, keigo very quickly clarifies that they are friends. and touya, who is socially inept due to his self-isolation during childhood, believes him (rather disappointingly).
HOWEVER... touya still sees this as a golden opportunity to mess with endeavor, at least. so, using the excuse that he knows keigo because of his father, he introduces himself to jin. makes a proposition. he tells jin that his father would absolutely HATE if he dated a (former) villain as high profile as him, and if he'd be willing to play a dating game with him. in exchange, he'd take jin out for free meals, drinks, movies, etc. (courtesy of daddy dearest's money of course!) jin agrees because 1. hilarious 2. he only has keigo as a friend and keigo keeps him at arm's distance so this would let him have some fun and 3. free stuff.
except they really hit it off. jin understands touya far better than anyone ever has. he's surprisingly tender and makes touya feel... he's not sure. but it's good. and for the first time, jin feels accepted. sure, touya used his bank robberies as the reason to get to know him, but touya doesn't think less of him. whenever jin says such and such, touya jumps in. tells him that his old manager was an asshole, that a kid like him shouldn't have had to work so young. touya's long become disillusioned with hero society, what with having a bastard father as one of the top heroes. it makes it easier to see through the bullshit (only after enduring the burns up on a certain mountain peak, whose lush plant life has recovered mostly to its former glory).
anyway. endeavor is indeed embarrassed and ashamed, though touya's lost interest in his father's opinion on the matter. it's inevitable this will become public knowledge at some point, so, rather shockingly, enji tries to... accept this. especially at the behest of his youngest, who, along with his two other children, think that it's great touya's actually found someone to connect with.
still, enji's not shouting it from the rooftops. and jin has been discreet with keigo because he knows that his friend and boyfriend don't exactly get along. and jin's the forgiving type, if the transgression is against him and not someone he loves, at least. but his friendship with keigo has a bit of a sour note nowadays, because jin's mentioned some of the things keigo's said, especially regarding the potential romantic tension that keigo quickly killed. things that weren't outright awful, but questioned jin's worthiness of love and companionship due to his past. and touya tells him that if keigo was a real friend, he wouldn't say shit like that.
but even so, keigo did help him get back on his feet after he was released. even gave him a decent loan to earn certification (in smth idk what tbh) with a very generous and lax repayment policy, a loan that touya plans to pay off so jin can cut ties with him if he so chooses.
and as for keigo, he's at the end of a months-long soul-searching journey in which he realizes that rejecting jin was a huge mistake. that he can't live his life entirely by the design of the commission, and for endeavor's approval (plus, he heard that touya's dating a guy, too, and endeavor doesn't seem to take such issue with it). so one day he decides to head home early, so he'll catch jin before bedtime.
but when he arrives... there's jin with touya fucking todoroki in his lap. it's a surprise for both keigo and jin, but, well, it was bound to happen eventually. and keigo has to sit there, while jin explains everything, eyes all lovey dovey and entirely fixed on touya. touya, of all fucking people. but while jin is transfixed by how pretty touya is, touya takes notice of the very split second look of horror and soul-crushing despair that flashes across keigo's face. and he is so fucking giddy. he doesn't know if hawks lied or changed his mind, but he couldn't be happier. touya loves jin, that much he's sure, and the end result would be the same either way. but the fact that he gets to take him away from keigo? oh what a sweet, sweet bonus.
touya makes a big show of it. cupping jin's face and rubbing their noses just like jin loves. hands prickled as he lovingly caresses across jin's stubble. prompts jin, who tells keigo that he and touya are going to move in together once the lease is up. but they'll talk about it more later, because he's having dinner with the todoroki family (endeavor included) and they're gonna be late if they don't get going. touya's the last one out the door and he shoots keigo the most smug fucking look, chuckles just a little bit, and shuts the door, leaving keigo in the empty apartment.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and monopoly
how seventeen would play monopoly w/ each other
notes: im woozi. every single game i play, i always end up being woozi.
