tenspontaneite · 4 years
Edit Log: PIAJ organisation and resources
Have just finished with around five and a half hours of edits and resource prep for PIAJ, so here’s the log of everything that’s been done and added.
1. Compiled a public-access timeline
I took my own timelines that I work from and made a version which y’all can look at. It includes placeholders for every story section currently planned, and the sections are arranged in their currently-planned partitions. This timeline file will be updated as the story goes along and more days are ‘completed’ via published chapters.
This timeline can be found here, or linked from the PIAJ masterpage, or at the end of any PIAJ chapter on Ao3. Please everyone have a look at it and join me in being kind of fucked up about how much story there is left to go.
2. Created standardised chapter endnote format; implemented it
This was the longest thing by far. Probs took me about three hours. I made a standardised layout for my chapter endnotes (on ao3 only, mind), transplanted everything that didn’t fit into its own new tidy Google Doc in its own tidy folder, and sorted all the notes out.
The current format for PIAJ endnotes is:
Chapter notes: (link to the folder of current story section), description of topics covered in note file
Timeline: (link to timeline file)
PIAJ Masterpage: (link to piaj masterpage on tumblr)
Author notes: (Original author’s notes from when the chapter was first posted)
Changelog: (log of any edits and changes to current version)
You can see the new endnote layout in any ao3 piaj chapter.
3. Made every chapter note doc tidy and nice, added parts where relevant
I added a relatively large worldbuilding note on the various types of medical profession in the Pentarchy to the ch8 notes, since there was space for that in the new method. Shortened from my own personal encylopedia page on the matter. If you’re interested, go read it.
Notes for section 1 (Approaching the Belt)
Notes for section 2 (The Thundersnow)
These note folders are accessible from the endnotes of any ao3 chapter in the relevant section, or from the PIAJ masterpage on tumblr.
4. Edited the PIAJ Masterpage
Made sure it was up to date. Changed the tumblr chapter links section to just a link to the ‘piaj chapters’ tag on this blog, because eventually it would have become hella unwieldy, and I gotta plan for 21 sections of many chapters each here.
PIAJ masterpage is accessible from my blog banner, or this link if you’re on mobile. The link still may refuse to work right on mobile. It works fine on desktop, trust me.
5. Implemented edits to nearly all PIAJ chapters
Earlier this year I did some minor style and grammar edits. Like, January or February maybe. Never posted those versions.
Two days ago I went through my chapter files with ctrl+F to make some specific targeted edits. I was targeting the word ‘moon’; specifically, the circumstances under which it is or is not capitalised. I had decided quite a long time ago how I was going to handle that, but hadn’t got around to doing the edits yet.
Because we are now upon a part of story where this case sensitivity counts as foreshadowing for one particular plot device, I thought it was important I get those edits posted ahead of the next chapter update. I call these the ‘Moon moon’ edits. In the changelogs, they’re referred to as ‘plot relevant case sensitivity edits’.
What I haven’t done:
I have not edited any chapters for style or content since January. New canon information introduced in the S1 novel, art book, Through the Moon, and various posts by the Wonderstorm cast has not been implemented. This is because I am not up to date with the new canon information. Please don’t spoil me, I’ll get around to it in time.
As you can imagine, editing some odd 280k of published fiction will take a long time even after I’m caught up with the media, so this will take a while to be done.
Right. I think that’s everything. Everyone please check these things out if you feel so inclined, and let me know if I’ve fucked anything up.
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sanctferum · 6 years
Homestuck Sound Test (4/13/2018 Edition)
IMPORTANT: If the download links aren’t working, they may have changed since the last person reblogged them, due to the Sound Test needing to be reuploaded for whatever reason. Try clicking on the links while viewing this post on my blog.
Ladies, Gents, and all genders or non-genders in between, it’s finally time...again! Time for the newest edition of the Homestuck Sound Test! The Homestuck Sound Test, 4/13/2018 Edition!
For those eager to download, I will provide the link here and continue my expository bullshit below.
Download link (total file size: 3.03 GB):
Alternate download link (same contents as other link):
Download only the new stuff (total file size: 160.5 MB):
Alternate download link for only the new stuff (same contents as other link):
(Downloaded file is a .rar, and can be opened by WinRar, 7Zip, and most other file extraction programs. Changelog for the Sound Test since the last release is included in a text file within either download.)
Started by Niklink in 2011, and now curated by yours truly, The Homestuck Sound Test is an unofficial collection of several otherwise scattered, and, in some cases, unavailable Homestuck musical tracks, primarily those created by the Homestuck Music Team.
The Sound Test contains:
Disc 1 - Unreleased Homestuck Music (75 tracks): Music that has been used within Homestuck proper but has not been officially released on an album.
