#and if there is a season 2 I need that white boy to get mako’d so hard no writer ever thinks he and Wednesday have romantic chemistry ever
applecherry108 · 1 year
Okay so I finished Wednesday. I get now why wenid is so popular, as more than just a queer answer to a lackluster hetero love triangle. Like that hug scene lasted a touch too long to not be suspicious, especially given the camera angles and music. 👀
That being said, I am updating my statement that Enid is asexually-coded (though darn that was so fun while it lasted). She is so fucking comphet-coded it’s hilarious. Moans about never wolfing out, yet says to her male love interest that he’s helping control her wolfness? Comphet. Room and window an array of bright colors yet only ever wears pink? Comphet. Finally achieves the werewolf version of self-actualization over her best friend? 👀
I’m also going to throw out there that the fact that she runs a gossip blog and is a social butterfly, yet despite being seen hanging out with other people, frickin Wednesday is her best friend? And she was living alone before being assigned Wednesday as a roommate? Autism-coded. 👀 Enid and Wednesday are two ace lesbian autism queens, the only difference is one’s extroverted and the other’s introverted. And how supportive their family is of them, which clearly enid’s family isn’t supportive of her as a person at all. So like…
Catch her wearing a lil black next season and hanging out at the Addams mansion as the resident puppy.
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