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most competitive when it comes to monopoly. calls out jeonghan's cheating whenever possible, can never figure out how or when shua cheats, but is also totally down to cheating himself to win. has once engaged poor dokyeom in a bid for a train station that he raised way too high before suddenly pulling out, leaving dokyeom with -769 when he originally had 980. poor thing looked at his leader with the utmost betrayal in his eyes for over a week. also has totally owned almost the whole board before, calls it one of his biggest achievements in life
the Biggest cheater (1). steals everyone's 50s when they're not looking. somehow manages to empty the bank of all the 500s, even though dino's been watching it like a hawk the entire time. has also definitely upturned the board during a game when it wasn't going the way he wanted, and has also definitely been nearly strangled by seungkwan because of it. asks if he can do aegyo or offers to do a dare instead of paying rent when he lands on someone's property, succeeds in making a deal 50% of the time
the Biggest cheater (2). takes the little hotel buildings and puts them over properties that he doesn't even own, demands that people pay him anyway. has mastered the skill of looking all innocent while lying through his teeth and pinning the blame on a totally different member (jihoon or mingyu). gets extremely competitive when it looks like he has the slightest chance of winning and starts bending the rules like crazy, but if he's losing then he loses interest really quickly and gives up all his money and property to whoever looks like they're most likely to drop out any second
makes up rules that sound really weird but also really plausible so the members don't know if they should trust him or not. has managed to convince mingyu that landing on the jail square when you roll means that you're in jail permanently unless you let the other players give you a dare to do. is somehow also passing Go every other turn of his. never wins, but never loses either: is always one of the last players still playing the game
attempts to be a cheater, is terrible at it. wants to win so badly, but he has such bad luck that he always lands on other people's properties and has to pay up. once spent the majority of the game in jail, bc he kept paying to get out only to end up back in there again, and didn't have money left to bail himself out or the 'get out of jail free' card. was the most upset when he had to play using a pawn from a chess set they had lying around somewhere (monopoly never comes with enough pieces for all 13 of them to play. weird, right? you'd think they'd make 13 pieces) and complained that even being the hat would be better than this. was then hit on the head by seungkwan, who was playing with the hat piece
before they start playing he's constantly preaching that monopoly is basically based on luck and luck alone but as soon as it looks even the littlest like he's winning, he's telling them that monopoly is all about strategizing and budgeting and really the members could learn a thing or two from him—. only plays if he's in the mood to deal with all of their yelling tho, n normally says no thanks to the game when offered
loses the most terribly all the time. 70% of the time, is the first one to give up on the game bc he's basically 100,000,000 in debt and he doesn't even know why. gets so angry this one time that he steals all of mingyu's money bc the dumb fool was stupid enough not to take it with him when he went to the bathroom. ended up losing all of it before mingyu even came back from peeing. tells them after every game that he'll never play monopoly with them ever, always ends up joining in the next time someone busts it out during game night
always starts the game looking like -__- but as the game goes on and he keeps on gaining money, he slowly gets more and more excited and soon he's giggling every other minute bc people keep landing on his properties or he keeps getting good chance cards. the fates love him. has never gone into debt before. was so close to winning that one time that jeonghan flipped the playing board, wouldn't talk to him for five whole days after that. once owned both of the 'get out of jail free' cards in one round, refused to give them out to the people in jail unless they promised to do him any favour he asked for
never loses, but still loses. had jihoon steal all his money from him when he needed the bathroom one time, and came back to find out he'd pathetically lost it all. somehow always ends up playing the ship. doesn't know why he needs to mortgage his property, or how he even does it. asks the bank for loans, and chan refuses, saying he won't give him a loan unless he does aegyo. ends up still not getting the loan. has knocked over people's houses dozens of times while moving his ship round the board. ends up dropping out of the game halfway through bc jihan keep cheating too much for him to keep up and besides, seungcheol owns half the board and he doesn't even have any money left :(
managed to almost win out of pure luck one time. has no idea what he's doing, asks his hyungs for help on every go. wants jeonghan to give him advice on whether he should buy a property or not: jeonghan either advises him genuinely or says the complete opposite of what would benefit dokyeom, depending on how he feels at that moment. has lost all his money bidding for a property before. finds it super unfair when jihan cheat him, starts whining and pouting so badly and throws his cards down in frustration. rarely sticks around till the end of the game, giving up and just watching the others battle it out across the board
competitive. could almost be as competitive as seungcheol, but since he's competitive about every game they play it kind of cancels out so he's placed under him. fights any member who so much as looks at the dog piece, because that is his thank you very much. spent the entire game in a foul mood one time when he lost the dog piece to joshua. always ends up throwing something at someone during the game. never lasts until the end, throws his money in the air in exasperation and dramatically flings himself down onto the couch to watch the rest of them fight over the game
monopoly is one of the few things that vernon can get truly competitive at. loves yelling at jeonghan every time he cheats, has also had to dodge flying pawns before as seungkwan threw them at him in anger when he landed on his ridiculously expensive property. always owns only a few streets, but manages to upgrade them so high that he's raking in money if ever anyone lands on them. almost lasted a whole game one time, before hoshi physically wrestled his cards out of his hands. he still doesn't know why he did that, or even why he let his hyung do that. 