Disc 2 -  Removed Homestuck Music (24 Tracks): Music that was officially released on albums but later removed from said albums. Sburban Jungle’s brief mix from Act 1, an Aggrieve remix, and Bill Bolin’s removed tracks, and SolusLunes removed tracks too. Does not include the ColoUrs and Mayhem A tracks that turned out to be plagiarized from the Frozen Synapse OST. If you want those tracks, go buy the Frozen Synapse OST. Also includes a backwards, amplified audio version of “null” from Volume 8 (not related to Null from Song of Skaia). In case you’re wondering, “null” as originally released and without the sound amplified was just 8 seconds of seeming silence.
Disc 3 -  Unreleased Homestuck Music Team Music (764 tracks): Homestuck-related and/or Homestuck-inspired music made by the Music Team members that have not been used in Homestuck proper and have not officially been released on an album; also includes beta versions of tracks and unfinished WIPs. Includes beta versions, remasters, and remixes of tracks from official Homestuck albums that may not have been made by official Music Team members (read: ColoUrs and Mayhem tracks). Homestuck fan-music by Hiveswap Music Team members is also included. 
(Note: As of the date of this release, the only Hiveswap musician who isn’t a Homestuck Music Team member is James Roach. With other musicians besides Toby Fox and James Roach likely to be charged with composing future Hiveswap music, we’ll see whether this changes.)
Disc 4 - Hiveswap Sound Test: Unreleased Hiveswap Music (7 Tracks): Essentially the same thing as Disc 1, but for Hiveswap instead of Homestuck.
Disc 5 - Hiveswap Sound Test: Unreleased Hiveswap Music Team Music (22 Tracks): Essentially the same thing as Disc 3, but for Hiveswap instead of Homestuck. Hiveswap fan-music by Homestuck Music Team members is also included.
Unofficial Homestuck Music Team Albums (3 albums, 28 tracks total, 1 folder with MIDI files, 11 files total): Free unofficial Homestuck albums by members of the Music Team.
-A Plumbthroat Christmas (5 tracks)
A jolly tale of Squiddles and Yuletide cheer by Alexander Rosetti. Not actually jolly or cheerful. If you like musicals about sentient cephalopods devouring human corpses, then this album is for you, and also why. Not judging or anything…
-Seer (13 tracks)
Tracks from a scrapped Rose Lalonde concept album by Thomas Ferkol. Given the circumstances of their origins, I felt it was best to keep them as a single album rather than cram them all into the Sound Test’s Disc 3. While neither “The Seer and the Tribesmen” or the full version of “The Metamorphosis [of Rose Lalonde]” are included, they are available on the Land of Fan and Music albums (Land of Fans and Music 2 and Land of Fans and Music 3 respectively).
-The Baby Is You (10 tracks)
Simultaneously the worst fucking thing Toby Fox has ever made and his magnum opus that even Undertale cannot surpass, even mentioning this legendary trash opera on the now-defunct MSPA forums was grounds for a ban. Warning: Contains male pregnancy (mpreg), heavy implications of underage sex, implications of incest, time travel, a clip of Karkat saying “MMMMMMMMMMM” that was used in the Act 6 Act 6 Act 1 opening flash, vore, the answer to the Ultimate Riddle, and other absolutely awful shit that has no business being in the Sound Test, or indeed, anywhere. Listen at your own risk, if you dare.
-Tomb of the Ancestors (MIDI Files) (11 files)
MIDI files for most of the tracks from Tomb of the Ancestors, by Kalibration. The actual album is available at http://dl.skaia.net/albums.
Dave’s Phat Beat Machine (16 tracks): 16 of the sickest, illest and dopest beats ever to grace Homestuck page 2238.  These certified “Phat Beats” dropped by Dave Strider’s AKAI MPC-1000 SAMPLER do not include easter egg bonus songs on said page. They also don’t include Bill Bolin’s long-removed contributions to the Phat Beat machine, because those are already included on Disc 2.
That’s 937 tracks total in the Homestuck Sound Test 4/13/2017 Edition, not including MIDIs.
Several tracks on Disc 3 are currently uncredited. If you are the artist of any of them, or know who the artist is, or see a track that is credited incorrectly anywhere on the Sound Test, please send a message to my Tumblr and I will happily fix the mistake.
Enjoy your listening, and don’t forget to reblog this post to spread the word!
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bedlamgames · 6 years
Q&A #85
Got a truly large embarrassment of riches in terms of number of reports. Thanks for all of them and I’m working on a hotfix now which is also going to including enough extra content that it probably counts as a mini-update in its own right. 
Now for the questions that need a more specific answer than ‘thanks for letting me know, and I’ll get right on that’. 
ultrastrangefoxcollection: Many moons ago, I was the guy who reported that slavers being brought up from slaver training weren't being counted properly, and the game was telling me that I have to keep a whole bunch of slavers in camp. That seems to be happening again, although the count on the toolbar for slaves/slavers is correct. At the moment, I've got 14 slavers (10 former slaves, 4 never trained) and 8 slaves, and it's making me keep 5 slavers at home.