is the banker. knows that he's terrible at games involving money, especially if it's against yoon jeonghan, so decides, for his sanity and his mental health, he'll never play a monopoly game against him. is also a great banker, apart from the times that money mysteriously disappears from the box. likes to sit back and enjoy the chaos that happens, knowing full well that their entire game could descend into even further catastrophe if he decided to withdraw the bank from them. 
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reactions tags: @jeonghanis ,, @magicaltonaru ,, @milkbreadnotmilkcoffee ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @minhui896 ,, @turningcarat ,, @nakedgrapes ,, @bunnyiix ,, @slytherinshua ,, @haowrld ,, @belladaises ,, @iheartyujin ,, @summery-bat ,, @newgirlygirl ,, @moonlitskiiies ,, @interludezjk ,, @ejspencer14 ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @wonranghaeee ,, @saythename-chess ,, @yonabutnotyuna ,, @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou ,, @crackedpumpkin ,, @wqnwoos ,, @butiluvu ,, @sunshinekyeom-sang ,, @ocyeanicc ,, @uramarica ,, @zozojella ,, @thesmellofcoffeeandrain ,, @kthstrawberryshortcake-main ,, @kawennote09 ,, @a-wandering-stay
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B - Boy/Girl - What is their gender? What’s their relationship with their gender? Has this changed over time? How does their gender identify relate to their gender expression?
Chiron is a boy, and he always has been. His relationship with his gender is almost that he finds refuge in it, because his timeline has him hard wired to view women as considerably more threatening (on average) than men, and basically anything associated with femininity doesn't feel right on him or near him. In turn that means he dresses in what might be considered a masculine way, and trying to avoid anything that he feels could be associated with femininity, in a cowardly kinda way.
L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love?
He shows love frequently and nearly aggressively. Acts of service, gifts, words of affirmation, spending time with people... he'll do just about all of it, and he will do it with a smile. He adores his loved ones far more than he loves himself. Of course if he feels like he's second place to someone else in someone's life he pulls himself back to avoid being overbearing, but...
To be honest, he really doesn't love himself too much. He doesn't hate himself, necessarily, but he does feel like he'll never be good enough, or be what he needs to be to be worthy of attention.
If you caught this bastard during the time in his life when he was with either of his more recent matesprits the man would be completely intolerable. He doesn't believe all you need is love, but love changed him, and it changed him *hard*, so... he views it as fairly important.
U - Ugly - What traits to they find unattractive in others? Do they have any of those traits themselves?
Hoo boy. Physically? Nothing. Personality wise? A callous disregard for other living beings. He truly does believe in the sanctity of life, which is pretty weird for a troll, sure, but he does believe in it. Also, pointless cruelty disgusts him. He did date a pointlessly cruel person once in his life, with the "I can fix him" mentality behind it. He doesn't think that way anymore.
E - Entrepreneur - How do they make money? Are they willing to take financial risks? How do they approach making deals with others?
Chiron makes money as a prosthesis creator and physical therapist, hawking his wares partially in his own timeline (with EXTREME care) and in many other timelines where he can drop in, do his work, and bail. He hates financial risks, and he approaches deals with others with frankly a lot of leniency for a person he's making a deal with. He generally gives really good deals on what he sells, and he's willing to often pay more than might be expected of him.
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