Will take another look at this. If anyone ever sees the bottom status bar reflecting the incorrect numbers and you can see what caused it specifically then I’d definitely appreciate reports on that. 
Anonymous: Has Biomancy been reworked recently? I distinctly recall being able to muck about with PC proportions from the get-go (provided you took the ability ofc). In the present version (v803) self-biomancy attempts return an invalid selection error - something about "you should be more intelligent and not do highly dangerous things in the wilderness." Not certain if this is intended. Perhaps I'm just blind and didn't read the more recent changelogs.
That’s never been a thing to my knowledge or at least it wasn’t intentionally. Don’t remember anyone mentioning being able to do that before so no idea how you were able to do that. 
You can however get a slaver with biomancy to use it on you now as of the last couple of version, though if they don’t really respect you they might not have your best interests in mind.
To also answer a related question while I’m on the topic: 
itsbbbooobbb-blog: is it actually impossible to do the hardest biomancies right now?
Self-biomancy has always been planned to be held back for a specific assignment chain that would also unlock the nearly impossible options.
Anonymous: Just wanted to say that the new submissive flavor text is faaantastic. Unrelated question: I've been allowing my slaves to escape on purpose so that I can send my slavers out to recapture them and break their will. Do slaves stop trying to escape once they get recaptured, or does submissiveness just make it less likely for them to try?
That’s awesome. If you’ve got any particularly favourite bits then I’d love to hear about them. 
Ahah a catch and release programme. There’s a bunch of factors including other traits and level of bondage, but submissive does make them less likely to run, and obedient ones won’t ever try to leave. 
Anonymous: Found a bug - crit successes on "Whores for the Whore Makers" will not sell the slave. You get the payout, xp, rep gain, etc, but the slave is not removed. Instead, RAGS prints "Slave" and a number - which I assume is the object's position in its storage array - on a new line. Also, as an aside, is there a maximum number of aspects a PC or NPC can have? Wondering if I made a bad call picking up a random aspect on levelup for a caster. Or if my PC can get aspects at all.
The max number for the PC and NPC was changed from 3 to 5 aspects in the last update. 
itsbbbooobbb-blog: the quick as you like solo quest seems to ignore leaving plans for your slavers
as a side note, I remember a long time ago you mentioned the idea of making clumsy affect biomancy/corruption...did that get added?
That one is intentional. It’s mainly for reasons of gameplay flow and immersion, but I guess you can look at it as your slavers deciding that if you go on that race then all previous plans can be ignored as you’re hardly going to be able to complain when you get back. 
On checking I did do that for corruption... and completely forgot about biomancy. Added that now for the hotfix and thanks for the reminder. 
Anonymous: I'm sure you get lots of questions about races, but I've been wondering why we can't play as a lizardman yet? Particularly since we can already have one as a unique second-in-command. Is it just a lot easier to make them an npc instead of a playable character? Or do you have plans to make them playable at some point? Thanks for all your work by the way, I've played this game way more then I expected to.
Just haven't got round to it yet really. I think one time with the commission polls I had the choice for a Lizardman piece that would have also been used as a playable start though I’ve not including that choice recently. Saying that soon I want to have every race* to have a playable start to account for losing your encampment to your second-in-command. 
Glad you’re digging it!
(*Not including races with an alien mindset in Wisps and Legion, and races not predisposed to taking command like Driders and Zharr Dwarves.)
Anonymous: [0.803] imgur /a/ychgRVJ but he has neither cor nor fel, he came from the corruption level up is that the reason?
Seamstress and Smiths without a faith can make profane gear without needing to be depraved themselves. 
Anonymous: [0.803] imgur /a/1MDsT4r assignment just lengthened itself for no reason.
Grove Creepers can do that intentionally on certain results.
Anonymous:  [0.803] I feel like grove creepers crit should give a goblin slave. since you get to fuck the "princess" you might as well get her handed to you as a personal toy for eternity, maybe with exc and wea+ or some traits like that
It’s only a common relatively straightforward assignment. For (Exc) especially you’re looking at a rare one’s reward level and a much higher risk.  
Anonymous: What exactly are the triggers for losing the Innocent trait?
Penetrative sex and any training above basic obedience if I remember right. 
joyfullyunadulteratedruins:  Did something change with the end of the day drinking check? I've gotten so many hungover slavers there's got to be something going on. And this is without Bond With Your Slavers enabled. I suppose I may just have so many supplies and they're so happy they can't help themselves, but it's pretty annoying.
Are you playing on Hardcore? I did make those end of day activities to counteract morale loss more intense on that difficulty awhile back. 
Anonymous: Whoa, super cool to see new content out for NH! Thanks for all your hard work, it's a really fun and intricate game :)
And finally what’s not exactly a question persay. Still, lovely to hear it and thank you so much for your nice comment!
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